Access Power Controllers
Installation Guide
Models Include:
• ACM8 • ACM8E
- Fused Outputs - Fused Outputs
- PTC Outputs - PTC Outputs
Rev. 092503
hese units convert one (1) 12 to 24 volt AC or DC input into eight (8) independently controlled fused or PTC protected
utputs. These power outputs can be converted to dry form “C” contacts (ACM8 & ACM8E only). Outputs are activated
y an open collector sink or normally open (NO) dry trigger input from an Access Control System, Card Reader, Keypad,
Push Button, PIR, etc. The units will route power to a variety of access control hardware devices including Mag Locks,
Electric Strikes, Magnetic Door Holders, etc. Outputs will operate in both Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure modes. Units are
designed to be powered by one common power source which will provide power for both the board operation and locking
devices, or two (2) totally independent power sources, one (1) providing power for board operation and the other for lock
/ accessory power. The FACP Interface enables Emergency Egress, Alarm Monitoring, or may be used to trigger other auxiliary devices. The fire alarm disconnect feature is individually selectable for any or all of the eight (8) outputs.
ACM8 & ACM8CB Series Configuration Reference Chart:
Model Number
Fuse Protected
PTC Protected
Output Ratings
ACM8 x - 3.5 amp *
ACM8CB - x 2.5 amp x
Power Limited
Class 2 Rated
Agency Listings
UL Listings and
File Numbers
UL File # BP6714
UL Listed for Access Control
System Units (UL 294).
ACM8E x - 3.5 amp x *
ACM8CBE - x 2.5 amp x x
“Signal Equipment” Evaluated to
CSA Standard C22.2
*When used with Class 2 Rated Power Limited power supply.
• 12 to 24volt AC or DC operation (setting not required).
(.6 amp @ 12volt, .3 amp @ 24volt current consumption with all relays energized).
• Power supply input options:
a) One (1) common power input (board and lock power).
b) Two (2) isolated power inputs (one (1) for board power and one (1) for lock/hardware power).
• Eight (8) Access Control System trigger inputs:
Eight (8) normall
b) Eight (8) open collector sink inputs.
c) Any combination of the above.
Eight (8) independentl
a) Eight (8) Fail-Safe and/or Fail-Secure power outputs.
Eight (8) dr
y combination of the abo
• Eight (8) auxiliary power outputs (unswitched).
Output ratings:
- Fuses are rated 3.5 amp each.
- PTCs are rated 2.5 amp each.
• Main fuse is rated at 10 amp.
Note: T
otal output cur
• Red LEDs indicate outputs are triggered (relays energized).
• Fire Alarm disconnect (latching or non-latching) is individually selectable for any or all of the eight (8) outputs.
Fire Alarm disconnect input options:
a) Normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) dry contact input.
olarity re
• FACP output relay (form “C” contact rated @ 1 amp 28VDC not evaluated by UL).
• Green LED indicates when FACP disconnect is triggered.
• Removable terminal blocks facilitate ease of installation.
Board Dimensions (appro
Enclosure Dimentions: 15.5”H x 12”W x 4.5”D (ACM8E and ACM8CBE)
y open (NO) inputs.
y controlled outputs:
y form “C” 5 amp rated relay outputs (ACM8 & ACM8E only).
e (ACM8 & ACM8E only).
rent is determined by the power supply, not to exceed a maximum of 10 amp total.
ersal input from F
ximate): 8”L x 4.5”W x 1.25”H (A
ACP signaling circuit.
CM8 and
- 2 -
Installation Instructions:
. Mount unit in desired location/enclosure.
arefully review:
ypical Application Diagram (pg. 4) Terminal Identification Table (pg. 5)
LED Diagnostics (pg. 5) Hook-up Diagrams (pg. 6)
2. Power supply input:
The units can be powered with one (1) power supply which will provide power for both board operation and
the locking devices or two (2) separate power supplies, one (1) to provide power for the board operation and
the other to provide power for the locking devices and/or access control hardware.
Note: The input power can be either 12 to 24 volts AC or DC (.6 amp @ 12volt, .3 amp @ 24volt current
consumption with all relays energized).
(a) Single power supply input:
If the unit and the locking devices are to be powered using a single power supply, connect the output
(12 to 24 volts AC or DC) to the terminals marked [- Control +].
(b) Dual power supply inputs (Fig. 1, pg. 4):
When the use of two power supplies is desired, jumpers J1 and J2 (located to the left of the power/control
terminals) must be cut. Connect power for the unit to the terminals marked [- Control +] and connect power for the
locking devices to the terminals marked [- Power +].
Note: When using DC power supplies polarity must be observed. When using AC power supplies polarity
need not be observed.
Note: For UL compliance the power supplies must be UL Listed for Access Control Systems and accessories.
Output options (Fig. 1, pg. 4):
The ACM8/ACM8E will provide either eight (8) switched power outputs, eight (8) dry form “C” outputs, or
any combination of of both switched power and form “C” outputs, plus eight (8) unswitched auxiliary power outputs.
ACM8CB/ACM8CBE will provide eight (8) switched power outputs or eight (8) unswitched auxiliary power
(a) Switched P
Connect the negative (-) input of the device being powered to the terminal marked [COM]. For Fail-Safe operation
connect the positive (+) input of the de
connect the positive (+) input of the device being powered to the terminal marked [NO].
(b) Form “C” outputs (ACM8 & ACM8E):
When form “C” outputs are desired the corresponding output fuse (1-8) must be removed. Connect negative (-) of
the power supply directly to the locking device. Connect the positive (+) of the power supply to the terminal marked
[C]. For Fail-Safe operation connect the positive (+) of the device being powered to the terminal marked NC]. For
Fail-Secure operation connect the positive (+) of the device being powered to the terminal marked [NO].
(c) Auxiliary Power outputs (unswitched):
Connect positi
being powered to the terminal marked [COM]. Output can be used to provide power for card readers, keypads etc.
Input trigger options (Fig. 1, pg. 4):
(a) Normally Open [NO] input trigger:
Inputs 1-8 are activated by normally open or open collector sink inputs.
Connect devices (card readers, keypads, request to exit buttons etc.) to terminals marked [IN] and [GND].
(b) Open Collector Sink inputs:
Connect the access control panel open collector sink positi
negative (-) to the terminal marked [GND].
Fire Alarm Interface options (Figs. 3 through 7, pg. 6):
A nor
trigger selected outputs. To enable FACP Disconnect for an output open the corresponding switch [SW1-SW8].
To disable FACP disconnect for an output close the corresponding switch [SW1-SW8].
or non-latching hook-up (Fig
(b) Normally Closed [NC] input:
or non-latching hook-up (Fig
(c) FACP Signaling Circuit input trigger:
Connect the positive (+) and negative (-) from the FACP signaling circuit output to the terminals marked [+ INP -].
Connect the F
e (+) input of the de
y closed [NC], nor
y Open [NO] input:
CP EOL to the ter
vice being powered to the terminal marked [NC]. For Fail-Secure operation
vice being powered to the terminal marked [C] and the negative (-) of the device
y open [NO] input or polarity re
. 6)
. 4, pg
. 6, pg
minals mark
or latching hook-up (Fig
. F
. 6)
or latching hook-up (Fig
. F
ed [+ RET -] (polarity is referenced in an alar
e (+) to the ter
versal input from FACP signaling circuit will
. 5, pg
. 7, pg
minal marked [IN] and the
. 6)
. 6)
m condition).
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