Amprobe TMA10А User Manual [en, fr, de, it, es]

User Manual
Mode d’emploi
Manuale d’Uso
Manual de uso
PN 2099394 March 2007 ©2007 Amprobe Test Tools. All rights reserved. Printed in China
User Manual
Mode d’emploi
Manuale d’Uso
Manual de uso
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on Amprobe’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, return the product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Test Tools Service Center or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details. THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES - WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STAUTORY - INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you.
TMA10A Anemometer/Thermometer
Using the Pushbuttons .......................................................................................2
Display Indicators ...............................................................................................3
Making Measurements........................................................................................4
Air Velocity Measurements ..............................................................................4
Air Flow Measurements ...................................................................................4
Single Point MIN/MAX/AVG Recording............................................................5
Multi Point Average Recording ........................................................................5
Data Hold Feature ............................................................................................6
Changing the Units of Measure........................................................................6
Auto Power Off ...................................................................................................7
Error Message Display........................................................................................7
Useful Equations and Conversions......................................................................7
Cubic Equations...............................................................................................7
Units Conversion Table ....................................................................................7
Replacing the Battery..........................................................................................7
Repair .................................................................................................................7
Specifications .....................................................................................................9
Using the Pushbuttons
For Operation
Please See Manual
Button Description
Turns the meter on and off. Toggle between velocity, free area, and volume. Captures a reading. Sets digit to the desired value. View the minimum or maximum. Average or record value. Display the average of all the measurements. Select the next digit for editing.
Display Indicators
Vel Air velocity measurement. FLOW Air flow/air volumen. AREA Free area default setting. Hold Freezes the reading. knots 1850 meters per hour. ft/m Feet per minute. ft2 Square feet. m/s Meters per second. m2 Square meters. mil/h Miles per hour. cfm Cubic feet per minute. km/h Kilometers per hour. cms Cubic meters per second. Primary display Numerical display for air velocity, air volume, and
free area digit.
°C Celsius units. °F Fahrenheit units.
Secondary display Temperature display or record number. MIN Minimum data. MAX Maximum data. REC Record and saved. AVG Average data.
- Polarity indicator for negative temperature.
Making Measurements
Air Velocity Measurements
Air velocity and temperature measurements can be displayed on this meter in the following units of measure: ft/m (feet per minute) or m/s (meters per second) for air velocity and °F or °C for temperature.
1. Connect the sensor to the sensor input jack on top of the meter.
2. Turn on the meter using the ON/OFF button.
3. The 'Vel' indicator should appear on the upper left on the LCD. If not, press and
hold the MODE button until a beep is heard. Repeat this procedure until 'Vel' appears on the display.
4. Place the sensor in the air current to be measured.
5. View the air velocity and temperature readings on the LCD Display. The upper
display shows the air velocity reading. The lower display shows the temperature.
Air Flow Measurements
In order to take air flow measurements, the area of the duct under test (in ft2 or m2) must first be determined (check with the duct manufacturer if necessary). Once the area is known, enter the value as follows:
1. Turn on the meter with the ON/OFF button.
2. Press and hold the MODE button until a beep is heard. “AREA” appears on the
display and one digit will be blinking indicating that value can be changed.
3. Press the HOLD button to adjust the digit to the value needed.
4. Press the AVERAGE button to select the next digit for editing.
5. When the area is correctly entered, press the MIN MAX button once. A beep will
sound and the digits will stop blinking.
6. Press the HOLD button once to store the area value.
7. The meter is now ready to measure air flow. Place the sensor in the air current
and view the air flow and temperature readings on the LCD.
Single Point MIN/MAX/AVG Recording
This meter can record and display the lowest (MIN), highest (MAX), and average (AVG) air velocity, air flow, and temperature readings.
1. Follow the instructions for starting air velocity or air flow measurements
detailed on the previous page.
2. Press the MIN MAX button. The REC and AVG (average) indicators will appear
on the display and the meter will begin recording data.
3. When the measurement session is complete (up to 2 hours maximum), press
the HOLD button until the beep sounds.
4. To view the MIN reading, press the MIN MAX button twice or until the MIN
indicator appears. The minimum reading will be displayed on the LCD.
5. Press MIN MAX again to view the maximum value, the MAX indicator along
with the maximum reading will appear on the LCD display.
6. Press MIN MAX again to view the averaged value, the AVG indicator along with
the average reading will appear on the LCD display.
7. To exit this mode, press and hold the MIN MAX button until 2 beeps are heard
in rapid succession and the display indicators (REC, MIN, MAX, AVG) disappear.
Multi Point Average Recording
The meter can take up to 8 separate measurements and average them automatically.
1. Follow the instructions for starting air velocity or air flow measurements
detailed on the previous page.
2. When the first measurement is taken and is on the display, press and hold the
HOLD button. Release the button when the tone is heard.
3. The reading will hold and the 'HOLD' icon will appear above it on the LCD.
4. Press and hold the MIN MAX button until a tone is heard then release it. The
LCD will briefly indicate a number (1 through 8) representing the current measurement number.
5. Repeat this process until up to 8 measurements have been taken.
6. Press the AVERAGE button to display the average of all the measurements.
7. To exit this mode, press and hold the MIN MAX button until 2 beeps are heard
in rapid succession and the display indicators (REC, MIN, MAX, AVG) disappear.
Data Hold Feature
1. While taking measurements you can freeze the displayed reading by pressing
and holding the HOLD button until a beep is heard.
2. The 'HOLD' indicator will appear on the LCD when the display is in this mode.
3. Press and hold the HOLD button until a beep is heard to exit this mode.
Changing the Units of Measure
U.S. units of measure are °F, ft/m (feet per minute), and CFM (cubic feet per minute). Metric units are: °C, m/s (meters per second), and CMS (cubic meters per second).
1. Turn the meter on by pressing and holding both the ON/OFF and the AVERAGE
buttons simultaneously. Release the ON/OFF button first then release the AVERAGE button. The units of measure will appear on the LCD.
2. Press the HOLD button to select Metric and the AVERAGE button to select U.S.
3. Press the MIN MAX button and an "S" will appear on the LCD.
4. Press the HOLD button to advance to the next selection.
5. The baud rate for PC Interface models will appear (1200 or 2400). Select the
baud rate, if necessary, by pressing the HOLD (1200) or AVERAGE (2400) button.
6. To return to normal operation, press MIN MAX again (the "S" will reappear) then
press and hold the HOLD button until the beep is heard.
Auto Power Off
The TMA10A Anemometer turns off automatically after 20 minutes to conserve battery power. Press the ON/OFF and HOLD buttons to disable the Auto Power Off feature.
Error Message Display
If the sensor is not connected to the meter or if the sensor is inoperable, the meter beeps, the error message "E6" appears on the display, and the meter shuts down. Connect the sensor or return the meter and sensor for repair.
Useful Equations and Conversions
Cubic Equations
CFM (ft3/min) = Air Velocity (ft/min) x Area (ft2) CMS (m3/sec) = Air Velocity (m/sec) x Area (m2)
Units Conversion Table
m/s ft/min knots km/h MPH
1 m/s 1 196.87 1.944 3.6 2.24 1 ft/min 0.00508 1 0.00987 0.01829 0.01138 1 knot 0.5144 101.27 1 1.8519 1.1523 1 km/h 0.2778 54.69 0.54 1 0.6222 1 MPH 0.4464 87.89 0.8679 1.6071 1
Replacing the Battery
Replace the 9 V battery when the display is flashing or there is no display.
1. Remove the Phillips head screw on the battery compartment cover.
2. Lift off the rear battery compartment cover.
3. Replace the 9 V battery and secure the battery compartment cover.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name, address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and include the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement charges should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit card with expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe® Test Tools.
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned to your Amprobe® Test Tools distributor for an exchange for the same or like product. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on for a list of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada In-Warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe® Test Tools Service Center.
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a Amprobe® Test Tools Service Center. Call Amprobe® Test Tools or inquire at your point of purchase for current repair and replacement rates.
In USA In Canada
Amprobe Test Tools Amprobe Test Tools Everett, WA 98203 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9 Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623) Tel: 905-890-7600
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – Europe
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® Test Tools distributor for a nominal charge. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on for a list of distributors near you.
European Correspondence Address*
Amprobe® Test Tools Europe P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands *(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this address. European customers please contact your distributor.)
Display Dual 4-digit (9999 count) LCD Measurement units
Data hold Freezes displayed reading Sensors
MIN MAX Memory
Average reading memory
Automatic Power off
Operating Temperature 32 °F to 122 °F (0°C to 50 °C) Operating Humidity Max. 80% RH Power Supply
Weight 0.8 lb (363 g) including battery and sensor Dimensions
Air Velocity: ft/min (feet per minute); m/s (meters per second)
Air Flow: CMS (m3/sec) and CFM (ft3/min); Temp: °C and °F
Air velocity/flow sensor: Conventional angled vane arms with low-friction ball bearing. Temp. sensor: Precision thermistor
Record and view minimum and maximum readings
Single Point (up to 2 hours) or Multi-Point (up to 8 readings)
Sleep mode (with bypass) after 20 mins. conserves energy
9 V battery (Heavy duty alkaline); Battery life: 100 hours
Main instrument: 7.1 x 2.8 x 1.4 in (181 x 71 x 38 mm)
Sensor head diameter: 70 mm
Air Velocity Measurements Range
m/s (meters per sec)
ft/min (feet per minute)
Air Flow Measurements Range
CMS (cubic meters per sec.)
CFM (cubic feet per minute)
Air Temperature Range Resolution Accuracy
0.40 to 25.00 m/s 0.01 m/s ±2% of full scale
125 to 4900 ft/min 1 ft/min ±2% of full scale
0.01 to 99.99 m3/sec 0.01 0 to 9.999 m2
1 to 9999 ft3/min 1.0 0 to 9.999 ft2
32 to 122 °F (0 to 50 °C) 0.1 °F/°C ±1.5 °F (0.8 °C)
Resolution Accuracy
Resolution Area
User Manual
Mode d’emploi
Manuale d’Uso
Manual de uso
Limites de garantie et de responsabilité
Amprobe garantit l’absence de vices de matériaux et de fabrication de ce produit dans des conditions normales d’utilisation et d’entretien pendant une période d’un an prenant effet à la date d’achat. Cette garantie ne s’applique pas aux fusibles, aux piles jetables ni à tout produit mal utilisé, modifié, contaminé, négligé ou endommagé par accident ou soumis à des conditions anormales d’utilisation et de manipulation. Les distributeurs agréés par Amprobe ne sont pas autorisés à appliquer une garantie plus étendue au nom de Amprobe. Pour bénéficier de la garantie, renvoyez le produit accompagné d’un justificatif d’achat auprès d’un centre de services agréé par Amprobe Test ou du distributeur ou du revendeur Amprobe. Voir la section Réparation ci-dessus pour tous les détails. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE EST LE SEUL ET EXCLUSIF RECOURS TOUTES AUTRES GARANTIES, EXPLICITES, IMPLICITES OU STATUTAIRES, NOTAMMENT LE CAS ECHEANT LES GARANTIES DE QUALITE MARCHANDE OU D’ADAPTATION A UN OBJECTIF PARTICULIER SONT EXCLUES PAR LES PRESENTES. LE FABRICANT NE SERA EN AUCUN CAS TENU RESPONSABLE DE DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS, INDIRECTS, ACCIDENTELS OU CONSECUTIFS, NI D’AUCUNS DEGATS OU PERTES DE DONNEES, SUR UNE BASE CONTRACTUELLE, EXTRA-CONTRACTUELLE OU AUTRE. Etant donné que certains pays ou états n’admettent pas les limitations d’une condition de garantie implicite, ou l’exclusion ou la limitation de dégâts accidentels ou consécutifs, les limitations et les exclusions de cette garantie ne s’appliquent pas obligatoirement à chaque acheteur.
Thermomètre/anémomètre TMA10A
Table des matières
Utilisation des boutons poussoirs.......................................................................2
Opérations de mesure.........................................................................................4
Mesures de la vitesse de l’air ...........................................................................4
Mesures du débit d’air .....................................................................................4
Enregistrement de valeurs monopoints MIN/MAX/AVG ...................................5
Enregistrement de valeurs moyennes multipoints ...........................................5
Fonction de maintien des données...................................................................6
Modification des unités de mesure ..................................................................6
Arrêt automatique ...............................................................................................7
Affichage du message d’erreur ...........................................................................7
Equations et conversions utiles ..........................................................................7
Equations cubiques..........................................................................................7
Tableau de conversion des unités ....................................................................7
Remplacement de la pile.....................................................................................7
Réparation ..........................................................................................................8
Caractéristiques ..................................................................................................9
Utilisation des boutons poussoirs
For Operation
Please See Manual
Bouton Description
Active ou désactive l’appareil. Permet de basculer entre la vitesse, la section libre et le volume. Saisit une valeur. Règle les chiffres sur la valeur souhaitée. Affiche le minimum ou le maximum. Affiche la moyenne ou enregistre la valeur. Affiche la moyenne de toutes les mesures. Sélectionne le chiffre suivant à modifier.
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