AMD Advanced Micro Devices AMMC008AWP-150, AMMC008AWP-100I, AMMC004AWP-150, AMMC004AWP-100I, AMMC004AWP-100 Datasheet

This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information is intended to help you ev aluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or dis continue work on thi s proposed product without notice.
Publication# 20975 Rev: D Amendment/+1 Issue Date: May 1998
2, 4, or 8 Megabyte 5.0 Volt-only Flash Miniature Card
2, 4, or 8 Mbytes of addressable Flash memory
5.0 Volt-only, single power supply operation
— Write and read voltage: 5.0 V ± 10% — No additional supply current required for V
Fast access time
— 100 or 150 ns access time
CMOS low power consumption
— Typical active read current:
70 mA (word mode)
— Typical active erase/write current:
100 mA (word mode)
— Typical standby current:
10 µA (8 Mbyte card)
High write endurance
— Guaranteed minimum 100,000 write/erase
cycles per card
— More than 1,000,000 cycles per card typical
Uniform sector arch itecture
— 64K byte individually useable sectors — Erase Suspend/Resume increases system lev el
— BUSY# and RESET# signals
Zero data retention power
— No power required to retain data
Available in industrial temperature grade
(–40°C to +85°C)
Miniature Card standard form factor
— True interchangeability — 60-pad connector — Supports multiple technologies — Sonic welded stainless steel case — PCMCIA Type II adapter available — Selectable byte- or word-wide configuration — Small form factor (38 mm x 33 mm x 3.5 mm)
60 connection bus
— 16-bit data bus — 25-bit address bus — Easy system integration — Low cost implementation — Low cost cards
Consumer-friendly mechanicals
— User can easily insert and remove card, upgrade
memory , and add applications
Voltage level keying
— Does not allow a 5 V card to plug into a 3 V
system and vice versa — Single power supply design — System does not need a separate program
voltage supply; only one is necessary to read
and write
The Miniature Card is an expansion card that provides a high-performance, small form factor solution for data and file storage to the portable, handheld market, which includes audio, digital film, wireless, and PDA (Portable Digital Assistant) applications. The Miniature Card provides a low cost, low pow er , high perf ormance interface for memory cards.
Miniature cards can be easily “snapped” into the back of an electronic system and can be readily removed and replaced by end users. AMD’s 5 V Flash Miniature Cards are manufactured using AMD’s industry leading
5.0 volt-only, single-power-supply Am29F080B and
Am29F017B Flash Memory devices, ensuring high reli­ability and excellent performance. The Miniature Card is less than 30% of the size of a PCMCIA memory card. Applications include digital voice recorders, pocket PCs and intelligent organizers, smar t cellular tele­phones, voice and data messaging pagers, digital still cameras and portable instrumentation equipment.
The Miniature Card specification will be defined by PCMCIA as of October 1997. The participating associ­ation member s include maj or Flash mem ory vendors and leading consumer electronics OEMs. The goal of the Miniature Card specification is to promote an open, interoperable small-f orm-f actor memory card standard. For more information on the Miniature Card specifica-
tion, visit the PCMCIA web site at http:/ /www.pc­
AMD Flash Miniatur e Cards can be read in either a byte-wide or word-wide mode, which allows for flexible integration into v arious system platf orms. Compatibility is assured at the hardware interface and softw are inter­change specification.
Miniature Card is also designed with low-cost and rugged handling in mind. The card contains virtually no control logic, which keeps cost and power con­sumption to a minimum. The Miniature Card is pack­aged in a sonic welded, stainless steel case that guarantees durability, provides good ESD protection and ease of handling.
The Miniature Card has e x tens ive third-party support, including socket and connector solutions, software support from the major FTL software vendors, and PCMCIA adapter solutions and pro g r ammer sup port.
AMD’s Mini ature Fl ash cards can be used f o r both cod e and data stor age. Si nce f ast ra ndom access is possib le, code can be directly executed from the card, re ducing
the amount of system RAM required. In addition. AMD’s Flash technology offers unsurpassed endurance, data retention and reliability, eliminating the need for complex er ror co rrect ion and de f ect manag ement ha rd­ware and software. Each Flash sector provides a minimum of 100,000 cycles, which translates into a typical card life of one million or more cycles.
For more information, please contact your local AMD sales office or visit our Web site at
Table 1 lis ts the terms and definitions t hat ma y be used in conjunction with Miniature Card specifications.
Table 1. Miniature Card Definitions
Term Meaning
Acronym for Attribute Information Structure. AIS is a Miniature Card specification for storing Miniature Card attribute information.
ESD Acronym for Electrostatic Discharge. ESD is part of the Miniature Card physical test.
Acronym for File Allocation Table. Using an F AT is a common method for managing files in a DOS-based system.
A type of non-volatile memory that is both readable and writeable, but requires the media to be erased before it is rewritten.
Host Any system that incorporates a Miniature Card socket.
Insertion, Cold
User Perception:
Insertion of the Miniature Card when the host is off.
Host State:
The host would be either off or in sleep mode, no bus activity is occurring, the host is non-operational by the user. The user inserts the Miniature Card and then presses a button to turn the host on before the system is operational.
Insertion, Hot
User Perception:
Insertion of a Miniature Card when the host is running.
Host State:
The host would be in running mode, bus activity is occurring, the host is operational by the user. The user inserts the card, the host recognizes it, and the host continues to be operational. Note: Hot insertion may require buffering on the host system for proper operation.
Insertion, Pseudo Hot
User Perception:
Insertion of a Miniature Card when the host is running.
Host State:
The host would be in running mode, bus activity is occurring, the host is operational by the user. The user inserts the card, the host immediately powers off before the
Miniature Card makes contact with the host’s internal bus. The user would then need to press a button to turn the host on for it to become operational.
Interface Signals Miniature Card signals that make connection through the 60-pad connector area. JEDEC Acronym for Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council.
Miniature Card Backside
The side of the Miniature Card that contains the latching mechanism. The backside is opposite the frontside.
Miniature Card Bottomside
The side of the Miniature Card that contains the interface signals. The bottomside is opposite the topside.
Miniature Card Frontside
The side of the Miniature Card that contains power, insertion, ground, voltage keys, and alignment notch. The frontside is opposite the backside.
Miniature Card Topside
The side of the Miniature Card that contains the Miniature Card label. The topside is opposite the bottomside.
PC Card A memory or I/O card compatible with the PC Card Standard.
PC Card Adapter
The hardware that connects the Miniature Card 60 contact bus to the PC Card 68 pin bus. This hardware can be mechanically implem ent ed by following the PC Card Type II specification.
Power/Insertion Signals
The three signals on the frontside of the Miniature Card that provide ground, power and early detection of insertion.
Pull-Ups Resistors used to ensure that signals do not float when no device is driving them.
Removal, Cold
User Perception:
Removal of a Miniature Card when the host is off.
Host State:
The host would either be off or in sleep mode, no bus activity is occurring, the host is non-operational by the user. User would turn off the host, then remove the Miniature Card and then press a button to turn the host on for it to become operational again.
Removal, Hot
User Perception:
Removal of the Miniature Card when the host is running.
Host State:
The host would be in running mode, bus activity is occurring, the host is operational by the user. User removes the card, the host recognizes the event, and the host continues to be operational.
Removal, Pseudo Hot
User Perception:
Removal of the Miniature Card when the host is running.
Host State:
The host would be in running mode, bus activity is occurring, the host is operational by the user. User removes the card, the host recognizes the event, the host
immediately powers off before the Miniature Card removes contact with the host’s internal bus. The user would then need to press a button to turn the host on for it to be operational again.
Usually 64 Kbytes, but depends on device used in the card. In word mode, a sector is 64 KWords.
An element of the PC Card Standard CIS that provides card attribute information, and a link to the next tuple in a string of tuples.
User Insertable
All Miniature Cards should be inserted into the host by the user without the need for any special tools.
User Removable
This type of Miniature Card can be removed by the user without the need for any special tools. It contains programs and data that users may want to switch often. The use of this type of card is similar to a floppy disk.
User Non-Removable
This type of Miniature Card must be removed by the user with a special tool. It contains memory upgrades or boot program that users switches only when they require an upgrade. The use of this type of card is similar to a SIMM memory expansion or boot hard disk.
Acronym for eXecute-In-Place, which refers to code that executes directly from a Miniature Card.
Table 1. Miniature Card Definitions (Continued)
Term Meaning
Figure 1. Miniature Card Connector (Card Bottom View)
Note: Refer to the Physical Dimensions section for more information. Also refer to the MCIF specification for detailed mechanical
information, available on the Web at
Table 2. AMD Flash Miniature Cards and Flash Devices
Family Part Number Density No. of Flash Devices AMD Flash Memory
AmMC002AWP 2 Mbyte 2 Am29F080B AmMC004AWP 4 Mbyte 2 Am29F017B AmMC008AWP 8 Mbyte 4 Am29F017B
Write Protect Swit ch (opt i onal)
Pad 60 Pad 31
Pad 30 Pad 1
* Decoder used on 8 Mbyte card only. Not used on 2 and 4 Mbyte cards. ** 2 Mbyte card: Two Am29F080B devices, S0 and S1
4 Mbyte card: Two Am29F017B devices, S0 and S1 8 Mbyte card: Four Am29F017B devices, S0...S3
*** A0–A19 on 2 Mbyte card; A0–A20 on 4 and 8 Mbyte cards.
Note: On the 2 Mbyte card, A20–A24 are not connected. On the 4 Mbyte cards, A21–A24 are not connected. On the 8 Mbyte cards, A22-A24 are not connected. Connections not shown in this diagram are not connected internally.
WE# to all Flash devices
Write Protect
OE# to all Flash devices
RESET# to all Flash devices
A0-A20*** CE#
A0-A20*** CE#
A0-A20*** CE#
Address A0 to A24 are the address bus lines that can address up to 32 Mwords (64 Mbytes). The address lines are word addressed. The Miniature Card specifi­cation does not require the Miniature Card to decode the upper address lines. A 2 Mbyte Miniature Card that does not decode the upper address lines would repeat its address space every 2 Mbytes. Address 0h would access the same physical location as 200000h,
400000h, 600000h, e tc. On the 2 Mbyte cards, A20 – A24 are not connected. On the 4 Mbyte cards, A21– A24 are not connected. On the 8 Mbyte cards, A22– A24 are not connected.
Data lines D0 through D15 constitute the data bus . The
data bus is composed of two bytes; the low byte is D0– D7 and the high byte is D8–D15. These lines are tristated when OE# is high.
OE# indicates to the card that the current bus cycle is a read cycle. The output enable access time (t
) is the delay from the falling edge of OE# to valid data at the output pins (assuming the addresses h a ve been stable for at least t
– tOE time).
WE# indicates to the card that the current bus cycle is a write cycle. The fall ing edge of WE# latches addr ess in f or ­mation and the rising edge latches data/command informa­tion.
Voltage Sense 1 signal. T his signal is left open or not connected.
Voltage Sense 2 signal. T his signal is left open or not connected.
CEL# enables the low byte of t he data b us (D0 –D7) on the card.
CEH# enables the high byte of the data bus (D8–D15) on the card.
RESET# controls card initialization. When RESET# transitions from a low state to a high state, the Minia­ture Card resets to the Read state.
BUSY# is a signal generated b y t he card to indic ate the status of operations w ithin the Miniature Card. When BUSY# is high, the Miniature Card is ready to accept the next command from the host. When BUSY# is low, the Miniature Card is busy and unable to accept most data operations from the host. In Flash Miniature Cards the BUSY# signal is tied to th e components’ RY/BY# signal.
CD# is a grounded interface signal. After a Miniature Card has been inserted, CD# will be forced low. The card detect signal is located in the center of the second row of interface signals, and should be one of the last interface signals to connect t o the host . Do not c onfuse CD# with CINS#.
CINS# is a grounded signal on the front of th e Miniature Card that is used for early detection of a card insertion. CINS# makes contact on the host when the front of the card is inserted into the socket, before the interface signals connect.
The BS8# (Bus size 8) signal indicates t o the Mini ature Card that the host has an 8-bit bus. AMD Flash Minia­ture Cards ignore this signal. An 8-bit host must connect its D0–D7 data lines to D8–D15 on the Minia­ture Card to retrieve the upper (odd) byte.
Vcc is used to supply power to the card.
No connect
Reserved for future use
AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is formed by a combination of the following:
Valid Combinations
Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be sup­ported in volume for this device. Consult the local AMD sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly released combinations.
AM MC 008
See Valid Combinations below
002 = 2 Megabyte Card 004 = 4 Megabyte Card 008 = 8 Megabyte Card
-100 I
Blank = Commerc ial (0°C to +70°C) I=Industrial (–40°C to +85°C)
WP = Switch installed
Valid Combinations
-100, -100I, -150AmMC004AWP
Note: NC = No Connect; RFU = Reserved for Future Use.
AMD Miniature Cards provide two voltage sense signals for hosts that support multiple voltages. The multivoltage hos t can sense the voltage level of the Miniature Card and power up th e card at that voltag e. See Table 3 for a description of the voltage sense signals.
In addition to the voltage sense pins, there are also mechanical voltage keys on the Miniature Card that
ensure the card can only be inserted into host systems that can supply the proper voltage levels to the card. Refer to Section 4.1.2 in the Miniature Card specifica­tion for more information on mechanical keying.
Table 3. Voltage Sense Signals
Pad Number Signal Name Pad Number Signal Name Pad Number Signal Name
1A1821D1241A4 2 A16 22 D10 42 CEL# 3 A14 23 D9 43 A1 4NC24D044NC 5CEH#25 D2 45 NC 6 A11 26 D4 46 CD# 7 A9 27 RFU 47 A21 8 A8 28 D7 48 BUSY#
9A629NC49WE# 10 A5 30 NC 50 D14 11 A3 31 A19 51 RFU 12 A2 32 A17 52 D11 13 A0 33 A15 53 VS2# 14 NC 34 A13 54 D8 15 A24 35 A12 55 D1 16 A23 36 RESET# 56 D3 17 A22 37 A10 57 D5 18 OE# 38 VS1# 58 D6 19 D15 39 A7 59 RFU 20 D13 40 BS8# 60 A20
Miniature Card
Power-Up Voltage VS1# VS2#
5 Volt-only Open Open
Data Accesses
The Miniature Card has a 16-bit data bus that can accommodate word or byte acces ses. By individually asserting CEL# and CEH#, a host can access either byte. However, byte swapping (moving the high byte data to the low byte) is not supported.
Figure 2 shows the connections between the host and Miniature Card. The host system address lines range from A0-A25, whereas the Miniature C ard address
lines range from A0–A24. On the host, A0 and the byte/word line are sent to a decoder and ou tput to CEL# and CEH# on the Miniature Card. These two bits enable a single device for byte accesses and two devices for word accesses, as shown by the decoder truth table in Figure 2. Again, the Miniature Card address lines do not receive input from host addre ss bit A0. In this document, all address references are
, unless otherwise noted. Table 4 shows the
read/write modes for Miniature Cards.
* Not connected on 2 Mbyte card ** Not connected on 2 and 4 Mbyte card *** Not connected
Figure 2. Host/Card Address Connections
60-Pad Connector
Decoder Truth Table
Input Output
0000 0101 1000 1110
Host Bus
Card Bus
Table 4. Miniature Card Read/Write Modes
1. Unlisted access combinations are invalid and may return unexpected results.
2. X indicates a Don’t Care value.
Erase Operations
The AMD Flash Miniature Card is organized as an array of individual devices. On the 2 Mbyte Miniature Card, each Am29F080B device contains sixteen 64 Kbyte sec­tors, for a total of 1 Mbyte of memory space per device. On 4 and 8 Mbyte Miniature Cards, each Am29F017B device contains thirty-two 64 Kbyte sectors, for a total of 2 Mbytes of memory space per device.
Flash technology allows any logical “1” data bit to be pro­grammed to a logical “0”. The only way to reset bits to a logical “1” is to erase that entire memor y sector or memory device. Once a memory sector or memory device is erased, any address location may be pro­grammed. Two or more devices may be erased concur­rently when additional I
current is supplied to the card. However, erasing more than two de vices concurrently is not typical in battery-powered applications, but may take place during procedures such as card testing.
Since erase commands operate on entire sectors or devices, the host should track the affected memory addresses; for example, by determining the sector size and device size and calculating the corresponding addresses.
Erase operations can be performed in several ways:
Erase a single sector or mult iple sectors in a de v ice
Erase a sector pair
Erase multiple device pairs *
Erase the entire card *
* This operation is only feasible in solutions capable of supplying more tha n the specified miniature car d supply current requirement (150 mA) per system. Each
AMD Flash memory device pair will require a maximum of 120 mA supply current.
The common memory space data contents are altered in a similar manner as writing to individual Flash memory devices. An on-card address decoder activates the appropriate Flash device in the memory array. Each device internally latches addre ss and data during write cycles. Refer to Table 4.
Word-Wide Operations
The AMD Miniature Card provide the flexibility to operate on data in a byte-wide or word-wide format. In word-wide operations, the low bytes are controlled with CEL#. The high bytes are controlled with CEH# . Refer to the block diagram for more information.
Byte-Wide Operations
Byte-wide data is available for read and write opera­tions (CEL# = 0, CEH# = 1). Even and odd bytes are stored in separate memory devices (for example, S0 and S1) and are accessed by controlling CEL# and CEH#. The even b yt e is t he lo w order byte and the odd byte is the high order byte of a 16-bit word.
Each memory sector or device pair must be addressed separately for erase operations. Refer to the block diagram for more information.
Card Detection
Each CD# (output) pin should be detected by the host system to determine if the memory card is adequately seated in the socket. CD# and CINS# are internally tied to ground. If both bits are not de tected, the system should indicate that the card must be re-inserted.
Function CEH# CEL# WE# OE# D8–D15 D0–D7
Read Mode
Standby H H X X High-Z High-Z Word Access L L H L High Byte Data Low Byte Data Low Byte Access H L H L High-Z Low Byte Data High Byte Access L H H L High Byte Data High-Z
Write Mode
Standby H H X X High-Z High-Z Word Access L L L H High Byte Data Low Byte Data Low Byte Access H L L H High-Z Low Byte Data High Byte Access L H L H High Byte Data High-Z
Data Protection
An optional mechanical write protect switch provides user-initiated write protection. When this switch is acti­vated, WE
# is internally forced high. The Flash memory
command register is disabled from accepting any write commands. This prevents the card from responding to any commands (for e xample, an Aut oselect command). See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Write Protect Switch
(Card Right Side View)
In addition to card-level data protection, AMD Flash Miniature Cards offer several device-level data protec­tion features.
Device-Level Data Protection
AMD Flash memory devices offer protection against accidental erasure or programming caused by spurious system level signals that may e xist during power tr ansi­tions. During power up, each device automatically resets the internal state machine to the read mode. The control register architecture allows alteration of the memory contents only occurs after successful comple­tion of specific multi-bus cycle command sequences.
AMD Flash memory devices also incorporate the fol­lowing features to prevent inadvertent write cycles resulting from V
power-up and power-down
transitions or system noise.
Low V
Write Inhibit
To avoid initiation of a write cycle during V
power­up and power-down, the AMD memory devices in the Miniature Card lock out write cycles for V
(see “DC Characteristics ” o n page 25 for volt-
ages). When V
< V
, the command register is disabled, all internal program/erase circuits are dis­abled, and the device resets to the read mode. These memory devices ignore all w r i tes u ntil V
. The user must ensure that the control pins
are in the correct logical state wh en V
> V
prevent unintentional writes.
Write Pulse “Glitch” Protection
Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE#, or WE# will neither initiate a write cycle nor change the command registers.
Logical Inhibit
Writing is inhibited by holding any one of OE# = V
CE# = V
, or WE# = VIH. To initiate a write cycle CE# and WE# must be a logical zero while OE# is a logical one.
Power-Up Write Inhibit
Pow er-up of the devic e with CE# = WE# = V
and OE#
= V
will not accept commands on the rising edge of WE#. The internal state machine is automatically reset to the read mode on power-up.
Read Mode
Two Card Enable (CE#) pins are available on the memory card. Both CE# pins must be active low for word-wide read accesses. Only one CE# is required for byte-wide accesses. The CE# pins select and deter­mine when to apply power to the high-byte and low­byte memory devices. The Output Enable (OE#) con­trols gating accessed data from the memor y device outputs.
The Miniature card au tomatically powers up in the read/reset state. In this case, a command sequence is not required to r ead data. Standard mic roprocessor read cycles will retrieve array data. This default value ensures that no spurio us alteration of the memory content occurs during the power transition. Ref er to the AC Read Characteristics and Waveforms for the spe­cific timing parameters.
Output Disable
Data outputs from the card are disabled when OE# is at a logic-high lev el. Under this condition, outputs are in the high-impedance state.
Standby Operations
Byte-wide read accesses only require half of the read/write output buffer (x16) to be active. In addition, only one memory device is active within either the high order or low order bank. Activation of the appropriate half of the output buff er is controll ed by the combination of both CE# pins. The CE# pins also control power to the high and low-order banks of memory. Outputs of the memory bank not selected are plac ed in the high impedance state. The individual memory device is acti­vated by the address decoders. The other memory devices operate in standby. An active memory device continues to draw power until completion of a write or erase operation if the card is de-selected in t he process of one of these operations.
Write Enabled
Write Disabled
Autoselect Operation
A host system or e xternal card re ader/writer c an deter­mine the on-card manufacturer and device I.D. codes. Codes are available after writing the 90h command to the command register of a memory device, as sho wn in Tables 5 through
10. When the autoselect command is
issued to card address 00000h, the Miniature Card returns the manufacturer I.D. If the autoselect command is issued to card address 00001h, the Minia­ture Card provides the device I.D.
To terminate the Auto Select operation, the Read/Reset command sequence must be written to the same device. The Autoselect command operates only if the card is not write protected.
Sector Group Protection
Sector group protection can be used to permanently disable program and erase oper ation s in any combina­tion of sector groups on t he Flash memory components used in AMD Miniature Cards. Each sector group con­sists of four adjacent sectors within each device. The
pattern begins at SA0: SA0–3, SA4–7, SA8–11, and so on. This protection must be performed prior to manu­facturing the Miniature Cards. None of the sector groups are protected on the standard Miniature Card product offerings.
The host system must compensate for these protec ted sector groups by determining their locations, then ignoring those locations for reading and writing data. To
determine whether a sector group is protected, the system would write the first three cycles of the Autose­lect command, then on the fourth cycle, read at the address (SA)02h, where SA is the sector address (see Tables 11 and 12) within an individual device. A pro­tected sector group produces “01h”, and an unpro­tected sector group produces “00h”.
Write Operations
Write and erase operations are valid only when VCC is above 4.5 V. Thi s activates the state machine of a n addressed memory device. The command register is a latch which saves address, commands, and data infor­mation used by the state machine and memory array.
When Write Ena ble (WE#) and appropriate CE# signals are at a logi c-level low, and Output Enable (OE#) is at a logic-high, the comman d register is enabled for write operations. The falling edge of WE# latches address information and the rising edge latc hes data/command information.
Write or erase operations are performed by writing appropriate data patterns to the com mand register of accessed Flash memory devices.
The byte-wide commands are defined in Tables 6, 7,
and 10; word-wide commands are defined in Tables 5 and 8. Note that the Erase Suspend (B0h) and Erase Resume (30h) commands are valid only while the Sector Erase operation is in progress.
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