American Magnetics, Inc.
P.O. Box 2509, 112 Flint Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2509
Phone: (865) 482-1056 Fax: (865) 482-5472
Internet: http://www.americanmagnetics.com
E-Mail: support@americanmagnetics.com
The AMI liquid helium level sensor uses a small Niobi um-Titanium (NbTi) wire as the
detector element. A heater creates and helps maintain a norma l zone in that portio n of
the wire above the liquid helium level while that portion of the wire below the liquid
helium level remains superconduct ing. The output voltage of the sensor vari es linearly
with a change in liquid level.
The AMI liquid helium level sensor is designed to operate with an AMI liquid helium
level meter. Operation of the sensor with other level meters or operation of different
length sensor with a meter calibrated for a specifi c length may void the sens or
Diameter:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4"
Active lengths:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 80 inches
Overall length: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . usually 1 inch longer than active
length (1/2 inch at top and bottom)
Sensor current: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 milli-amperes (nominal)
Sensor voltage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-60 V DC depending on sensor
Nominal sensor resistance:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 ohms/cm (11.6 ohms/in.) @ 20K
5.4 ohms/cm (13.7 ohms/in.) @ 300K
Maximum magnetic field:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tesla
Caution symbol: necessary instructions in this document in order to protect
against damage to the product.
Rev. 1, Nov. 1996

A. Carefully remove the sensor from the shipping tube and remove all packaging
and contact the shipping representative to a file a damage claim. Do not
return the instrumen t t o AMI unless prior authorization has been
received (refer to Section VIII).
B. The sensor must be mounted with the electrical leads at the top.
C. For minimum losses, mount the liquid helium sensor so that warm helium gas rising
from the sensor can pass di rectly ou t o f th e dewar without contac ting surface s at 4.2K.
Do not mount the sensor in restricted areas (tubes, etc.) where the liquid level around
the sensor might be depressed by pressure differences in the gas. Do not cover the
holes in the sensor.
D. The sensor may be mounted by taping or clipping it to an appropriate support
structure. Do not exert excess pressure on the sensor with the mounting device to
avoid crushing the tube. Avoid constraining both ends of the sens or and allow for
contraction of the sensor during cooldown.
possibility of cracking or breaking the sensor or wire insulation.
sensor in a vacuum may cause thermal damage and/or destructi on of
the superconducting filament sensor. Do not inadvertently turn the
instrument on with the sensor in an evacuated chamber. Operation in
pumped liquid helium environments is acceptable to 1K as long as
liquid helium is present.
: If there is any shipping damage, save all packaging material
: Avoid bending the sensor or lead wires when cold to avoid the
: Do not operate the sensor in a vacuum. Operating the
E. Avoid installing in a location where icing (frozen water or gas) may occur since ice
formations may cause erratic operation. Ice format ion on the NbTi filament may stop
the propagation of the normal (resistive) zone before it actually reaches the liquid/gas
interface. This will give an indication of a higher helium level than actually exists.
F. Ensure the level meter is de-energized (unplugged) and connect the sensor to the
meter. The liquid helium level sensor leads are color coded:
Blue......V +
Yellow.... V -
Black..... I -
Rev. 1 2
I +

A. The liquid helium level sensor is designed to work with all AMI liquid helium level
instruments. The level meter will be calibrated for a specific length level sensor
(calibrated length will be marked on the calibration label of the level instr ume nt).
the top and bottom of the sensor.
Further information on the helium level instrument is contained in the Installation,
Operations and Maintenance Instructions for the particular model instrument you
have purchased.
Helium consumption is a function of the power input to the sensor and wi ll vary with
the current, temperature (resistance) and the length of the sensor. AMI has, under
ideal laboratory conditions, measured the helium consumption for a typical sensor to
be as low as 20 milliliters per hour. This was measured in an open dewar when the hot
gas did not contact the dewar walls. However, in typical installations the helium
consumption will be somewhat higher. The maximum helium consumption (at 70 milliamperes and 4.5 ohms/cm) would be 30 ml/hr/cm of active length. To minimize helium
consumption it is recommended the sensor be installed in accordance with the
installation instructions and the power to the sensor tur ned off at the level i nstrument
between measurements.
Liquid helium losses due to superconductive helium level sensors can be quite
variable. These losses, due to current in the sensor, are generally a function of physics
and not the manufacturer.
The sensor element is a very small diameter NbTi wire held in a vertical position. The
top of the wire has a small heater attached to initiate a resistive zone. If the current is
adjusted properly, the resistive zone will propagate from the heater area down to the
liquid helium level and will stop with out penetrating below the liquid. It takes a r ather
large amount of heat to maintain the filament in the resistive state in opposition to the
cooling effects of the surrounding helium gas. In the best case, the heated gas leaves
the system without transferring heat to the li quid he lium. In the worst c ase such as in
a completely closed dewar, all of the heat from the sensor eventually finds its way to
the liquid and causes evaporation.
: All sensors have a nominal one-half inch non-active portion at
If the current in a sensor is left on continuously, large losses can occur. It is usually
only necessary to turn the electronics on when it is desired to know the level and then
turn it off. This procedure will minimize the helium losses. For those who want this
process automated, AMI has developed patented "S ampl e and Ho ld" instruments.
These instruments combine analog and digital electronics to measure the level on a
periodic basis. The measurement is made by turning on the sensor current and
monitoring the progress of the resistive zone. The instant the resistive zone is
determined to have reached the liquid helium level, the current is turned off and the
Rev. 1 3