Amplicom AB900 User Manual [en, es]

AB 900
Important Safety Instructions ...........5
Getting Started ...................................7
Remote Access .................................. 15
Help and Support .............................. 21
Technical details ................................20
Maintenance and Warranty ..............20
Instructions available in other languages at
Important Safety Instructions
When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of  re, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following:
1. Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
2. Avoid using this product (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
3. Do not use this product to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
4. Use only the power adapter indicated in this manual. Do not dispose of batteries in a  re. They may explode. Check with local codes for possible special
disposal instructions.
The FC C requ ires th at you ar e to be ad vise d of cer tain requir emen ts invo lving t he use o f this eq uipme nt.
1. This eq uipme nt com plies w ith Par t 68 of the FCC r ules an d the re quire ment s adop ted by t he ACTA. O n the bo tto m of
this eq uipme nt is a lab el tha t cont ains , among o ther in forma tion, a p rodu ct ide nti er i n the for mat US: AA AEQ##T XX XX. If
reque ste d, this n umber m ust b e provi ded to t he tele phon e comp any.
2. An app lica ble ce rti  cati on jack s Unive rsal S erv ice Or der C odes (U SOC) for t he equ ipmen t is prov ided (e .g., RJ11C) in the
pack aging w ith ea ch pie ce of ap prove d termi nal equ ipmen t.
3. A plug a nd jac k used t o conne ct th is equi pmen t to the pr emis es wir ing and te leph one ne twor k mus t comp ly wit h the
appli cabl e FCC Par t 68 rules and r equir emen ts ad opted b y the AC TA. A comp liant t elep hone c ord and m odula r plug
is prov ided w ith thi s prod uct . It is de signe d to be c onnec ted to a compat ible m odular j ack th at is al so com pliant . See
inst allat ion ins truc tions for det ails .
4. The R EN is use ful to d eter mine th e quant ity o f devi ces you m ay con nec t to your te leph one lin e and st ill have al l of thos e
devic es rin g when y our numb er is c alled . In mos t, but n ot all ar eas, t he sum of t he REN of a ll devi ces sh ould no t exce ed  ve
(5.0). To be ce rta in of the n umbe r of devi ces yo u may co nnec t to your li ne, as d eter mined b y the REN, y ou sho uld cal l your
loca l telep hone c ompan y to det ermin e the ma ximum R EN for your c alling area.
NOTIC E: If you r home ha s spec ially w ired a larm e quipm ent co nnec ted to t he tele phon e line, en sure t he ins talla tion of t his
equip ment d oes no t disab le your a larm eq uipme nt. If y ou have q uest ions ab out wh at will d isab le alar m equip ment , cons ult
your tel epho ne comp any or a qu ali ed in sta ller.
5. If you r produ ct eq uipme nt cau ses ha rm to the t elep hone ne two rk, th e tele phon e compa ny may di scon tinue y our ser vice
tempo raril y. If pos sible , they w ill noti fy yo u in adva nce. B ut if ad vanc e notic e is not p rac tica l, you wil l be not i ed as so on as
poss ible. You w ill be ad vise d of your r ight to  le a c ompl aint wi th the F CC.
6. Your tele phon e comp any may ma ke chan ges to i ts fa cilit ies, e quipm ent, op era tions o r proc edur es that c ould affe ct
the pro per op erat ion of you r equip ment . If the y do, you w ill be gi ven adv ance n otic e so as to gi ve you an o ppor tuni ty to
maint ain unin terr upte d ser vice .
7. If you expe rien ce tro uble wi th this e quip ment , pleas e con tac t the Amp lico m Ser vice C ente r at 1-8 66 -AMP LICO M (267-
5426) f or rep air/w arran ty in forma tion . The te lepho ne com pany ma y ask you t o disc onne ct thi s equip ment f rom the n et work
until th e prob lem has b een c orre cte d or you are s ure th at the e quipm ent is no t malf unct ionin g.
8. Thi s equip ment ma y not be u sed on c oin ser vice provi ded by t he tele phon e compa ny. Conn ecti on to par ty lines is
subje ct to s tate t arif fs. (Conta ct you r sta te publ ic util ity c ommis sion o r corp orati on com missi on for in forma tion .)
This de vice c ompl ies wi th Par t 15 of the FC C Rule s. Ope rati on is sub ject t o the fo llowi ng two c ondi tions : (1) This devi ce
may not c ause h armf ul inter ference, a nd (2) thi s devic e mus t acc ept any i nter fere nce r ecei ved, in clud ing int erf eren ce
that ma y caus e unde sired o pera tion. P riva cy of co mmuni cati ons may n ot be en sure d when u sing th is phon e. Chan ges or
modi c ation s not ex pres sly ap prove d in wri ting by A mplic om may vo id the u ser’s au thor ity t o opera te thi s equip ment .
NOTE: T his equ ipmen t has be en tes ted and found t o compl y with t he limi ts for a C lass B d igita l devi ce, pur suant to
Part 15 of t he FCC r ules . The se limit s are designe d to prov ide re ason able pr otec tion against h armf ul inte rfe renc e in a
resid enti al ins talla tion. T his eq uipme nt gen erat es, us es, and c an radiate ra dio fr equen cy ene rgy an d, if no t inst alled a nd
used in a cco rdanc e wit h the ins truc tions, may ca use har mful in ter fere nce to r adio c ommun icat ions . Howev er, there i s no
guaran tee th at int erf erenc e will not occu r in a par ticu lar ins tall ation . If this e quipm ent do es ca use har mful in ter fere nce
to radi o or tele visio n rec eptio n, whic h can b e dete rmine d by tur ning th e equip ment of f and on, the use r is enc oura ged to
try to c orre ct th e inter ference by o ne or mor e of the f ollow ing mea sure s: (1) Reorie nt or re loca te the r ecei ving an tenn a. (2)
Incre ase th e sepa rati on bet ween the equi pment a nd rec eive r. (3) Conne ct th e equip ment in to an ou tlet on a c ircu it dif ferent
from th at to wh ich th e rece iver is c onnected . (4) Cons ult the d eale r or an exp erie nced r adio T V technicia n for hel p.
FCC Compliance
AB 900 Answering Machine
Display window
Volume up
Next message
Tone control
Boost on / off
Play / pause
Volume down
On / off / stop
Speed control
Previous message
Power adapter
Headset jack
Ring delay switch
Telephone line jack
Service Center
Intended use
This answering machine is suitable for use on a public telephone network. Any other use is considered unintended use. Unauthorized modi cation or reconstruction is not permitted. Do not open the device and attempt any repair work yourself.
Installation location
Locate answering machine:
• On a dry,  at and stable surface
• Where the power cable will not be a trip hazard
• Where it is not obstructed by furniture
• At least three feet from other electrical appliances
• Away from smoke, dust, vibration, chemicals, moisture, heat or direct sunlight
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
Getting Started — Included Equipment
1 Answering Machine
1 Power Adapter
1 Telephone Cable
Connect answering machine
1. Plug the power adapter into the back of the answering machine and the other end into a wall socket. Turn the power on.
2. Plug the telephone cable into the TEL.LINE jack on the back of the answering machine and the other end into the phone. If your phone does not have a second jack, a
line splitter may be necessary.
Important: Use only Power Adapter model U090030D supplied by Ten Pao Industrial Co., Ltd. for unit.
The answering machine is now ready for use!
Service Center
Display window icons
The following icons may appear in the display window:
-- (steady) answering machine off
-- ( ashing) alternating with 00 or any other
number: answering machine is on, day and time are not set
00 to 99 (steady) number of messages (already played) 00 to 99 ( ashing) number of messages (not yet played)
R1 (steady) recording outgoing message R1 ( ashing) 10 seconds of recording time remaining
FL memory is full L
Remote access
PA Pause of currently playing message
Set the day and time
The answering machine always saves the day of the week and the time of day with each recorded message to identify when callers left their messages.
1. Press and hold the
button for two seconds. The speaker announces the day of the week that is currently set.
2. Press the
button until the correct day of the week is
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
3. Press the
button. The speaker announces the hour
that is currently set.
4. Press the
button until the correct hour is announced.
5. Press the
button. The speaker announces the minute
that is currently set.
6. Press the
button until the correct minute is
7. Con rm the selection by pressing the
button. The
complete day and time setting is announced. The day and time can be checked at any time by pressing the button.
Set the language
1. Press and hold the
button for two seconds. The
display shows the language currently set.
2. Press the
button until the desired language is
displayed and press the
button to con rm the
Note: If there is a pause of more than 20 seconds while entering the day, time, and language, the set­tings will not be saved.
Service Center
Answering machine functions
Record, change, or delete the greeting message
The answering machine comes with a pre-recorded, standard greeting message that will play by default when the answering machine picks up a call. Otherwise, a custom greeting of up to 60 seconds can be recorded to replace the standard greeting.
Example of a greeting message: Hello, you have reached 555-1234. We are unavailable to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone.
Wording of the standard greeting: Hello. I am sorry but we are unable to answer your call personally at the moment. Please leave your message and telephone number after the tone.
The length of any custom greeting must be at least three seconds and must not exceed 60 seconds. Please note that the longer the custom greeting is, the less recording time will be available for incoming messages. The maximum recording time available, including messages and the custom greeting, is approximately 15 minutes.
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
Recording a custom greeting
1. Press and hold the button until the recording tone
sounds. Continue holding down the button.
2. Start the greeting immediately after hearing the
tone. The display will show R1 during the recording.
Keep a distance of approximately six inches from the
microphone while recording. The display will  ash
during the last ten seconds available for recording to
indicate that recording time is nearly over.
3. Release the
button when  nished recording. The
greeting is played back automatically.
4. The display will show
R1 to indicate that the volume
for the custom message can be adjusted. Use the UP
VOLUME and DOWN VOLUME buttons to adjust the
volume. Play back the custom greeting at any time by brie y pressing the
Deleting the custom greeting
1. Press and hold the button until the recording tone
sounds, and immediately release the button.
2. The pre-recorded standard greeting will play, indicating
that the custom greeting has been deleted.
Service Center
Setting up the ring delay
Use the slide switch on the back of the answering machine to set how many times the phone rings before incoming calls are answered.
2 The call is answered after two rings. 6 The call is answered after six rings. TS (Toll Saver) Incoming calls are answered after six
rings until the  rst new message has been recorded. Once a message has been recorded the answering machine will answer after approximately two rings.
Note: The Toll Saver function enables the user to check remotely whether any new messages are available on the answering machine without incurring a toll charge. See “Toll-free remote pre-access” for more information.
General operation
Switch the answering machine off (standby) or on using the
button. When the answering machine is off, the
display shows
-- for standby and no messages will be
The maximum length for incoming messages is 120 seconds. If the caller speaks for longer, a signal tone sounds and the call is cut off. If there is a pause of
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
more than seven seconds during recording, the call is automatically terminated with a signal tone. If memory is full, the display window shows
FL and no more calls will
be recorded unless existing messages are deleted.
Listen to incoming messages
The integrated speaker makes it possible to listen to incoming calls as they are being recorded. Use the UP VOLUME and DOWN VOLUME buttons to adjust the speaker volume. To mute the incoming call volume, press the DOWN VOLUME button repeatedly.
Interrupt the answering machine
To intervene while a message is recording, pick up the telephone receiver. The answering machine will immediately stop recording.
Listen to messages
The display window shows the total number of messages recorded, including notes (MEMO) and recorded telephone calls.
1. To listen to messages, press the
button once. The answering machine will begin playing any newly recorded messages. If there are no new messages, all recorded messages will play. If no messages have been saved, several signal tones will sound.
Service Center
2. Press the button while messages are playing to pause the playback. If the button is pressed again within seven seconds, playback will resume. After the last message is played, the unit will respond with two signal tones.
3. Stop listening to messages at any time by pressing the
button. The speaker volume can be boosted up to +40dB max while a message is playing by pressing the
button. The BOOST LED will light up. Pressing the button again at any time will revert the speaker volume back to normal level.
Use a headset (not included)
Plug a headset into the socket on the back of the unit.
For servicing or replacement, you can purchase a headset through the service center or your retailer.
Repeat the current message
Press the button to repeat the message currently playing.
Repeat the previous message
Press and hold the button until a signal tone is played to repeat the previous message.
Skip one message
Press the button once to skip the message currently playing. The unit will play the next message.
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
Fast forward
Press the button several times in succession to rapidly skip several messages.
Adjust the speed of the message
Adjust the speed of the message by turning the rotary button on the left side of the unit.
Adjust the tone of the message
Adjust the tone of the message by turning the rotary button on the right side of the unit.
Delete one message
Press and hold the button until a signal tone sounds while a message is playing to delete the message.
Delete all messages
After the last message is played, the unit will respond with
Service Center
two signal tones. Press the button and hold until the unit plays a  nal signal tone.
Remote Access
Remote access authorization code
This answering machine allows for remote access to incoming messages using a remote access authorization code. This code is a three-digit number, and can be found on the underside of the unit, labeled Remote Code.
Toll-free remote pre-access
Use the toll-free remote pre-access function to  nd out whether there are any messages on the answering machine without incurring any toll charges.
1. Set the slide control on the back of the answering
machine to the TS position. When calling the machine while away, the machine answers as follows:
A. If the call is answered after two rings, there are new
messages on the answering machine. See Remote access functions for instructions on how to listen to the new messages.
B. If no new messages have been recorded, the call will
not be answered until the sixth ring, giving time to end the call before the answering machine answers and toll charges are incurred.
1-866-AMPLICOM (267-5426)
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