NetLinx Studio
v2.4 or higher
instruction manual
Software License and Warranty Agreement
AMX grants to Licensee the non-exclusive right to use the AMX Software in the manner described in this License. The AMX Software is licensed, not sold. The AMX Software consists of generally available programming and development software, product documenta­tion, sample applications, tools and utilities, and miscellaneous technical information. Please refer to the README.TXT file on the compact disc or download for further information regarding the components of the AMX Software. The AMX Software is subject to restrictions on distribution described in this License Agreement. YOU MAY NOT LICENSE, RENT, OR LEASE THE AMX SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the AMX Software.
The AMX Software is owned by AMX and is protected by United States copyright laws, patent laws, international treaty provisions, and/or state of Texas trade secret laws. Licensee may make copies of the AMX Software solely for backup or archival purposes. Lic­ensee may not copy the written materials accompanying the AMX Software.
In the event that AMX terminates this License, then Licensee shall return all copies of the AMX Software to AMX and certify in writing that all copies have been destroyed.
Portions of the AMX Software may, from time to time, as identified in the AMX Software, include PRE-RELEASE CODE and such code may not be at the level of performance, compatibility and functionality of the final code. The PRE-RELEASE CODE may not operate correctly and may be substantially modified prior to final release or certain features may not be generally released. AMX is not obligated to make or support any PRE-RELEASE CODE. ALL PRE-RELEASE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WAR­RANTIES.
AMX warrants that the AMX Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. AMX DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUD­ING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE AMX SOFTWARE. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. Any supplements or updates to the AMX SOFTWARE, including without limitation, any (if any) service packs or hot fixes provided to you after the expi­ration of the ninety (90) day Limited Warranty period are not covered by any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory.
AMX's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be repair or replacement of the AMX Software that does not meet AMX's Lim­ited Warranty and which is returned to AMX. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the AMX Software has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement AMX Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. Outside the United States, these remedies may not available.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The AMX Software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or dis­closure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Com­puter Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
This Agreement replaces and supercedes all previous AMX Software License Agreements and is governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and all disputes will be resolved in the courts in Collin County, Texas, USA. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact AMX for any reason, please write: AMX Corporation,
3000 Research Drive, Richardson, TX 75082.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher) ...............................................................................1
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 1
Supported Operating Systems and Minimum PC Requirements ...................................... 2
Supported operating systems: ................................................................................................. 2
PC Requirements:.................................................................................................................... 2
Other PC requirements: ........................................................................................................... 2
Supported File Types ........................................................................................................ 2
What's New Dialog ............................................................................................................ 3
WebUpdate ....................................................................................................................... 3
Software History2 Application ........................................................................................... 3
DIP Switch 2.0................................................................................................................... 3
The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area ........................................................................5
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 5
Title Bar ............................................................................................................................. 5
Toolbars ............................................................................................................................ 5
Menu Bar........................................................................................................................... 6
Status Bar.......................................................................................................................... 6
Workspace Window........................................................................................................... 8
Workspace Window - Workspace Tab ..................................................................................... 8
Workspace Folder .................................................................................................................... 9
Project Folders ......................................................................................................................... 9
System Folders ........................................................................................................................ 9
System File Folders ............................................................................................................... 10
System Files........................................................................................................................... 10
File Mapping Information........................................................................................................ 10
Other key functions and features of the Workspace tab include:........................................... 10
Workspace File Context Menu ............................................................................................... 11
Workspace Window - Online Tree Tab .................................................................................. 12
Output Display Window ................................................................................................... 12
Output Display Window Context Menu .................................................................................. 13
File Transfer Tab Context Menu ............................................................................................ 14
Output Display Window - Notifications Tab............................................................................ 14
Output Display Window - Diagnostics Tab............................................................................. 14
Source Code Editor Windows ......................................................................................... 15
Source Code Editor Window - Features................................................................................. 15
Terminal Window............................................................................................................. 17
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Using The Terminal Window .................................................................................................. 17
Terminal Window Context Menu ............................................................................................ 18
Watch Window ................................................................................................................ 18
Watch Window Context Menu ................................................................................................ 19
Using NetLinx Studio .............................................................................................21
The Netlinx Studio Workspace Wizard............................................................................ 21
Using the Workspace Wizard................................................................................................. 21
Building the Workspace ......................................................................................................... 23
The Netlinx Studio Code Wizard ..................................................................................... 23
Working With Workspace Files .............................................................................25
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 25
Opening Workspace Files ...................................................................................................... 26
Creating New (empty) Workspace Files................................................................................. 26
Import an Existing Project ...................................................................................................... 26
Copying and Pasting Projects ................................................................................................ 27
Deleting A Project From The Workspace............................................................................... 27
Importing Projects Into A Workspace..................................................................................... 27
Saving The Workspace .......................................................................................................... 28
Exporting Workspace Files For Distribution ........................................................................... 28
Importing Exported ("To Go") Workspace Files ..................................................................... 29
Viewing and Editing Workspace Properties ........................................................................... 30
Workspace File Context Menu ............................................................................................... 30
Working With Projects ...........................................................................................33
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 33
Opening Projects in NetLinx Studio v2.0 (or higher)....................................................... 33
Creating A New Project................................................................................................... 33
Building the Selected Project .......................................................................................... 34
Viewing And Editing Project Properties........................................................................... 34
Converting NetLinx Studio v1.2 Project Files.................................................................. 35
Project Folder Context Menu ................................................................................................. 36
Working With Systems and System Files ............................................................37
Working With Systems .................................................................................................... 37
Creating A New System .................................................................................................. 38
Adding An Existing System To a Project......................................................................... 39
Importing Systems Into A Project ........................................................................................... 39
Copying And Pasting Systems............................................................................................... 39
Deleting A System From A Project.................................................................................. 39
System Status: Active Vs. Inactive.................................................................................. 40
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Designating The Active System ............................................................................................. 40
Configuring System-Level Communications Settings ..................................................... 40
Adding A File To A System ............................................................................................. 41
Drag And Drop Files Into A System ....................................................................................... 42
Removing A File From A System .................................................................................... 42
Building (Compiling Systems) ......................................................................................... 43
Building The Selected System ............................................................................................... 43
Building The Active System ................................................................................................... 43
Viewing And Editing System Properties .......................................................................... 44
System Folder Context Menu................................................................................................. 44
System Files.................................................................................................................... 45
Creating New System Files ............................................................................................. 46
File Types And Extensions..................................................................................................... 46
Identifiers vs. Disk Filenames.......................................................................................... 47
Viewing And Editing System File Properties ................................................................... 47
Device Mapping............................................................................................................... 48
Device Mapping Dialog .......................................................................................................... 48
DEVICE:PORT:SYSTEM (D:P:S) .......................................................................................... 49
To Remove Device Mapping Information from a File ............................................................. 50
System File Device Map Context Menu ................................................................................. 50
Working With System Source Code Files ....................................................................... 50
Adding A New Source Code File To A System ...................................................................... 51
Adding An Existing Source Code File To A System............................................................... 51
Removing A File From A System ........................................................................................... 52
Creating A Source Code File ................................................................................................. 52
Saving The Active File ........................................................................................................... 53
Saving All Open Files............................................................................................................. 53
File Revisions......................................................................................................................... 53
Designating The System's Master Source Code File............................................................. 54
Compiling Source Code Files................................................................................................. 54
UTF-8 Encoding ..................................................................................................................... 55
SRC File Extraction................................................................................................................ 55
ZIP File Extraction.................................................................................................................. 56
Source File Folder Context Menu .......................................................................................... 56
Source Code File Context Menu ............................................................................................ 57
Working With Include Files.............................................................................................. 57
NetLinx .AXI File .................................................................................................................... 57
Creating An Include File......................................................................................................... 57
Adding A New Include File To A System ............................................................................... 58
Adding An Existing Include File To A System ........................................................................ 58
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Include File Folder Context Menu .......................................................................................... 58
Include File Context Menu ..................................................................................................... 59
Working With Module Files ............................................................................................. 59
Duet (JAR) Module Files ........................................................................................................ 59
Minimum Support Requirements For Modules....................................................................... 60
Minimum support requirements for Duet modules (*.JAR):.................................................... 60
Adding A New Module File To A System ............................................................................... 60
Adding An Existing Module File To A System........................................................................ 60
Source Code Entry................................................................................................................. 61
Compiling Module Files.......................................................................................................... 62
Module File Folder Context Menu .......................................................................................... 62
Module File Context Menu ..................................................................................................... 62
Working With User Interface Files................................................................................... 63
Adding An Existing User Interface File To A System ............................................................. 63
Configuring NetLinx Source Code for KPD Files ................................................................... 64
Sample Netlinx Code ............................................................................................................. 65
User Interface File Folder Context Menu ............................................................................... 66
User Interface File Context Menu .......................................................................................... 66
Working With IR Files...................................................................................................... 66
Adding An Existing Ir File To A System ................................................................................. 66
IREDIT ................................................................................................................................... 67
Working With IREdit Database (*.IRN) Files.......................................................................... 67
Adding An IR File From the AMX IR Database ...................................................................... 67
Adding An IR File From an IREDIT User Database (*IRN) File ............................................. 68
IR File Folder Context Menu .................................................................................................. 69
IR File Context Menu ............................................................................................................. 69
Working With "Other" Files.............................................................................................. 70
Creating a Text File................................................................................................................ 70
Adding an Existing "Other" File To a System......................................................................... 70
Other File Folder Context Menu ............................................................................................. 71
Other File Context Menu ........................................................................................................ 71
Search Operations .......................................................................................................... 71
Using The Edit And Search Functions ................................................................................... 71
Searching Within the Active Source Code File ...................................................................... 71
Search And Replace Within The Active Source Code File .................................................... 72
Searching Across Multiple Files ............................................................................................. 73
Searching For Ir Library (IRL/IRV) Files................................................................................. 73
Printing Files ................................................................................................................... 74
Print Preview Window ............................................................................................................ 74
Print Dialog............................................................................................................................. 75
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Programming ..........................................................................................................77
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 77
Source Code Editor Context Menu ........................................................................................ 77
Using The Code Wizard .................................................................................................. 78
Creating Events With the Code Wizard.................................................................................. 79
Creating Send_Commands With the Code Wizard................................................................ 79
Generating Constants From an IR File With the Code Wizard .............................................. 79
Code Wizard - Advanced Users ............................................................................................. 80
Code Wizard Dialog - Button Tab .......................................................................................... 80
Code Wizard Dialog - Channel Tab ....................................................................................... 81
Code Wizard Dialog - Level Tab ............................................................................................ 82
Code Wizard Dialog - Data Tab ............................................................................................. 83
Code Wizard Dialog - Send Command Tab........................................................................... 84
Code Wizard Dialog - IR Constant Tab.................................................................................. 84
Syntax Highlighting ................................................................................................................ 85
Default Syntax Highlighting Colors......................................................................................... 85
AutoComplete and AutoSuggest ............................................................................................ 86
Call Tips ................................................................................................................................. 87
Code Folding.......................................................................................................................... 88
Unicode Characters ............................................................................................................... 89
UTF-8 Encoding ..................................................................................................................... 89
Insert Section ......................................................................................................................... 89
Goto Section .......................................................................................................................... 90
Goto Line................................................................................................................................ 90
Goto Function Or Subroutine ................................................................................................. 90
Block Comment - Uncomment ............................................................................................... 90
Case Inversion ....................................................................................................................... 91
Clipboard Text Buffer ............................................................................................................. 91
Using The Clipboard Text Buffer ............................................................................................ 91
Find Matching Brace .............................................................................................................. 92
Sequentially Renumber Selection .......................................................................................... 92
Show Whitespace .................................................................................................................. 92
Show End Of Line .................................................................................................................. 92
Rescan Current Source File................................................................................................... 92
Advanced Editor Commands ................................................................................................. 92
Supported Regular Expression Special Characters............................................................... 93
Cut, Copy And Paste.............................................................................................................. 93
Undo/redo .............................................................................................................................. 94
Working With Bookmarks ................................................................................................ 94
Debugging ....................................................................................................................... 94
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Debugging Source Code Files ............................................................................................... 94
To enter debug mode:............................................................................................................ 95
Using Single-step Mode ......................................................................................................... 95
Master Controller Debug Options........................................................................................... 96
Changing The Value Of A Watched Variable......................................................................... 96
Debug Mode Error Messages ................................................................................................ 96
Breakpoints ..................................................................................................................... 97
Using Breakpoints (NetLinx Only).......................................................................................... 97
Setting A Breakpoint .............................................................................................................. 97
Clearing Breakpoints.............................................................................................................. 98
Editing Breakpoints ................................................................................................................ 98
PUSH Messages............................................................................................................. 98
Insert Push Message Dialog .................................................................................................. 98
Find Push Message Dialog .................................................................................................... 99
Working With Unicode..................................................................................................... 99
Configuring NSX For Unicode Support .................................................................................. 99
Enabling UTF-8 ...................................................................................................................... 99
Enabling Unicode Compiling .................................................................................................. 99
Including the Unicode Library................................................................................................. 99
Defining a Unicode String Literal.......................................................................................... 100
Storing a Unicode String ...................................................................................................... 100
Working With Widechar Arrays and Unicode Strings........................................................... 100
Unicode - Character Case Mappings ................................................................................... 101
Unicode - Concatenating String ........................................................................................... 101
Unicode - Converting Between WIDECHAR and CHAR...................................................... 101
Unicode - Using FORMAT ................................................................................................... 101
Unicode - Reading and Writing To Files .............................................................................. 102
Unicode - Send Strings To A User Interface ........................................................................ 102
Right-to-Left Unicode Strings ............................................................................................... 103
Unicode - Compiler Errors.................................................................................................... 103
Using the Terminal Window .......................................................................................... 104
ASCII / HEX / DECIMAL CONVERSIONS TABLE ....................................................... 105
Compile Operations ............................................................................................. 107
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 107
Building the Workspace ................................................................................................ 107
Building the Selected Project ........................................................................................ 107
Building the Selected System ....................................................................................... 108
Building the Active System............................................................................................ 108
Designating the System's Master Source Code File ............................................................ 108
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Compiling an Individual File .......................................................................................... 109
Compiler Errors and Warnings ...................................................................................... 110
Compiler Errors ............................................................................................................. 110
Compiler Warnings........................................................................................................ 113
Compiler Error Warnings Report Dialog............................................................................... 114
Disabling Compiler Warnings In Netlinx Code ..................................................................... 114
Run-Time Errors............................................................................................................ 114
Working With Online Devices ..............................................................................115
NetLinx Network Setup.................................................................................................. 115
Network Setup...................................................................................................................... 115
Working With the Online Device Tree ........................................................................... 116
Device Tree Elements.......................................................................................................... 117
Device States ....................................................................................................................... 118
Device Tree Context Menu .................................................................................................. 119
Checking Port Status ........................................................................................................... 119
Binding/Unbinding Devices .................................................................................................. 120
NetLinx Diagnostics - NetLinx Device Notification ........................................................ 121
Adding A Device To The Device Notification List................................................................. 121
Editing Device Notification Settings ..................................................................................... 122
Removing Devices From The Notifications List ................................................................... 123
NetLinx Diagnostics - NetLinx Internal Diagnostics Messages ..................................... 123
Debugging NetLinx Programs with Terminal or Telnet messages ....................................... 123
Buffering of the Notification and Diagnostic Tabs ................................................................ 127
NetLinx Diagnostics - NetLinx Device Emulation .......................................................... 127
NetLinx Diagnostics - NetLinx Device Control............................................................... 129
Viewing Push Results .......................................................................................................... 130
NetLinx Diagnostics - Netlinx Device Addressing ......................................................... 131
Changing The Device/System Address On A Netlinx Device .............................................. 131
Restoring The Default Device and System Numbers On A Netlinx Device ......................... 132
Using ID Mode To Change The Device Address On a NetLinx Device ............................... 132
NetLinx Diagnostics - URL Lists.................................................................................... 133
Creating a URL List.............................................................................................................. 133
NetLinx Diagnostics - Network Addressing ................................................................... 134
Changing the System Number On a Netlinx Master ............................................................ 134
Changing the IP Address On a NetLinx Device Using DHCP .............................................. 134
Setting the DNS Address For a Netlinx Master.................................................................... 134
Setting the IP Address For a NetLinx Master ....................................................................... 135
Changing the IP Address On a Netlinx Master (Use DHCP) ............................................... 135
Changing the IP Address On a Netlinx Master (Specify IP Address)................................... 136
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Setting NetLinx Time and Date ..................................................................................... 136
Rebooting the Master.................................................................................................... 137
Axcess/NetLinx Debugging ........................................................................................... 137
Debugging Source Code Files ............................................................................................. 137
Notes on Using Current Length (when the Total Length option is disabled):....................... 138
Master Controller Debug Options......................................................................................... 138
Changing The Value Of a Watched Variable ....................................................................... 139
Communications and File Transfers .................................................................. 141
Configuring Default Communications Settings.............................................................. 141
Configuring System-Level Communications Settings ................................................... 142
Configuring Terminal Communications Settings ........................................................... 143
Setting the Default Control Platform.............................................................................. 144
Changing The System Platform (Axcess / Netlinx) ....................................................... 144
Connecting To A Netlinx Master ................................................................................... 144
Configuring Virtual Netlinx Master Communication Settings (Netlinx Only) ......................... 144
Connecting To a Netlinx Master Via TCP/IP ........................................................................ 145
Connecting To a NetLinx Master Via Serial Port.................................................................. 146
Connecting To A NetLinx Master Via Modem ...................................................................... 146
Connecting To A Secured Netlinx Master ............................................................................ 147
If you don't connect: ............................................................................................................. 148
Connecting To an Axcess Master ................................................................................. 148
Connecting To An Axcess Master Via Serial Port................................................................ 148
Connecting To An Axcess Master Via Modem..................................................................... 148
File Transfer Operations ............................................................................................... 149
File Transfers Edit Sub-Menu .............................................................................................. 150
File Transfer Status Information ........................................................................................... 151
Canceling Transfers ............................................................................................................. 151
Transfer Errors And Definitions ............................................................................................ 151
Step 1: Adding Files To The Transfer Queue ............................................................... 152
Using The Quick Load Dialog .............................................................................................. 152
Adding Files To The Files To Send Queue .......................................................................... 153
Adding All Files Contained In An APW Or AXW File ........................................................... 153
Adding Files From A Specific Project/system ...................................................................... 153
Adding Individual System Files From The Open Workspace File ........................................ 154
Adding Orphan Files ............................................................................................................ 154
Adding Files To The Files To Receive Queue ..................................................................... 155
Step 2: Communication Settings................................................................................... 156
Listening For Netlinx Masters On The Subnet ..................................................................... 156
Configuring Communications Settings ................................................................................. 156
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Configuring TCP/IP Communication Settings (Netlinx Only) ............................................... 156
Configuring Serial Communication Settings......................................................................... 157
Configuring Modem Communication Settings...................................................................... 157
Configuring Virtual Netlinx Master Communication Settings (Netlinx Only) ......................... 158
Configuring the Panel For Virtual Netlinx Master TCP/IP Transfers .................................... 158
Step 3: Device Mapping ................................................................................................ 159
Setting Device-File Mapping Information ............................................................................. 159
Editing Device Mapping Information .................................................................................... 159
Step 4: Transferring the Files ........................................................................................ 159
Sending Files To System Devices ....................................................................................... 159
Receiving Files From System Devices................................................................................. 159
Receiving Files Directly From A System Device (Serial Connections Only) ........................ 160
Virtual NetLinx Master (Masterless) Transfers .............................................................. 160
Virtual Netlinx Master USB Transfers .................................................................................. 160
Configuring the Touch Panel for Virtual NetLinx Master USB Transfers ............................. 161
AMX USB Driver Information For USB Enabled G4 Panels................................................. 161
Configuring NetLinx Studio for Virtual NetLinx Master Transfers......................................... 162
Transferring Files Using A Virtual Netlinx Master Usb Connection ...................................... 162
Virtual NetLinx Master TCP/IP Transfers ............................................................................. 163
Configuring The Touch Panel For Virtual Netlinx Master Tcp/ip Transfers .......................... 163
Configuring Netlinx Studio For Virtual Netlinx Master Tcp/ip Transfers ............................... 164
Transferring Files Using A Virtual Netlinx Master Tcp/ip Connection .................................. 164
Firmware Transfers ....................................................................................................... 165
Sending Firmware To a NetLinx Device (Kit File) ................................................................ 165
Sending Firmware To An Axcess Device (Tsk File)............................................................. 166
Netlinx Master Security ................................................................................................. 167
Enabling Security On Netlinx Masters.................................................................................. 167
Master Controller User Name and Password Dialog ........................................................... 168
Applying Security To Individual File Transfers ..................................................................... 168
Connecting To a Secured Netlinx Master ............................................................................ 169
If you don't connect: ............................................................................................................. 170
Tested Modems List ...................................................................................................... 170
Setting Program Preferences ..............................................................................171
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 171
Preferences Dialog - General Tab................................................................................. 171
Preferences Dialog - Axcess Compiler Tab .................................................................. 171
Preferences Dialog - Netlinx Compiler Tab ................................................................... 173
Preferences Dialog - Editor Tab .................................................................................... 174
Importing/Exporting Editor Preferences ............................................................................... 177
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Table of Contents
Preferences Dialog - Commands Tab........................................................................... 177
Adding/Removing Commands From The Toolbars.............................................................. 177
Creating Custom Toolbars ................................................................................................... 178
Preferences Dialog - Toolbars Tab ............................................................................... 178
Preferences Dialog - Tools Tab .................................................................................... 178
Adding/Removing Application Shortcuts In The Tools Menu ............................................... 179
Preferences Dialog - Keyboard Tab.............................................................................. 179
Creating Custom Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................... 180
Preferences Dialog - Menu Tab .................................................................................... 180
Customizing The Menus ...................................................................................................... 181
Preferences Dialog - Diagnostics Tab........................................................................... 182
Preferences Dialog - Terminal Tab ............................................................................... 183
Preferences Dialog - File Transfer Tab......................................................................... 183
Preferences Dialog - Workspace Tab ........................................................................... 184
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................185
NetLinx Debugger Not Stopping On A Breakpoint........................................................ 185
Symptoms ............................................................................................................................ 185
Cause................................................................................................................................... 185
Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 185
NetLinx Master Error - Device_ID Error ........................................................................ 186
Debug Option Disabled For Axcess Code File.............................................................. 186
Symptom .............................................................................................................................. 186
Cause................................................................................................................................... 186
Resolution ............................................................................................................................ 186
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)

NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)


NetLinx Studio v2 is a 32-bit Windows® application that allows you to program and maintain entire control systems. NetLinx Studio fully supports both NetLinx and Axcess system programming.
Beyond creating, editing and compiling source code in two programming languages (Axcess and NetLinx), NetLinx Studio makes it easy to manage all of the files associated with an entire control system (i.e. Master Source Code/Source Code (.AXS), Include (*.AXI) files, Module (.AXS or .JAR) files, IR (*.IRL/*.IRV) files, User Interface (.TPD, .TP4, .KPD), and Other (any file type) files) into one centralized location, as a System. To maintain multiple systems, one or more Systems can be organized within a larger Project. A Project can contain as many Systems as are required for a job. The Workspace Window organizes and displays all of these Project and System files in a logical hierarchical tree structure.
To review a list of features that are new to this release, read the What's New document
(opens by default on startup, or select Help > What's New to open).
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
The on-line help program is designed to offer key information to help to learn about and
use the NetLinx Studio program. Use the Table Of Contents on the left side of the help window to navigate to a particular help topic, or press the F1 key while any dialog is open to open the help topic associated with the active dialog.
The Help menu also contains shortcuts to the Axcess and NetLinx Keywords help files.
Each is a comprehensive listing of the commands included in each programming language.
Additionally, you can view a brief description of each Axcess and/or NetLinx
programming command by highlighting any reserved keyword in an open code file and pressing the F1 key. For example, highlight the reserved identifier "DO_PUSH" in a source code editor window and hit F1. A help topic describing the DO_PUSH keyword opens automatically.
Use the Index and Search tabs to perform more detailed searches.
Use the Browse Sequences to quickly browse related topics.
Click the AMX.COM toolbar button to access the home page.
Click the NetLinx Studio Online Help toolbar button to access an online version of this
help file. The online version of the help will always contain the most recent information, including any possible updates.
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)

Supported Operating Systems and Minimum PC Requirements

Supported operating systems:

Windows XP® Professional (service pack 1 or greater)
Windows 2000® (service pack 3 or greater)
You must have Administrator rights to install and run all required System files.

PC Requirements:

Pentium 233 MHZ processor (minimum requirement); 300 MHZ or faster recommended.
75 MB of free disk space (minimum requirement); 150 MB recommended.
128 MB of installed memory (RAM).
Minimum (VGA) screen resolution of 800x600.

Other PC requirements:

Windows-compatible CD-ROM drive.
Windows-compatible mouse (or other pointing device).
If the mouse wheel on your Microsoft® IntelliMouse® doesn't' work with NetLinx Studio, try downloading the latest IntelliMouse drivers from Microsoft.

Supported File Types

NetLinx Studio supports the following file types for editing with the Source Code Editor:
Type Extension
Text files *.TXT
Source files *.AXS
Include files *.AXI
Block files *.AXB
Lib Files *.LIB
NetLinx Studio v1.2 Project files
The following file types are supported, but are edited using external AMX applications, as described below:
Type Associated AMX Application Extension
TPD file TPDesign3 *.TPD
TP4 files TPDesign4 *.TP4
KPD files KPDesign *.KPD
IR files IREdit *.IRL, *.IRV
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
NetLinx Studio will attempt to open all other file types (*.*) using the application already associated with that file type in Windows.

What's New Dialog

The "What's New" dialog is displayed when NetLinx Studio is launched. This dialog provides a (read-only) text file describing the features that are new to this release.
To prevent this dialog from being displayed every time the program is launched, select
the Don't Show Me Again option at the bottom of the dialog.
This dialog can always be accessed via the Help > What's New option.


The AMX WebUpdate program is a stand-alone application that communicates with the AMX website, allows a user to select from a list of available AMX Software programs to choose for updating, determines the latest version of the selected applications, returns a listing of available updates, allows a user to download the selected installation files, and upon request, launches the installation of those downloads.
The WebUpdate application is not installed by NetLinx Studio, and must be installed separately. If not found, NetLinx Studio will prompt you to download the application from
Select Help > Web Update to launch this application.
Refer to the WebUpdate on-line help for details and instructions.

Software History2 Application

The AMX Software History2 application provides the ability to display detailed information on AMX hardware and software.
Click Tools > Software History to launch the application.
Refer to the AMX Software History 2 Application on-line help file for details and

DIP Switch 2.0

DIP Switch 2.0 is an AMX application that graphically displays the dip switch settings necessary to address Axcess, NetLinx and TXC+ devices and configure communications settings.
Click Tools > DIP Switch to launch the application.
Refer to the DIP Switch 2.0 on-line help file for details and instructions.
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)

The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area

The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area


The NetLinx Studio work area contains the elements of the NetLinx Studio user interface.
Before jumping into a project, take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the main user interface elements.
FIG. 1 The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area

Title Bar

Displays the name of the application, and the name of the currently active file.
An asterisk (*) after the file name indicates that it contains unsaved changes.


There are eight toolbars in NetLinx Studio.
Hover the mouse cursor over any toolbar button (for about one second) to display a"
Choose View > Toolbars to open the Toolbars sub-menu to view or hide the toolbars:
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
tooltip" describing the button.
The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Build toolbar
Debug Watch toolbar
Diagnostics toolbar
Edit toolbar
Project toolbar
Standard toolbar
Terminal toolbar
Window Mgmt toolbar
FIG. 2 Toolbars
See Also...
The Adding/Removing Commands From The Toolbars section on page 177.
The Creating Custom Toolbars section on page 178.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is located along the top of the application window, between the title bar and the toolbars. Click on any of the main menu items to open the associated drop-down menu.
If you are running NetLinx Studio in Windows 2000, NT or XP, you may have to press the ALT key to view the menu item hotkeys.
See Also...
The Customizing The Menus section on page 181

Status Bar

Click View > Status Bar (or click the toolbar button) to toggle (hide/show) the Status Bar. The Status Bar displays general information, including communication status, a brief description of any option in the program, cursor location, last Push received, COM port currently being used, network IP address (NetLinx systems only) and current PC keyboard settings.
FIG. 3 Status Bar
The elements of the Status Bar are described below, from left to right:
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Program Status/Quick descriptions of program options - The far-left side of the status bar
displays quick descriptions of program options anytime you position the mouse cursor over a toolbar button or menu item. This field also displays the total number of replaced instances resulting from a search & replace operation.
Notifications Messages Status - Displays the status of NetLinx notification messages
Diagnostics Messages Status - Displays the status of asynchronous notification messages
Last Push Message and History - Displays the most recently received Push (if Push is
enabled via the Diagnostics > Enable Push Message Status Bar Display command), or Push status (Push Enabled/Disabled). Left-mouse click on the push message displayed to view a history of push messages. Then, right-mouse click within the list box to view the available options.
Master Controller Connection Information - Displays the name and status of the active
communications port. If a TCP/IP connection exists, the current IP address is displayed. If Virtual NetLinx Master is selected, then the Virtual NetLinx Master is displayed with its System number.
Master Security Status - Indicates the current security status for the Master (locked =
Authentication Enabled, unlocked = Authentication disabled).
Cursor Location - Displays the cursor's location in the active Source Code Editor window
(line and column numbers).
Keyboard Settings - When a file is open (in a Source Code Editor window), the three
boxes on the far-right side of the status bar indicate the status of the following keyboard settings:
OVR: Overwrite/Insert (OVR indicates that the keyboard is currently in overwrite
mode - new characters will replace or overwrite existing characters in the Source Code Editor).
CAP: Caps Lock (CAPS indicates that the keyboard is currently in Caps Lock mode
- all letters typed will appear in upper case.
NUM: Number Lock (NUM indicates that the 10-key number/arrow keypad is set to
type numbers - arrow functions are disabled).
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area

Workspace Window

Use the Workspace Window (FIG. 4) to manage Project files, System files and online devices. The Workspace Window contains two tabs (Workspace and Online Tree), which display all open Workspace files (containing Projects and their associated System files), and all devices currently on-line, in a tree structure.
FIG. 4 Workspace Window (by default, displays the Workspace tab)
Click View > Workspace (or click the toolbar button) to toggle (show/hide) the
Workspace window.
Right-click inside the menu bar or menu area to display the View Control Context Menu,
where you can select to hide or display the NetLinx Studio toolbars.

Workspace Window - Workspace Tab

The Workspace tab contains a tree structure of all the available Projects (and Systems) contained within a Workspace file. You may create multiple Projects within a Workspace. Within a Project, you can create multiple Systems.
The Workspace view can be expanded to show all of the various elements within each opened Project file, as shown below.
The first level within the open Workspace is the Project folder level.
The next level is the System(s) contained within the Project, each represented by a
System folder.
The third level contains the System File folders (Source, Include, Module, User Interface,
IR and Other).
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
The 'Module' folder only appears if NetLinx is designated as the system platform (via the Communication Settings dialog).
The fourth level contains all of the actual files that make up the System (.AXS, .AXI,
.TPD, .TKO, .TP4 .IRL/.IRV, and *.*).
The fifth and final level indicates the file mapping information for each file, as applicable.
FIG. 5 Workspace Window - Workspace Tab
Click on the "+" folder flags to expand the folders to expose any subfolders; click the "-" folder flags to collapse the folders.
The hierarchical file structure of the Workspace tab is described below:

Workspace Folder

You can have one Workspace open at a time. A Workspace contains at least one Project,
and each Project contains at least one System.
Right-mouse click anywhere within the workspace tab to open the Workspace context

Project Folders

Right-mouse click on any Project folder to open the Project Folder context menu.
Expand any Project folder to display the System folder(s) contained in that Project.

System Folders

Each System has it's own platform (Axcess or NetLinx) setting along with the
communication information (i.e. IP address or COM port setting with the appropriate baud rate, etc.).
Right-mouse click on any System folder to open the System Folder context menu.
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Expand any System folder to display the six System File folders contained in that System
(Source, Include, Module, User Interface, IR and Other).

System File Folders

Expand any System File folder to display the System File(s) contained in that folder.
Right-click on any System File folder to open the System File Folder context menu
associated with that folder type.

System Files

Right-mouse click on any System File to open the System File context menu associated
with that file type.
Double-click any code file (Master Source Code, Source Code, Module or Include) to
open that file for viewing and/or editing in a Source Code Editor window.
Double-click any TPD file to open the TPDesign3 program (if it is installed).
Double-click any TP4 file to open the TPDesign4 program (if it is installed).
Double-click any KPD file to open the KPDesign program (if it is installed).
Double-click any IR file to open the IREdit program (if it is installed).
When you add a file to a System (Project > Add File To System), the file is automatically
placed (as a link) in the appropriate System File folder, based on it's file type.
You cannot have the same file referenced more than once within a system (i.e. cannot add
the same file name to the Source folder and the Other folder within the same System).

File Mapping Information

Any file that has device-file mapping information associated with it is represented in the
Workspace tab with a "+" flag.
Click on the "+" symbol to expand the view to indicate the File Mapping Information.

Other key functions and features of the Workspace tab include:

You can drag and drop files from Explorer into the appropriate sub-folders within a
All files are linked files associated with a system, not copies of files from one location to
For the TPD/4, IR files and other source code files, you have the ability to map multiple
devices to the selected file.
The Master Source Code file will always be mapped automatically to device address
0:1:0 for NetLinx masters or 0 for Axcess masters.
You have the ability to copy a selected System folder to paste into another or the same
Project folder.
You have the ability to designate a single source code file as the Master Source Code file.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Right-click on any open area inside the Workspace tab to open the Workspace Window
Context Menu.

Workspace File Context Menu

Right-click on the Workspace file (in the Workspace tab of the Workspace Window) to open the Workspace File context menu. This context menu contains various Workspace file-level commands and options, including:
New Workspace Closes the currently open Workspace file, and starts a new (empty)
Workspace Wizard Launches the Workspace Wizard, which steps you through the pro-
Open Workspace Opens the Open Workspace dialog, where you can locate and select
Close Workspace Closes the Workspace file. The program prompts you to close the files
Save Workspace Saves the Workspace file, under its current name and location.
Save Workspace As Opens the Save Workspace As dialog, where you can specify a new
Build Workspace Builds (compiles) the Workspace (including all contained Projects).
Export Workspace Files To G o
Import From Exported Workspace File
New Project Opens the New Project Properties dialog, which allows you to assign
Import a Project Opens the Open Workspace dialog, where you can locate and select
Paste Project You can copy and paste Projects by selecting Copy Project from the
Collapse Tree Collapses the Project/System/File tree to show only the Workspace
Expand To System Level Expands the Project/System/File tree to show the Workspace,
Docking view Changes the Workspace Window to a dockable window that can be
Hide Hides the Workspace Window.
Quick Load Workspace This option allows you to access the File Transfer dialog, already con-
Workspace Properties Opens the Workspace Properties dialog, where you can view the
workspace (no Project/System associated until you add them manu­ally).
cess of creating a new Workspace with a Project/System.
an existing Workspace (.APW) file. You can have only one Workspace open at any time, so in the event that you have a Workspace open, it will be replaced by the one you open.
associated with the Workspace before closing them.
name and/or location for the saved Workspace file.
The progress and results of the build can be viewed in the Status tab of the Output Display window.
Opens the Export Workspace File To Go dialog, where you can export the Workspace for distribution as an AXW file. AXW files preserve all relative file path information for the Projects, Systems and System files contained in the Workspace making them ideal for distribution to remote sites.
Opens the Select AXW File dialog, where you can select a previously exported "To Go" (AXW) file to import into the program.
an Identifier and general properties for a new Project. Once created, the new project is added to the Workspace.
a Workspace (.APW) file. This invokes the Import Components From a Workspace dialog. Use the dialog to select a specific Project con­tained in the Workspace.
Project Folder context menu, and selecting the Paste Project com­mand.
and its Project(s).
Project(s) and System(s).
resized and moved to anywhere within the NetLinx Studio work area.
figured to send all files in the Workspace (active Project/System only) to the Master associated with the active System.
basic properties of the open Workspace. The options in this dialog also allow you to edit the Workspace Identifier and Description.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area

Workspace Window - Online Tree Tab

The Online Tree tab of the Workspace Window (FIG. 6) displays an Online Device tree for either the NetLinx or Axcess Master Controller. This tab displays a list of devices detected to be currently online by the Master Controller (and the firmware version for each). The Device Tree also provides port status information for each device.
FIG. 6 Workspace Window - Online Tree Tab
Refer to the Working With the Online Device Tree section on page 116 for more information.

Output Display Window

Select View > Output (or click the toolbar button) to toggle (show/hide) the Output Display window (FIG. 7).
FIG. 7 Output Display Window (by default opens to the Status tab)
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
There are 6 tabs contained in the dockable Output Display window:
Status Tab The Status tab displays build information pertaining to the last compila-
tion of source code files, as well as port status information.
Double click on a line containing an compiler error message to open the file in a Source Code Editor window, with the cursor positioned at the beginning of the line containing the indicated error.
Note: The version number of the compiler (NetLinx or Axcess) is dis­played in the Status tab, whenever source code is being compiled.
Find In Files tab The Find In Files tab displays the results of a Tools > Find In Files
Find IR Files tab The Find IR Files tab displays the results of a Tools > Find IRL/IRV
File Transfer Status tab The File Transfer Status tab of the Output Display Window displays the
Notifications tab The Notifications tab displays several types of auto-notification mes-
Diagnostics tab The Diagnostics tab displays internal system diagnostics messages
search operation.
Right-mouse click in the view to see the available options to save or copy the contents of this list.
search operation.
To add one or more of the listed IR files to a System in the open Work­space, select a file (or Ctrl + click to select multiple files), then drag and drop the file(s) into the System folder of the System that you want to add the file(s) to. This invokes the File Properties dialog, where you can change the Identifier, File Name and Description for each file that you are adding to the System.
Double click on a listed file to open it for viewing/editing in the IREdit utility program.
status on the list of files that are have been or are being transferred.
sages from one or more specified NetLinx devices.
See the NetLinx Diagnostics - NetLinx Device Notification section on page 121 for details.
sent by the NetLinx master controller
Right-click inside any of the Output Display window tabs to access the Output Display window context menu.

Output Display Window Context Menu

Right-click inside any of the Output Display window tabs (Status, Find In Files, Find IR Files, File Transfer Status, Notifications or Diagnostics) to open the Output Display window context menu.
As indicated, some of the options below are not relevant to all tabs.
The options in this menu include:
Enable/Disable Asynchronous Notifications (Notifications tab only)
Enable/Disable Diagnostics Messages (Diagnostics tab only)
Copy All Items Copies all items in the list to the clipboard.
Copy Selected Items Copies only the selected items in the list to the clipboard.
Stops or starts the asynchronous notifications messages that are sent by the NetLinx master controller without visiting the menu bar.
Stops or starts the internal system diagnostics messages that are sent by the NetLinx master controller without visiting the menu bar.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Save All Items Saves all items to a user-defined file. You will be prompted for
Save Selected Items Saves only the selected items to a user-defined file. You will
Compiler Error /Warning Report This option scans the contents of the Status tab, and then lists
Find (Notifications and Diagnostics tabs only)
Clear Clears all the items within the list.
a file name to save the contents of the tab.
be prompted for a file name to save the contents of the tab.
each compiler error and warning (one per line) in the Status tab. This option invokes the Compiler Error Warnings Report dialog, which allows you to specify wether you want to include compiler Errors, Warnings or both in the report. By default, Errors and Warnings are both selected.
Search for text within the tab, via the Find dialog. You may search up or down the tab based on the current cursor loca­tion within the tab. The search can be case sensitive. When the text is found in the tab, the program highlights the row and scrolls the row into view.

File Transfer Tab Context Menu

Right-click on any item listed in the File Transfer Status tab of the Output Display window to access the File Transfer Tab Context Menu:
Copy All Items Copies all items in the list to the clipboard.
Copy Selected Items Copies only the selected items in the list to the clipboard.
Save All Items Saves all items to a user-defined file. You will be prompted for a file
Save Selected Items Saves only the selected items to a user-defined file. You will be
Clear Clears all the items within the list.
Cancel Current Transfer Cancels the current transfer.
Cancel Selected Transfer Items
Cancel Remaining Transfer Items
Cancel All Transfer Items
name to save the contents of the tab.
prompted for a file name to save the contents of the tab.
WARNING: Canceling during a file transfer may leave the target device in an unstable state.
Cancels only transfer items that have been selected (highlighted).
Cancels all remaining transfers in the list, but allows the current trans­fer to complete.
Cancels all transfer items in the list, including the current one (if appli­cable).

Output Display Window - Notifications Tab

The Notification tab of the Output Display Window displays the asynchronous notification messages being received from the master controller. You can right-mouse click in the tab to see the available options to save or copy the contents of this list.

Output Display Window - Diagnostics Tab

The Diagnostics tab of the Output Display Window displays all internal system diagnostic messages that are generated by a NetLinx master controller. You can right-mouse click in the tab to see the available options to save or copy the contents of this list.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area

Source Code Editor Windows

Use Source Code Editor windows (FIG. 8) to display, view and edit Axcess and NetLinx source code files. You can have multiple files open at any time. Each code file is opened in a separate Source Code Editor window.
FIG. 8 Source Code Editor Window
Use the Source Code Editor windows to generate and edit Axcess and/or NetLinx code files.
NetLinx Studio features a Code Wizard that steps you through the process of generating several different types of code.
Do not attempt to open .LIB or .SYC files for editing in the Source Code Editor. Doing so could cause program failure.

Source Code Editor Window - Features

Source Code Editor window features include:
Unicode Characters Select Unicode Edit from the Edit menu, or the Source Code
Editor Context Menu (right-click inside the editor window to access) to open the Enter Text... dialog which allows you to insert unicode characters in your code, at the cursor position in the editor.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Code folding Fold levels can be used to simplify the view in the Source
Auto-suggest and Auto-complete functionality
Syntax Highlighting The text in the Editor windows is syntax highlighted for
Drag and drop Support Drag and drop any supported file type from Explorer into the
Floating Window Source Code Editor windows are moveable and resizeable.
Windows > New Window Use the New Window option in the Window menu to open
Source Code Editor context menu
Columnar Cut, Copy and Paste
Insert Section Use the Edit > Insert Section option to insert a (empty) sec-
Goto Section Use the Edit > Goto Section option to move the cursor to the
Undo and Redo The Edit > Undo and Redo commands allow unlimited Undo/
Make Selection Uppercase and Make Selection Lowercase
Sequentially Renumber Selection Use the Edit > Sequentially Renumber Selection command
Block Comment-Uncomment The Edit > Block Comment-Uncomment option allows you to
Code Editor windows by allowing you to "fold" each major section of the code (DEFINE_DEVICE, DEFINE_CONSTANT, DEFINE_TYPE, etc.) so that only the header row is visible. This way, you only see the section(s) that you are actually working in. In order to use fold levels, you must first enable the option in the Editor tab of the Pref­erences dialog (by default, this option is disabled).
As you type in a variable name, device name or a language reserved word, the program will suggest a name that has been previous defined within the source code (this option is toggled on and off in the Preference dialog - Editor Options tab). Press the Tab key to incorporate an Auto-Suggest.
increased readability with a default set of colors. Use the options in the Editor Options tab of the Preferences dialog to customize various aspects of the Source Code editor win­dows (i.e. syntax highlighting, auto-indent, show/hide line numbers and clipboard text buffer settings).
Note: Syntax highlighting assigns different colors to different types of data in your Source Code file. Use syntax highlight­ing to make your code easier to read and manage. For example, you could syntax highlight all comments to yellow, all identifiers to red and strings to blue to make them more easily identifiable in your code file.
Source Code Editor to open that file in a new Source Code Editor window.
Drag and drop selected text to another Editor window (at the cursor location), or to another location within the same Editor window.
Use the options in the Window menu to arrange (cascade or tile) multiple windows.
the same code file in multiple Editor windows. This feature allows you to view and edit different locations in a large code file.
Right-click anywhere within a Source Code Editor window to open the Source Code Editor context menu.
Hold down the Alt key and select text with the left mouse but­ton for columnar Cut, Copy, and Paste operations.
tion of code at the cursor position.
beginning of a selected section of code in the active Editor window.
Redo operations.
Use the Edit > Make Selection Uppercase and Make Selec­tion Lowercase commands to automatically change the case on a selection of text.
to sequentially renumber selected number text in the active Editor window.
block comment-uncomment selected text in the active Editor window.
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The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Indentation To indent a block of text, select text and press the Tab key.
Other Features include: • Multiple clip-board buffer capabilities.
Use Shift + Tab to remove the indentation.
• Ability to print an entire file.
• Mouse wheel support.

Terminal Window

NetLinx Studio provides a terminal interface to NetLinx and Axcess devices that support an interactive terminal mode. Select Tools > Terminal (or click the toolbar button) to invoke the Term in al Window.
Key features of the Terminal window (accessible through the Terminal window context menu) are described below:
Paste operations - Text data contained in the clipboard can be pasted into the terminal
window. However, text can only be pasted when the Terminal window is connected (online), and only the first line of text in the clipboard will be pasted.
All characters pasted in the Terminal window are not pasted into the window directly, regardless of the current position of the caret. Rather, they are sent out the port to the device just as if they had been typed directly from the keyboard. This means that you will not necessarily see the text that was pasted unless echoing is currently enabled on the device. Also, carriage-return characters are not appended to the pasted text (even if the clipboard text contains one). You must press the return key to enter a pasted command.
Terminal communication settings - The Terminal window has it's own dedicated
communications settings. Refer to the Master Communication Settings help topic for information on configuration of the Terminal communication settings.
The Terminal window does not support:
Cut operations.
Editing operations within the window, other than to input characters at the cursor (the text
in the terminal window actually reflects what has been received from the device. Text that is typed in the window will not appear unless echoing is currently enabled on the device).

Using The Terminal Window

Select Tools > Terminal (or click the toolbar button) to open the Terminal window.
The Terminal window puts the Master Controller into dumb terminal mode. Anything that is typed on the screen exits through the Master communications port, and anything coming in from the communications port is displayed in the Terminal window. Use the Terminal window to communicate directly with the Master Controller and to debug RS-232-controlled devices.
You cannot use the Terminal window while a communication port is in use for a file
transfer or debug operation.
Type "ECHO ON" in the Terminal window to display messages.
If the Terminal window becomes unresponsive, close and re-open the window.
To leave the Terminal Emulator window active for a long session, click the Terminal
etLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
Locks the Port option in the General tab of the Preferences dialog.
The NetLinx Studio v2.4 Work Area
Use the Terminal Options tab of the Preferences dialog to modify the behavior and
change the appearance of the Terminal window.
To use the Terminal window with NetLinx systems, you must be connected to the Master
via the PROGRAM port. Otherwise, you can use Windows TelNet for terminal control of NetLinx systems.

Terminal Window Context Menu

Several of the key functions of the Terminal Window are accessible via the Terminal Window context menu. To open this context menu, right-click inside the Terminal Window. The options include:
Display Click to open the Display sub-menu, which contains view options for the Termi-
Clear Clears the contents of the Terminal Window.
Save To File Opens the Save As dialog, which allows you to save the contents of the Termi-
Disconnect Disconnects the Terminal. The terminal window background turns a light shade
Last commands At the bottom of this menu is a list of the last commands entered. Use the items
nal Window. The options are ASCII, HEX (hexadecimal) and DEC (decimal).
nal Window as a text file (.txt).
of gray, to indicate that it is disconnected.
in this list as shortcuts to recently used commands.

Watch Window

The Watch window is displayed when Start Debugging is selected from the Debug menu (or the Debug Watch toolbar). The Watch window is a dockable window that allows you to view and edit the contents of specified variables within a compiled Axcess or NetLinx program. Also, you can control the execution of the mainline of a compiled Axcess or NetLinx program. The Watch window contains three tabs (Watch1-Watch3), which allow you to watch up to three separate sets/ lists of specified variables.
The Watch window consists of a table with four columns:
Name Enter the name of the watched variable in this column.
Line (NetLinx only) Enter line number (in the Source Code file) where the variable is declared.
Length This column displays the length of the watched variable.
Value This column displays the value of the watched variable.
Display This column displays the format of the variable (ASCII, Decimal, Hexadeci-
mal, Octal, ASCII or Binary).
You can also drag and drop a variable from the Source Code Editor window into the debug window.
Right-click inside the Watch Window to access the Watch Window context menu.
NetLinx Studio (v2.4 or higher)
+ 170 hidden pages