M133 / M135 / M136
Disconnect Polarity Relay
M9 / M130 Remote
©2004 by AMETEK Programmable Power
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March, 2015 Document No. M362809-01 Rev C
SORENSEN Power Supplies
AMETEK Programmable Power
9250 Brown Deer Road
San Diego, CA 92121-2294
Tel: (858) 450-0085
Fax: (858) 458-0267
Email: sales.ppd@ametek.com

Sorensen DCS Series Manual Addendum
This addendum covers the M133, M135 and M136 option operation, a
M9 or M130 remote programming option for the DCS series power
supply with an Isolation Relay and Reverse Polarity Relays PCB.
The Isolation Relay PCB is an assembly which is attached to the DCS
externally; when installed it adds 3” to the length (see Figure 1). This
option allows the user to fully isolate the DCS output from it’s load as
well as provide local or remote sense control.
All features remain as described in the DCS-E 1KW Series manual and
Section 1 of the M9C GPIB (P/N M361667-01) or M130 Ethernet
programming manual (P/N M362797-03). See section 2.2 of this
document for sense connection differences from base model.
1.2.1 Additional Features and Functions
Output voltage isolation from output load.
Output local or remote sense operation.
Relay hot-switch lock-out; ensures that the voltage across
the relay contacts and the current through them is zero prior
to changing relay states.
Relay automatic disconnect; relays automatically latch open
when a shutdown occurs.
All programmable functions remain as described in Section 1 of the M9
or M130 manual.
1.3.1 Additional Programmable Functions
Remote Isolation Relay control
Remote Local/Remote Sense Relay control
Remote Reverse Polarity Control
1.3.2 Readback Functions
All readback functions remain as described in Section 1 of the M9 or
M130 manual.
M133 / M135 / M136 Operation, Remote Programming 1