AMD Advanced Micro Devices AM29F010B-90DWI1, AM29F010B-90DWE1, AM29F010B-90DWC1, AM29F010B, AM29F010B-90DTC1 Datasheet

1/13/98 Publication# 21116 Rev: B Amendment/0
Issue Date: January 1998
Am29F010 Known Good Die
1 Megabi t (1 28 K x 8-Bit)
CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Fla sh Memory—Die Revision 1
Single power supply ope ration
— Simplifies system-level power requirements
High performance
— 90 or 12 0 n s max im u m acc e ss t ime
Low power con sumption
— 30 mA max active read current — 50 mA max program/erase current —<25 µA typical standby current
Flexible sector architecture
— Eig ht un i for m sec t or s — Any combination of sectors can be erased — Supports full chip erase
Sector protection
— Hardware-based feature that disables/re-
enables program and erase operations in any combination of sectors
— Sector protection/unprotecti on can be
implemented using standard PROM programming equipm e nt
Embedded Algorithms
— Embedded E rase algorithm automatically
pre-programs and erases the chi p or any combination of designated sector
— Embedded Program algorithm automatically
programs and verifies data at specified addres s
Minimum 100,000 program/erase cycles
Compatible with JEDEC standards
— Pinout and software compatible with
single-power-supply flash
— Superior inadverten t write prote ction
Data Po lling and Toggle Bits
— Provides a software method of detecting
program or erase cycle completion
T ested to datasheet specific ations at
Quality and reliability levels equivalent to
standard packaged components
2 Am29F010 Known Good Die 1/13/98
The Am29F010 in Known Good Die (KGD) form is a 1 Mbit, 5.0 Volt-only Flash memory . AMD defines KGD as standard product in die form, tested for functionality and speed. AMD KGD products have the same reli­ability and quality as AMD products in packaged form.
Am29F010 Features
The Am29F010 device is organized as eight uniform sectors of 16 K byt es ea ch for fl e xibl e e ras e c ap ab i lit y. This de vice is desig ned to b e prog ramme d in- system with the standard syst em 5.0 Volt V
supp ly. A power
supply providing 12.0 Volt V
is not required for
program or erase operations. The Am29F010 in KGD form offers access times of 90
ns and 120 ns, allowing high speed microprocessors to operat e witho ut wait s tates. To eli min ate bus con ten­tion the device has separate c hip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#) and output enable (OE) controls.
The device requires only a single 5.0 volt power sup- ply for both re ad an d w rite fu nc t ion s. In te rn all y g en er ­ated and r egulated voltages a re provided for th e program and erase operations.
The device is entirely command set compatible with the JEDEC single- power-s upply F lash st andar d. Com­mands ar e w ri tt en to th e c omm and re gi st er us ing st a n­dard micr opro cess or wr ite timi ngs. R egi ster c ont ents serve a s i nput t o an in ternal st ate ma chi ne that c ont rols the erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles also intern ally latch add re s se s an d d at a ne ed ed for t he pr o­gramming and erase operations. Reading data out of the device i s similar to r eading from other Flash o r EPROM devices.
Device programming occurs by executing the program command sequence. Thi s invokes the Embedded
Program algorithm—an internal algorit hm that auto­matica lly time s the pr ogram pulse widths and ver ifies proper cell margin.
Device erasure occurs by executing the erase com­mand sequence. This invokes the Embedded Erase algori thm —an i nte rnal a lgo rith m th at a uto matic all y pr e­programs the array (if it is not already programmed) be­fore executing the erase operation. During erase, the device au tom a ticall y tim es th e e ra se pu ls e wid ths and verifies proper cell margin.
The host system can detect whether a program or erase operation is complete by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling) and DQ6 (toggle) status bits. After a program or erase cycle has been completed, the device is ready to read array data or accept another command.
The sector erase architecture allows memo ry sec tors to be er ased and reprog rammed withou t affecting the data contents of other sectors. The device is erased when shipped from the factory.
The har dware data protection measures include a low V
detector automatically inhibits write operations during power transitions . The hardware sector pro- tection feature disables both program and erase oper­ations in any combination of the sectors of memory, and is imp lemen ted usi ng sta ndar d EPR OM pro gram ­mers.
The system can place the device into the standby mode. Power cons u mpt io n i s gr eat l y r edu ce d in th i s mo de.
Refer to the Am29F010 data sheet, publication number 16736, for full electrical specifications for the Am29F0 10 in KGD form.
1/13/98 Am29F010 Known Good Die 3
Family Part Number Am29F010 KGD Speed Option (V
= 5.0 V ± 10%) -90 -120
Max Access Time, t
(ns) 90 120
Max CE# Access, t
(ns) 90 120
Max OE# Access, t
(ns) 35 50
Orientation relative to top left corner of Gel-Pak
Orientation relative to leading edge of tape and reel
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
AMD logo location
+ 5 hidden pages