Analog Devices AN665 Application Notes

= 2.5V
AD7708 16-BIT
AD7718 24-BIT ADC
One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 •
Channel Switching Using - ADCs
By Mary McCarthy


This application note refers to the AD7708 and AD7718. Data sheets specify the update rate for - ADCs. The update rate is the rate at which conversions are performed when a single channel is selected and the ADC is continuously converting. The update rate that can be used depends on the application in which the ADC is being used. The peak­to-peak resolution of t he device degrades as t he update rate is increased. In a multichannel application such as a data acquisition system, conversions from several chan­nels are read, i.e., each channel is selected in turn and a conversion is performed for that channel. In such an application, the rate at which conversions are performed is different compared to a single-channel system. This application note describes the switching procedure used by these parts.


Figure 1 shows the AD7708 or AD7718 being used in a data acquisition system. Each channel is connected to a sensor. With its PGA and programmable update rate, the AD7708/AD7718 can be used to convert signals of different amplitudes and at different update rates. The AD7708 and AD7718 can be used with chopping enabled or disabled. Chopping leads to low offset and low offset drift. With chopping disabled, the offset error and offset error drift are a little higher, but a higher conversion rate can be obtained from the device.
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Figure 1. Data Acquisition System Using the AD7708/AD7718
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Chopping Disabled

When a channel is selected, the rst conversion is available after a period (24  SF/fS), where fS = sampling frequency = 32.768 kHz, and SF is the word loaded into the lter reg­ister on-board the device (3 – 255). The second conversion is available after a further (8  SF/fS) seconds. RDY will go low each time a conversion is available.
These ADCs use a Sinc lter, which has a settling time of (24 SF/fS) in unchopped mode. Each time a channel is selected, the lter requires this settling time to calculate the rst digital word. Subsequent conversions, such as the second conversion, occur at a rate of (fS/(8 SF)). Each time that a different channel is selected, the lter must settle as the analog input on the new channel differs from the analog input on the previous channel. After switching channels, RDY will stay high until a valid conversion is available.

Chopping Enabled

When chopping is used, the conversion rate is reduced for a given SF word. With chopping, the analog inputs are repeatedly switched within the ADC. Consecutive samples are then averaged by 2. This switching and averaging removes the offset error of the ADC. When switching from one channel to another, the settling time required by the Sinc lter to calculate the digital word relevant to the analog input voltage on the selected chan nel is (48 SF/fS) with chopping enabled. As in unchopped mode, RDY remains high until a valid conversion is available. Since RDY remains high until a valid conversion is available, the DSP/ microcontroller does not have to count RDY pulses after switching channels to nd the valid conversion. The RDY signal can be used as an interrupt to a DSP/microcontroller, the DSP/microcontroller not communicating with the ADC until RDY goes low. Subsequent conversions on this chan- nel will occur at a rate of (24 SF/fS).


When using the AD7708 or AD7718, a longer time is required to calculate the rst conversion when a chan­nel is selected. Subsequent conversions on this channel occur at a higher rate. With a zero-latency ADC, available from other manufacturers, the complete lter settling time elapses between all conversions. Therefore, zero latency is achieved by reducing the conversion rate of the ADC. Analog Devices’ ADCs are designed to operate at the high­est speed possible for a given accuracy.
Figure 2 (i) describes the operation of the AD7708/AD7718 when switching between channels in unchopped mode. Using a single channel, conversions are obtained at the high rate (illustrated by the dashed line). When the analog input channel is switched, the ADC requires a longer interval of time to perform a conversion (three times longer in unchopped mode). Figure 2 (ii) shows the zero-latency system. In such a system, the digital lter requires the
complete settling time at all times. This results in an ADC with a much slower update rate.
The AD7708 and AD7708 also have a single conversion mode in which the device performs a conversion and then goes into idle mode. In idle mode, the ADC’s modulator and lter are held in a reset state. The user can begin a conversion by writing to the MD2, MD1, and MD0 bits in the mode register. When these bits are set appropriately, the modulator and lter are released from the reset state and begin conversion. Because the lter must settle, a con­version is completed after a period (24 SF/fS). The ADC places this valid conversion into the data register, takes RDY low, and then returns to idle mode. In this mode, the AD7708/AD7718 operates as a zero-latency ADC because the settling time is required to perform each conversion.
RDY goes low only when a valid conversion is available. Therefore, from the DSP/microcontroller’s point of view, all modes of conversion use a single conversion cycle in which the extra conversion cycles required to generate a valid digital word after switching channels, or in single conversion mode, are hidden from the microprocessor. The microprocessor does not care about the length of time for which RDY is high. It knows that it will read a valid
word from the ADC each time RDY goes low.
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