Analog Devices AN525 Application Notes

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ADV601 Video Codec Design Considerations
by David Starr
This Applications note is for hardware and software de­signers starting an ADV601 design. Using this note and the information in the ADV601 Video Codec data sheet you can do the following:
Design ADV601-based video compression hardware. Write software drivers and hardware diagnostic
Integrate your hardware into the PCI bus and your
software into Windows The design examples in this application note refer to the ADV601-based Videolab demonstration board, but you can apply the techniques used in these examples to any ADV601-based design. The software source code and hardware schematics mentioned in this note are avail­able on the Analog Devices computer products FTP site, whose Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is:
The ADV601 uses the VCLK signal for internal processing, DRAM timing and strobing in video data. The ADV601’s internal PLL multiplies VCLK up to generate the DRAM /CAS and /RAS timing. Use only the clock frequencies listed on the data sheet under “Clock Pins,” even in nonreal-time applications. You must set the mode con­trol register bits P/N (PAL/NTSC) and SPE (Square Pixel Enable) to match the selected VCLK frequency. For in­stance, if VCLK is 29.5 MHz, then set both P/N and SPE equal to one for the ADV601 to function properly. If you
intend to switch square pixel enable on and off, you must also vary the clock frequency to match. Pulse-to-pulse jit­ter on VCLK should be less than 1 ns. The part is designed to function with VCLK phase locked to the horizontal sync. There is enough tolerance in the clock circuit to track the horizontal timing variations caused by tape speed variations (flutter and wow) on consumer grade VHS video cassette recorders (VCRs).
The compressed video data bus must support a high data rate. Raw video comes into the part at 12 to 14 Megapixels/sec. Video will come out of the part just as fast at low compression ratios. The compression ratio can vary from its programmed value, causing the video data rate to increase (or decrease, but the increase causes the difficulty). A slow compressed video bus will cause the ADV601’s internal FIFO to underflow or over­flow, resulting in lost frames on capture and torn frames on playback. Difficulty may occur if the compressed video bus is slower than 5 Megabytes/sec. The Analog Devices evaluation board uses a Bus Master PCI bus in­terface capable of 16 Megabytes/sec.
Many applications capture and play back video to/from hard disk. In this case the disk is the limiting factor in sys­tem throughput. However, if the disk and the ADV601 re­side on the same bus (for example, a PCI bus system), bus bandwidth may also be a factor. If the video goes from the ADV601 card to main memory, and then from main memory to disk, bus traffic is double what it would be if the video went directly from the ADV601 to the disk
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Figure 1. Video Signal Flow
controller with no halfway stop in main memory. Burst mode, where the hardware acquires the bus, asserts one address and transfers a block of data, will give best per­formance. The bus hardware may not be fast enough if it must acquire the bus and assert an address for each word transfer.
FIFO_STP is a combined FULL and EMPTY pin. On en­code it signals EMPTY, on decode it signals FULL. It means stop moving data into or out of the FIFO. FIFO_STP is asserted quite late and it can be difficult for hardware to see the FIFO_STP signal in time to halt the next FIFO transfer. In this case, an extra read will move invalid data, and an extra write will trash a word already inside the FIFO.
FIFO_SRQ is a combined NEARLY FULL and NEARLY EMPTY bit. On Encode it signals NEARLY FULL, and on DECODE is signals NEARLY EMPTY. NEARLY (the ser­vice request trigger point) is programmed by the FIFO Control Register over the range 32 to 480 long words. FIFO_SRQ is easier to use for data transfer control than FIFO_STP, because there is no penalty for moving one or two words after FIFO_SRQ goes away. FIFO_SRQ will go away at least 32 reads or writes before FULL or EMPTY occurs. The size of each data transfer can be controlled by programming NEARLY. Setting NEARLY to half full (256 words) will cause the hardware to move at least 256 words for each service request. This can be advanta­geous if there is significant overhead required to set up each bus transfer. Overhead might be arbitrating for the bus, entering host interrupt service or asserting the data address.
FIFO_SRQ can reoccur very rapidly. The host and the ADV601 are racing each other through the FIFO. It is pos­sible for the host to transfer a single word that clears the FIFO service request and on the very next VCLK, the ADV601 can transfer a word that sets the FIFO service request again. FIFO_SRQ is asynchronous to the host port. Take care not to violate setup and hold time requirements of host port hardware.
FIFO_ERR is a combined EMPTY and FULL pin. On decode it signals EMPTY and on encode it signals FULL. This is the reverse of FIFO_STP. When asserted, the host is falling behind.
Off-chip computation, either by the host or a dedicated DSP, is required to control the compression ratio during encode. The Wavelet transformer output is 16 bits wide. To increase the compression ratio, some low order bits must be discarded before the run length and Huffman
coders. This increases the length of the zero runs leading to more data compression. The ADV601’s adaptive quantizer discards low order bits by multiplying every sample in the bin by a user-specified fraction, called the reciprocal bin width. On playback, the sub-bands are restored to proper size by multiplication by a user­specified coefficient called the bin width. Each of the 42 sub-bands has its own bin width and reciprocal Bin Width Register. The bin widths are embedded in the com­pressed data stream during the encoding process. On decode, the ADV601 extracts the bin widths from the compressed data stream and multiplies each sample by the bin width to bring it back up to proper size. Bin Width Registers are of concern on encode only; nothing need be put in the registers for decode.
Computation of a Bin Width Register is straightforward— merely take the reciprocal of the corresponding recipro­cal Bin Width Register. Remember that the reciprocal Bin Width Registers are scaled 6.10 and the Bin Width Regis­ters are scaled 8.8, and scale your reciprocal calculation accordingly.
The number of bits required to encode an image varies with the busyness of the image. A plain solid black field will encode very compactly since there is no high fre­quency energy in the picture. The higher sub-bands are all zero everywhere. On the other hand, something like a close-up of a plaid shirt has a lot of high frequency en­ergy and will call for more bits to encode. As the picture gets busier, you need to use a smaller fraction in the re­ciprocal Bin Width Registers.
At the end of each field, the ADV601 supplies the bin width computer with the sum of the squares of each sub­band as a measure of the busyness. These (and a few other numbers) are referred to as “statistics.” As the sum of the squares gets larger, the reciprocal bin widths need to get smaller.
This bin width computation works best if done quickly. The ADV601 will present the statistics just as vertical re­trace is beginning. The bin width computer needs to read all the statistics, compute 42 reciprocal bin widths and 42 bin widths, and write the new setting back into the ADV601 before the next field starts. Next field starts in 20 horizontal line times or about 1.2 milliseconds. The com­putation needs to be repeated once per field, or every 16 milliseconds. The computation load will be about 1.2 milliseconds every 16 milliseconds or 7%. This assumes that the bin width calculation is actually com­pleted within the 1.2 millisecond deadline. If not, the ADV601 will use the existing bin width setting on the new field. Since one field is much like another field, no great harm is done.
In testing out a new design it is important to get simple things working before testing more complex features.
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