Amprobe ATGC-1 User Manual

Users Manual
Ground Coil
Ground Coil
Users Manual
ATGC1_Rev001 © 2008 Amprobe Test Tools. All rights reserved.
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprob e product will be f ree from defect s in material and workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchas e. This war ranty do es not cove r fuses , dispo sable ba tterie s or damag e from accide nt, negl ect, misuse, alteratio n, contamination , or abnor mal conditions of op eration o r handlin g. Ampro be’s warra nty obli gation is limited, a t Amprob e’s optio n, to refun d of the purcha se price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a def ective produc t . Resell ers are no t author ized to ext end any oth er warranty on Amp robe’s behalf. To obtain s ervice during th e warrant y perio d, return the produ ct with p roof of pur chase to an a uthorize d Amprob e Test Tools Ser vice Cen ter or to an Am probe de aler or distribut or. See Repair Section for det ails. Thi s warrant y is your on ly remed y . All other warrantie s - whether expre ss, implied or st atutor y ­includi ng implie d warranti es of fitne ss for a par ticular purpos e or mercha ntabili ty, are hereby excluded. Neither Ampr obe nor it s parent company or affiliate s shall be liable for any s pecial, indirect, incidental or consequential d amages o r losse s, arisi ng from any c ause or th eory. Sin ce some states or co untries do not allow the exclusion or limit ation of an implied warranty or of incide ntal or con seque ntial dama ges, this limitation of liability may no t apply to yo u.
All test t ools retu rned for wa rranty o r non-wa rranty re pair or for c alibrati on should b e accomp anied by the following : your name, comp any’s name, addres s, tele phone num ber, and proof of p urchase . Addition ally, pleas e include a b rief des cription o f the probl em or the se rvice reque sted and i nclude th e test lea ds with the m eter. Non- warrant y repair or r eplacem ent charg es should b e remitt ed in the for m of a check , a money ord er, credit card with ex piration da te, or a purcha se order m ade payabl e to Amprobe® Test Tools .
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please r ead the war ranty statement and check your bat tery before req uestin g repair. Duri ng the warra nty period any def ective t est tool c an be retu rned to you r Amprob e® Test Tools distri butor for a n exchang e for the sa me or like pro duct. Please ch eck the “W here to Bu y” section on ww w.ampr f or a list of di stribu tors nea r you. Additionally, in the United States a nd Canad a In-Warranty rep air and rep laceme nt units c an also be s ent to a Amp robe® Test Tools Service Ce nter (s ee below for addre ss).
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non- warrant y repair s in the Unite d States a nd Canad a should b e sent to a Am probe® Tes t Tools Ser vice Cen ter. Call Amp robe® Test Tools or inqui re at your point of purch ase for cu rrent repair and replac ement rat es.
In USA In Canada
Amprob e Test Tools Amprob e Test Tools Everet t, WA 98203 Missis sauga , ON L4Z 1X9 Tel: 877-9 93-585 3 Tel: 905 -890-760 0 Fax: 425 -446- 6390 Fax : 905 -890 -6866
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – Europe
Europea n non-wa rranty units can b e replace d by your Amp robe® Test Tools distri butor for a nominal c harge. Ple ase chec k the “Wh ere to Buy” s ection o n www. amprobe .com for a lis t of distri butors n ear you.
Europea n Corresponden ce Addres s*
Amprob e® Test Tools Eur ope Beha- Amprob e GmbH In den Eng ematte n 14 79286 Glo tter tal, Ger many Tel.: + 49 (0 ) 7684 80 09 – 0
*(Co rrespo ndence o nly – no repai r or replac ement avai lable fro m this address. Euro pean cus tomers please c ontac t your dist ributor.)
Ground Coil for use with Advanced
Wire Tracers AT -2000 and
AT-4000CON Series
+ 8 hidden pages