Important Product Information
Safety Information
Battery Safety
HAN DLE W ITH C ARE. Your de vice con tains a rechar geable lithi um-i on poly mer
batt ery an d should b e repla ced only b y a quali fied se rvi ce provi der. Do not
disas semble, ope n, crus h, bend, def orm, p unct ure, sh red or at tempt to acces s the
batt ery in y our device. D o not mod ify or r emanufac ture th e batt ery, at tempt to inse rt
foreig n objects in to the ba tter y, or immerse o r expo se it to water or ot her liquids ,
expo se to fire , explo sion or o ther haz ard. Only use th e batt ery fo r the sy stem fo r
which i t is speci fied. Use of an un quali fied bat tery or char ger may p resen t a risk of fir e,
explo sion , leakag e or othe r hazard . Do not short- circu it a bat tery o r allow me talli c
condu ctive objec ts to come into co ntac t with batte ry ter minals. Avo id dropp ing the
devic e or bat tery. If the de vice or b atte ry is dr opped , especiall y on a hard su rface, and
the use r suspe cts da mage, do not at tempt re pair. Con tact Amazon C ustom er Service
for assistance.
Your devi ce should only be c harged using t he incl uded US B charging clip . Your USB
chargi ng clip should b e power ed using a c ompatible US B charg er or USB p ort that is
compli ant wi th safe ty standa rds, su ch as IEC 62368 -1 and/or IEC 6 0950-1. Do not
charg e your de vice ne ar wate r or in ex tremely humi d conditions .
Water Protection
Your devi ce has a water res ista nce rat ing of 50 m. This means t hat it ma y be
used fo r shallo w water a ctiv ities like sw imming i n a pool or o cean and can be
worn in t he show er. It sho uld not be u sed wh ile sit ting in a sauna , divin g in the ocean
or othe r acti viti es invol ving hi gh velocity w ater or s ubmer sion below sha llow dep ths.
Howev er, if your d evice g ets we t, make s ure the d evice i s
comple tely dr y before char ging. Wa ter can be wipe d off
the dev ice with a dry, s oft , lint-f ree clot h. Do not c harge
your de vice un til it ha s dried c omplet ely. Failure to prop erly dry you r devic e may over
time lead to compromised performance or corrosion of some components. Do not
inten tional ly immerse yo ur devi ce or charger in ot her liquids (s uch as be verag es).
Do not ex pose your dev ice or cha rger to p ress urized w ater, high-ve locit y water or
ext remely humid co nditi ons (su ch as a ste am room ). Do not s pill any f ood, o il, lot ion, or
other a brasi ve subs tances on your d evice o r charg er. Wipe t he affec ted item with a d ry,
soft , lint-free clot h and allow the aff ecte d item to f ully dr y in a well-vent ilate d area
befor e using . Do not at tempt to dry y our dev ice with an ex terna l heat source, s uch
as a micro wave ov en or a hair d ryer. If the dev ice, cable, or c harger appea r damaged,
discon tinue use immediate ly. Use only acces sories supp lied wi th the device to c harge
your de vice. I f your de vice is d roppe d or othe rwi se dama ged, i t may be com promised
when e xpos ed to wat er or sweat.
Additional Safety Considerations
WATCH FOR SM ALL PART S. Your Ha lo Band a nd acces sories may pr esent a
choki ng haza rd to smal l childr en. Kee p them ou t of reach o f small ch ildren .
This de vice is not a toy.
Halo Ba nd is not a me dical d evice a nd is inte nded for gener al wellness an d fitne ss
purpo ses only. Halo Ba nd is not intend ed to diag nose, treat , cure, or preve nt
any disease.
Halo Ba nd inclu des a heart ra te trac king fe ature t hat may pr esen t risk s to some us ers
with ce rtain healt h conditions . Before usin g Halo Ba nd, consult yo ur phys ician i f you
have epi lepsy, a re sens itive to fl ashing light s, take photos ensitive me dicat ion, ha ve a
hear t condition, h ave reduced ci rcula tion or e asily br uise, or have te ndonitis, c arpal
tunne l, or oth er musc uloske letal c ondit ions . Also co nsult yo ur phys ician before
starting or changing any exercise program.
Cleaning and Handling Instructions; Skin Irritation
Clean H alo Ban d (both t he sensor and t he band itse lf) re gular ly with a soft , lint-free
cloth, e specially th e areas th at make co ntac t with th e skin . Do not use a brasive
chemi cals o r mater ials . If nece ssary, the f abric b and can be hand w ashed i n cold wa ter
with mi ld soap, m aking s ure to rinse tho rough ly afte rwards. L et the fa bric ba nd air dry
afte r rinsi ng. Ple ase refer to the c leaning and ca re inst ructions av ailable in the
Halo app at Setti ngs > Legal for m ore info rmation.
Do not we ar Halo B and too t ightl y. Wear it loo se enough to all ow air cir culat ion. In
addit ion to kee ping th e chargi ng clip, s ensor, and band cl ean, be s ure to dry the de vice
and it s acces sorie s after exp osure t o water, s weat, o r other liquid s, as we ll as dr y the
area of yo ur skin t hat make s conta ct wit h the sen sor and b and. Af ter exten ded wea r,
remove t he dev ice for an h our to giv e your wr ist a rest and all ow your sk in to breathe.
Prolon ged use or impro per mai ntenan ce of Halo Band may co ntri bute to sk in irritati on
or aller gies in s ome use rs. I ndivi dual s with sk in sensitiv ities , including to n ickel , may be
more lik ely to ex perie nce irritat ion fro m weara ble devices . If skin i rrit ation , allergies,
redness, swelling, or other problems develop, remove and discontinue use of your
Halo Band immediately and consult a physician.
Do not ex pose your Hal o Band or c harging clip to e xtreme hea t or cold. Store
Halo Band, chargi ng clip, a nd the chargin g cable in a locat ion whe re temperat ures
remain w ithin the sto rage temper ature r anges set for th in this guid e. The device a nd
the included accessories are designed to function within the operating temperature
ratin gs set forth i n this gu ide. If i t is too hot or too col d, Halo B and or its acce ssor ies
may not tu rn on, charge , or function p roperly unt il they h ave war med or cooled, a s the
case ma y be, to wi thin the appl icable t emperatur e ratin gs.
Keep th e devi ce, char ging cl ip, and c able in a we ll-ventila ted area and awa y from heat
sourc es, es pecia lly whe n in use or ch argin g. If Hal o Band be comes warm, t ake it off
immed iately a nd place on a sur face that is at ro om temperat ure. Do n ot charge your
devic e near wa ter or in extr emely h umid con ditions.
To reduce th e risk of ele ctrostat ic discharge up on contact wi th your Halo Ban d or its
charging clip, avoid such contact in extremely dry conditions.
Be care ful that Halo Ba nd does not get ca ught on h eav y things o r fixed s truc tures
when yo u move, exerci se, or ca rry heav y objec ts.
Warning Against Use While Driving
Use cau tion when ope rating the bu tton on Halo Ba nd, viewing t he on-dev ice LED , or
other wise inter acti ng with t he device whi le engag ing in any acti vity that re quire s your
full at tention. I ntera cting with a de vice while ope rating a vehic le is illegal in so me
areas . Be aware of and co mply with all ap plicable law s regarding us e of electroni c
devic es whe n opera ting machine ry, driving o r engag ing in ot her ac tivi ties .
Product Specifications
Devic e Name: Halo Ba nd
FCC ID: 2 AP7T-3526
Model n umber: C9X 87E
Elect rical Ratin g: 5V = 219mA
Tempera ture Ra ting: 0–35 ° C
Device Name: Charging Clip
Model n umber: CL 2D3N
Elect rical Ratin g: 5V = 500mA
Tempera ture Ra ting: 0–35 ° C
FCC Compliance
This de vice complie s with pa rt 15 of the FCC Rule s. Ope ration is subj ect to the
following two cond ition s: (1) This d evice m ay not ca use har mful i nter feren ce, and
(2) this d evice m ust acc ept any i nter feren ce rece ived, i nclud ing int erfe rence t hat
may cau se undesired operation.
The party responsible for FCC compliance is Amazo n.com S erv ices L LC, 410 Ter ry Ave.
North, Sea ttle, WA 98109 US A.
If you wi sh to cont act Am azon visit ww w.amazon.c om/dev icesup port, sele ct United
State s, clic k Help & Troub leshooting , then sc roll to the bott om of the pa ge and un der
the Talk to an A ssoc iate opt ion, cl ick on Contac t Us.
Devic e Name: Halo Ba nd
Model: C9X87E
Compliance Markings
Cert ification an d other co mpliance markings f or Halo Ba nd and charging c lip are
locate d on top of the Tracker, cha rging c lip, in th is guide o r on the pa ckagi ng.
Recy cling You r Devi ce Pro perly
In some a reas , the disp osal of cert ain elec tronic devi ces is reg ulate d. Make s ure you
dispo se of, or rec ycle, your de vice in a ccorda nce wit h your local law s and regulat ions.
For info rmation abou t recycling yo ur device, go to w ww.amazon .com/devices uppor t.
Additional Safety & Compliance Information
Additional safety, compliance, care, recycling and other important information
regar ding you r device can be f ound in t he Halo a pp unde r Set tings > L egal .
Amazon Terms & Policies
Befor e using th is Amaz on Devi ce, plea se read all appl icable t erms , rules , policies and
usage p rovis ions av ailab le at ww w.amazon.c om/devi cesuppor t or in the de vice settin gs
(collectively, the “Agreements”).
By usin g this Am azon Dev ice, you agree to b e bound b y the Agre ements.
Limited Warranty
Your new or C erti fied Refurb ished H alo Ban d is covere d by a one yea r Limit ed Warr anty.
Deta ils are a vaila ble at w ww.a mazon .com/de vices uppor t.
Additional Information
You can find C ustom er Service co ntact infor mation, and ot her app licable term s and
Devic e infor matio n (incl uding in o ther la nguag es) at www.a mazon .com/de vices uppor t.
Use of th e Made fo r iPhone badg e means t hat an ac cesso ry has been de signed to
conne ct spe cific ally to iPhone an d has bee n cert ified b y the deve loper to meet Ap ple
perf ormance sta ndards. App le is not respon sible fo r the ope ration of this d evice or its
compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
©2020 Ama zon.com, Inc . or its affi liates . Amazon and all r elate d mark s are
trade marks of Amaz on.co m, Inc . or its af filiates . Amazon.com S erv ices L LC,
410 Terry Ave. Nort h, Seattle , WA 98109 USA.
Meet your Halo Band
Fabric band
First things first
Get charged
Place your Halo Band inside the
charging clip with the button facing
out. After a few seconds, a white
light will indicate it’s ready to pair.
Get the app
Download the Amazon Halo
app on your smartphone and
follow the instructions to set
up your device.
Let’s talk about tone
Your Halo Band analyzes the tone of your
voice periodically throughout the day to help
you understand how you sound to others.
More about the mic
If you’d like to analyze a full conversation, press
the button once at the beginning of the exchange.
This will also bookmark it to review later.
Single press
3-second press
3-second press
on Mic
Find troubleshooting tips
in the Settings section
of the Halo app or visit
for additional information.
Be well

Important Product Information
Safety Information
Battery Safety
HAN DLE W ITH C ARE. Your de vice con tains a rechar geable lithi um-i on poly mer
batt ery an d should b e repla ced only b y a quali fied se rvi ce provi der. Do not
disas semble, ope n, crus h, bend, def orm, p unct ure, sh red or at tempt to acces s the
batt ery in y our device. D o not mod ify or r emanufac ture th e batt ery, at tempt to inse rt
foreig n objects in to the ba tter y, or immerse o r expo se it to water or ot her liquids ,
expo se to fire , explo sion or o ther haz ard. Only use th e batt ery fo r the sy stem fo r
which i t is speci fied. Use of an un quali fied bat tery or char ger may p resen t a risk of fir e,
explo sion , leakag e or othe r hazard . Do not short- circu it a bat tery o r allow me talli c
condu ctive objec ts to come into co ntac t with batte ry ter minals. Avo id dropp ing the
devic e or bat tery. If the de vice or b atte ry is dr opped , especiall y on a hard su rface, and
the use r suspe cts da mage, do not at tempt re pair. Con tact Amazon C ustom er Service
for assistance.
Your devi ce should only be c harged using t he incl uded US B charging clip . Your USB
chargi ng clip should b e power ed using a c ompatible US B charg er or USB p ort that is
compli ant wi th safe ty standa rds, su ch as IEC 62368 -1 and/or IEC 6 0950-1. Do not
charg e your de vice ne ar wate r or in ex tremely humi d conditions .
Water Protection
Your devi ce has a water res ista nce rat ing of 50 m. This means t hat it ma y be
used fo r shallo w water a ctiv ities like sw imming i n a pool or o cean and can be
worn in t he show er. It sho uld not be u sed wh ile sit ting in a sauna , divin g in the ocean
or othe r acti viti es invol ving hi gh velocity w ater or s ubmer sion below sha llow dep ths.
Howev er, if your d evice g ets we t, make s ure the d evice i s
comple tely dr y before char ging. Wa ter can be wipe d off
the dev ice with a dry, s oft , lint-f ree clot h. Do not c harge
your de vice un til it ha s dried c omplet ely. Failure to prop erly dry you r devic e may over
time lead to compromised performance or corrosion of some components. Do not
inten tional ly immerse yo ur devi ce or charger in ot her liquids (s uch as be verag es).
Do not ex pose your dev ice or cha rger to p ress urized w ater, high-ve locit y water or
ext remely humid co nditi ons (su ch as a ste am room ). Do not s pill any f ood, o il, lot ion, or
other a brasi ve subs tances on your d evice o r charg er. Wipe t he affec ted item with a d ry,
soft , lint-free clot h and allow the aff ecte d item to f ully dr y in a well-vent ilate d area
befor e using . Do not at tempt to dry y our dev ice with an ex terna l heat source, s uch
as a micro wave ov en or a hair d ryer. If the dev ice, cable, or c harger appea r damaged,
discon tinue use immediate ly. Use only acces sories supp lied wi th the device to c harge
your de vice. I f your de vice is d roppe d or othe rwi se dama ged, i t may be com promised
when e xpos ed to wat er or sweat.
Additional Safety Considerations
WATCH FOR SM ALL PART S. Your Ha lo Band a nd acces sories may pr esent a
choki ng haza rd to smal l childr en. Kee p them ou t of reach o f small ch ildren .
This de vice is not a toy.
Halo Ba nd is not a me dical d evice a nd is inte nded for gener al wellness an d fitne ss
purpo ses only. Halo Ba nd is not intend ed to diag nose, treat , cure, or preve nt
any disease.
Halo Ba nd inclu des a heart ra te trac king fe ature t hat may pr esen t risk s to some us ers
with ce rtain healt h conditions . Before usin g Halo Ba nd, consult yo ur phys ician i f you
have epi lepsy, a re sens itive to fl ashing light s, take photos ensitive me dicat ion, ha ve a
hear t condition, h ave reduced ci rcula tion or e asily br uise, or have te ndonitis, c arpal
tunne l, or oth er musc uloske letal c ondit ions . Also co nsult yo ur phys ician before
starting or changing any exercise program.
Cleaning and Handling Instructions; Skin Irritation
Clean H alo Ban d (both t he sensor and t he band itse lf) re gular ly with a soft , lint-free
cloth, e specially th e areas th at make co ntac t with th e skin . Do not use a brasive
chemi cals o r mater ials . If nece ssary, the f abric b and can be hand w ashed i n cold wa ter
with mi ld soap, m aking s ure to rinse tho rough ly afte rwards. L et the fa bric ba nd air dry
afte r rinsi ng. Ple ase refer to the c leaning and ca re inst ructions av ailable in the
Halo app at Setti ngs > Legal for m ore info rmation.
Do not we ar Halo B and too t ightl y. Wear it loo se enough to all ow air cir culat ion. In
addit ion to kee ping th e chargi ng clip, s ensor, and band cl ean, be s ure to dry the de vice
and it s acces sorie s after exp osure t o water, s weat, o r other liquid s, as we ll as dr y the
area of yo ur skin t hat make s conta ct wit h the sen sor and b and. Af ter exten ded wea r,
remove t he dev ice for an h our to giv e your wr ist a rest and all ow your sk in to breathe.
Prolon ged use or impro per mai ntenan ce of Halo Band may co ntri bute to sk in irritati on
or aller gies in s ome use rs. I ndivi dual s with sk in sensitiv ities , including to n ickel , may be
more lik ely to ex perie nce irritat ion fro m weara ble devices . If skin i rrit ation , allergies,
redness, swelling, or other problems develop, remove and discontinue use of your
Halo Band immediately and consult a physician.
Do not ex pose your Hal o Band or c harging clip to e xtreme hea t or cold. Store
Halo Band, chargi ng clip, a nd the chargin g cable in a locat ion whe re temperat ures
remain w ithin the sto rage temper ature r anges set for th in this guid e. The device a nd
the included accessories are designed to function within the operating temperature
ratin gs set forth i n this gu ide. If i t is too hot or too col d, Halo B and or its acce ssor ies
may not tu rn on, charge , or function p roperly unt il they h ave war med or cooled, a s the
case ma y be, to wi thin the appl icable t emperatur e ratin gs.
Keep th e devi ce, char ging cl ip, and c able in a we ll-ventila ted area and awa y from heat
sourc es, es pecia lly whe n in use or ch argin g. If Hal o Band be comes warm, t ake it off
immed iately a nd place on a sur face that is at ro om temperat ure. Do n ot charge your
devic e near wa ter or in extr emely h umid con ditions.
To reduce th e risk of ele ctrostat ic discharge up on contact wi th your Halo Ban d or its
charging clip, avoid such contact in extremely dry conditions.
Be care ful that Halo Ba nd does not get ca ught on h eav y things o r fixed s truc tures
when yo u move, exerci se, or ca rry heav y objec ts.
Warning Against Use While Driving
Use cau tion when ope rating the bu tton on Halo Ba nd, viewing t he on-dev ice LED , or
other wise inter acti ng with t he device whi le engag ing in any acti vity that re quire s your
full at tention. I ntera cting with a de vice while ope rating a vehic le is illegal in so me
areas . Be aware of and co mply with all ap plicable law s regarding us e of electroni c
devic es whe n opera ting machine ry, driving o r engag ing in ot her ac tivi ties .
Product Specifications
Devic e Name: Halo Ba nd
FCC ID: 2 AP7T-3526
Model n umber: C9X 87E
Elect rical Ratin g: 5V = 219mA
Tempera ture Ra ting: 0–35 ° C
Device Name: Charging Clip
Model n umber: CL 2D3N
Elect rical Ratin g: 5V = 500mA
Tempera ture Ra ting: 0–35 ° C
FCC Compliance
This de vice complie s with pa rt 15 of the FCC Rule s. Ope ration is subj ect to the
following two cond ition s: (1) This d evice m ay not ca use har mful i nter feren ce, and
(2) this d evice m ust acc ept any i nter feren ce rece ived, i nclud ing int erfe rence t hat
may cau se undesired operation.
The party responsible for FCC compliance is Amazo n.com S erv ices L LC, 410 Ter ry Ave.
North, Sea ttle, WA 98109 US A.
If you wi sh to cont act Am azon visit ww w.amazon.c om/dev icesup port, sele ct United
State s, clic k Help & Troub leshooting , then sc roll to the bott om of the pa ge and un der
the Talk to an A ssoc iate opt ion, cl ick on Contac t Us.
Devic e Name: Halo Ba nd
Model: C9X87E
Compliance Markings
Cert ification an d other co mpliance markings f or Halo Ba nd and charging c lip are
locate d on top of the Tracker, cha rging c lip, in th is guide o r on the pa ckagi ng.
Recy cling You r Devi ce Pro perly
In some a reas , the disp osal of cert ain elec tronic devi ces is reg ulate d. Make s ure you
dispo se of, or rec ycle, your de vice in a ccorda nce wit h your local law s and regulat ions.
For info rmation abou t recycling yo ur device, go to w ww.amazon .com/devices uppor t.
Additional Safety & Compliance Information
Additional safety, compliance, care, recycling and other important information
regar ding you r device can be f ound in t he Halo a pp unde r Set tings > L egal .
Amazon Terms & Policies
Befor e using th is Amaz on Devi ce, plea se read all appl icable t erms , rules , policies and
usage p rovis ions av ailab le at ww w.amazon.c om/devi cesuppor t or in the de vice settin gs
(collectively, the “Agreements”).
By usin g this Am azon Dev ice, you agree to b e bound b y the Agre ements.
Limited Warranty
Your new or C erti fied Refurb ished H alo Ban d is covere d by a one yea r Limit ed Warr anty.
Deta ils are a vaila ble at w ww.a mazon .com/de vices uppor t.
Additional Information
You can find C ustom er Service co ntact infor mation, and ot her app licable term s and
Devic e infor matio n (incl uding in o ther la nguag es) at www.a mazon .com/de vices uppor t.
Use of th e Made fo r iPhone badg e means t hat an ac cesso ry has been de signed to
conne ct spe cific ally to iPhone an d has bee n cert ified b y the deve loper to meet Ap ple
perf ormance sta ndards. App le is not respon sible fo r the ope ration of this d evice or its
compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
©2020 Ama zon.com, Inc . or its affi liates . Amazon and all r elate d mark s are
trade marks of Amaz on.co m, Inc . or its af filiates . Amazon.com S erv ices L LC,
410 Terry Ave. Nort h, Seattle , WA 98109 USA.
Meet your Halo Band
Fabric band
First things first
Get charged
Place your Halo Band inside the
charging clip with the button facing
out. After a few seconds, a white
light will indicate it’s ready to pair.
Get the app
Download the Amazon Halo
app on your smartphone and
follow the instructions to set
up your device.
Let’s talk about tone
Your Halo Band analyzes the tone of your
voice periodically throughout the day to help
you understand how you sound to others.
More about the mic
If you’d like to analyze a full conversation, press
the button once at the beginning of the exchange.
This will also bookmark it to review later.
Single press
3-second press
3-second press
on Mic
Find troubleshooting tips
in the Settings section
of the Halo app or visit
for additional information.
Be well