American Magnetics 601 User Manual

American Magnetics, Inc.
P.O. Box 2509, 112 Flint Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2509
Phone: (865) 482-1056 Fax: (865) 482-5472
Internet: E-Mail:


The AMI Model 601 Energy Absorber is designed to provide a compact, f ast-rampdown option of up to 5 VDC fo r A M I power supply system s . T h e Mo de l 60 1 i s de si gn e d to operate safely in the event of loss of facility AC power by drawing the necessary power for internal cooling from the superconducting magnet. Upon loss of AC power to a power supply system, the Model 601 will ramp the system to zero current at a discharge rate of approximately 5 VDC.
AC Input Ratings:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 to 240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz,
100 VA max
DC Input Ratings:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VDC ± 5%, 4 A max
Maximum Magnet Operating Current: . . . . . . . . . . 130 A @ 25
100 A @ 40
Nominal Disch a rge V oltage:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 VDC ± 2%
Discharge Voltage Temperature Coefficient: . . . . . ± 150 ppm/
Internal Series Resistance:
Rated Operating Temperature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 40
Rated Operating Relative Humidity:. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 95% non-condensing
Torque Lim i t on C u rr ent Terminals:. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 in -l b s.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 m ± 1 m
0 to 25
°C, derated linearly to °C
°C max
°C @ 100 A, °C @ 130 A
(nominally adds 200 mV voltage drop at 100 A)
Instruction manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against damage to the product or personal injury .
Rev. 5, July 2003


The AMI Model 601 is designed to operate in an AMI power supply system consisting of a unipolar powe r su pply, a power supply pro gr a mmer, and a supercon d uc t i n g magnet. The following paragraphs document the proce dures and interconnects necessary to use the Model 601.
the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
A. Carefully remove the Model 601 from t he shipping conta iner and remove all packaging
and contact the shipping representative to a file a damage claim. Do not return the instrumen t t o AMI unless prior authorization has been received.
B. If the Model 601 is to be mounted in a rack:
Install the Model 601 in a 19" wide instrument rack by securing the front panel to the rail in each of the four corners with mounting har dware supplied by the cabi net manufacturer.
C. Install the Model 601 in a magnet power supply system by completing the following
601 (maximum torque is 50 in-lbs). Overtightening can result in damage to the terminals.
: If the Model 601 is use d in a manner no t speci fied by AMI,
: If there is any shipping damage, save all packaging material
: Do not overtighten the n uts on the curre nt lugs of the Mode l
1. Connect a power lead cable from the power supply positive (+) out put lug to the
positive (+) lug on the rear of the Model 601. No other connections should be made to the Model 601 positive (+) lug.
2. Connect a power lead cable to the negative (
the positive (+) current lead of the supe rconducting magnet. No other connections should be made to the Model 601 negative (
magnet. Metallic objects shorted across the lugs may conduct large DC currents which are capable of melting the object and causing severe burns.
Rev. 5 2
: Exercise care near the power lugs when operating a
) lug on the rear of the Model 601 to
) lug.
CAUTION: Current flow should be from the positive (+) to negative () lug of the Model 601. If this is reversed, severe damage of the Model 601 will result.
: If an AMI Model 420 Power Supply Programmer is to be used
with the system , re fe r to th e a ppropriate installation section in th e Model 420 Power Supply Programmer manual for a complete system diagram and step-by-step instructions for all the system interconnects.
D. If you have purchased multiple Model 601 units with the Parallel Operation Option,
then up to five Model 601 units may be operated in parallel with a total current rating of 90% of the sum of the ratings for each individual unit .
Typically, if multiple Model 601 units are to be connect ed, the positive (+ ) and negative (
) lugs will be ganged together as illustrated below using a conductive plate. Simply
follow the installation directions in Step C above by treating each ganged lug as a single output lug. The power leads, from the supply and to the magnet, may be connected to any mounting lug if an additional lug is not provided in the ganged conductive plate.
Ganged positive lugs
Coaxial interconnect for parallel operation
Ganged negative lugs
In addition to the ganged lugs, the coaxial connectors on the rear of each Model 601 must also be connected. If more than two units are connected in parallel, the middle units may be connected to the coaxial cable by using standard BNC “T” adaptors. The “end” units should be connected directly to the coaxial cable — no BNC “terminators” should be used.
E. Supply power to the Model 601 by connecting the suppl ied external DC power
converter to the matching connector at the rear of the Model 601, and then connecting the AC power cord to the appropriate power receptacle. The Model 601 is operational immediately upon connection to a power receptacle.
: Do not position the external power supply or the Model 601
so that it is difficult to disconnect the power cords.
Rev. 5 3
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