Analog Devices AN557 Application Notes

One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • 781/329-4700 • World Wide Web Site:
An Experimenter’s Project for Incorporating the AD9850 Complete-DDS Device as a
Digital LO Function in an Amateur Radio Transceiver*
This construction project brings together a number of themes which I have been kicking around for some time. But first, why PIC “N” MIX?
PIC—A range of microcontrollers produced by Arizona Microchip Inc. In this application, the PIC16C84.
DDS—Direct Digital Synthesis. The technique of digi­tally generating the output frequency directly (as opposed to typically mixing the output of a VFO with a crystal oscillator—or employing phase-locked loop techniques). In this application the Analog Devices AD9850 “com­plete DDS synthesizer” chip is used.
IN BRIEF . . .
PIC “N” MIX provides PIC controlled direct generation of the required injection frequencies into the signal fre­quency mixer in your transceiver.
PIC “N” MIX also in the sense that you can pick and choose which functional elements you build; and in the sense that there are by design a number of differ­ent mechanical configurations to best suit your circumstances.
You are also presented with the radical choice of using the software I have designed—or writing your own.
The PIC microcontroller (and about 400 hours of soft­ware development) provides control and operational flexibility while the DDS chip is used to synthesize the RF output giving stability and low-phase noise.
*This five-part article is reprinted in its entirety by permission of RadCom
Magazine, a ham radio magazine publication in the U.K.(website, and the author. All international copyrights are reserved.
Discounting the value of your time, I would argue that for years it has been viable to build multiband HF trans­ceivers which outperform their commercial counter­parts at any point on the price versus performance graph—from the cheap and cheerful through to the truly exotic. Except, that is, for one critical element—the injection oscillator.
I have been building VFOs for years that for all practical purposes didn’t drift. Almost all were based on the Vackar running somewhere between 5 MHz–10 MHz. Besides some time consuming temperature compensa­tion, I never gave them a second thought.
But they need about eight x’tals, a mixer and switched bandpass filters before they can feed both the signal fre­quency mixer—and a frequency counter which gives a natural display of exactly not quite the frequency you are on! It can all be made to work, but only at substantial cost in time, money and space. And the only incremen­tal feature easily obtained is IRT.
Then in February 1996, Technical Topics reported the results of some phase noise measurements made by Colin Horrabin, G3SBI and Jack Hardcastle, G3JIR on a stable Vackar as “rather disappointing.” This set me thinking. Most of us ignore oscillator phase noise because we can’t measure it. Myself included. Does it really matter in practice?
The ARRL handbook has an excellent section on the subject which concludes “. . . far-out phase noise can significantly reduce the dynamic range of a receiver. Far­out phase noise performance has effects just as critical as blocking dynamic range and two-tone dynamic range performance of receivers.” Yes, but does it really matter in practice? I mean, am I truly going to fail to copy real signals on a significant number of occasions because of poor phase noise performance?
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I determined to find out by adopting the simple expedient of fitting a changeover switch between my traditional VFO and a phase-quiet alternative of the same power output. Then, under a variety of practical conditions, could I tell the difference? The problem, of course, was to find this alternative without spending impracticable sums of money.
Technical Topics came to the rescue again by first bring­ing to my notice the Analog Devices AD9850 DDS chip. A few minutes on the Internet produced the data sheet— and it all looked too good to be true.
So, I set about designing some traditional TTL to control it and actually got as far as building some of the boards before giving up. Because although I have no doubt it would have worked, 28 TTL chips to control one DDS chip—and provide a modest range of useful features—was ignoring any reasonable definition of the “in practice” imperative.
It was obvious from the outset that some form of micro­controller would provide the solution to the control problem and at the same time offering the ability to provide a range of operational features. What put me off for months was the costs of acquiring the development environment and the hardware to program the chip. A glance in the larger catalogues suggested little change from a £200 investment for PIC development—totally unacceptable.
The bottom line is this. Arizona Microchip provide on their website their complete development environment at no cost—as well as copious application material. And there are numerous circuits for PIC Programmers pub­lished on the Internet which you can build for less than £5. The project was born.
Phase noise does matter in practice. On a substantial number of occasions it makes the difference between R2 and R5 on SSB signals.
For example, the home-brew net convenes daily around lunch time on 80 m just down from the SSTV calling frequency and just up from a prominent French coastal station. A convenient source of large adjacent channel signals.
If the band is flat and quiet, it makes no difference. If conditions are lively—using the DDS source—then I can often copy Ed, EI9GQ at only just R5. Switch over to the VFO and the readability instantly degrades to near hope­less if and only if there is significant adjacent channel activity. The effect is insidious. Its not that Ed’s signal goes down. Its that the base level of band background noise appears to go up. It doesn’t of course.
What is happening is that the noise sidebands on my VFO are mixing with adjacent signals to produce incremental noise in the passband. A very salutary experience because this noise is totally indistinguish­able from band noise and you could operate for years without realizing what was happening.
It would seem that there is a basic conflict in VFO design. The traditional view is that you drive the oscilla­tor gently to keep the heat (and, therefore, drift) down and follow it with an appropriate buffer to get the power up to the required level. This approach also maximizes phase noise.
Conversely, if you drive it hard then it becomes increas­ingly difficult (in my experience, next to impossible) to maintain acceptable frequency stability.
With the DDS approach, phase noise and drift are intrinsically small. The topic is covered shortly.
Before covering the essential theory these are the features on offer should you adopt my software:
• PIC “N” MIX replaces the functions of the crystal oscillator bank, VFO, mixer, bandpass filters, power driver and frequency counter associated with a con­ventional HF transceiver with significantly enhanced features and lower cost. Not merely a VFO!
• Alternatively, it acts as a programmable and/or tunable signal source with output from audio to 40 MHz in 10 Hz steps.
• All functions are controlled by either a multifunction tuning knob—or by a simple telephone keypad with 65 discrete key combinations recognized by the software.
• A large six-digit seven-segment display with auto­ranging gives a resolution of 10 Hz.
• Two independent VFOs provide IRT, ITT and cross­band operation.
• A variety of tuning and scanning modes provides operational flexibility.
• Any desired frequency may be entered directly from the keypad.
• The switch-on frequency and nine band initialization frequencies are user programmable.
• As are 10 frequency memories.
• Any three IF offsets (USB, LSB and CW separately) in the HF range may be entered.
• USB/LSB/CW selection outputs—and band switching outputs to the host transceiver are provided as a hardware option.
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• Front panel LEDs provide status information and double as a bar-graph to show tuning rate.
• Finally, there are a number of possible physical layouts providing flexible outboard or integrated configurations.
• The frequency accuracy is determined by a reference oscillator in the VHF range. You may use any crystal in the range 100 MHz–125 MHz and program the actual frequency into the software yourself.
• Final calibration and any subsequent correction for crystal ageing are achieved using the tuning knob to drive a trimmer in software. A physical trimmer which would inevitably introduce drift and phase noise is neither required nor provided.
• IF offsets may be entered from the keypad and/or trimmed to zero beat with the host transceiver carrier crystals.
• As an injection oscillator, the output frequency is the selected IF frequency plus or minus the desired fre­quency. The choice of high-side or low-side injection may be made “on the fly” with the sideband selection outputs to the host being switched to correspond.
• Intelligent tuning continuously monitors the speed and duration of tuning knob rotation to vary the tuning rate dynamically. Thus the longer and faster you turn the knob, the greater the tuning increments.
• A software flywheel engages automatically at high tuning speeds for rapid and/or large frequency excursions—and is disengaged by the slightest turn of the knob in the opposite direction.
• As opposed to traditional tuning where rotation of the knob alters frequency, a tuning rate option is pro­vided whereby rotation of the knob alters the rate of frequency change—from zero to very fast.
This is particularly useful for casually scanning around a band without having to continuously turn the knob.
• Guard channel operation provides normal tuning, but with a brief switch to another chosen spot frequency about every 20 seconds.
• Up to ten memories may be programmed with frequency. As opposed to merely providing spot frequencies, they are also jumping off points for further tuning.
• Memory scanning mode cycles between the ten memory frequencies at a speed determined by the tuning knob.
• Spot scanning switches between two chosen spot frequencies at a speed determined by the tuning knob.
• Range scanning tunes up and down between two chosen limits with frequency increments determined by the tuning knob.
AD9850 DDS
Throughout this article, I have used the nomenclature used by Analog Devices in their data sheet and only mentioned the features and configuration of the chip used in this project. There are others.
There is little you need to know about the internal workings of this device. The most significant consideration is that it contains the DAC—necessary to convert the digitally generated sine wave to analogue form—on the chip. So you neither have to worry about specifying a suitable DAC nor interfacing it.
Figure 1. DDS Block Diagram
The basic block diagram is shown in Figure 1. There is a simple relationship between the output frequency FOUT, the reference clock frequency CLKIN, and the 32­bit tuning word Phase:
= (
Using a 125 MHz clock, the highest frequency permitted, this gives us tuning increments of 0.0291 Hz, orders of magnitude better than needed for this application. In practice this means that using 10 Hz tuning increments an error of 0.0291 Hz is significantly smaller than, for example, any drift on your carrier xtal.
Stability in a DDS system is the same (in parts per million) as that of the reference clock xtal oscillator. For example, if the 125 MHz clock drifts by 10 Hz then on 80 m with 12.5 MHz injection, you will drift by 1 Hz. Phase noise on the DDS output is better than that of the reference clockwhich contributes most of the system phase noise. The improvement is
20 log (
Is it that simple? Unfortunately, not quite, for as well as generating the required frequency, aliased or image outputs are also present. This is inherent in any sampled signal and the output observes Nyquists theorem. The aliased images are at multiples of the reference clock, CLKIN ± the output frequency FOUT. Thus with a clock frequency of 125 MHz and the wanted output at 20 MHz, the images will be at 105 MHz (first image), 145 MHz
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AD9850 14-PIN DIL
(second image), 230 MHz (third image), 270 MHz (fourth image) . . . and so on.
Another consequence of Nyquists theorem is that the maximum theoretical output frequency is half the refer­ence clock frequencybut in practice, one third is usually taken as a rule-of-thumb limitto provide a reasonable separation between the wanted signal and significant images.
The amplitude of the images follows a sine envelope as shown in Figure 2. A low-pass filter is therefore inserted in the output to reduce the image outputs; and on the highest bands using a high IF, the Tx/Rx signal frequency tuned circuits offer further protection. Using the highest possible reference clock frequency obviously helps.
20 105 145 230 270 355
Figure 2. DDS Output Spectrum
There are other discrete AM spurious outputs as a result of limitations in DAC technology. The significant ones are few in number and appear from the users perspective to be at random frequencies. Analog Devices specify them as better than 50 dB down and the practical conse­quence of these is an occasional birdie.
The remaining AM spurs form a continuous noise floor at about 70 dB down and these give rise to the greatest concern. A typical double balanced mixer will furnish about 40 dB further suppressionso if the mixer is injected at +7 dBm, weak birdies will be heard if the band noise is less than 2 mV at the mixer RF port. On the LF bands with most receivers this will be academic but on, say, 10 m a typical Rx will need to use an RF preamp with some 25 dB net gain to both retain adequate sensi­tivity and to mask the noise floor. This topic will be much less of an issue when 12-bit DDS is available at affordable prices but meanwhile this 10-bit DDS may not be suitable for all home-brew Rx topologies, particularly if you are reluctant to alter your gain distribution.
The final challenge with the AD9850 is its size, see Figure 3. Designed for surface mounting, it is truly microscopic. Much effort has gone into finding repeatable amateur methods of mounting it which do not com­promise performance. Analog Devices recommend a 4-layer board with dedicated power and ground planes.
Figure 3. AD9850s 28-Lead Shrink Small Outline
Package as Compared to a 14-Lead DIL Package
I tried it on double-sided board, both surface mounted and let into a slot so that it sat in the thickness of the PCB. I had no great problems hand-etching the boards but found substantial difficulty in soldering the chip to the pads. The best I managed was with a medium-sized iron and a length of sharpened copper wire bound to the bit and very fine solder. The propensity to bridge adjacent leads was enormous. Worst, it seemed impossible to maintain clean power and ground plane layouts which ultimately prejudices the phase-noise performance.
After obtaining a batch of 50 unmarked devices in the same packaging at a rally and having destroyed many in the quest, I settled on a dead-bug approach with con­tinuous power and ground planesmounted as a sub­assembly on a DIL socket and with the input/output leads taken out to the DIL socket on fine wires.
This method is reproducible if you have average eye­sight (or a good magnifier) and a short-term steady hand. The process is described in detail in Part 2 of this article.
THE 16C84 IS ONE of a large and growing range of 8-bit microcontrollers. The devices vary according to speed, the amount of memory, built in devices (including A-D converters) and other features. For the latest detail, con­sult the Arizona Microchip website.
The 16C84 specifically isin briefan electrically reprogrammable device with 1 k of program memory (i.e., room for 1024 instructions), 36 bytes of working data and 64 bytes of data EEPROM which survives power down; and 13 input/output pins.
Also on the website you will find the integrated develop­ment environment MPLAB which was used exclusively in developing my software. It includes an editor, assem­bler and simulator. The latter is particularly useful since you can progressively build and test code with your target chip simulated on the PCno real hardware needed.
If you want to download MPLAB, watch your phone bill because it is about 5 MB when unzipped!
You can run elements of the software under DOS, but I used it exclusively under Windows. At first under Windows 3.1 on a 386 and latterly under Windows 95 on a 486. Both were entirely satisfactory. C++ compilers are also available, but I havent tried any of them, all my work being in assembler.
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Of the various programmers available, I built TOPIC by David Tait can also build ones for serial port operation and some even need no power supply, deriving their power from the port.
Having conducted the intellectual exercise of designing some aspect of the software, the mechanics are easy enough. After typing in the code using the editor, you assemble it and then run it on the simulatorif necessary one instruction at a timelooking at intermediate and end results to see if it works. You can also check execu­tion times. When you are happy, you then download the software onto the PIC using the programmer (say, 10 seconds) and run your code in the real world. If you are careful, the PIC can be programmed in situ in the target environment which speeds up the process enormously.
The assembler language itself is easy to learn with only 35 instructions. The art, it turns out, is usually not whether you can write something that works but rather, can you find an efficient enough way of doing it to squeeze it into the space without unduly compromising features, performance and ultimately maintainability? As Eric Morecombe once said Composing good music is the same as composing bad music. Its just a matter of put­ting the notes in a different order. So it is with software!
So, if you have never written any software before and have a PC with at least temporary access to the Internet, you can have a go with no incremental cost. (Or you could buy a suitable secondhand PC for about £50and most Internet service providers offer a free trial period.)
Think of the range of applicationsself-tuning ATUs, intelligent AGC generators, keyers and readers; in fact any application involving control or logic is a potential candidate where one 18-pin DIL coupled with your intel­lect can replace acres of conventional hardwired logic at trivial cost. Who says computers and amateur radio dont mix? In my view these microcontrollers are going to dominate many aspects of home-brew construction before long.
AS JUST MENTIONED the 16C84 has 13 input/output (I/O) pins for controlling its environment. How many are actually needed? The following is the first-pass answer:
Inputstotal of 15 as follows:
PTT Line Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Keypad 4 × 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Shaft Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
OutputsTotal of 74 as follows:
6 Digits × 7 Segments + Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Status LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Band Switch Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
AD9850 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Giving a grand total (apparently) of 89.
which runs out of the PC parallel port. You
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Clearly something has to give and some supplemental hardware is needed. There is, however, one mitigating feature. The 13 I/O pins on the PIC can be used as either inputs or outputsand you can change them on the fly in midprogram so with cunning they can be both!
Firstly, the 12 keypad switches arent individually moni­tored. Each row is tested in turn looking at each column in turn for key presses. This needs only seven I/O lines.
Next, rather than drive each display separately, each one is driven in turnin rapid succession; i.e., they are multiplexed. Two low-cost decoder chips are added and this gets the I/O count for the display segments down to seven. And of these, three outputs are in fact the same lines as used for the three inputs for the keypad col­umns; and the other four outputs are also multiplexed to drive the keypad rows.
Then three serial in, parallel out latches are added to handle status and band switching.
These have three unique data lines, a common clock line (with all four again multiplexed with the display)and a latch line shared with the AD9850.
The final touch is to drive the decimal point output on the same line as the shaft encoder direction input.
If you have kept up with this, then you will agree that the total I/O count is now down to 13! Figure 4 shows what it all looks likeand for good measure two lines are also shared with in situ programming. The only other viable approach would be a multi-PIC solution. It turns out to be marginally more expensive and significantly more intellectually demanding.
There now remains but one question. Can we multiplex all this multiplexing fast enough in the software so that the user sees instant response and smooth continuous operation? The answer, it transpires, is that it is not even difficult!
CostIf you were to buy all the electronic components from new, you should allow about £75.
TimeConstruction time is obviously very variable, but a good estimate would be one day each to make the PCBs and one and one-half days to assemble them. You will need about two hours to build the DDS subassembly. So this is not a weekend project, but it probably won’t exceed two!
If you design your own software, times are impossible to estimate. But you can write some software to do some one useful thingsay, generate a fixed DDS output frequencyvery quickly. Its the integration of the whole which takes time.
Poweryou need 12 V dc at 400 mA, smoothed but not necessarily regulated. From 10 V–13 V is acceptable.
5V, 8V
7 dBm
3. 7 27. 56
USB Rate Cal
CW Scan Mem
LSB Freq Save
A/B A=B Split
10MHz 14MHz 15MHz 18MHz 21MHz
24MHz 28MHz 29MHz
Rx = VFO A Rx = VFO B Tx = VFO A Tx = VFO B LSB
Figure 4. PIC “N” MIX block diagram, illustrating PIC input/output allocations and physical partitioning. Besides power supply distribution and decoupling, all functional elements are shown.
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In this issue the alternatives and techniques for mechani­cal construction are explored. These include a process for making one-off PCBsand for mounting the DDS chip on a DIL socket carrier.
When it comes to the gross layout of the hardware, flexibility is a design objective. When it comes to the mounting of the DDS chip itself, a successful outcome is likely only if you absolutely follow the rules and allow me to adopt a somewhat dictatorial style.
Your first decision revolves around whether you are building an external injection source or are integrating it mechanically with your Tx/Rx.
In either case, self-evidently, the tuning knob and key­pad need to go on the front panel with the display board immediately behind it.
The DDS board is the same size as the display board. It is designed for mounting parallel to and behind the display board, or at right-angles to it, or completely remotely from it and connected to it by ribbon cable. The last choice is not relevant in a self-contained external source.
The tuning knob may be mounted on either side of the display, the choice being governed simply by whether you are right or left-handed. The keypad should be mounted on the same side of the display as the tuning knob. Should you mount it on the opposite side of the display, although it may give some appearance of better aesthetic balance, you are courting an ergonomic disas­ter. Visual feedback of your key presses is given via the display and status LEDs and your forearm will inevitably obscure the view.
In the photographs, you will note that my keypad is mounted contrary to these recommendations. This is a layout peculiar to my requirements since I am unusual in being mostly ambidextrous, preferring twisting
motions (e.g., screw drivers) with my right hand and pushing motions (e.g., sawing) with my left hand. In practice, I, therefore, use both hands, but most people would find this uncomfortable.
The second decision is whether to build the shaft encoder as an integral part of and mounted on the DDS and display boardsor to split them. The choice is yours and is governed mostly by where you are starting from. A 12" separation between the two presents no performance issues. If you want to take this approach, simply cut both boards, separate them and reconnect them using four flying leads or some ribbon cable. The four leads are +5 V, 0 V, pulses and direction. Obviously you could build them like this in the first place.
The final consideration is the housing for a stand-alone unit. Those of us who have built so far have found no need for a screened enclosure but it would obviously represent good practice. In any event, you will need to consider weighting or securing the box since Newton’s Second Law applies when you press the keysand the last thing you want is the box skidding around.
The display board mounts immediately behind the front panel. You will need an aperture of 3" × 3/4" to view the frequency readout. Having cut the aperture, you need to back the hole with some optical filter material which either corresponds to the color of your display (typically red/green) orand preferablyis circularly polarized. The latter gives much superior performance in bright natural light but for some reason has become expensive in recent years.
Figure 5 is a suggested front panel template which also shows how I have accommodated the status LEDs. Three mm holes are drilled for these, the LEDs are inserted in the board but not soldered. The front panel is mounted into position, and the LEDs are adjusted in their
DISPLAY BOARD - 6.1" 2.75"
Rx Tx
Figure 5. Drilling template for front panel. The position of the tuning knob shown assumes you are mounting the shaft encoder on the display and DDS boards. It could be much further to the right or on the opposite side of the display.
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holes for equal protrusion. They are then tacked and finally soldered to the display board when fully aligned.
If like me, you deprecate the idea of screw-heads showing on the front panel, then you will need to glue some nuts or threaded pillars to the back of the front panel to mount the display board. I find nut rivets ideal for this since they have a large surface area which makes for strong and permanent adhesion using super glue.
Figure 6 shows the configuration for right angle mount­ing and Figure 7 illustrates parallel mounting.
To ensure full access during commissioning I would strongly recommend that you avoid the parallel mounting configuration to start with. If this is your target configu­ration, join the two boards with a short length of 0.1" pitch ribbon cable. This allows access to both sides of both boards for testing.
If you are mounting the two boards at right angles in close proximity, then the best approach is to permanently solder the two boards together as shown in Figure 6. Butt the two boards to form a small “T” junction (not an L), tack them lightly together, check the angle and then run beads of solder along the full length of both
Figure 6. DDS board mounted at right angles to and integral with the display board. Also illustrates a suggested mounting method (not to scale) for the shaft encoder disc, IR diode and detector. Note the long lead lengths on the latter to give simple adjustment of diode and detector positions relative to the disc. The disc needs to be mounted near enough to the display board to clear the xtal oscillator enclosure to be described later. The rear bearing is mounted on a piece of PCB soldered to the DDS board and/or the rear of the xtal oscillator enclosure.
Figure 7. Alternative mounting method (not-to-scale) where the DDS board is mounted parallel to the display board on spacers (not shown). A small hole is drilled in the DDS board to pass the infrared, and the rear bearings are fitted to the DDS board. The leads for the detector pass through the board to the trackswhich are cut to avoid interference with the rear bearing. The detail will become apparent when the DDS PCB is described later.
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sides to intimately join the ground planes. Join the edge-connectors with a small solder bridge and test for shorts.
A further advantage of taking this approach is that the display board need not be secured to the front panel. Mounting the DDS board to a horizontal base with the display ICs touching the rear of the optical filter provides effective location.
In my article on the Third Method Transceiver, I described an approach to constructing boards without etching which proved very popular. It would be perfectly viable to use this technique for the display board in this project, but wholly inappropriate for the DDS board. So what follows is a technique I have used for many years for making one-off PCBs without the expense of UV exposure techniques. I must emphasize that this approach is viable only for one-offs and is hopeless if you need greater quantities. I would also be very sur­prised if these particular boards can be made using an etch-resist pen, since some of the tracking is very fine.
The technique revolves around removal of material where you want to remove copperrather than apply­ing resist where you want to retain copper.
The board is firstly cut to size and then drilled. For any surface mounting areas, the board may be gently punched but not drilled. The idea is to give yourself guides to draw the artwork directly onto the board.
a good room temperaturecertainly never cold. The heat from a desk light makes it even easier and helps prevent paint chipping.
Finally, the scribing tool itself is important. It needs to be pointed but not incredibly so. And it also wants to retain the point. I find the best tool is to take a masonry nail which is hard steelcut the head off and grip it in a draughtsmans clutch-pencil. Failing that, a long masonry nail through a cork is pretty comfortable.
Sharpen the point with a rotate and drag motion on a piece of emery and when you have got it as sharp as you can, blunt it ever so slightly on a piece of fine wet and dry. Try it on a piece of scrap, holding the scribe at about 45°, and you should get a clean fine line. Resist gouging out the copper. You are only trying to remove paint! Repeat the sharpening process every ten minutes or so. You will feel when it is not cutting the paint cleanly. By the way, for really fine work (you wont need it here) a sewing needle is excellent as is an old gramophone needle.
When you have scribed both sides of the board and checked it meticulously, etch the board in the conven­tional manner with ferric chloride. You will find you will get through very little FeCl because the total amount of copper removed is very small. Observe all the usual safety precautions. Keep the board and FeCl solution gently on the move all the time to get an even etch and have the courage to overetch it slightly if anything. Make sure both sides are fully etched before removal.
With the board clean but not polished, it is sprayed both sides with an aerosol of car paint. Matt black is best for a contrast color against the copper. It is important to put on a light enough coat to just cover it, but not to get any substantial build up of paint thickness.
Then, only after the paint is truly dry, the paint is removed between the tracks using a scribing tool. You use the holes, punch marks and master artwork as a guide. You only need to remove a fine line of paint. In fact if you stand a few feet back from the finished board, it looks substantially like continuous copper. Note that if, for example, you have two parallel tracks, you would need three scribed lines to implement it.
The technique takes a little getting used to, but if you should make a mistake, simply repaint the affected area with a small brush and do it againdifferently!
There are some important tips:
Tape the board down to a reasonable block of wood to stop it skidding around and to prevent scratching the paint on the reverse side. You can also use a square against the edge of the wood if you want posh lines but the square needs to be transparent if you want to avoid frustration. Use a piece of Vero board as a guide if you need to scribe edge connectors. Scribe the board at
Wash the board thoroughly in cold water, inspect and etch further if necessary. Finally wash the board with hot water and then clean off all the paint using cellulose thinners. A small paint brush helps to get the paint out of the holes, but being a good insulator, this is not critical. Polish the board with fine wet and dry (used wet) or a polishing block.
Now for the important stage. Using a continuity tester check for isolation between each and every adjacent track. If you find any shorts that are obvious, clear then with a sharp blade. If they are not obvious, my practice which I hesitate to publicize is to connect two test probes to a car battery and then blow off the short. Be careful!
The end result is an individual piece of craftsmanship produced with no greater effort or time than is needed to draw the artwork onto film in the first place. And it is home-brew! You end up with much more ground plane than is typical with other approacheswhich can only be to the good. And there are no critical processes in the sense that you can see what is happening all the time and can avoid moving on until you have got it right. I commend it to you.
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+ 18 hidden pages