AMMCO 6061 Grinding Wheel Dresser User Manual

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The No. 906061 Grinding Wheel Dresser is used to true the face of a Grinding Wheel so that its sur­face is parallel to the surface to be ground. The diamond nib of the Dresser cleans and shapes the Grinding Wheel to assure proper grinding action.
Safety Notes:
Be sure that the Lathe Motor will not be turned on during the dressing operation. The Grinding Wheel spins at a high speed. DO NOT use a damaged Wheel. ALWAYS use a Wheel Guard with the Grinder. WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES AT ALL TIMES.
Dressing The 906850 and 904850 Brake Drum Grinders
The Dresser is magnetically held inside the drum on the same surface that will be ground. Visually align the dia­mond tip 10-degrees below the center of the Grinding Wheel, as shown in Figure 2. This is particularly impor­tant when dressing the Grinding Wheel at an angle, Figure 3.
The Drum Grinder should be securely mounted in the Boring Bar Clamp of the Lathe. Turn the Grinder on and manually move it across the stationary diamond nib by operating the Parallel Slide Feed Handwheel. Only the tip of the diamond should make light contact with the Grinding Wheel. The depth of cut is controlled by the Cross Slide Hand Wheel — the maximum cut recom­mended is 0.005-inches. Dress the wheel until its full face is parallel to the drum wall. DO NOT waste the wheel by overdressing. Feed the wheel across the dia­mond nib slowly for the best possible finish.
After dressing a wheel, do not change position of the Boring Bar Clamp in which the Grinder is mounted. Remove the Dresser from the drum wall and, after loos-
ening the knurled set screw, rotate the diamond nib slightly. This will help keep the nib pointed and prolong its life — as well as set it up for the next dressing job.
The Grinding Wheel should be dressed before finishing
each drum.
Dressing The 906250 Cup Wheel Grinder
Place the Grinder in the right angle Boring Bar Holder which is mounted in the outer Clamp of the Twin Cutter. Position the Grinder so the grinding surface of the Cup Wheel inclines toward the direction of feed and is angled approximately 3-degrees to the flywheel, Figure 4.
Place a magnetic Silencer on the back side of the fly­wheel. On the front side, mount the 6061 Dresser so the diamond is on a horizontal center line with the Cup Wheel. Adjust the Crossfeed so the leading edge of the Cup Wheel is in front of the Dresser. Turn on the Grinder but DO NOT start the Lathe. Back the parallel feed by hand until the Cup Wheel just touches the diamond nib. Set the depth of cut no more than 0.005-inches. Slowly hand feed the Cup Wheel across the diamond until the full face is parallel to the flywheel.
AMMCO, Inc. • Hennessy Industries • 1601 J.P. Hennessy Drive, LaVergne, TN 37086-3565
(800) 688-6359 • (615) 641-7533 • (615) 641-5104 FAX •