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or sectors the remaining unselected sectors are not affected. The system is not required to provide any controls or timings during these operations. A Reset
command after the device has begun execution will
stop the device but the data i n the operated segm ent
will be undefined. In that case, restart the erase on that
sector and allow it to complete.
The automatic sector erase begins after the 100 µs
time out from th e rising ed ge of the WE
pulse for the
last sector erase command pulse and terminates when
the data on D7 is “1” (see “Write Operation Status” section) at which time the d evice returns to read m ode.
Polling must be performed at an address within
any of the sectors being erased.
Figure 1 illustrates th e Embedded Erase Algori thm
using typical command strings and bus operations.
Embedded Program™ Algorithm
The Embedded Program Setup is a four bus cycle o peration that stages the addres sed memory sec tor or
memory segment for automatic programming.
Once the Embedded P rogram Setup operation i s performed, the next WE
pulse causes a transition to an active programming operation. Addresses are internally
latched on the falling edge of the WE
pulse. Data is in-
ternally latched on the rising edge of the WE
pulse. T he
rising edge of WE
also begins the programming operation. The system is not required to provide further control or timing. The device will automati cally provide an
adequate inter nally generated wr ite pulse and verify
margin. The automatic programming operation is completed when the data o n D7 of the a ddres s ed mem ory
sector or memory segment is equivalent to data written
to this bit (see Write Operation Status section) at which
time the device returns to the Read mode (no write verify command is required).
Addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE
the Embedded Program command execution and
hence the system is not required to keep the addresses
stable during the entire Programm ing operation. However, once the device completes the Embedded Program operation, it returns to the Read mode and
addresses are no longer latched. Therefore, the device
requires that a valid address input to the device is supplied by the system at this particular i nstant of time.
Otherwise, the system will never read a valid data on
D7. A system designer has two choices to imple ment
the Embedded Programming algorithm:
1. The system (CPU) keeps the address valid dur ing
the entire Embedded Programming operation, or
2. Once the system executes the Embedded Program-
ming command sequence, the CPU takes away the
address from the device and becomes free to do
other tasks. In this case, the CPU is required to
keep track of the valid address by loading i t into a
temporary regis ter. When the CPU comes back for
performing Data
Polling, it should reassert the same
However , since the Embedded Programming operation
takes only 16 µs typically, it may be easier for the CPU
to keep the address stable during the entire Embedded
Programming operation instead of reasserting the valid
address during Data
Poll ing. An yw a y, this has been left
to the system desi gner’s choice to go for eith er operation. Any commands written to the segment during this
period will be ignored.
Figure 2 and Table 8 illustrate the Embedded Program
Algorithm, a typical comm and string, an d bus o perat ion.
Reset Command
The Reset command initiali zes the sector or segment
to the read mode. Please refer to Tables 3 and 4, “Byte
Command Definitions,” and Table 5, “Word Command
Definitions” for the Reset com mand operation. The
sector or segment r emains enabled for reads unti l the
command register contents are altered. There is a 6 µs
Write Recovery Time before Read for the first read
after a write.
The Reset command will safely reset the segment
memory to th e Read mode. Memor y content s are not
altered. Following any other command, write the Reset
command once to the segment. This will safely abor t
any operation and reset the device to the Read mode.
The Reset is needed to terminate the auto select operation. It can b e used to ter minate an E rase or Sect or
Erase operation, but the data in the s ec tor or seg men t
being erased would then be undefined.
Write Operation Status
Data Polling—D7 (D15 on Odd Byte)
The Flash Memory PC Card features Data
Polling as a
method to indicate to the host system that the Embedded algorithms are either in progress or completed.
While the Embedded Programming algori thm is in operation, an attempt to read th e device will prod uce th e
complement of expected valid data on D7 of the addressed memory sector or memor y segment. Upon
Table 8. Embedded Program Algorithm
Bus Operation Command Comments
Standby Wait for VCC ramp
Embedded Progr am
command sequence
3 bus cycle
1 bus cycle
Polling to
verify program