
FT010CB / FT080CF
Contact Closure Transceivers
Contact Closure l
2ms response time
Normally open
One fiber design
High performance la se r- ba sed optics
Multimode or Single mo de
ST or FC conn ec to rs a va ilable
Robust Design
Plug-and-Play des ig n, n o in -field adjustments re qu ir ed .
Hot-swappable des ig n
Wide operating temp er at ur e range of -40ºC to +75ºC
Designed for use in har sh e nv ir onments
Video Transmission
The FT010C B an d FT08 0C F co nt ac t closure series
transmits one ch an nel o f bi-dire ct io na l c on ta ct clos ur e or
up to 8 -c hannels of one-way co nt ac t closures . This series
fe at ur e hi gh -performance laser- ba se d op ti cs f or the
clearest, most reliable trans mi ss io n in b ot h si ng le a nd
multi-mode with no vi de o de gr adation.
A p lu g-and-play product, provides compatibility in mos t
application designs and reliability in harsh environments,
a perfect complime nt to a ny com mercial,
in tel lig ent tr ans por tat ion a ppl ica tio n. Th e p rod uct
features in card modu le o r st an dalone type.
government or
Typical Application
War ra nt y
Comprehensive Lif et im e War ra nt y

FT010CB / FT080CF
Contact Closures
Numbe r of Ch ann els
Direc tio n (FT 010 CB)
Direc tio n (FT 080 CF)
Input Type
Output Type
Dry contact Output Rating
Conta ct Cl osu re In put / Out put
Opt ic al Ca rri er De tecte d
Pow er
Connec tors
Conta ct Cl osu re In put / O ut put
Opt ic al In put / O utp ut
Pow er (Sta ndalone )
Power ( Rac k-m oun t)
1 / 8
Bi-di rec tio nal
For ward
Dry Con tac t or TT L inpu t
Dry Con tac t, NO o r NC
Max. 32 VDC /VAC @ 1 00m A
Red/G ree n LED l it
Yell ow / Act ive
Red/O n
5-pin s cre w ter min al
ST (s tan dard) , FC (o pti ona l)
2-pin s cre w ter min al bloc k
Bus c on nec tor
Elec tr ical and Mechanic al
FT0 10 CB
Pow er (Sta nd alo ne)
Pow er (Rack Mo unt )
Dimen sio ns( WxH xD) (St and alo ne)
Dimen sio ns( WxH xD) (Ra ck Mo unt )
Shi pping Weig ht (Sta nda lon e)
Shi pping Weig ht (Rac k Mou nt)
FT0 80 CF
Pow er (Sta nd alo ne)
Pow er (Rack Mo unt )
Dimen sio ns( WxH xD) (St and alo ne)
Dimen sio ns( WxH xD) (Ra ck Mo unt )
Shi pping Weig ht (Sta nda lon e)
Shi pping Weig ht (Rac k Mou nt)
Envi ro nmental
Ope rating Temp
Sto ra ge Temp
Relat ive H umi dit y
12VDC @ 2 .4W
Fro m FT-C18 Cha ssi s
156 x 30. 5 x 223 mm( Max )
148 x 20. 4 x 213 mm( Max )
0.5 8kg
0.2 kg
12VDC @ 4 .2W
Fro m FT-C18 Cha ssi s
156 x 50. 5 x 223 mm( Max )
148 x 41. 4 x 213 mm( Max )
0.7 8kg
0.2 8kg
-40°C t o +75 °C
-40°C t o +85 °C
0 to 95 % non-con den sin g
> 100,0 00 ho urs
Ordering Information
Fiber Type
Multi -mo de
(62 .5/12 5μm)
Singl e-m ode
(9/ 12 5μm )
Opt io ns
Pow er Adaptor
Rack Mo unt C has sis
Part Number
FT0 10 CB- SMR T
FT0 80 CF- SMR
FT0 10 CB- SST R
FT0 10 CB- SSR T
FT0 80 CF- SST
FT0 80 CF- SSR 8-ch On e-w ay Co nta ct Cl osure Rec eiv er
ST ty pe co nne cto r is s tan dar d. Fo r FC ty pe , spe cif y “F” i n the s uff ix. E .g . FMT R/F MT
For S tan dalon e typ e, pl eas e add “SA ”. E. g. SM TRS A/SMT SA
Ple ase f eel fre e to co nsu lt fa ctory i f lon ger t ran smiss ion d ist anc e is requ ire d.
Pow er ada pto r is inc lud ed in St and alone typ e only.
FT-C 18 is to b e pur cha sed se par ate ly. Ple ase r efe r to acc ess ori es sectio n for t he detail s.
1-ch bi dir ect ion al Cont a
1-ch bi dir ect ion al Cont act C los ure Tr ansce ive r
8-ch On e-w ay Co nta ct Cl osure Tran smi tte rFT0 80 CF- SMT
8-ch On e-w ay Co nta ct Cl osure Rec eiv er
1-ch bi dir ect ion al Cont act C los ure Tr ansce ive r
1-ch bi dir ect ion al Cont act C los ure Tr ansce ive r
8-ch On e-w ay Co nta ct Cl osure Tran smi tte r
ct Cl osure Tran sce ive rFT0 10 CB- SMT R
Wav ele ngt hs
1310 | 15 50 23 1 1
1310 23
1310 | 15 50 17
1310 17
Opt ic al Po wer
Bud get
Dista nce
(Km )
1 2
20 1
20 2
slo ts
Video Transmission
Notes :
Tr ansmi ssi on di sta nce wil l suf fer i f add iti ona l lo sse s are i ntr odu ce d by th e opt ica l con ne cto rs, f usi ons , sp lic es an d the f ibe rs w ith in th e
netwo rk.
O per ati ng d ist anc e of mu lti mo de is l imi ted b y the c ha rac ter ist ics o f th e fib er ba ndw idt h.
P owe r ada pt or is m anu fac tur ed b y thi rd pa rty a nd is sup pli ed wi th fi tted sc rew - t erm ina l outpu t cab les .
P lea se fe el f ree t o con sul t fac to ry fo r any s pec ial r eq uir eme nt an d custo miz ati on.
ISO 90 01:20 00
FM 886 38