Thank you for choosing the XP2i Digital Test Gauge from Crys tal En gi neer ing Corporation. Your XP2i is a combination of leading edge tech nol o gy and
rug ged in dus tri al de sign.
Accuracy is 0.1 percent of reading
there is no change in accuracy through out the entire operating temperature range!
The XP2i’s case is made from rugged aluminum alloy utilizing a gasket to seal the enclosure against dust and water intrusion. Even the RS-232 connector is
fully sealed (with or without the red cover or rubber boot). Circuitry is mounted in shock absorbing elastomer supports and the batteries are easily accessible
by removing four screws. But you won’t need to change the batteries often, since 3 AA batteries operate the XP2i for up to 1500 hours of continuous use.
Other features include:
Continuous capture of peak and valley pressure read ings
PSV mode
Programming interface
User-defi ned units
Intrinsically Safe
All welded 316 stainless steel sensor
We hope your XP2i meets your expectations, and we're interested in any comments or suggestions you may have. You can send us a note at: Many features in this and our other products are a direct result of your comments!
ystal Engineering is the company that designs, manufactures, markets, and services the nVision reference pressure recorder, XP2i, and 30 series pressure
calibrators, M1 Pressure Gauge, MultiCal multimeter pressure adapters, and a variety of industry specifi c pressure measuring equipment. Crystal Engineering
pioneered features like full temperature compensation and “of reading” rated gauges and calibrators. Pres sure measuring equipment is the only thing we do
and that’s why we say:
so any XP2i can typically replace several gauges you may have been using. The XP2i is fully temperature compensated–so
Overview 1
Your XP2i can be customized, through the use
of our free Con gXP™ software. Your personal
omputer can disable, enable, or modify a
variety of features of your XP2i. Look for the
logo for
programmable features, like:
A user defi ned pressure scale, and/or disable
unused pressure units
Password protection to prevent
unauthorized changes
Disable keypad recalibration, (peak)
button, and/or
(units) button
Expand or decrease allowable Zero range
Set the gauge to a diff erent density of water
factor (4° C, 60° F, or 68° F)
Store a 12 digit ID or tag number in
non-volatile memory
Adjust calibration values
XP2i Operation Manual
The XP2i is shipped with bat ter ies installed, so it’s ready to use. Press and hold the (on/o ) button. The XP2i will fi rst test all LCD segments. Release
(on/o ) button when the XP2i indicates pressure.
The XP2i always resumes operation in the mode and the units of the pressure last used, and it does not automatically rezero when turned on.
Connect the XP2i to your system.
CAUTION: Use a wrench (¾" or 19mm) for installation and removal of XP2i! There is a limit to how much rotational force can be applied to the case, so
CAUTION: Never insert any object into the pressure connection! The sensor diaphragm is very thin and can be damaged or destroyed by solid or sharp
WARNING: Severe injury or damage can occur through improper use of pressure instruments! Do not exceed recommended pressure limits of tubing
Most XP2i’s are intended for gauge pressure mea sure ment. That is, they indicate the diff er ence between applied pressure and ambient barometric pressure.
However, the
default setting limits the maximum zero value to 20 PSI, but this limit can be changed with
Some XP2i’s are rated for absolute pressure. Absolute gauges indicate the diff erence between applied pressure and an internal vacuum reference. Absolute
pressure is always positive. For instance barometric pressure at sea level is on average about 14.7 PSI (approximately 100 kPa or 1 bar), so at sea level this is the
lowest expected pressure indication. However, absolute gauges can be “zeroed” (unless prevented by Confi gXP). After zeroing an absolute gauge it is possible
to indicate a negative or positive gauge pressure.
don’t rely on, or use, the case to screw the XP2i into a tting, and don’t use the case to remove the XP2i tting, either.
objects. Cleaning of the sensor must be done with ap pro pri ate solvents only.
and ttings. Be certain all pressure connections are secured.
(zero) button can be used to force an XP2i to read zero pressure at any applied pressure, up to the full scale rating of the gauge. The factory
Overview 2
WARNING: This gauge can display zero pressure when connected to a source of pressure! Do not rely on the display indication before disconnecting—
it may not be indicating true pressure. Never disconnect pressure instrumentation without rst relieving system pressure!
XP2i Operation Manual
Units Button
Pressing this button causes the XP2i to select the next available unit of pressure measurement.
See Pressure Ranges, Display Scales, & Resolution on page 28 or the list of pressure units available for your model.
Units that you don’t need or never use can be turned off . You can also defi ne a special unit for your XP2i with Confi gXP. You can
use the XP2i to display directly in a unit not otherwise available, such as feet of seawater, or foot-pounds of torque. When you select your custom unit from the
keypad, the screen displays the USER icon.
Peak Button
Functions 3
On the XP2i, pressing the (peak) button causes the display to cycle
through the following , depending on your setting in Confi gXP.
<No Icon> . . . . Live Pressure display
. . . . Maximum detected pressure
. . . . Minimum detected pressure
. . . . PSV Mode, maximum
. . . . PSV Mode, minimum
Average pressure
. . . .
. . . . DataLoggerXP datalogging mode
* From the factory this setting is disabled. Use Confi gXP to enable.
Peak High and Peak Low values are not saved when the gauge shuts off ; they will reset to the current
reading when the XP2i is turned on or reset.
In some cases the ability to display a peak value may not be needed, or
may even be dangerous. Confi gXP allows you to disable this button.
XP2is can average 1 to 10 readings, recalculated every time pressure is measured (4 times per second).
Enable and set the number of readings to be averaged with Confi gXP.
On the -DD, dual-line display XP2i, pressing the
through the following, depending on your setting in Confi gXP:
<No Icon> . . . . Live Pressure display
. . . . Maximum detected pressure
. . . . Minimum detected pressure
. . . . PSV Mode maximum
. . . . PSV Mode minimum
. . . . Average pressure
. . . . DataLoggerXP datalogging mode
(remaining points displayed on lower line)
. . . . Tare
. . . . Rate of change
. . . . Diff erential Mode
. . . . Average Diff erential Mode
button causes the display to cycle
XP2i Operation Manual
Resetting (Clearing) Recorded Peak Values
Peak values can only be cleared when displaying either a Peak High or Peak Low recorded pressure. Press the (clear) button for at least ½ second. Dashed
lines will briefl y appear across the display indicating that both Peak values have been cleared. Both Peak High and Peak Low values will then display the cur-
rent applied pressure. Pressing the
need to rezero the gauge, you must turn off both peak icons by pressing the
(clear) button while either the Peak High (
) or Peak Low (
(peak) button.
) icon is displayed will not aff ect the zero value. If you
If you attempt to zero the gauge while applying a pressure which exceeds the Zero Limit (set in Confi gXP, defaults to 20 PSI),
the command will be ignored and “--HI-” will be displayed.
To Zero the XP2i
Turn off peak indication by pressing the (peak) button repeatedly until the HI and LO icons are off , then press the (zero) button for at least ½ second when
the gauge is vented to atmosphere.
Functions 4
The display will then briefl y fl ash all dashed lines (
WARNING: This gauge can display zero pressure when connected to a source of pressure! Do not rely on the display indication before disconnecting—
To Clear the Zero Value on an XP2i
Turn off peak indication as described above, then press and hold the (zero) button until the display changes from (
This is especially useful for absolute gauges that have been zeroed to use for gauge pressure measurement.
it may not be indicating true pressure. Never disconnect pressure instrumentation without rst relieving system pressure!
), indicating that it has been re-zeroed. Absolute gauges will now indicate gauge pressure.
) to (
XP2i Operation Manual
Functions 5
-DD, Dual-Line Display XP2i Only
Tare is a constant value subtracted from the true pressure. For instance, if you were mixing gases by partial pressure, you might want to fi ll a tank to 1760 PSI
with air, then add another 440 PSI of helium. To reduce the chance of error, you could tare the gauge at 1760 PSI. Then you would add helium until the indica-
tion reached 440.
Fill to pressure Press the Tare button Top-off with helium
In contrast to the Zero function discussed previously, Tare is not subject to the Zero Limit set in Confi gXP. Tare is available only when the TARE icon is on. To
use the Tare feature, press the
not be indicated on the screen. Apply pressure to the gauge until you reach the desired value. Press the
pressure to zero. The amount of the tare will be displayed on the second line.
To clear the tare, press and hold the
-DD, Dual-Line Display XP2i Only
Rate is the measurement of pressure change per minute. When in Rate mode, the second line will display the rate, and the /min icon will display. Rate is
calculated at every pressure measurement (4 times per second), and the displayed value is the average of the most recent 3 to 10 calculations. By increasing
the number of calculations in the average, the XP2i will indicate a more stable rate. However, the XP2i will react more slowly to changes in rate.
(peak) button repeatedly until the screen displays the TARE icon. The TARE icon will fl ash to remind you that live pressure may
(zero) button until the tare value changes from (
The Tare function is disabled by default, but can be enabled with Confi gXP.
(zero) button. The top line will change from true
) to (
To use the rate feature, press the
be set with the digital interface.
Di erential Mode
Diff erential mode allows the XP2i-DD gauge (the master) to be connected to a second XP2i or XP2i-DD gauge (the slave) and display the pressure diff erence
between the two gauges. A standard RS232 cable (p/n 2400) and null modem adapter (p/n 3456) or a null modem cable are required to directly connect the
gauges. You must use Confi gXP to enable this feature, and once enabled, use the
Low (
fi rmware version R0014 or later for this feature to work. Use XP2iUpdate to upgrade to the latest fi rm
) icons are displayed simultaneously. An XP2i-DD gauge must be running fi rmware version R0114 or later, and an XP2i gauge must be running
(peak) button repeatedly until the /min icon displays. As pressure changes, the second line will indicate rate of change.
The rate function is disabled by default, but can be enabled and confi gured with Confi gXP. The number of calculations can also
-DD, Dual-Line Display XP2i Only
The diff erential mode is disabled by default, but can be enabled and confi gured with Confi gXP.
(peak) button on the master gauge until the Peak High (
) and Peak
XP2i Operation Manual
Automatic Shut-o
The XP2i has a shutoff timer and will turn off automatically after 20 minutes of non-operation. Pressing any button or sending any command via the RS-232
connection resets the shutoff timer for another 20 minutes of operation. The XP2i will briefl y display Auto O
20 when turned on.
Functions 6
To disable the shutoff feature, turn on the XP2i by pressing the
O to indicate that it will not turn off .
These settings are retained when the product is powered down.
Note: This key combination will not toggle the auto-shutoff
The shutoff feature can be enabled again when turning the XP2i on, by pressing the same (on/o ) and (zero) buttons.
(on/o ) and (zero) buttons si mul ta neous ly. The XP2i will briefl y display the words No Auto
feature if Confi gXP is set to require a password before changing settings.
Pressing the (backlight) button instantly lights the display at maximum brightness. Hold down the button for 1 second to keep it on. The display will fl ash
briefl y, indicating that it will stay on for 1 minute. If you press the
tery life, and remain on for 2 minutes after the last key is pressed. Press the
If you start the XP2i in the No Auto Off mode, you may select the brightness level in the same way. The light will never time out and turn off . Turn off the XP2i,
or press the
(backlight) button repeatedly, to turn off the backlight.
(backlight) button again, the backlight will go into a lower brightness setting to extend bat-
(backlight) button once more and the light will go out.
Measuring Vacuum
All versions of the XP2i can be used to measure mod er ate vac u um, though only ranges of 300 PSI (and 20 bar or 2000 kPa) and lower are actually tested and
certifi ed for vacuum operation.
When mea sur ing pressure less than ambient baro met ric conditions, a mi nus (-) sign will appear.
Absolute gauges (models with a “B” in front of “XP2i” in the part number) will NO
has been pressed while a pressure greater than full vacuum is applied to the gauge. If your absolute gauge does indicate a negative pressure, you can clear
the zero value (“unzero”) by pressing the
CAUTION: XP2is are not recommended for continuous use below -14.5 PSIG.
(zero) button until the display changes from (
T indicate a negative sign when vacuum is applied, unless the (zero) button
) to (
For continuous use below -14.5 PSIG with high accuracy, choose our XP2i-DP Di
erential Pressure Gauge.
XP2i Operation Manual
Water Density (Inches of Water)
The following applies only to models where inches of water is a selectable pressure unit. As shipped from the factory, the XP2i is set to display inches of water
corresponding to the density of water at 4° C (39.2° F). You may require a diff erent water density for your application, so the XP2i can be set to use the density
of water at 20° C (68° F) or 15.6° C (60° F) instead.
Functions 7
To check and/or change the water density setting from the keypad, turn on the XP2i by pressing the
The display will indicate either 4C, 60F, or 68F.
ress the
Note: If the XP2i is password protected, or inches of water is disabled, you will not be able to view or change the water density from the keypad
(units) button until the display cycles to the desired water density, then press the (zero) button to store the selection (this will not zero the gauge).
Select and set the desired density of water.
(on/o ) button and the (peak) button simultaneously.
Overpressure Conditions
The XP2i will read pressure up to approximately 110% of the rated pressure range. Above 110% percent of the range the display will start fl ashing and the
readings will not be reliable. The zero function does not a ect the point at which the display starts ashing to indicate overpressure, so de pend ing on the zero
value it is possible that the display can start fl ashing without the maximum pressure being displayed.
For instance, if a 100PSIXP2i is zeroed when 30 PSI is being applied, it will indicate that the overpressure condition has been reached at 80 PSI (i.e., 110% x 100
PSI – 30 PSI = 80 PSI).
Overpressure can aff ect accuracy, but the eff ect is only tem po rary unless the sensor has been destroyed. See Pressure Ranges, Display Scales, & Resolution
on page 28 for maximum overpressure.
PSVtest Mode
PSVtest mode is designed for PSV and PRV (“Pressure Safety Valve” and “Pressure Relief Valve”, respectively) as well as for Rupture Disc (also known as “Burst
Disc”) testing. It increases the measurement rate of the XP2i gauge to approximately eight times per second, to capture the peak pressure when the valve
opened, and adds a method of automatically capturing the closing reseat pressure.
Use Confi gXP to activate PSVtest Mode. When the Peak High icon (
tomatically reset to the Peak High value whenever a new Peak High value is detected. Once pressure stops increasing, as when a PSV opens (and the pressure
drops below the maximum pressure) XP2i detects the new minimum pressure values (the Peak Low), capturing the closing pressure of a PSV.
Press the
To clear the peaks, press the
Application note AN-006
use the gauge in relief valve and burst disk testing.
(peak) button once to view the captured reseat pressure. The Peak Low icon (
(clear) button while the display shows the High (
Pressure Safety Valve Testing detailing the operation of the PSVtest mode is available on, and includes examples on how to
) fl ashes, PSVtest mode is enabled. A special feature of PSVtest is that Peak Low is au-
) will fl ash on the display.
) or Low (
) icons.
XP2i Operation Manual
Low Battery Indication
The Battery icon ( ) uses three bars to display the battery level. When the icon displays all three bars, the batteries are full. The XP2i will continue to op er ate
ac cu rate ly while the icon is visible. When the batteries are ex haust ed, the letters batt will appear across the display. After batt appears, no pressure mea sure-
ments will be possible un til the bat ter ies are replaced.
Battery Replacement
The XP2i uses 3 AA batteries. Loosen the four rear pan el screws to gain ac cess to the battery com part ment. These four panel screws are captive inside the
panel and are not removable. Pull the panel up to expose the battery compartment. Af ter re plac ing the bat ter ies, the XP2i will start op er at ing im me di ate ly
(with out hav ing to press the
WARNING: Do not remove or change the batteries in hazardous locations.
WARNING: T4 or T3 Temperature Class is based on selection of approved battery. See the table below.
CAUTION: Do not mix battery types or manufacturers.
The XP2i is Intrinsically Safe only if powered by one of the following battery types:
Approved Battery TypeTa=Marking
Rayovac Max Plus 815
Energizer E91
Energizer EN91*
Duracell MN1500
(on/o ) but ton). This in di cates that a com plete reset has occurred, and is normal.
-20 to 50 ° CEx ia IIC T4 Ga
-20 to 50° CEx ia IIC T3 Ga
Functions 8
Energizer is manufactured by Energizer Holdings, Inc., and the Eveready Battery Company, Inc.
Many other battery types and models have been tested but failed to meet the requirements for Intrinsic Safety—do not assume other models are equivalent.
The XP2i can be operated from an external power supply (AC adapter kit PN: 2984).
WARNING: Do not use AC adapter in hazardous locations.
The XP2i is CSA certi ed only if powered by one of the following battery types:
Approved Battery TypeTa=Marking
Rayovac Max Plus 815-20 to 45° CClass I, Division 1, A, B, C, D T4
Energizer E91
Energizer EN91
Rayovac Max Plus 815
WARNING: Use of Duracell MN1500 batteries is not approved for CSA certi cation.
-20 to 50° CClass I, Division 1, A, B, C, D T3C
XP2i Operation Manual
If for some rea son the XP2i needs to be re set, re move any battery for at least one minute, then re in stall the battery. If the reset is suc cess ful, the XP2i will
start operating without press ing the
default engineering units.
WARNING: Do not remove or change the batteries in hazardous locations.
(on/o ) button. Reset will clear the zero, peak values will be reset to the current reading, and the XP2i will be set to the
The XP2i responds to a query-based command language which allows remote control of the gauge. Please refer to the XP2i Programming Instructions for
documentation of this feature.
Functions 9
XP2i Operation Manual
Data Logging with DataLoggerXP
DataLoggerXP is an optional data logging mode available for the XP2i gauge. You may purchase the DataLoggerXP option with your original order
or add it later.
With the XP2i’s long battery life, and Ultra Low Power (ULP) mode, you can log data over an entire year, without the need for external power supplies or
battery replacements.
Download the DataLoggerXP software from the Crystal website and use it to save the data recorded on your XP2i.
Note: An evaluation mode allows you to record 100 data points before requiring purchase.
ith an XP2i and DataLoggerXP you can:
Record up to 32 000 pressure measurements (data points) into non-volatile fl ash memory.
Save battery life and record over an entire year with Ultra Low Power (ULP) mode.
Change data collection parameters, with or without a computer.
Start and stop multiple collection runs from the keypad.
Record pressure readings at intervals as fast as once per second or as slow as once every 18 hours.
Record the averages, averages and peaks, or just the pressure indication.
Store an indicated pressure by pushing one button.
View the data on any Windows-equipped computer.
Data Logging with DataLoggerXP 10
Save the data fi les directly into Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets (requires Excel 2003, 2007, or 2010), or as comma separated text fi les.
XP2i Operation Manual
DataLoggerXP Terminology
Clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removes all stored data from the XP2i memory. Individual runs cannot be removed.
Download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The act of copying stored data from the XP2i to a computer using DataLoggerXP software.
Data Logging with DataLoggerXP 11
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-data readings, optionally displayed as part of a run. These include tare values, low batt
Logging Interval . . . . . . . . . The time, in seconds, between each data point.
Logging Type . . . . . . . . . . . . The type of data stored for each reading.
Logging Parameters . . . . . The Logging Interval and Logging Type are referred to, in this document, as the Logging Parameters.
Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A set of one or more readings taken by the XP2i. The user can specify diff
Note: A maximum of 64 runs can be stored in memory.
erent logging parameters for each successive run.
ery indications, or logging parameters.
Typical Usage
While there are a variety of ways in which the DataLoggerXP software and XP2i can be used, a typical way to use the DataloggerXP
might be like this:
1 Set the logging parameters
2 Enable data logging mode (the Record icon (
3 Take a recording.
4 Use DataloggerXP software to download your data into an Excel worksheet or a text fi le
either with DataLoggerXP software or directly from the keypad.
) will illuminate).
XP2i Operation Manual
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