American Magnetics 4Q1010PS-430 User Manual

MODEL 4Q1010PS-430
American Magnetics, Inc.
P.O. Box 2509, 112 Flint Road, Oak Ridge, TN 378 31 -25 09, Tel: 865-482-1056, Fax: 865-482-5472
Rev. 5; Issue: November 28, 2011
1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents............................................................................... iii
List of Figures.................................................................................... ix
List of Tables...................................................................................... xi
Foreword........................................................................................... xiii
Introduction......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Model 4Q1010PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System Features.... 1
Purpose and Scope .............................................................................xiii
Contents of this Manual .................................................................... xiii
General Precautions........................................................................... xiv
Safety Summary................................................................................. xvi
1.1.1 Digitally-Controlled................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Superior Resolution and Stability ............................................ 1
1.1.3 Intuitive Human-Interface Design........................................... 1
1.1.4 Flexibility................................................................................... 2
1.1.5 Standard Remote Interfaces..................................................... 2
1.1.6 Programmable Safety Features................................................ 2
1.1.7 Condition-Based Magnet Auto-Rampdown.............................. 2
1.1.8 Model 4Q1010PS-430 General Description.............................. 3
1.1.9 Power Supply System Rack Front Panel Layout ............... 4
1.2 Model 430 Front Panel Layout............................................................. 5
1.3 Model 430 Rear Panel Layout ............................................................. 6
1.4 Power Supply Unit Front Panel Layout .............................................. 7
1.5 System Specifications @ 25°C ...................................................... 8
1.6 Operating Characteristics ................................................................... 9
1.6.1 Four-Quadrant Operation......................................................... 9
Installation......................................................................................... 11
2.1 Inspecting and Unpacking.................................................................. 11
2.2 Power Supply System Mounting ........................................................ 11
2.3 Power Requirements........................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Changing the Model 430 Programmer Operating Voltage ... 12
2.4 Collecting Necessary Information...................................................... 12
2.5 System Interconnects.......................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Low-Current, High-Resolution 4-Quadrant Supply .............. 14
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2.6 Special Configurations.........................................................................17
2.7 Superconducting Magnets with No Persistent Switch ......................17
2.8 Short-Circuit or Resistive Load...........................................................17
2.9 Power-Up and Test Procedure ............................................................18
3.1 System Power On/Off Sequence .........................................................21
3.1.1 Model 430 Programmer Power On/Off....................................21
3.1.2 Energizing Power Supply ........................................................22
3.2 Model 430 Programmer Default Display............................................22
3.2.1 Field / Current Display ............................................................23
3.2.2 Voltage Display ........................................................................24
3.2.3 Status Indicator .......................................................................24
3.2.4 Main Display ............................................................................25
3.3 Entering Numeric Values....................................................................25
3.4 Using Fine Adjust Knob to Adjust Numeric Values ..........................26
3.5 Entering Picklist Values......................................................................27
3.6 Single-key Commands / Menu.............................................................28
3.6.1 Persistent Switch Control Key ................................................29
3.6.2 Target Field Setpoint Key ......................................................31
3.6.3 Ramp / Pause Key ....................................................................31
3.6.4 Ramp To Zero Key....................................................................31
3.7 SHIFT-key Commands / Menus..........................................................32
3.7.1 Ramp Rate SHIFT-key ............................................................33
3.7.2 Voltage Limit SHIFT-key ........................................................36
3.7.3 Reset Quench SHIFT-key ........................................................37
3.7.4 Increment Field SHIFT-key ....................................................37
3.7.5 Field <> Current SHIFT-key...................................................38
3.7.6 Decrement Field SHIFT-key ...................................................38
3.7.7 Field Units SHIFT-key ............................................................38
3.7.8 Persistent Switch Heater Current SHIFT-key.......................39
3.7.9 Stability SHIFT-key.................................................................39
3.7.10 Vs <> Vm SHIFT-key...............................................................39
3.7.11 Volt Meter SHIFT-key .............................................................39
3.7.12 Fine Adjust SHIFT-key............................................................39
3.7.13 Persist. Switch Control SHIFT-key ........................................39
3.8 LED Indicators.....................................................................................40
3.8.1 Power-on Indicator...................................................................40
3.8.2 Magnet Status Indicators ........................................................40
3.8.3 SHIFT Indicator.......................................................................41
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3.9 Setup Menu ......................................................................................... 41
3.9.1 Entering / Exiting Setup Menu .............................................. 41
3.9.2 Menu Navigation..................................................................... 42
3.10 Setup Submenu Descriptions ............................................................. 42
3.10.1 Supply Submenu ..................................................................... 43
3.10.2 Load Submenu......................................................................... 48
3.10.3 Misc Submenu ......................................................................... 59
3.10.4 Net Settings Submenu ............................................................ 68
3.10.5 Net Setup Submenu ................................................................ 70
3.11 Example Setup .................................................................................... 72
3.12 Ramping Functions ............................................................................ 74
3.12.1 Ramping States and Controls ................................................ 75
3.12.2 Manual Ramping..................................................................... 76
3.12.3 Automatic Ramping ................................................................ 76
3.12.4 Ramping to Zero ...................................................................... 77
3.12.5 Fine Adjust of Field / Current in Holding Mode.................... 77
3.13 Persistent Switch Control................................................................... 77
3.13.1 Procedure for Initial Heating of the Switch .......................... 78
3.13.2 Procedure for Entering Persistent Mode .............................. 78
3.13.3 Procedure for Exiting Persistent Mode ................................. 81
3.13.4 Toggling the State of the Persistent Switch Heater.............. 84
3.14 Ramping Functions Example ............................................................ 85
3.15 Quench Detection ............................................................................... 86
3.15.1 External Quench Detection..................................................... 87
3.15.2 Disabling Internal Quench Detection .................................... 88
3.16 External Rampdown .......................................................................... 88
3.16.1 External Rampdown while in Persistent Mode .................... 89
3.16.2 External Rampdown while not in Persistent Mode .............. 90
3.17 Summary of Operational Limits and Default Settings..................... 90
Remote Interface Reference ............................................................ 93
4.1 SCPI Command Summary ................................................................. 93
4.2 Programming Overview.................................................................... 100
4.2.1 SCPI Language Introduction................................................ 100
4.2.2 SCPI Status System.............................................................. 100
4.2.3 Standard Event Register ...................................................... 103
4.2.4 Command Handshaking ....................................................... 104
4.3 RS-232 Configuration ....................................................................... 106
4.3.1 Serial Connector.................................................................... 106
4.3.2 Termination Characters........................................................ 106
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4.4 Ethernet Configuration .....................................................................106
4.4.1 Ethernet Connector................................................................107
4.4.2 Termination Characters ........................................................107
4.5 Command Reference ..........................................................................108
4.5.1 System-Related Commands...................................................108
4.5.2 Status System Commands.....................................................109
4.5.3 SETUP Configuration Commands and Queries...................110
4.5.4 Protection Commands and Queries.......................................115
4.5.5 Ramp Configuration Commands and Queries......................120
4.5.6 Ramping State Commands and Queries...............................124
4.5.7 Switch Heater Command and Query ....................................125
4.5.8 Quench State Commands and Queries .................................126
4.5.9 Rampdown State Queries ......................................................126
4.5.10 Trigger Functions...................................................................128
4.6 Error Messages ..................................................................................130
4.6.1 Command Errors....................................................................130
4.6.2 Query Errors ..........................................................................131
4.6.3 Execution Errors ....................................................................132
4.6.4 Device Errors..........................................................................132
5.1 System Component Maintenance .....................................................135
5.1.1 Model 430 Programmer Routine Maintenance.....................135
5.1.2 Model 4Q1010PS Power Supply Routine Maintenance .......135
5.2 Troubleshooting Hints .......................................................................135
5.2.1 Electrostatic Discharge Precautions .....................................135
5.2.2 The Model 430 does not appear to be energized...................136
5.2.3 FAILURE TO LOAD message displayed after power-up ....137
5.2.4 Power supply unstable - magnet voltage oscillates..............138
5.2.5 The power supply system will not charge the magnet.........138
5.2.6 Cannot charge the magnet at the selected ramp rate..........139
5.2.7 Cannot discharge the magnet at the selected ramp rate.....139
5.2.8 Cannot charge the magnet to desired field...........................139
5.2.9 Current in only one direction from 4-quadrant supply........139
5.2.10 Cannot place the magnet in persistent mode.......................140
5.2.11 Cannot bring the magnet out of persistent mode.................140
5.2.12 The magnet quenches for no apparent reason......................140
5.2.13 Cannot lower the magnet field ..............................................140
5.2.14 There is excessive LHe boil-off during operation. ................141
5.2.15 Cannot display the magnetic field strength, only current...141
5.2.16 Cannot use remote communications commands. .................142
5.2.17 Magnet current drifts unacceptably while PSwitch cooling 142
5.2.18 Model 430 appears to lock up when connecting to network 142
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5.3 Additional Technical Support........................................................... 143
5.4 Return Authorization........................................................................ 143
Appendix.......................................................................................... 145
A.1 Magnet Station Connectors ......................................................... 145
A.2 LHe Level / Temp Connectors ...................................................... 146
A.3 Programmer Shunt Terminals ......................................................... 147
A.4 Program Out Connector ................................................................... 148
A.5 Quench I/O Connector....................................................................... 149
A.5.1 External Quench Detection Input ........................................ 149
A.5.2 External Rampdown Input ................................................... 150
A.5.3 External Quench Detection Output ..................................... 151
A.6 Aux Inputs Connector....................................................................... 152
A.7 Ethernet Connector ...................................................................... 153
A.8 RS-232 Connector.............................................................................. 153
A.9 Abbreviations and Acronyms used in this Manual ......................... 154
A.10 Model 430 Programmer Specifications ......................................... 158
A.11 Power Supply Details........................................................................ 161
A.11.1 Model 4Q1010PS Electrical Specifications .......................... 162
A.11.2 Model 4Q1010PS Dimensional Specifications ..................... 163
A.11.3 Four-Quadrant Characteristics ............................................ 164
A.12 Remote Computer Communication with the Model 430................ 165
A.12.1 Communication via RS-232 .................................................. 165
A.12.2 Communication via Ethernet ............................................... 168
A.13 Upgrading the Model 430 Firmware via FTP ................................. 171
A.13.1 Hardware and Software Requirements................................ 171
A.13.2 Preparation............................................................................ 172
A.13.3 Procedure ............................................................................... 173
A.14 Upgrading the Model 430 Firmware via Flash Card Reader ......... 178
A.14.1 Hardware and Software Requirements................................ 178
A.14.2 Preparation............................................................................ 178
A.14.3 Procedure ............................................................................... 179
A.15 Model 430 Remote Control Application ........................................... 182
A.16 Model 430IP Power Supply Programmer ........................................ 185
A.17 Persistent Switch Operation Flowchart .......................................... 188
Index ............................................................................................... 191
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Table of Contents
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1 List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Typical Model 4Q1010PS-430 System Rack Layout.............................. 4
Figure 1-2 Model 4Q1010PS Front Panel................................................................. 7
Figure 1-3 The Four Regions, or Quadrants, of System Operation. ....................... 9
Figure 1-4 Four-Quadrant System with Resistive Shunt........................................ 9
Figure 2-1 Typical Model 4Q1010PS-430 System Rack Interconnections............ 14
Figure 2-2 Model 4Q1010PS-430 Low-Current System Interconnections............ 15
Figure 3-1 Default Display. ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-2 Numeric Keypad and Associated Keys ................................................. 25
Figure 3-3 Menu Navigation Keys .......................................................................... 28
Figure 3-4 Single Input Keys .................................................................................. 29
Figure 3-5 SHIFT-Key Functions ........................................................................... 32
Figure 3-6 Magnet Status LED Indicators. ............................................................ 40
Figure 3-7 Setup Menu Structure ........................................................................... 43
Figure 3-8 Example Power Supply Outputs........................................................... 46
Figure 3-9 Stability Setting vs. Magnet (with PSwitch) Inductance .................... 49
Figure 3-10 Typical Power Supply Self-Limits ........................................................ 51
Figure 3-11 Magnet Current Rating Set Within Supply Range.............................. 52
Figure 3-12 Example Current Limit Setup .............................................................. 53
Figure 3-13 Example Magnet Specification Sheet. .................................................. 73
Figure 3-14 Ramping to Two Different Target Field/Current Settings. ................. 85
Figure 4-1 The Model 430 Programmer Status System. ..................................... 101
Figure 4-2 Asterisk Indicating Model 430 in Remote Mode ................................ 109
Figure A-1 4Q1010PS Outline Drawing, Front and Rear Views ......................... 163
Figure A-2 4Q1010PS Outline Drawing, Top and Side Views............................. 164
Figure A-3 Four-Quadrant Supply Output Characteristics................................. 165
Figure A-4 http:// - IP Address or System Name Entry ....................................... 183
Figure A-5 Initial Screen for Browser Access of the Model 430........................... 184
Figure A-6 Model 430IP Front Panel .................................................................... 185
Figure A-7 Browser Depiction of the Model 430................................................... 185
Figure A-8 http:// - System Name Entry ............................................................... 186
Figure A-9 Initial Screen for Browser Access of the Model 430IP....................... 186
Figure A-10 Browser Control of the Model 430IP .................................................. 187
Figure A-11 Persistent Switch Operation Flowchart, Page 1 ................................ 188
Figure A-12 Persistent Switch Operation Flowchart, Page 2 ................................ 189
Figure A-13 Persistent Switch Operation Flowchart, Page 3 ................................ 190
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List of Figures
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1 List of Tables

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Model 430 Front Panel Description ........................................................ 5
Table 1-2 Model 430 Resistive Shunt Version Rear Panel Description ................ 6
Table 3-1 Description of Status Indicators ........................................................... 24
Table 3-2 Select Supply picklist values and associated parameters. .................. 45
Table 3-3 V-V Mode Input Range Picklist Values ................................................48
Table 3-4 Maximum Recommended Stability Setting Changes ......................... 50
Table 3-5 Example Setup Configuration...............................................................74
Table 3-6 Ramp modes and descriptions............................................................... 76
Table 3-7 Summary of Model 430 Programmer Limits and Defaults ................. 91
Table 4-1 Bit Definitions for the Status Byte Register ......................................102
Table 4-2 Bit Definitions for the Standard Event Register ............................... 104
Table 4-3 Return Values and Meanings for SUPPly:TYPE? Query.................. 111
Table 4-4 Return Values and Meanings for SUPPly:MODE? Query.................. 112
Table 4-5 Return Values and Meanings for STATE? Query............................... 125
Table 4-6 Model 430 Programmer Trigger Function Bit Definitions ................128
Table 5-1 V-V Mode Input Range Picklist Values ..............................................137
Table A-1 Magnet Station Connectors Pin Definitions.......................................145
Table A-2 LHe Level / Temp Connectors Pin Definitions...................................146
Table A-3 Program Out Connector Pin Definitions ............................................ 148
Table A-4 Quench I/O Connector Pin Definitions ...............................................149
Table A-5 Aux Inputs Connector Pin Definitions ...............................................152
Table A-6 Ethernet RJ-45 Connector Pin Definitions ........................................153
Table A-7 RS-232 Connector Pin Definitions ...................................................... 153
Table A-8 PC (DB9)-to-Model 430 RS-232 Cable Connections........................... 154
Table A-9 Abbreviations and Acronyms ..............................................................154
Table A-10 Model 430 Programmer Specifications @ 25°C ................................. 158
Table A-11 Model 4Q1010PS Electrical Specifications......................................... 162
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List of Tables
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Purpose and Scope

This manual contains the operation and maintenance instructions for the American Magnetics, Inc. Model 4Q1010PS-430 Power Supply System. The user is encouraged to contact an authorized AMI Technical Support Representative for information regarding specific configurations not explicitly covered in this manual.

Contents of this Manual

Introduction introduces the reader to the functions and characteristics of the Model 430 Power Supply Programmer and the Power Supply System. It provides illustrations of the front and rear panel layouts as well as documenting the performance specifications. Additional information is provided in the form of system circuit diagrams.
Installation describes how the Model 430 Power Supply Programmer is unpacked and installed in conjunction with ancillary equipment in typical superconducting magnet systems. Block-level diagrams document the interconnects for various system configurations.
Operation describes how the Model 430 Programmer is used to control a superconducting magnet. All Model 430 Programmer displays and controls are documented. The ramping functions, persistent switch heater controls, and the quench detect features are also presented.
Remote Interface Reference documents all remote commands and queries available through the Model 430 Programmer RS-232 and Ethernet interfaces. A quick-reference summary of commands is provided as well as a detailed description of each.
Service provides guidelines to assist the user in troubleshooting possible system and Model 430 Programmer malfunctions. Information for contacting AMI Technical Support personnel is also provided.
Appendix provides additional details and/or procedures in the following areas:
1. Model 430 Programmer rear panel connectors.
2. Individual power supply unit specifications
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General Precautions

3. Establishing RS-232 or Ethernet communications with the Model
4. Model 430 firmware upgrade.
5. Abbreviations and acronyms used in this manual.
6. Persistent switch operation (flow diagram).
General Precautions
Cryogen Safety
The two most common cryogenic liquids used in superconducting magnet systems are nitrogen and helium. Both of these cryogens are extremely cold at atmospheric pressure (321°F and 452°F, respectively). The following paragraphs outline safe handling precautions for these liquids.
Personnel handling cryogenic liquids should be thoroughly instructed and trained as to the nature of the liquids. Training is essential to minimize accidental spilling. Due to the low temperature of these materials, a cryogen spilled on many objects or surfaces may damage the surface or cause the object to shatter, often in an explosive manner.
Inert gases released into a confined or inadequately ventilated space can displace sufficient oxygen to make the local atmosphere incapable of sustaining life. Liquefied gases are potentially extreme suffocation hazards since a small amount of liquid will vaporize and yield a very large volume of oxygen-displacing gas. Always ensure the location where the cryogen is used is well ventilated. Breathing air with insufficient oxygen content may cause unconsciousness without warning. If a space is suspect, purge the space completely with air and test before entry. If this is not possible, wear a forced-air respirator and enter only with a co-worker standing by wearing a forced-air respirator.
Cryogenic liquids, due to their extremely low temperatures, will also burn the skin in a similar manner as would hot liquids. Never permit cryogenic liquids to come into contact with the skin or allow liquid nitrogen to soak clothing. Serious burns may result from careless handling. Never touch uninsulated pipes or vessels containing cryogenic liquids. Flesh will stick to extremely cold materials. Even nonmetallic materials are dangerous to touch at low temperatures. The vapors expelled during the venting process are sufficiently cold to burn flesh or freeze optic tissues. Insulated gloves should be used to prevent frost-bite when operating valves on cryogenic tanks. Be cautious with valves on cryogenic systems; the temperature extremes they are typically subjected to cause seals to fail frequently.
xiv Rev. 5
General Precautions
In the event a person is burned by a cryogen or material cooled to cryogenic temperatures, the following first aid treatment should be given pending the arrival and treatment of a physician or other medical care worker:
1. If any cryogenic liquid contacts the skin or eyes, immediately flush
the affected area gently with tepid water (102°F 105°F, 38.9°C
40.5°C) and then apply cold compresses.
2. Do not apply heat. Loosen any clothing that may restrict circulation. Apply a sterile protective dressing to the affected area.
3. If the skin is blistered or there is any chance that the eyes have been affected, get the patient immediately to a physician for treatment.
Containers of cryogenic liquids are self pressurizing (as the liquid boils off, vapor pressure increases). Hoses or lines used to transfer these liquids should never be sealed at both ends (i.e. by closing valves at both ends).
When pouring cryogenic liquids from one container to another, the receiving container should be cooled gradually to prevent damage by thermal shock. The liquid should be poured slowly to avoid spattering due to rapid boil off. The receiving vessel should be vented during the transfer.
Introduction of a substance at or near room temperature into a cryogenic liquid should be done with great caution. There may be a violent gas boil­off and a considerable amount of splashing as a result of this rapid boiling. There is also a chance that the material may crack or catastrophically fail due to forces caused by large differences in thermal contraction of different regions of the material. Personnel engaged in this type of activity should be instructed concerning this hazard and should always wear a full face shield and protective clothing. If severe spraying or splashing could occur, safety glasses or chemical goggles along with body length protective aprons will provide additional protection.
The properties of many materials at extremely low temperatures may be quite different from the properties that these same materials exhibit at room temperatures. Exercise extreme care when handling materials cooled to cryogenic temperatures until the properties of these materials under these conditions are known.
Metals to be used for use in cryogenic equipment application must posses sufficient physical properties at these low temperatures. Since ordinary carbon steels, and to somewhat a lesser extent, alloy steels, lose much of their ductility at low temperatures, they are considered unsatisfactory and sometimes unsafe for these applications. The austenitic Ni-Cr alloys exhibit good ductility at these low temperatures and the most widely used
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Safety Summary

is 18-8 stainless steel. Copper, Monel®, brass and aluminum are also considered satisfactory materials for cryogenic service.
Magnet Quenches
When an energized superconducting magnet transitions from superconducting state to normal state, the magnet converts magnetic energy to thermal energy thereby rapidly converting the liquid helium to a vapor. When this phase transformation occurs, pressures can build rapidly in the cryostat due to the fact that one part of liquid helium will generate 782 parts of gaseous helium at STP (standard temperature and pressure). The cryostat must be designed to allow the generated vapor to rapidly and safely vent to an area of lower pressure. Cryostats are designed with pressure relief valves of sufficient capacity so as to limit the pressure transients within the container in order to prevent damage to the vessel. Operating a superconducting magnet in a cryostat without properly sized relief mechanisms or disabled relief mechanism is unsafe for the operator as well as for the equipment. If there is any doubt as to the sufficiency of the pressure relief system, contact the manufacturer of the magnet and cryostat for assistance.
Safety Summary
Superconducting magnet systems are complex systems with the potential to seriously injure personnel or equipment if not operated according to procedures. The use of cryogenic liquids in these systems is only one factor to consider in safe and proper magnet system operation. Proper use of safety mechanisms (pressure relief valves, rupture disks, etc.) included in the cryostat and top plate assembly are necessary. Furthermore, an understanding of the physics of the magnet system is needed to allow the operator to properly control the large amounts of energy stored in the magnetic field of the superconducting coil. The Model 430 Programmer has been designed with safety interlocks to assist the operator in safe operation, but these designed-in features cannot replace an operator’s understanding of the system to ensure the system is operated in a safe and deliberate manner.
Recommended Safety Equipment
First Aid kit
Fire extinguisher rated for class C fires
Cryogenic gloves
Face shield
Signs to indicate that there are potentially damaging magnetic fields
in the area and that cryogens are in use in the area.
xvi Rev. 5
Safety Summary
Safety Legend
Instruction manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against damage to the product or personal injury.
Hazardous voltage symbol.
Alternating Current (Refer to IEC 417, No. 5032).
Off (Supply) (Refer to IEC 417, No. 5008).
On (Supply) (Refer to IEC 417, No. 5007).
The Warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure or practice, which if not correctly adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a Warning sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
The Caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure or practice, which if not adhered to, could cause damage or destruction of a part or all of the product. Do not proceed beyond a Caution sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
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Safety Summary
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1 Introduction

1.1 Model 4Q1010PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System Fea­tures
The Model 4Q1010PS-430 High-Resolution Power Supply System is a sophisticated digitally-controlled power supply which allows an operator to manage a superconducting magnet system with unprecedented accuracy and ease of use. Integral components of the system include a Model 430 Programmer and Kepco BOP-series power supply (also referred to in this manual as “Model 4Q1010PS”). The AMI Model 4Q1010PS-430 Power Supply System provides for a degree of flexibility and accuracy previously unavailable in an economical commercial product.

1.1.1 Digitally-Controlled

The Power Supply System is controlled by a microcomputer-based control­ler which controls all analog data conversion, display/keypad functions, communications I/O, generation of analog programming signals for the external power supply, and control law computations. The Power Supply System incorporates digital signal processing (DSP) functions that provide for accurate control, low drift, and flexibility of use.

1.1.2 Superior Resolution and Stability

The Model 430 Power Supply Programmer incorporates high-resolution converters to translate signals between the analog and digital domains. Precision instrumentation techniques and potentiometer-free designs are employed throughout the Model 430 Programmer to ensure accurate sig­nal translation for a wide range of conditions. The magnet current is sam­pled at 24-bit resolution in hardware and is software-programmable to 15­digits resolution. All pause and hold functions are performed in the digital domain which provides for excellent stability and drift of the programmed magnetic field.

1.1.3 Intuitive Human-Interface Design

The Power Supply System was designed to simplify the interface where possible. All functions were analyzed and subsequently programmed so that the most commonly used functions are addressed with the least number of keystrokes. The menus are also presented in a logical fashion so that the operation of the Power Supply System is intuitive to the user.
The provision of a velocity-sensitive rotary encoder on the front panel also allows the operator to fine-adjust many of the operating parameters of the magnet system.
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1.1.4 Flexibility

The Model 4Q1010PS-430 system is configured as a four-quadrant power supply system which is able to both supply and remove electrical energy from the superconducting magnet system. The Power Supply System was engineered to be compatible with most magnet systems.

1.1.5 Standard Remote Interfaces

The Power Supply System provides an RS-232 serial port as well as an Ethernet port as standard features. All settings can be controlled via the remote interfaces and the front panel can be remotely locked to prevent accidental operation. The Power Supply System also provides trigger functions for data collection and/or logging during operation.

1.1.6 Programmable Safety Features

The Power Supply System is designed to be operated from the front panel of the Programmer or remotely with operational parameters which must not be exceeded for the given conditions of the system. Once set, should an operator inadvertently attempt to take the magnet system to an excessive magnetic field strength or charge at an excessive voltage, the Programmer will not accept the parameter and will alert the operator that a value was rejected because it was outside the user-defined limits.
In addition, each setup parameter can be individually selected for locking. A user-defined password is required to lock or unlock settings. This allows an administrator to set and password protect any critical parameters that should not be changed by the operator. Then the administrator can be confident that an operator will not subsequently change any of these critical parameters, and yet will be free to change any non-critical (unlocked) parameters.

1.1.7 Condition-Based Magnet Auto-Rampdown

The Power Supply System can be connected to an AMI Model 13x Liquid Helium Level Instrument to allow automatic rampdown of the magnet (even in persistent mode) should the liquid helium (LHe) level drop to a preset level. This feature ensures the magnet will be protected and not experience a quench should the LHe level reach an unsafe level for magnet operation. A single cable is required to use this feature and is covered in more detail in section A.5.2 on page 150 of the Appendix. Contact AMI for more information.
In addition to low LHe level, this input to the Power Supply System can be used with other instrumentation as well. Other uses for this input include faults from a cryocooler, temperature instrumentation, etc.
2 Rev. 5
General Description

1.1.8 Model 4Q1010PS-430 General Description

A Model 430 Power Supply Programmer and Kepco BOP series power supply are configured to make up the system designated as 4Q1010PS-
430. The Model 4Q1010PS is a 100 Watt, ±10
quadrant, voltage and current stabilized DC supply. The power supply is remotely controlled by the Model 430 Power Supply Programmer.
Volt, ±10 ampere, 4-
The Model 4Q1010PS-430 is a true 4-quadrant voltage and current power supply capable of both sourcing and sinking
power smoothly through zero to provide true ±voltage and ±current. It is ideal for controlling inductive loads, such as small magnets or motors, with high precision.
The power supply is controlled by a ±10 Vdc remote analog signal supplied by the Model 430 Programmer and applied to the power supply analog input. Programming and control of the current loop (composed of the magnet, power supply, and Model 430 Programmer shunt), is provided by a Model 430 ramp-generated current reference with parameters as set by the user in the Model 430. The Model 430 compares the measured current (via the shunt) with the current reference to provide precise closed-loop control of the actual current.
The power supply is operated in voltage-voltage
programming mode, with the Model 430 Programmer output scaled to operate the power supply over its available voltage output range. The Programmer signal will continually adjust the power supply output voltage to automatically regulate the power supply current; precise linear power supply current control will result as long as the system voltage and current demand do not exceed the power supply rating or load limiting parameters.
1. Due to continuous discharge power limitations present in the BOP series supplies, for maximum safety AMI limits both the charging and discharging voltage to a max­imum of 10 volts via the Model 430 Programmer, effectively limiting the available power to 100 watts.
2. The power supply is operating as a source if the current direction and voltage polar­ity are the same (i.e., the situation that would exist when supplying a resistive load). If the voltage polarity and current direction are opposite, the supply is operating as a sink and energy is being absorbed.
3. Voltage reference controlling voltage output.
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Figure 1-1. Typical Model 4Q1010PS-430 System Rack Layout
System Rack

1.1.9 Power Supply System Rack Front Panel Layout

4 Rev. 5
1 Power Indicator LED 8 Fine Adjust Knob
2 280 x 16 Dot Graphic VF Display 9 Persistent Switch Heater Control Key
3 Shift Indicator LED 10 Target Field Setpoint Key
4 Shift Key 11 Ramp/Pause Switch
5 4 Row x 3 Column Keypad 12 Menu Navigation and Data Entry Keys
6 Power Switch 13 Ramp to Zero Key
7 Magnet Status Indicator LEDs

Table 1-1. Model 430 Front Panel Description

Model 430 Front Panel

1.2 Model 430 Front Panel Layout

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Table 1-2. Model 430 Resistive Shunt Version Rear Panel Description

Model 430 Rear Panel Layout

1.3 Model 430 Rear Panel Layout

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Power Supply Front Panel Layout

1.4 Power Supply Unit Front Panel Layout

The power supply front panel contains the input ON/OFF circuit breaker. The remaining front panel controls and connections are not used in the Model 4Q1010PS-430 configuration because the output is controlled by the Model 430 Programmer. Refer to Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. Model 4Q1010PS Front Panel

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Power Supply Front Panel Layout
1.5 System Specifications @ 25°C
Magnet Current Control
Range: 10 to +10 A
Programming Accuracy: 4 mA
Stability: 2 mA after 20 min. at desired current
Minimum Ramp Rate: 10 μA/min
Maximum Ramp Rate: 1 A/sec
Output Voltage
Range: 10 to +10 Vdc
Measurement Resolution: 10 mV
Load Inductance
Range: 0.5 to 100 H
Primary Power Requirements
Approximate Weight: 85 lbm (40 kg)
Terminal Torque Limit: 48 lbf-in (5.4 N-m)
Environmental Limits
Ambient Temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95%; non-condensing
a. H = height; W = width; D = depth
Range: 100 - 115 or 200 - 230 Vac ±10%
50 / 60 Hz, 1200 VA
12.5” H x 21” W x 24.5” D (318 mm H x 533 mm W x 622 mm D)
8 Rev. 5
Positive Current
Flow Direction
Positive Voltage
Positive Current
Flow Direction
Negative Voltage
Negative Current
Flow Direction
Positive Voltage
Negative Current
Flow Direction
Negative Voltage

Figure 1-3. The Four Regions, or Quadrants, of System Operation.

Misc. Line Losses
Model 420
Power Supply
Figure 1-4. Four-Quadrant System with Resistive Shunt
Operating Characteristics

1.6 Operating Characteristics

The Model 430 Programmer has been designed to perform with var­ious power supplies to allow the user the greatest degree of system flexibility. The power supply and Programmer combination are cate­gorized by one of three forms: sin-
gle-quadrant, dual-quadrant, and four-quadrant. For sake of clarity,
the term quadrant is defined as one of four areas of a cartesian coordinate system where the abscissa is current and the ordi­nate is voltage. Refer to Figure 1-3.

1.6.1 Four-Quadrant Operation

The four-quadrant magnet power supply system illustrated in Figure 1-4 offers the most control of all the modes of operation. Efficiency is increased and reversible magnetic field profiles are attainable without discontinuities in the current. All of the voltage and current control is performed electronically so that system reliability is improved. Disadvantages of the four-quadrant system include somewhat increased cost of the power supply over single or dual-quadrant power supplies, and added complexity in protecting the power supply in the event of AC power loss or magnet quenching. Nonetheless, modern four-quadrant power supplies which include integral output protection against AC power loss and magnet quenching are available at reasonable prices.
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Operating Characteristics
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2 Installation

Before energizing the equipment, the earth ground of the power receptacle must be verified to be at earth potential and able to carry the rated current of the power circuit. Using extension cords should be avoided; however, if one must be used, ensure the ground conductor is intact and capable of carrying the rated current.
In the event that the ground path becomes less than sufficient to carry the rated current of the power circuit, the equipment should be disconnected from power, labeled as unsafe, and removed from place of operation.
Do not operate this equipment in the presence of flammable gases. Doing so could result in a life-threatening explosion.
Do not modify this equipment in any way. If component replacement is required, return the equipment to AMI facilities as described in the Troubleshooting section of this manual.
If used in a manner not specified in this manual, the protection provided by the design, manufacture and documentation of the system may be impaired.

2.1 Inspecting and Unpacking

Carefully remove the equipment, interconnecting cabling, and documentation CD (and/or printed material) from the shipping carton, and remove all packaging material.
If there is any shipping damage, save all packing material and contact the shipping representative to file a damage claim. Do not return to AMI unless prior authorization has been received.

2.2 Power Supply System Mounting

If the system is to be used on a table top, place the equipment on a flat, secure surface.
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Power Requirements

2.3 Power Requirements

The power requirement for each system component is marked on the rear panel of the unit adjacent to the power entry connectors. Be sure the power supply system is configured for the proper power source prior to plugging in the line cords. Do not fail to connect the input ground terminal securely to an external earth ground.
Ensure the front panel power switches are in the OFF ( that the power supply components are configured for the proper operating voltage by referring to the equipment rear panels. If the operating voltage is correct, plug the line cords into power entry connectors, and into the appropriate power receptacles.
O) position. Verify

2.3.1 Changing the Model 430 Programmer Operating Voltage

The following procedure is to be performed only when the Model 430 Programmer is completely de-energized by removing the power-cord from the power receptacle. Failure to do so could result in personnel coming in contact with high voltages capable of producing life­threatening electrical shock.
The voltage selector switch is labeled “115” for nominal line voltages from 100 to 115 VAC. The switch is labeled “230” for nominal line voltages of 200 to 230 VAC.
If the Model 430 Programmer operating voltage must be changed, ensure the instrument is de-energized by disconnecting the power cord from the power source. Remove the Model 430 Programmer cover by removing the four screws on both sides of the cover and the four screws from the corners of the cover on the back panel; slide the voltage selector switch on the main printed circuit board to the proper voltage. Replace the Model 430 Programmer cover.

2.4 Collecting Necessary Information

In order to properly configure the Model 430 Programmer, specific system information is required. Such parameters as the magnet electrical properties, type of power supply, persistent switch heating current requirements, and voltage and current constraints of the magnet are entered into the Model 430 Programmer once and nonvolatile memory will retain the data even after power is removed from the instrument. An
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