120 MFLOPS peak, 80 MFLOPS sustained performance
Dual data address generators with modulo and bit-reverse
Efficient program sequencing with zero-overhead looping:
Single-cycle loop setup
IEEE JTAG Standard 1149.1 Test Access Port and on-chip
32-bit single-precision and 40-bit extended-precision IEEE
floating-point data formats or 32-bit fixed-point data
SHARC and the SHARC logo are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc.
Rev. G
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.
However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any
infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication
or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The ADSP-2106x SHARC®—Super Harvard Architecture Computer—is a 32-bit signal processing microcomputer that offers
high levels of DSP performance. The ADSP-2106x builds on the
ADSP-21000 DSP core to form a complete system-on-a-chip,
adding a dual-ported on-chip SRAM and integrated I/O peripherals supported by a dedicated I/O bus.
Fabricated in a high speed, low power CMOS process, the
ADSP-2106x has a 25 ns instruction cycle time and operates at
40 MIPS. With its on-chip instruction cache, the processor can
execute every instruction in a single cycle. Table 2 shows performance benchmarks for the ADSP-2106x.
The ADSP-2106x SHARC represents a new standard of integration for signal computers, combining a high performance
floating-point DSP core with integrated, on-chip system features including up to 4M bit SRAM memory (see Table 1), a
host processor interface, DMA controller, serial ports and link
port, and parallel bus connectivity for glueless DSP
The ADSP-2106x continues SHARC’s industry-leading standards of integration for DSPs, combining a high performance
32-bit DSP core with integrated, on-chip system features.
The block diagram on Page 1 illustrates the following architectural features:
• Computation units (ALU, multiplier and shifter) with a
shared data register file
• Data address generators (DAG1, DAG2)
• Program sequencer with instruction cache
• PM and DM buses capable of supporting four 32-bit data
transfers between memory and the core at every core processor cycle
•Interval timer
•On-chip SRAM
• External port for interfacing to off-chip memory and
• Host port and multiprocessor Interface
• DMA controller
Rev. G | Page 4 of 64 | August 2010
• Serial ports and link ports
• JTAG Test Access Port
Figure 2. ADSP-2106x System Sample Configuration
The ADSP-2106x includes the following architectural features
of the ADSP-21000 family core. The ADSP-2106x processors
are code- and function-compatible with the ADSP-21020.
Independent, Parallel Computation Units
The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), multiplier and shifter all perform single-cycle instructions. The three units are arranged in
parallel, maximizing computational throughput. Single multifunction instructions execute parallel ALU and multiplier operations. These computation units support IEEE 32-bit singleprecision floating-point, extended precision 40-bit floatingpoint, and 32-bit fixed-point data formats.
Data Register File
A general–purpose data register file is used for transferring data
between the computation units and the data buses, and for storing intermediate results. This 10-port, 32-register (16 primary,
16 secondary) register file, combined with the ADSP-21000
Harvard architecture, allows unconstrained data flow between
computation units and internal memory.
Single-Cycle Fetch of Instruction and Two Operands
The ADSP-2106x features an enhanced Harvard architecture in
which the data memory (DM) bus transfers data and the program memory (PM) bus transfers both instructions and data
(see Figure 1 on Page 1). With its separate program and data
memory buses and on-chip instruction cache, the processor can
simultaneously fetch two operands and an instruction (from the
cache), all in a single cycle.
Instruction Cache
The ADSP-2106x includes an on-chip instruction cache that
enables three-bus operation for fetching an instruction and two
data values. The cache is selective—only the instructions whose
fetches conflict with PM bus data accesses are cached. This
allows full-speed execution of core, looped operations such as
digital filter multiply-accumulates and FFT butterfly processing.
Data Address Generators with Hardware Circular Buffers
The ADSP-2106x’s two data address generators (DAGs) implement circular data buffers in hardware. Circular buffers allow
efficient programming of delay lines and other data structures
required in digital signal processing, and are commonly used in
digital filters and Fourier transforms. The two DAGs of the
ADSP-2106x contain sufficient registers to allow the creation of
up to 32 circular buffers (16 primary register sets, 16 secondary).
The DAGs automatically handle address pointer wraparound,
reducing overhead, increasing performance and simplifying
implementation. Circular buffers can start and end at any memory location.
Flexible Instruction Set
The 48-bit instruction word accommodates a variety of
parallel operations, for concise programming. For example, the
ADSP-2106x can conditionally execute a multiply, an add, a
subtract and a branch, all in a single instruction.
The ADSP-2106x processors add the following architectural
features to the SHARC family core.
Dual-Ported On-Chip Memory
The ADSP-21062/ADSP-21062L contains two megabits of onchip SRAM, and the ADSP-21060/ADSP-21060L contains
4M bits of on-chip SRAM. The internal memory is organized as
two equal sized blocks of 1M bit each for the ADSP-21062/
ADSP-21062L and two equal sized blocks of 2M bits each for
the ADSP-21060/ADSP-21060L. Each can be configured for different combinations of code and data storage. Each memory
block is dual-ported for single-cycle, independent accesses by
the core processor and I/O processor or DMA controller. The
dual-ported memory and separate on-chip buses allow two data
transfers from the core and one from I/O, all in a single cycle.
On the ADSP-21062/ADSP-21062L, the memory can be configured as a maximum of 64k words of 32-bit data, 128k words of
16-bit data, 40k words of 48-bit instructions (or 40-bit data), or
combinations of different word sizes up to two megabits. All of
the memory can be accessed as 16-bit, 32-bit, or 48-bit words.
On the ADSP-21060/ADSP-21060L, the memory can be configured as a maximum of 128k words of 32-bit data, 256k words of
16-bit data, 80k words of 48-bit instructions (or 40-bit data), or
combinations of different word sizes up to four megabits. All of
the memory can be accessed as 16-bit, 32-bit or 48-bit words.
A 16-bit floating-point storage format is supported, which effectively doubles the amount of data that can be stored on-chip.
Conversion between the 32-bit floating-point and 16-bit floating-point formats is done in a single instruction.
While each memory block can store combinations of code and
data, accesses are most efficient when one block stores data,
using the DM bus for transfers, and the other block stores
instructions and data, using the PM bus for transfers. Using the
DM bus and PM bus in this way, with one dedicated to each
memory block, assures single-cycle execution with two data
transfers. In this case, the instruction must be available in the
cache. Single-cycle execution is also maintained when one of the
data operands is transferred to or from off-chip, via the
ADSP-2106x’s external port.
On-Chip Memory and Peripherals Interface
The ADSP-2106x’s external port provides the processor’s interface to off-chip memory and peripherals. The 4-gigaword offchip address space is included in the ADSP-2106x’s unified
address space. The separate on-chip buses—for PM addresses,
PM data, DM addresses, DM data, I/O addresses, and I/O
data—are multiplexed at the external port to create an external
system bus with a single 32-bit address bus and a single 48-bit
(or 32-bit) data bus.
Addressing of external memory devices is facilitated by on-chip
decoding of high-order address lines to generate memory bank
select signals. Separate control lines are also generated for simplified addressing of page-mode DRAM. The ADSP-2106x
provides programmable memory wait states and external memory acknowledge controls to allow interfacing to DRAM and
peripherals with variable access, hold and disable time
Host Processor Interface
The ADSP-2106x’s host interface allows easy connection to
standard microprocessor buses, both 16-bit and 32-bit, with little additional hardware required. Asynchronous transfers at
speeds up to the full clock rate of the processor are supported.
The host interface is accessed through the ADSP-2106x’s external port and is memory-mapped into the unified address space.
Four channels of DMA are available for the host interface; code
and data transfers are accomplished with low software
The host processor requests the ADSP-2106x’s external bus with
the host bus request (HBR
(REDY) signals. The host can directly read and write the internal memory of the ADSP-2106x, and can access the DMA
channel setup and mailbox registers. Vector interrupt support is
provided for efficient execution of host commands.
0x0030 0000
WITH ID = 001
0x003F FFFF
WITH ID = 010
WITH ID = 011
WITH ID = 100
WITH ID = 101
WITH ID = 110
TO ALL ADSP-21061s
DMA Controller
The ADSP-2106x’s on-chip DMA controller allows zero-overhead data transfers without processor intervention. The DMA
controller operates independently and invisibly to the processor
core, allowing DMA operations to occur while the core is simultaneously executing its program instructions.
DMA transfers can occur between the ADSP-2106x’s internal
memory and external memory, external peripherals, or a host
processor. DMA transfers can also occur between the ADSP2106x’s internal memory and its serial ports or link ports. DMA
transfers between external memory and external peripheral
devices are another option. External bus packing to 16-,
32-, or 48-bit words is performed during DMA transfers.
Ten channels of DMA are available on the ADSP-2106x—two
via the link ports, four via the serial ports, and four via the
processor’s external port (for either host processor, other
ADSP-2106xs, memory, or I/O transfers). Four additional link
port DMA channels are shared with Serial Port 1 and the external port. Programs can be downloaded to the ADSP-2106x
using DMA transfers. Asynchronous off-chip peripherals can
control two DMA channels using DMA request/grant lines
, DMAG1–2). Other DMA features include interrupt generation upon completion of DMA transfers and DMA
chaining for automatic linked DMA transfers.
The ADSP-2106x offers powerful features tailored to multiprocessor DSP systems. The unified address space (see Figure 4)
allows direct interprocessor accesses of each ADSP-2106x’s
internal memory. Distributed bus arbitration logic is included
on-chip for simple, glueless connection of systems containing
up to six ADSP-2106xs and a host processor. Master processor
changeover incurs only one cycle of overhead. Bus arbitration is
selectable as either fixed or rotating priority. Bus lock allows
indivisible read-modify-write sequences for semaphores. A vector interrupt is provided for interprocessor commands. Maximum throughput for interprocessor data transfer is
240M bytes/s over the link ports or external port. Broadcast
writes allow simultaneous transmission of data to all
ADSP-2106xs and can be used to implement reflective
The ADSP-2106x features six 4-bit link ports that provide additional I/O capabilities. The link ports can be clocked twice per
cycle, allowing each to transfer eight bits of data per cycle. Linkport I/O is especially useful for point-to-point interprocessor
communication in multiprocessing systems.
The link ports can operate independently and simultaneously,
with a maximum data throughput of 240M bytes/s. Link port
data is packed into 32- or 48-bit words, and can be directly read
by the core processor or DMA-transferred to on-chip memory.
Each link port has its own double-buffered input and output
registers. Clock/acknowledge handshaking controls link port
transfers. Transfers are programmable as either transmit or
Program Booting
The internal memory of the ADSP-2106x can be booted at system power-up from an 8-bit EPROM, a host processor, or
through one of the link ports. Selection of the boot source is
controlled by the BMS (boot memory select), EBOOT (EPROM
Boot), and LBOOT (link/host boot) pins. 32-bit and 16-bit host
processors can be used for booting. The processor also supports a no-boot mode in which instruction execution is sourced
from the external memory.
The ADSP-2106x is supported by a complete set of
Devices emulators and VisualDSP++
ment. The same emulator hardware that supports other SHARC
processors also fully emulates the ADSP-2106x.
The VisualDSP++ project management environment lets programmers develop and debug an application. This environment
includes an easy to use assembler (which is based on an algebraic syntax), an archiver (librarian/library builder), a linker, a
loader, a cycle-accurate instruction-level simulator, a C/C++
compiler, and a C/C++ runtime library that includes DSP and
mathematical functions. A key point for these tools is C/C++
code efficiency. The compiler has been developed for efficient
translation of C/C++ code to DSP assembly. The ADSP-2106x
SHARC DSP has architectural features that improve the efficiency of compiled C/C++ code.
The VisualDSP++ debugger has a number of important features. Data visualization is enhanced by a plotting package that
offers a significant level of flexibility. This graphical representation of user data enables the programmer to quickly determine
the performance of an algorithm. As algorithms grow in complexity, this capability can have increasing significance on the
designer’s development schedule, increasing productivity. Statistical profiling enables the programmer to nonintrusively poll
the processor as it is running the program. This feature, unique
to VisualDSP++, enables the software developer to passively
gather important code execution metrics without interrupting
CROSSCORE is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
VisualDSP++ is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
software development tools, including Analog
development environ-
the real-time characteristics of the program. Essentially, the
developer can identify bottlenecks in software quickly and efficiently. By using the profiler, the programmer can focus on
those areas in the program that impact performance and take
corrective action.
Debugging both C/C++ and assembly programs with the
VisualDSP++ debugger, programmers can:
• View mixed C/C++ and assembly code (interleaved source
and object information)
• Insert breakpoints
• Set conditional breakpoints on registers, memory, and
• Trace instruction execution
• Perform linear or statistical profiling of program execution
• Fill, dump, and graphically plot the contents of memory
• Perform source level debugging
• Create custom debugger windows
The VisualDSP++ IDDE lets programmers define and manage
DSP software development. Its dialog boxes and property pages
let programmers configure and manage all of the ADSP-2106x
development tools, including the color syntax highlighting in
the VisualDSP++ editor. This capability permits:
• Control in how the development tools process inputs and
generate outputs
• Maintenance of a one-to-one correspondence with the
tools’ command line switches
The VisualDSP++ kernel (VDK) incorporates scheduling and
resource management tailored specifically to address the memory and timing constraints of DSP programming. These
capabilities enable engineers to develop code more effectively,
eliminating the need to start from the very beginning when
developing new application code. The VDK features include
threads, critical and unscheduled regions, semaphores, events,
and device flags. The VDK also supports priority-based, preemptive, cooperative, and time-sliced scheduling approaches. In
addition, the VDK was designed to be scalable. If the application
does not use a specific feature, the support code for that feature
is excluded from the target system.
Because the VDK is a library, a developer can decide whether to
use it or not. The VDK is integrated into the VisualDSP++
development environment, but can also be used via standard
command line tools. When the VDK is used, the development
environment assists the developer with many error-prone tasks
and assists in managing system resources, automating the generation of various VDK-based objects, and visualizing the
system state, when debugging an application that uses the VDK.
Use the expert linker to visually manipulate the placement of
code and data on the embedded system. View memory utilization in a color-coded graphical form, easily move code and data
to different areas of the DSP or external memory with a drag of
the mouse, and examine run-time stack and heap usage. The
expert linker is fully compatible with existing linker definition
file (LDF), allowing the developer to move between the graphical and textual environments.
In addition to the software development tools available from
Analog Devices, third parties provide a wide range of tools supporting the SHARC processor family. Third party software tools
include DSP libraries, real-time operating systems, and block
diagram design tools.
Analog Devices offers a range of EZ-KIT Lite
forms to use as a cost-effective method to learn more about
developing or prototyping applications with Analog Devices
processors, platforms, and software tools. Each EZ-KIT Lite
includes an evaluation board along with an evaluation suite of
the VisualDSP++ development and debugging environment
with the C/C++ compiler, assembler, and linker. Also included
are sample application programs, power supply, and a USB
cable. All evaluation versions of the software tools are limited
for use only with the EZ-KIT Lite product.
The USB controller on the EZ-KIT Lite board connects the
board to the USB port of the user’s PC, enabling the
VisualDSP++ evaluation suite to emulate the on-board processor in-circuit. This permits the customer to download, execute,
and debug programs for the EZ-KIT Lite system. It also allows
in-circuit programming of the on-board flash device to store
user-specific boot code, enabling the board to run as a standalone unit, without being connected to the PC.
With a full version of VisualDSP++ installed (sold separately),
engineers can develop software for the EZ-KIT Lite or any custom-defined system. Connecting an Analog Devices JTAG
emulator to the EZ-KIT Lite board enables high speed, nonintrusive emulation.
evaluation plat-
Reference on the Analog Devices website (www.analog.com)—
use site search on “EE-68.” This document is updated regularly
to keep pace with improvements to emulator support.
This data sheet provides a general overview of the ADSP-2106x
architecture and functionality. For detailed information on the
ADSP-21000 family core architecture and instruction set, refer
to the ADSP-2106x SHARC User’s Manual, Revision 2.1.
A signal chain is a series of signal-conditioning electronic components that receive input (data acquired from sampling either
real-time phenomena or from stored data) in tandem, with the
output of one portion of the chain supplying input to the next.
Signal chains are often used in signal processing applications to
gather and process data or to apply system controls based on
analysis of real-time phenomena. For more information about
this term and related topics, see the “signal chain” entry in the
Glossary of EE Terms on the Analog Devices website.
Analog Devices eases signal processing system development by
providing signal processing components that are designed to
work together well. A tool for viewing relationships between
specific applications and related components is available on the
www.analog.com website.
The Application Signal Chains page in the Circuits from the
site (http://www.analog.com/signalchains) provides:
• Graphical circuit block diagram presentation of signal
chains for a variety of circuit types and applications
• Drill down links for components in each chain to selection
guides and application information
• Reference designs applying best practice design techniques
The Analog Devices family of emulators are tools that every
DSP developer needs to test and debug hardware and software
systems. Analog Devices has supplied an IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test
access port (TAP) on each JTAG DSP. Nonintrusive in-circuit
emulation is assured by the use of the processor’s JTAG interface—the emulator does not affect target system loading or timing. The emulator uses the TAP to access the internal features of
the DSP, allowing the developer to load code, set breakpoints,
observe variables, observe memory, and examine registers. The
DSP must be halted to send data and commands, but once an
operation has been completed by the emulator, the DSP system
is set running at full speed with no impact on system timing.
To use these emulators, the target board must include a header
that connects the DSP’s JTAG port to the emulator.
For details on target board design issues including mechanical
layout, single processor connections, multiprocessor scan
chains, signal buffering, signal termination, and emulator pod
logic, see the EE-68: Analog Devices JTAG Emulation Technical
EZ-KIT Lite is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
The ADSP-2106x pin definitions are listed below. Inputs identified as synchronous (S) must meet timing requirements with
respect to CLKIN (or with respect to TCK for TMS, TDI).
Inputs identified as asynchronous (A) can be asserted asynchronously to CLKIN (or to TCK for TRST
Unused inputs should be tied or pulled to VDD or GND, except
for ADDR31–0, DATA47–0, FLAG3–0, and inputs that have
internal pull-up or pull-down resistors (CPA
, ACK, DTx, DRx,
TCLKx, RCLKx, LxDAT3–0, LxCLK, LxACK, TMS, and
TDI)—these pins can be left floating. These pins have a
logic-level hold circuit that prevents the input from floating
Table 3. Pin Descriptions
Pin TypeFunction
ADDR31–0I/O/TExternal Bus Address. The ADSP-2106x outputs addresses for external memory and peripherals on these
pins. In a multiprocessor system, the bus master outputs addresses for read/write of the internal memory
or IOP registers of other ADSP-2106xs. The ADSP-2106x inputs addresses when a host processor or multiprocessing bus master is reading or writing its internal memory or IOP registers.
DATA47–0I/O/TExternal Bus Data. The ADSP-2106x inputs and outputs data and instructions on these pins. 32-bit single-
precision floating-point data and 32-bit fixed-point data is transferred over bits 47–16 of the bus. 40-bit
extended-precision floating-point data is transferred over bits 47–8 of the bus. 16-bit short word data is
transferred over bits 31–16 of the bus. In PROM boot mode, 8-bit data is transferred over bits 23–16. Pull-up
resistors on unused DATA pins are not necessary.
RDI/O/TMemory Read Strobe. This pin is asser ted (low) when the ADSP-2106x reads from external memory devices
PAG EO /TDRAM Page Boundary. The ADSP-2106x asserts this pin to signal that an external DRAM page boundary
ADRCLKO/TClock Output Reference. In a multiprocessing system, ADRCLK is output by the bus master.
A = Asynchronous, G = Ground, I = Input, O = Output, P = Power Supply, S = Synchronous, (A/D) = Active Drive, (O/D) = Open Drain,
T = Three-State (when SBTS is asserted, or when the ADSP-2106x is a bus slave)
O/TMemory Select Lines. These lines are asserted (low) as chip selects for the corresponding banks of external
memory. Memory bank size must be defined in the ADSP-2106x’s system control register (SYSCON). The
MS3–0 lines are decoded memory address lines that change at the same time as the other address lines.
When no external memory access is occurring, the MS3–0
a conditional memory access instruction is executed, whether or not the condition is true. MS0 can be used
with the PAGE signal to implement a bank of DR AM memory (Bank 0). In a multiprocessing system the MS3–0
lines are output by the bus master.
or from the internal memory of other ADSP-2106xs. External devices (including other ADSP-2106xs) must
assert RD to read from the ADSP-2106x’s internal memory. In a multiprocessing system, RD is output by the
bus master and is input by all other ADSP-2106xs.
I/O/TMemory Write Strobe. This pin is asserted (low) when the ADSP-2106x wri tes to external memory devices
or to the internal memory of other ADSP-2106xs. External devices must assert WR
2106x’s internal memory. In a multiprocessing system, WR is output by the bus master and is input by all
other ADSP-2106xs.
has been crossed. DRAM page size must be defined in the ADSP-2106x’s memory control register (WAIT).
DRAM can only be implemented in external memory Bank 0; the PAGE signal can only be activated for Bank
0 accesses. In a multiprocessing system, PAGE is output by the bus master
I/O/TSynchronous Write Select. T hi s si g na l i s u s ed t o interface the ADSP-2106x to synchronous memory devices
(including other ADSP-2106xs). The ADSP-2106x asserts SW
impending write cycle, which can be aborted if WR
instruction). In a multiprocessing system, SW is output by the bus master and is input by all other
ADSP-2106xs to determine if the multiprocessor memory access is a read or write. SW
time as the address output. A host processor using synchronous writes must assert this pin when writing to
the ADSP-2106x(s).
lines are inactive; they are active however when
to write to the ADSP-
(low) to provide an early indication of an
is not later asserted (e.g., in a conditional write
ACKI/O/SMemory Acknowledge. External devices can deassert ACK (low) to add wait states to an external memory
access. ACK is used by I/O devices, memory controllers, or other peripherals to hold off completion of an
external memory access. The ADSP-2106x deasserts ACK as an output to add waitstates to a synchronous
access of its internal memory. In a multiprocessing system, a slave ADSP-2106x deasserts the bus master’s
ACK input to add wait state(s) to an access of its internal memory. The bus master has a keeper latch on its
ACK pin that maintains the input at the level to which it was last driven.
FLAG3–0I/O/AFlag Pins. Each is configured via control bits as either an input or output. As an input, they can be tested as
TIMEXPOTimer Expired. Asserted for four cycles when the timer is enabled and TCOUNT decrements to zero.
REDYO (O/D)Host Bus Acknowledge. The ADSP-2106x deasserts REDY (low) to add wait states to an asynchronous access
RPBAI/SRotating Priority Bus Arbitration Select. When RPBA is high, rotating priority for multiprocessor bus
DTxOData Transmit (Serial Ports 0, 1). Each DT pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-up resistor.
DRxIData Receive (Serial Ports 0, 1). Each DR pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-up resistor.
TCLKxI/OTransmit Clock (Serial Ports 0, 1). Each TCLK pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-up resistor.
RCLKxI/OReceive Clock (Serial Ports 0, 1). Each RCLK pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-up resistor.
A = Asynchronous, G = Ground, I = Input, O = Output, P = Power Supply, S = Synchronous, (A/D) = Active Drive, (O/D) = Open Drain,
T = Three-State (when SBTS is asserted, or when the ADSP-2106x is a bus slave)
I/SSuspend Bus Three-State. External devices can assert SBTS (low) to place the external bus address, data,
selects, and strobes in a high impedance state for the following cycle. If the ADSP-2106x attempts to access
external memory while SBTS is asserted, the processor will halt and the memory access will not be completed
until SBTS
or used with a DRAM controller.
I/AInterrupt Request Lines. May be either edge-triggered or level-sensitive.
a condition. As an output, they can be used to signal external peripherals.
I/AHost Bus Request. This pin must be asserted by a host processor to request control of the ADSP-2106x’s
external bus. When HBR
relinquish the bus and assert HBG. To relinquish the bus, the ADSP-2106x places the address, data, select
and strobe lines in a high impedance state. HBR
multiprocessing system.
I/OHost Bus Grant. Acknowledges a bus request, indicating that the host processor may take control of the
external bus. HBG is asser ted (held low) by the ADSP-2106x until HBR is released. In a multiprocessing system,
I/AChip Select. Asserted by host processor to select the ADSP-2106x.
of its internal memory or IOP registers by a host. This pin is an open-drain output (O/D) by default; it can be
programmed in the ADREDY bit of the SYSCON register to be active drive (A/D). REDY will only be output if
the CS
I/ADMA Request 1 (DMA Channel 7) and DMA Request 2 (DMA Channel 8).
O/TDMA Grant 1 (DMA Channel 7) and DMA Grant 2 (DMA Channel 8).
I/O/SMultiprocessing Bus Requests. Used by multiprocessing ADSP-2106xs to arbitrate for bus master-ship. An
ADSP-2106x only drives its own BR
others. In a multiprocessor system with less than six ADSP-2106xs, the unused BR
high; the processor’s own BRx line must not be pulled high or low because it is an output.
O (O/D)Multiprocessing ID. Determines which multiprocessing bus request (BR1– BR6) is used by ADSP-2106x.
ID = 001 corresponds to BR1, ID = 010 corresponds to BR2, etc. ID = 000 in single-processor systems. These
lines are a system configuration selection that should be hardwired or changed at reset only.
arbitration is selected. When RPBA is low, fixed priority is selected. This signal is a system configuration
selection that must be set to the same value on every ADSP-2106x. If the value of RPBA is changed during
system operation, it must be changed in the same CLKIN cycle on every ADSP-2106x.
I/O (O/D)Core Priority Access. Asserting its CPA pin allows the core processor of an ADSP-2106x bus slave to interrupt
background DMA transfers and gain access to the external bus. CPA
to all ADSP-2106xs in the system. The CPA
not required in a system, the CPA pin should be left unconnected.
is deasserted. SBTS should only be used to recover from host processor/ADSP-2106x deadlock,
is asserted in a multiprocessing system, the ADSP-2106x that is bus master will
has priority over all ADSP-2106x bus requests BR6–1 in a
is output by the ADSP-2106x bus master and is monitored by all others.
and HBR inputs are asserted.
x line (corresponding to the value of its ID2-0 inputs) and monitors all
x pins should be pulled
is an open drain output that is connected
pin has an internal 5 kΩ pull-up resistor. If core access priority is
TFSxI/OTransmit Frame Sync (Serial Ports 0, 1).
RFSxI/OReceive Frame Sync (Serial Ports 0, 1).
LxDAT3–0I/OLink Port Data (Link Ports 0–5). Each LxDAT pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-down resistor that is enabled or
disabled by the LPDRD bit of the LCOM register.
LxCLKI/OLink Port Clock (Link Ports 0–5). Each LxCLK pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-down resistor that is enabled or
disabled by the LPDRD bit of the LCOM register.
LxACKI/OLink Port Acknowledge (Link Ports 0–5). Each LxACK pin has a 50 kΩ internal pull-down resistor that is
enabled or disabled by the LPDRD bit of the LCOM register.
EBOOTIEPROM Boot Select. When EBOOT is high, the ADSP-2106x is configured for booting from an 8-bit EPROM.
When EBOOT is low, the LBOOT and BMS
description below. This signal is a system configuration selection that should be hardwired.
LBOOTILink Boot. When LBOOT is high, the ADSP-2106x is configured for link port booting. When LBOOT is low,
the ADSP-2106x is configured for host processor booting or no booting. See the table in the BMS
description below. This signal is a system configuration selection that should be hardwired.
CLKINIClock In. External clock input to the ADSP-2106x. The instruction cycle rate is equal to CLKIN. CLKIN should
RESETI/AProcessor Reset. Resets the ADSP-2106x to a known state and begins program execution at the program
TCKITest Clock (JTAG). Provides an asynchronous clock for JTAG boundary scan.
TMSI/STest Mode Select (JTAG). Used to control the test state machine. TMS has a 20 kΩ internal pull-up resistor.
TDII/STest Data Input (JTAG). Provides serial data for the boundary scan logic. TDI has a 20 kΩ internal pull-up
TDOOTest Data Output (JTAG). Serial scan output of the boundary scan path.
ICSAOReserved, leave unconnected.
VDDPPower Supply; nominally 5.0 V dc for 5 V devices or 3.3 V dc for 3.3 V devices. (30 pins).
GNDGPower Supply Return. (30 pins).
NCDo Not Connect. Reserved pins which must be left open and unconnected.
A = Asynchronous, G = Ground, I = Input, O = Output, P = Power Supply, S = Synchronous, (A/D) = Active Drive, (O/D) = Open Drain,
T = Three-State (when SBTS
I/OTBoot Memory Select.Output: Used as chip select for boot EPROM devices (when EBOOT = 1, LBOOT = 0).
In a multiprocessor system, BMS
occur and that ADSP-2106x will begin executing instructions from external memory. See table below. This
input is a system configuration selection that should be hardwired. *Three-statable only in EPROM boot
mode (when BMS
10OutputEPROM (Connect BMS to EPROM chip select.)
00 1 (Input) Host Processor
011 (Input) Link Port
000 (Input) No Booting. Processor executes from external memory.
010 (Input) Reserved
11 x (Input) Reserved
not be halted, changed, or operated below the minimum specified frequency.
memory location specified by the hardware reset vector address. This input must be asserted (low) at
I/ATest Reset (JTAG). Resets the test state machine. TRST must be asser ted (pulsed low) after power-up or held
low for proper operation of the ADSP-2106x. TRST
OEmulation Status. Must be connected to the ADSP-2106x EZ-ICE target board connector only.
is asserted, or when the ADSP-2106x is a bus slave)
is an output).
is output by the bus master. Input: When low, indicates that no booting will
inputs determine booting mode. See the table in the BMS pin
1149.1JTAG test access port of the ADSP-2106x to monitor and
control the target board processor during emulation. The
EZ-ICE probe requires the ADSP-2106x’s CLKIN, TMS, TCK,
, TDI, TDO, EMU, and GND signals be made accessible
on the target system via a 14-pin connector (a 2-row 7-pin strip
header) such as that shown in Figure 5. The EZ-ICE probe plugs
directly onto this connector for chip-on-board emulation. You
must add this connector to your target board design if you
intend to use the ADSP-2106x EZ-ICE. The total trace length
between the EZ-ICE connector and the furthest device sharing
the EZ-ICE JTAG pin should be limited to 15 inches maximum
for guaranteed operation. This length restriction must include
EZ-ICE JTAG signals that are routed to one or more
ADSP-2106x devices, or a combination of ADSP-2106x devices
and other JTAG devices on the chain.
Figure 5. Target Board Connector for ADSP-2106x EZ-ICE Emulator
(Jumpers in Place)
The 14-pin, 2-row pin strip header is keyed at the Pin 3 location—Pin 3 must be removed from the header. The pins must be
0.025 inch square and at least 0.20 inch in length. Pin spacing
should be 0.1 × 0.1 inches. Pin strip headers are available from
vendors such as 3M, McKenzie, and Samtec. The BTMS, BTCK,
, and BTDI signals are provided so that the test access
port can also be used for board-level testing.
When the connector is not being used for emulation, place
jumpers between the Bxxx pins and the xxx pins as shown in
Figure 5. If you are not going to use the test access port for
board testing, tie BTRST
. The TRST pin must be asserted (pulsed low) after power-
up (through BTRST
operation of the ADSP-2106x. None of the Bxxx pins (Pins 5, 7,
9, and 11) are connected on the EZ-ICE probe.
to GND and tie or pull up BTCK to
on the connector) or held low for proper
Rev. G | Page 13 of 64 | August 2010
The JTAG signals are terminated on the EZ-ICE probe as shown
in Table 4.
Table 4. Core Instruction Rate/CLKIN Ratio Selection
TMSDriven Through 22 Ω Resistor (16 mA Driver)
TCKDriven at 10 MHz Through 22 Ω Resistor (16 mA
Active Low Driven Through 22 Ω Resistor (16 mA
Driver) (Pulled-Up by On-Chip 20 kΩ Resistor)
TDIDriven by 22 Ω Resistor (16 mA Driver)
TDOOne TTL Load, Split Termination (160/220)
CLKINOne TTL Load, Split Termination (160/220)
Active Low 4.7 kΩ Pull-Up Resistor, One TTL Load
(Open-Drain Output from the DSP)
TRST is driven low until the EZ-ICE probe is turned on by the emulator at software
start-up. After software start-up, is driven high.
Figure 6 shows JTAG scan path connections for systems that
contain multiple ADSP-2106x processors.
Connecting CLKIN to Pin 4 of the EZ-ICE header is optional.
The emulator only uses CLKIN when directed to perform operations such as starting, stopping, and single-stepping multiple
ADSP-2106xs in a synchronous manner. If you do not need
these operations to occur synchronously on the multiple processors, simply tie Pin 4 of the EZ-ICE header to ground.
If synchronous multiprocessor operations are needed and
CLKIN is connected, clock skew between the multiple
ADSP-2106x processors and the CLKIN pin on the EZ-ICE
header must be minimal. If the skew is too large, synchronous
operations may be off by one or more cycles between processors. For synchronous multiprocessor operation TCK, TMS,
should be treated as critical signals in terms
of skew, and should be laid out as short as possible on your
board. If TCK, TMS, and CLKIN are driving a large number of
ADSP-2106xs (more than eight) in your system, then treat them
as a “clock tree” using multiple drivers to minimize skew. (See
Figure 7 and “JTAG Clock Tree” and “Clock Distribution” in
the “High Frequency Design Considerations” section of the
ADSP-2106x User’s Manual, Revision 2.1.)
If synchronous multiprocessor operations are not needed (i.e.,
CLKIN is not connected), just use appropriate parallel termination on TCK and TMS. TDI, TDO, EMU
and TRST are not
critical signals in terms of skew.
For complete information on the SHARC EZ-ICE, see the
ADSP-21000 Family JTAG EZ-ICE User's Guide and Reference.
Applies to three-statable pins with internal pull-ups: DT0, DT1, TCLK0, TCLK1, RCLK0, RCLK1.
Applies to CPA pin.
Applies to ACK pin when pulled up. (Note that ACK is pulled up internally with 2 kΩ during reset in a multiprocessor system, when ID2–0 = 001 and another ADSP-2106xL
is not requesting bus mastership).
Applies to three-statable pins with internal pull-downs: LxDAT3–0, LxCLK, LxACK.
Applies to ACK pin when keeper latch enabled.
Applies to all signal pins.
Guaranteed but not tested.
Supply Voltage4.755.254.755.254.755.25V
Case Operating Temperature–40+85–40+100–40+85°C
High Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Max2.0VDD + 0.52.0VDD + 0.52.0VDD + 0.5V
High Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Max2.2VDD + 0.52.2VDD + 0.52.2VDD + 0.5V
Low Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Min–0.5+0.8–0.5+0.8–0.5+0.8V
. (Note that ACK is pulled up internally with 2 kΩ during reset in a multiprocessor system, when ID2–0 = 001 and another ADSP-2106x is not requesting bus
These specifications apply to the internal power portion of VDD
only. For a complete discussion of the code used to measure
power dissipation, see the technical note “SHARC Power Dissipation Measurements.”
Specifications are based on the operating scenarios.
OperationPeak Activity (I
)High Activity (I
)Low Activity (I
Instruction TypeMultifunctionMultifunctionSingle Function
Instruction FetchCacheInternal MemoryInternal Memory
Core memory Access2 Per Cycle (DM and PM)1 Per Cycle (DM)None
Internal Memory DMA1 Per Cycle1 Per 2 Cycles1 Per 2 Cycles
To estimate power consumption for a specific application, use
the following equation where% is the amount of time your program spends in that state:
= Power Consumption
ParameterTest ConditionsMaxUnits
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
= 25 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
= 25 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 25 ns, VDD = Max
VDD = Max200mA
represents worst case processor operation and is not sustainable under normal application conditions. Actual internal power
is a composite average based on a range of low activity code.
The test program used to measure I
Idle denotes ADSP-2106x state during execution of IDLE instruction.
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Idle)
measurements made using typical applications are less than specified.
is a composite average based on a range of high activity code. I
Total power dissipation has two components, one due to internal circuitry and one due to the switching of external output
drivers. Internal power dissipation is dependent on the instruction execution sequence and the data operands involved.
Internal power dissipation is calculated in the following way:
= I
The external component of total power dissipation is caused by
the switching of output pins. Its magnitude depends on:
• the number of output pins that switch during each cycle
• the maximum frequency at which they can switch (f)
• their load capacitance (C)
• their voltage swing (V
and is calculated by:
The load capacitance should include the processor’s package
capacitance (CIN). The switching frequency includes driving
the load high and then back low. Address and data pins can
= O × C × V
drive high and low at a maximum rate of 1/(2t
strobe can switch every cycle at a frequency of 1/t
switch at 1/(2t
Example: Estimate P
), but selects can switch on each cycle.
with the following assumptions:
• A system with one bank of external data memory RAM
• Four 128K × 8 RAM chips are used, each with a load of
10 pF
• External data memory writes occur every other cycle, a rate
of 1/(4t
), with 50% of the pins switching
• The instruction cycle rate is 40 MHz (t
The P
equation is calculated for each class of pins that can
A typical power consumption can now be calculated for these
conditions by adding a typical internal power dissipation:
= P
+ (I
× 5.0 V)
Note that the conditions causing a worst-case P
from those causing a worst-case P
. Maximum P
occur while 100% of the output pins are switching from all ones
to all zeros. Note also that it is not common for an application to
). The write
= 25 ns)
have 100% or even 50% of the outputs switching
Table 5. External Power Calculations (5 V Devices)
Applies to three-statable pins with internal pull-ups: DT0, DT1, TCLK0, TCLK1, RCLK0, RCLK1.
Applies to CPA pin.
Applies to ACK pin when pulled up. (Note that ACK is pulled up internally with 2 kΩ during reset in a multiprocessor system, when ID2–0 = 001 and another ADSP-2106xL
is not requesting bus mastership).
Applies to three-statable pins with internal pull-downs: LxDAT3–0, LxCLK, LxACK.
Applies to ACK pin when keeper latch enabled.
Applies to all signal pins.
Guaranteed but not tested.
Supply Voltage3.153.453.153.453.153.45V
Case Operating Temperature–40+85–40+100–40+85°C
High Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Max2.0VDD + 0.52.0VDD + 0.52.0VDD + 0.5V
High Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Max2.2VDD + 0.52.2VDD + 0.52.2VDD + 0.5V
Low Level Input Voltage @ VDD = Min–0.5+0.8–0.5+0.8–0.5+0.8V
. (Note that ACK is pulled up internally with 2 kΩ during reset in a multiprocessor system, when ID2–0 = 001 and another ADSP-2106x is not requesting bus
These specifications apply to the internal power portion of VDD
only. For a complete discussion of the code used to measure
power dissipation, see the technical note “SHARC Power Dissipation Measurements.”
Specifications are based on the operating scenarios.
OperationPeak Activity (I
)High Activity (I
)Low Activity (I
Instruction TypeMultifunctionMultifunctionSingle Function
Instruction FetchCacheInternal MemoryInternal Memory
Core memory Access2 Per Cycle (DM and PM)1 Per Cycle (DM)None
Internal Memory DMA1 Per Cycle1 Per 2 Cycles1 Per 2 Cycles
To estimate power consumption for a specific application, use
the following equation where % is the amount of time your program spends in that state:
= Power Consumption
+ %LOW I
ParameterTest ConditionsMaxUnits
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
= 25 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
= 25 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 30 ns, VDD = Max
tCK = 25 ns, VDD = Max
VDD = Max180mA
represents worst case processor operation and is not sustainable under normal application conditions. Actual internal power
is a composite average based on a range of low activity code.
The test program used to measure I
Idle denotes ADSP-2106xL state during execution of IDLE instruction.
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Internal)
Supply Current (Idle)
measurements made using typical applications are less than specified.
is a composite average based on a range of high activity code. I
Total power dissipation has two components, one due to internal circuitry and one due to the switching of external output
drivers. Internal power dissipation is dependent on the instruction execution sequence and the data operands involved.
Internal power dissipation is calculated in the following way:
= I
The external component of total power dissipation is caused by
the switching of output pins. Its magnitude depends on:
• the number of output pins that switch during each cycle
• the maximum frequency at which they can switch (f)
• their load capacitance (C)
• their voltage swing (V
and is calculated by:
The load capacitance should include the processor’s package
capacitance (CIN). The switching frequency includes driving
the load high and then back low. Address and data pins can
= O × C × V
drive high and low at a maximum rate of 1/(2t
strobe can switch every cycle at a frequency of 1/t
switch at 1/(2t
Example: Estimate P
), but selects can switch on each cycle.
with the following assumptions:
• A system with one bank of external data memory RAM
• Four 128K × 8 RAM chips are used, each with a load of
10 pF
• External data memory writes occur every other cycle, a rate
of 1/(4t
), with 50% of the pins switching
• The instruction cycle rate is 40 MHz (t
The P
equation is calculated for each class of pins that can
A typical power consumption can now be calculated for these
conditions by adding a typical internal power dissipation:
= P
+ (I
× 5.0 V)
Note that the conditions causing a worst-case P
from those causing a worst-case P
. Maximum P
occur while 100% of the output pins are switching from all ones
to all zeros. Note also that it is not common for an application to
). The write
= 25 ns)
are different
have 100% or even 50% of the outputs switching
Table 6. External Power Calculations (3.3 V Devices)
1–× 44.7 pF× 20 MHz× 10.9 V= 0.010 W
Data3250× 14.7 pF× 10 MHz× 10.9 V= 0.026 W
ADDRCLK1–× 4.7 pF× 20 MHz× 10.9 V= 0.001 W
. Select pins
= 0.074 W
Stresses greater than those listed Table 7 may cause permanent
damage to the device. These are stress ratings only; functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions greater
Table 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (V
)–0.3 V to +7.0 V–0.3 V to +4.6 V
Input Voltage–0.5 V to V
Output Voltage Swing –0.5 V to V
Load Capacitance200 pF200 pF
Storage Temperature Range–65°C to +150°C–65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (5 seconds)280°C280°C
Junction Temperature Under Bias130°C130°C
Rev. G | Page 20 of 64 | August 2010
than those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
5 V3.3 V
+ 0.5 V–0.5 V to VDD +0.5 V
+ 0.5 V–0.5 V to VDD + 0.5 V
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