Assembled Toe Gauge
In measuring toe we are determining if the two
wheels are closer together at the front or at the back
of the tires. The AMMCO toe gauge measures this
accurately by eliminating error due to tire or wheel
Drive the vehicle onto an alignment rack or level surface. Check for worn front end parts and loose wheel
bearings. Check for proper tire pressure and equal tire
tread depths.
1. Raise the vehicle and, while rotating each tire,
make a wide mark near the center of the tread with
2. Place the toe gauge in front of the wheels and
adjust it so the pointers are near the center of the
chalk mark on each wheel.
3. Scribe a line in the chalk mark on each tire by holding the respective pointer securely against the tire in
one position while rotating the tire, Fig. 1. Note: The
beginning and the end of the line must intersect, if
not, re-chalk and re-scribe.
Figure 1 - Scribing Line In Chalk Mark
4. Lower the vehicle on a set of turntables and
bounce it in the middle of the bumper to allow the
suspension to assume its natural attitude.
5. Place the toe gauge behind the tires. Adjust the
pointers to spindle height. Align the fixed pointer with
the line scribed on the tire. Set the adjustable pointer
at “0”, loosen the thumb screw in the center of the
gauge, and slide the entire assembly so the adjustable
pointer is aligned to the line scribed on the other tire.
Recheck that all thumb screws are tight and that both
pointers are aligned with the scribe marks, Fig. 2.
Figure 2 - Gauge Placed Behind Front Wheels To Measure
Distance Between Chalk Marks
6. Move the gauge, without bumping the pointers, to
the front of the wheels. Set the stationary pointer on
the left tire’s scribe mark. Align the adjustable pointer
with the right tire scribe mark by turning the pointer
adjusting thumb screw, Fig. 3.
Figure 3 - Aligning Pointer With Chalk Marks At The Front Of
The Front Wheels
7. READ THE SCALE. If the pointer has moved to the
right, toe-out readings are indicated. If the pointer has
moved to the left of zero, toe-in readings are indicated, Fig. 4. RECORD THE READING.
Figure 4 - Pointer To Left Of Zero; Toe-In