February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
1. About This MegaCore Function
This user guide describes the Altera® Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore
function and the accompanying SDI Audio IP cores.
The SDI MegaCore function implements a receiver, transmitter, or full-duplex SDI at
standard definition (SD), high definition (HD), or 3 gigabits per second (3G). The SDI
MegaCore function also supports dual standard (HD-SDI and SD-SDI) and triple
standard (SD-SDI, HD-SDI, and 3G-SDI). These modes provide automatic receiver
rate detection.
You can instantiate the SDI Audio IP cores with the SDI MegaCore function.
1For more information about the SDI Audio cores, refer to “SDI Audio IP Cores” on
page 4–1.
Tab le 1– 1 lists the features of the SDI MegaCore function.
Table 1–1. SDI MegaCore Function Features
■ Multiple SDI standards and video formats (refer to Table 1–5 and Table 1–6)
MegaWizard™ Plug-In Manager
IP functional simulation models■ Use in Altera-supported VHDL and Verilog HDL simulators
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
1–2Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function
Release Information
Release Information
Tab le 1– 2 lists information about this release of the SDI MegaCore function.
Table 1–2. Release Information
Release DateJanuary 2013
Ordering CodeIP-SDI
Product ID(s)
Vendor ID6AF7
f For more information about this release, refer to the MegaCore IP Library Release Notes
and Errata.
00AE (SDI MegaCore function)
00EF (SDI Audio cores)
Altera verifies that the current version of the Quartus
previous version of each MegaCore function. The MegaCore IP Library Release Notes
and Errata report any exceptions to this verification. Altera does not verify
compilation with MegaCore function versions older than one release.
Device Family Support
Tab le 1– 3 defines the device support levels for Altera IP cores.
Table 1–3. Altera IP Core Device Support Levels
FPGA Device FamiliesHardCopy Device Families
Preliminary support—The IP core is verified with
preliminary timing models for this device family. The IP core
meets all functional requirements, but might still be
undergoing timing analysis for the device family. It can be
used in production designs with caution.
Final support—The IP core is verified with final timing
models for this device family. The IP core meets all
functional and timing requirements for the device family and
can be used in production designs.
Tab le 1– 4 shows the level of support offered by the SDI MegaCore function for each
Altera device family.
II software compiles the
HardCopy Companion—The IP core is verified with
preliminary timing models for the HardCopy companion
device. The IP core meets all functional requirements, but
might still be undergoing timing analysis for the HardCopy
device family. It can be used in production designs with
HardCopy Compilation—The IP core is verified with final
timing models for the HardCopy device family. The IP core
meets all functional and timing requirements for the device
family and can be used in production designs.
Table 1–4. Device Family Support (Part 1 of 2)
Device FamilySupport
Arria II (1)Final
Arria V
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Refer to the What’s New in Altera IP page of
the Altera website.
Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function1–3
General Description
Table 1–4. Device Family Support (Part 2 of 2)
Device FamilySupport
Final (3)
Cyclone II (2)Final
Cyclone III (2)Final
Cyclone III LS (2)Final
Cyclone IV GX (4)Final
Cyclone V (5)
III/ IV E HardCopy Compilation
Refer to the What’s New in Altera IP page of
the Altera website.
HardCopy IV GXHardCopy Compilation
Stratix GXFinal
Stratix II (2)Final
Stratix II GXFinal
Stratix III (2)Final
Stratix IV (1)Final
Stratix V (1)
Refer to the What’s New in Altera IP page of
the Altera website.
Other device familiesNo support
Notes to Table 1–4:
(1) If you have only 27 MHz to drive the SDI MegaCore function in SD-SDI mode, you require an additional PLL to
generate a 67.5-MHz reference clock.
(2) The Cyclone series of devices, and Stratix, Stratix II, and Stratix III devices only support soft
serializer /deserializer (SERDES).
(3) Cyclone device support is limited to –6 speed grade devices.
(4) Transceiver dynamic configuration with channel reconfiguration mode is not supported for dual and triple standard
in EP4CGX110 and EP4CGX150 devices. Use transceiver dynamic reconfiguration with PLL reconfiguration mode
(5) The Cyclone V devices does not support the SDI Audio IP cores.
General Description
The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) have defined an SDI
that video system designers use widely as an interconnect between equipment in
video production facilities.
The SDI MegaCore function can handle the following SDI data rates:
■ 270 megabits per second (Mbps) SD-SDI, as defined by SMPTE259M-1997 10-Bit
4:2:2 Component Serial Digital Interface
■ 1.5-Gbps HD-SDI, as defined by SMPTE292M-1998 Bit-Serial Digital Interface for
High Definition Television Systems
■ 3-Gbps SDI, as defined by SMPTE425M-AB 2006 3Gb/s Signal/Data Serial Interface–
Source Image Format Mapping
■ Preliminary support for dual link SDI, as defined by SMPTE372M-Dual Link
1.5Gb/s Digital Interface for 1920×1080 and 2048×1080 Picture Formats
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
1–4Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function
■ Dual standard support for 270-Mbps and 1.5-Gbps SDI
■ Triple standard support for 270-Mbps, 1.5-Gbps, and 3-Gbps SDI
■ SMPTE425M Level A support (direct source image formatting)
■ SMPTE425M Level B support (dual link mapping)
General Description
Tab le 1– 5 lists the SDI standard support for various devices.
HardCopy IV GXvv vvvv
Stratix GXvv —vv—
II GXvv vvvv
Stratix IV
Stratix V
Notes to Table 1–5:
(1) All standards, other than SD-SDI, require a transceiver based or “GX” device.
(2) The HD-SDI dual link supports timing difference up to 40 ns between link A and link B, fulfilling the SMPTE372M requirement.
(3) The 3G-SDI standard is not supported in Cyclone V devices with transceiver speed grade 7, due to the excessive data rate required. For more
(4) Only Stratix IV and Stratix V variants with transceivers support all SDI rates.
information about the Cyclone V device, refer to the Overview for Cyclone V Device Family chapter in volume 1 of the Cyclone V Device Handbook.
vv vvvv
vv vvvv
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function1–5
General Description
Tab le 1– 6 lists the HD-SDI standard video format specification.
Table 1–6. HD-SDI Video Format Specification
SMPTE292MVideo Format
Sample per
Active Line
(1) (2)
Active Line
per Frame
Sample per
Tot a l L i n e
Total Line
per Frame
Frame Rate
274M1920 x 108019201080
296M1280 x 7201280720
260M1920 x 1035192010352200112530Yes
295M1920 x 108019201080
Notes to Table 1–6:
(1) The video formats support 4:2:2(YC’BC’R)/10-bit, 4:4:4(RGB)/(YC’BC’R), 4:4:4:4 (RGB+A)/(YC’BC’R+A)/10-bit, 4:4:4(YC’BC’R)/12-bit,
4:4:4(RGB)/12-bit, and 4:2:2 (YC’
(2) 3G-SDI is similar to HD-SDI except the data bit rate is twice that of HD-SDI or approximately 3 Gbps.
)/12-bit mapping structures.
SDI 11.1
OpenCore Plus Evaluation
With Altera’s free OpenCore Plus evaluation feature, you can perform the following
■ Simulate the behavior of a megafunction (Altera MegaCore function or AMPP
megafunction) within your system.
■ Verify the functionality of your design and quickly evaluate its size and speed
with ease.
■ Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include
MegaCore functions.
■ Program a device and verify your design in hardware.
You are required to obtain a license for the MegaCore function only when you are
completely satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want to take your
design to production.
f For more information about OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation using the SDI, refer
to “OpenCore Plus Time-Out Behavior” on page 3–39 and AN 320: OpenCore Plus
Evaluation of Megafunctions.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
1–6Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function
Resource Utilization
Resource Utilization
Tab le 1– 7 lists the typical resource utilization for various parameters with the
Quartus II software, version 11.1.
1The resource utilization of the MegaCore function is based on the bidirectional
Cyclone IV GX
EP4CGX110, and
Dual link HD-SDI—2,5151,467
Dual standard receiver—1,479755
Dual standard transmitter—364229
Triple standard—2,2351,121
Cyclone V
Dual link HD-SDI—2,3511,696
Dual standard receiver—1,5391,042
Dual standard transmitter—352260
Triple standard—2,2171,508
Stratix IISD-SDI—581533
Stratix IIISD-SDI—602565
Stratix GX
Dual link HD-SDI2,703——
Dual standard1,819——
Stratix II GX
Dual link HD-SDI—1,9061,423
Dual standard receiver—1,188831
Dual standard transmitter—247185
Triple standard—1,7941,215
Stratix IV GX
Dual link HD-SDI—2,0291,711
Dual standard receiver—1,257926
Dual standard transmitter—267180
Triple standard—1,8911,305
Stratix V
Dual link HD-SDI—2,0491,522
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
1–8Chapter 1: About This MegaCore Function
Resource Utilization
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Design Flow
2. Getting Started
To evaluate the SDI MegaCore function using the OpenCore Plus feature, follow these
steps in your design flow:
1. Obtain and install the SDI MegaCore function.
The SDI MegaCore function is part of the MegaCore IP Library, which is
distributed with the Quartus II software and downloadable from the Altera
website at www.altera.com.
f For system requirements and installation instructions, refer to Altera
Software Installation & Licensing.
Figure 2–1 shows the directory structure after you install the SDI MegaCore function,
path> is the installation directory. The default installation directory on
Windows is c:\altera\<version>; on Linux, it is /opt/altera<version>.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–2Chapter 2: Getting Started
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library and third-party IP cores.
Contains shared components.
Contains the SDI MegaCore function files.
Contains encrypted lower-level design files and other support files.
Installation directory.
Contains simulation files.
Contains the HD-SDI 3 Gbps simulation files.
Contains the testbench files.
Contains the Quartus II NativeLink project.
Contains the pattern generator files for the testbench.
Contains the testbench files.
Contains the Quartus II NativeLink project.
Contains the pattern generator files for the testbench.
Contains the HD-SDI dual link simulation files.
Contains the testbench files.
Contains the ModelSim simulation files.
Contains the Quartus II NativeLink project.
Contains the pattern generator files for the testbench.
Contains the HD-SDI simulation files.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library.
Contains design examples.
Contains a design example for Stratix II GX, see AN 339: Serial
Digital Interface Demonstration for Stratix II GX Devices.
Contains a design example for Arria II GX.
Figure 2–1. Directory Structure
Design Flow
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
1. Create a custom variation of the SDI MegaCore function.
2. Implement the rest of your design using the design entry method of your choice.
3. Use the IP functional simulation model to verify the operation of your design.
f For more information on IP functional simulation models, refer to the
Simulating Altera Designs chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–3
SDI Walkthrough
4. Use the Quartus II software to compile your design.
1You can also generate an OpenCore Plus time-limited programming file,
which you can use to verify the operation of your design in hardware.
5. Purchase a license for the SDI MegaCore function.
After you have purchased a license for the SDI MegaCore function, follow these
additional steps:
1. Set up licensing.
2. Generate a programming file for the Altera device or devices on your board.
3. Program the Altera device or devices with the completed design.
SDI Walkthrough
This walkthrough explains how to create an SDI design using the MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager and the Quartus II software. After you generate a custom variation
of the SDI MegaCore function, you can incorporate it into your overall project.
1You can alternatively use the IP Advisor to help start your SDI MegaCore design. On
the Quartus II Tools menu, point to Advisors, and then click IP Advisor. The IP
Advisor guides you through a series of recommendations for selecting,
parameterizing, evaluating, and instantiating an SDI MegaCore function into your
design. It then guides you through a complete Quartus II compilation of your project.
This walkthrough requires the following steps:
1. “Creating a New Quartus II Project”
2. “Launching MegaWizard Plug-In Manager”
3. “Parameterizing”
4. “Setting Up Simulation”
5. “Generating Files”
Creating a New Quartus II Project
You must create a new Quartus II project with the New Project Wizard, which
specifies the working directory for the project, assigns the project name, and
designates the name of the top-level design entity. To create a new project, follow
these steps:
1. Choose Programs >Altera > Quartus II <version> (Windows Start menu) to run
the Quartus II software. Alternatively, you can use the Quartus II Web Edition
2. On the File menu, click New Project Wizard.
3. Click Next in the New Project Wizard: Introduction page (the introduction page
does not display if you turned it off previously).
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–4Chapter 2: Getting Started
SDI Walkthrough
4. In the New Project Wizard: Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity page, enter the
following information:
a. Specify the working directory for your project. For example, this walkthrough
uses the c:\altera\projects\sdi_project directory.
1The Quartus II software automatically specifies a top-level design entity
that has the same name as the project. This walkthrough assumes that the
names are the same.
b. Specify the name of the project. This walkthrough uses project for the project
5. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Add Files page.
1When you specify a directory that does not already exist, a message
prompts you to create a specified directory. Click Yes to create the directory.
6. If you installed the MegaCore IP Library in a different directory from where you
installed the Quartus II software, you must add the user libraries:
a. Click User Libraries.
b. Type <path>
into the Library name field, where <path> is the directory in
which you installed the SDI.
c. Click Add to add the path to the Quartus II project.
d. Click OK to save the library path in the project.
7. Click Next to close this page and display the New Project Wizard: Family & Device Settings page.
8. On the New Project Wizard: Family & Device Settings page, choose the target
device family in the Family list.
9. The remaining pages in the New Project Wizard are optional. Click Finish to
complete the Quartus II project.
Launching MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
To launch the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager in the Quartus II software, follow these
1. On the Tools menu, click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
1For more information about how to use the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager,
refer to Quartus II Help.
2. Specify that you want to create a new custom megafunction variation and click
3. Expand the Interfaces > SDI folder and click SDI <version>.
4. Select the output file type for your design; the wizard supports VHDL and Verilog
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–5
SDI Walkthrough
5. The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager shows the project path that you specified in the
New Project Wizard. Append a variation name for the MegaCore function output
files <project path>\<variation name>.
6. Click Next to display the Parameter Settings page for the SDI MegaCore function.
1You can change the page that the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager displays by
clicking Next or Back at the bottom of the dialog box. You can move
directly to a named page by clicking the Parameter Settings, EDA, or
Summary tab.
Also, you can directly display individual parameter settings by clicking on
the Protocol Options, Transceiver Options, or Receiver/Transmitter Options tab.
To parameterize your MegaCore function, follow these steps:
1. Select the video standard. Some of the standards may be grayed out, because they
are not supported on the currently selected device family.
2. Select Bidirectional, Receiver, or Tr an sm i tt e r interface direction.
3. Click the Transceiver Options tab.
4. Under Transceiver and Protocol, click Generate transceiver and protocol blocks.
5. For SD-SDI only, turn on Use soft logic for transceiver to implement the
transceiver in logic, rather than using Stratix GX, Stratix II GX or Stratix IV GX
6. Select the starting channel number.
7. Turn on Use PLL reconfiguration for transceiver dynamic reconfiguration if you
select an EP4CGX110 or EP4CGX150 device for Cyclone IV GX using dual and
triple standards. You may turn on this option for other Cyclone IV GX devices but
it is not recommended.
8. Turn on Enable TX PLL select for 1/1.000 and 1/1.001 data rate reconfiguration if
your design requires two serial input clocks to the TX block.
1This feature is only available for the Arria II, Stratix IV GX, and
HardCopy IV GX device families.
9. Click the Receiver/Transmitter Options tab.
10. Turn on the required receiver options.
11. Turn on the required transmitter options.
12. Click Next (or the EDA tab) to display the EDA page.
f For more information about parameters, refer to “Parameters” on page 3–56 and, for
more information about the protocol options, refer to Table 3–20 on page 3–56.
For more information about the transceiver options, refer to Table 3–21 on page 3–56.
For more information about the receiver/transmitter options, refer to Table 3–22 on
page 3–57.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–6Chapter 2: Getting Started
SDI Walkthrough
Setting Up Simulation
An IP functional simulation model is a cycle-accurate VHDL or Verilog HDL model
produced by the Quartus II software. The model allows for fast functional simulation
of IP using industry-standard VHDL and Verilog HDL simulators.
c You may only use these models for simulation and expressly not for synthesis or any
other purposes. Using these models for synthesis creates a nonfunctional design.
To generate an IP functional simulation model for your MegaCore function, follow
these steps:
1. Turn on Generate simulation model.
2. Some third-party synthesis tools can use a netlist that contains only the structure
of the MegaCore function, but not detailed logic, to optimize performance of the
design that contains the MegaCore function. If your synthesis tool supports this
feature, turn on Generate netlist.
3. Click Next (or the Summary tab) to display the Summary page.
Generating Files
You can use the check boxes on the Summary page to enable or disable the generation
of specified files. A gray checkmark indicates a file that is automatically generated; a
red checkmark indicates an optional file.
You can click Back to display the previous page, or click Parameters Settings, EDA,
or Summary, to change any of the MegaWizard options.
To generate the files, follow these steps:
1. Turn on the files you wish to generate.
1At this stage, you can still click Back to display any of the other pages in the
2. To generate the specified files and close the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, click
1The generation phase may take several minutes to complete.
1The Quartus II IP File (.qip) is a file generated by the parameter editor, and
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager to change any of the parameters.
contains information about the generated IP core. You are prompted to add
this .qip file to the current Quartus II project at the time of file generation.
In most cases, the .qip file contains all of the necessary assignments and
information required to process the core or system in the Quartus II
compiler. Generally, a single .qip file is generated for each MegaCore
function or system in the Quartus II compiler.
3. Click Exit to close the Generation window.
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–7
SDI Walkthrough
Tab le 2– 1 describes the generated files and other files that may be in your project
directory. The names and types of files specified in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
report vary based on whether you created your design with VHDL or Verilog HDL.
Table 2–1. Generated Files
A MegaCore function variation file, which defines a VHDL or Verilog HDL description of
<variation name>.v or .vhd
the custom MegaCore function. Instantiate the entity defined by this file inside of your
design. Include this file when compiling your design in the Quartus II software.
<variation name>.cmp
<variation name>.bsf
A VHDL component declaration file for the MegaCore function variation. Add the
contents of this file to any VHDL architecture that instantiates the MegaCore function.
Quartus II symbol file for the MegaCore function variation. You can use this file in the
Quartus II block diagram editor.
<variation name>.htmlMegaCore function report file.
This XML file describes the MegaCore pin attributes to the Quartus II Pin Planner.
<variation name>.ppf
MegaCore pin attributes include pin direction, location, I/O standard assignments, and
drive strength. If you launch IP Toolbench outside of the Pin Planner application, you
must explicitly load this file to use Pin Planner.
<variation name>_sdi.sdcContains timing constraints for your SDI variation.
Quartus II file that sets the Quartus II to use TimeQuest timing analyzer and patches the
<variation name>_constraints.tcl
generated .sdc script with a new clock name. If your top-level design clock pin names do
not match the default clock pin names or a prefixed version, edit the assignments in this
<variation name>.vo or .vhoVHDL or Verilog HDL IP functional simulation model.
<variation name>_bb.v
A Verilog HDL black-box file for the MegaCore function variation. Use this file when
using a third-party EDA tool to synthesize your design.
<variation name>.qipContains Quartus II project information for your MegaCore function variations.
You can now integrate your custom MegaCore function variation into your design,
simulate, and compile.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–8Chapter 2: Getting Started
- SD 270 Mbps
- HD 1.485 Gbps
- 3G 2.97 Gbps
SDI Pattern Generator
SDI IP CORE - Receiver
SDI IP CORE - Transmitter
Transmitter Data
Transmitter TRS
Receiver TRS
Receiver Lock
Receiver Line
Simulating the Design
Simulating the Design
This section describes the following simulation techniques:
■ Simulate with IP Functional Simulation Models
■ Simulating with the ModelSim Simulator
■ Simulating in Third-Party Simulation Tools Using NativeLink
In general, all testbenches are constructed in such a way that the serial transmit data is
looped back to receiver. Figure 2–2 shows how the serial transmit data is looped back
to the receiver in the testbench.
Figure 2–2. General Simulation Testbench
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Note to Figure 2–2:
(1) For dual or triple standard only.
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–9
Simulating the Design
A testbench basically consists of transmit test and receive test. The transmit test
accepts the same serial data as the receive device under test (DUT), deserializes and
decodes the transmitted data, and computes the number of time reference signals
(TRS) seen. The receive test verifies the features that are supported by the SDI receiver
by monitoring the received data, status bits, line numbering and other related
For dual and triple standard modes, the SDI receiver requires reconfiguration. The
SDI receiver reconfigures using transceiver dynamic reconfiguration to perform
autodetection and locking to different SDI video standards. For more details about
transceiver dynamic reconfiguration, refer to “Transceiver Dynamic Reconfiguration
for Dual Standard and Triple Standard Receivers” on page 3–27.
Simulate with IP Functional Simulation Models
You can simulate your design using the MegaWizard-generated VHDL and Verilog
HDL IP functional simulation models.
You can use the IP functional simulation model with any Altera-supported VHDL or
Verilog HDL simulator.
To use the IP functional simulation model that you created in “Setting Up Simulation”
on page 2–6, create a suitable testbench.
f For more information about IP functional simulation models, refer to the Simulating
Altera Designs chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
Simulating with the ModelSim Simulator
For Arria and Stratix series of devices, Altera provides two fixed testbenches as
examples in the simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\modelsim directory, where
<video standard> is hdsdi or hdsdi_dual_link. The testbenches instantiate the design
and test the HD-SDI or dual link mode of operation. To use one of these testbenches
with the ModelSim
1. In a text editor, open the simulation batch file, simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\modelsim\sdi_sim.bat. Edit it to point to your installation of the
ModelSim-Altera simulator and the Quartus II software, and edit the path:
set PATH = %MODELSIM_DIR%\win32aloem
set QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=c:\altera\81\quartus
For example, edit
1Where <video standard> is hdsdi or hdsdi_dual_link.
2. Start the ModelSim-Altera simulator.
3. Run sdi_sim.bat in the simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\modelsim
directory. This file compiles the design and starts the ModelSim-Altera simulator.
A selection of signals appears on the waveform viewer. The simulation runs
automatically, providing a pass/fail indication on completion.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–10Chapter 2: Getting Started
Simulating the Design
For Cyclone IV GX devices, Altera provides two new fixed testbenches in the
simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\<DPRIO mode>\modelsim directory, where
<video standard>\<DPRIO mode> is trsdi_c4gx\channel_reconfig or
trsdi_c4gx\pll_reconfig. The testbenches instantiate the design and test the triple
standard mode of operation using Cyclone IV GX devices. The testbenches also
demonstrate the transceiver dynamic reconfiguration with channel and phase-locked
loop (PLL) reconfiguration modes. To use one of these testbenches with the
ModelSim-Altera simulator, follow these steps:
1. In a text editor, open the simulation .do file,
simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\<DPRIO mode>\modelsim\sdi_sim.do.
Edit it to point to your installation of the ModelSim-Altera simulator, and edit the
set QUARTUS_ROOTDIR = C:\altera\<version>\quartus
1Where <version> is the version of the Quartus II software you are using.
2. Start the ModelSim-Altera simulator.
3. Run sdi_sim.do in the
simulation\modelsim\<video standard>\<DPRIO mode>\modelsim directory.
This file compiles the design and starts the ModelSim-Altera simulator. A selection
of signals appears on the waveform viewer.
To test the transmitter operation, the testbench generates a reference clock and parallel
video data. The design encodes and serializes this parallel video data. The serial
output is sampled, non-return to zero inverted (NRZI) decoded, descrambled, and
then reconstructed into parallel form. The testbench detects the presence of TRS
tokens (end of active video (EAV) and start of active video (SAV)) in the output to
check the correct operation.
To test the receiver operation, the testbench connects the serial transmitter data to the
receiver input. The testbench checks that the receiver achieves word alignment and
verifies that the extracted LN is correct.
Simulating in Third-Party Simulation Tools Using NativeLink
You can perform a simulation in a third-party simulation tool from within the
Quartus II software, using NativeLink.
f For more information about NativeLink, refer to the Simulating Altera Designs chapter
in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
Altera provides the following three Quartus II projects for use with NativeLink in the
ip\altera\sdi\simulation directory:
■ HD-SDI in the hdsdi directory
■ HD-SDI 3 Gbps in the hdsdi_3g directory
■ HD-SDI dual link in the hdsdi_dual_link directory
■ Triple standard SDI in the trsdi directory
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–11
SDI triple standard transmitter
starting_channel_number = 0
Transceiver Bank 1
SDI triple standard receiver
starting_channel_number = 4
Specifying Constraints
To set up simulation in the Quartus II software using NativeLink, follow these steps:
1. On the File menu, click Open Project. Browse to the desired directory: hdsdi, hdsdi_3g, hdsdi_dual_link, or trsdi.
2. Open sdi_sim.qpf.
3. Check that the absolute path to your third-party simulator executable is set. On the
Tools menu, click Options and select EDA Tools Options.
4. On the Processing menu, point to Start and click Start Analysis & Elaboration.
5. On the Tools menu, point to Run EDA Simulation Tool and click EDA RTL Simulation.
Specifying Constraints
You must apply the Altera-provided timing constraint file in Synopsys Design
Constraints File (.sdc) format and the additional Tcl Script File (.tcl) to ensure the SDI
MegaCore function meets the design timing requirements.
To ad d the .sdc file to your project, click Add/Remove Files in Project on the Project
menu and browse to select <variation name>_sdi.sdc file.
To add the additional .tcl file, you must compile your design and perform post
compilation timing analysis using the TimeQuest timing analyzer. On the
Assignments menu, click Use TimeQuest Timing Analyzer during compilation, and
click OK.
You may have to further edit your scripts if your design requires single channel or
multiple channels.
Single Channel
The following section describes what you must do if your design requires a single
channel using SDI triple standard transmitter and receiver instances as shown in
Figure 2–3 on page 2–11.
Figure 2–3. Instantiating Single Channel of SDI Instances
1The SDI instances must have a unique starting channel number if they are merged
into a same quad or bank.
To specify the constraints, follow these steps:
1. Parameterize and generate your SDI MegaCore functions—SDI triple standard
transmitter and receiver.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–12Chapter 2: Getting Started
SDI triple standard transmitter A
starting_channel_number = 0
Transceiver Bank 1
SDI triple standard transmitter B
starting_channel_number = 8
SDI triple standard receiver B
starting_channel_number = 12
SDI triple standard receiver A
starting_channel_number = 4
SDI triple standard transmitter A
starting_channel_number = 0
SDI triple standard transmitter B
starting_channel_number = 8
SDI triple standard receiver B
starting_channel_number = 12
SDI triple standard receiver A
starting_channel_number = 4
Transceiver Bank 2
Specifying Constraints
2. Edit the Tcl script so that the transceiver top-level reference clock matches the
clock pin names that you have chosen for your design, for example
. Locate
in the script and change
1The SDI triple standard transmitter has a transceiver top-level reference
3. Execute the Tcl script to patch the generated .sdc script with the new clock names.
1A back-up copy of the .sdc script is created before the patch is made, and
any edits that were previously made to the .sdc script are preserved.
4. Execute the Tcl script in the Quartus II software, and follow these steps:
a. On the Tools menu, click Tcl script.
b. Select the Tcl script of the instance SDI triple standard transmitter, and click
5. Perform steps 2 to 4 for the SDI triple standard receiver instance.
Multiple Channels
The following section describes what you must do if your design requires multiple
channels using four instances of SDI triple standard transmitter and four instances of
SDI triple standard receiver. In this case, assume that you must fit all instances into
Transceiver Bank 1 and 2 as shown in Figure 2–4, and the SDI instances in both banks
have the same video standard. You do not have to regenerate the SDI instances in
Transceiver Bank 2.
Figure 2–4. Instantiating Multiple Channels of SDI Instances Sharing Same Reference Clock
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–13
SDI triple standard transmitter A
starting_channel_number = 0
Transceiver Bank 1
SDI triple standard transmitter B
starting_channel_number = 8
SDI triple standard receiver B
starting_channel_number = 12
SDI triple standard receiver A
starting_channel_number = 4
SDI triple standard transmitter A
starting_channel_number = 0
SDI triple standard transmitter B
starting_channel_number = 8
SDI triple standard receiver B
starting_channel_number = 12
SDI triple standard receiver A
starting_channel_number = 4
Transceiver Bank 2
Specifying Constraints
To specify the constraints, perform the following steps:
1. Parameterize and generate your SDI MegaCore functions—SDI triple standard
transmitter A, SDI triple standard transmitter B, SDI triple standard receiver A,
and SDI triple standard receiver B—with their unique starting channel number.
2. Edit the Tcl script so that the transceiver top-level reference clock matches the
name of the clock pin connected to SDI triple standard transmitter A, for example
. Locate
in the script and change
3. Execute the Tcl script to patch the generated .sdc script with the new clock names.
1A back-up copy of the .sdc script is created before the patch is made, and
any edits that were previously made to the .sdc script are preserved.
4. Execute the Tcl script in the Quartus II software, and perform the following steps:
a. On the Tools menu, click Tcl script.
b. Select the Tcl script of the instance SDI triple standard transmitter A, and click
5. Perform steps 2 to 4 for the other three instances.
To specify constraints for multiple channels of SDI MegaCore function with multiple
top-level reference clocks as shown in Figure 2–5, perform the following steps:
1. For the SDI instances in Transceiver Bank 1, perform steps 1 to 5 you would do for
SDI instances sharing the same reference clock.
2. For the SDI instances in Transceiver Bank 2, duplicate an .sdc script for SDI triple
standard transmitter A and SDI triple standard receiver A in Transceiver Bank 2.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–14Chapter 2: Getting Started
1You are not required to duplicate .sdc script for SDI triple standard
transmitter B and SDI triple standard receiver B in Transceiver Bank 2.
Instances with same video standard can share an .sdc script.
3. Edit the .sdc script so that the reference clock name matches the name of the clock
pin connected to SDI triple standard transmitter A, for example
4. Edit another .sdc script so that the reference clock name matches the name of the
clock pin connected to SDI triple standard receiver A, for example
change to
5. Add these two duplicate .sdc scripts to your project. On the Project menu, click Add/Remove Files in Project and browse to select the scripts.
. Locate
. Locate
set rx_serial_refclk_name
in the script and change
Compiling the Design
in the script and
Compiling the Design
You can use the Quartus II software to compile your design. For instructions about
performing compilation, refer to Quartus II Help.
You can find an example design using an SDI MegaCore function in the
ip/sdi/example directory. This design is targeted at the Stratix II GX audio video
development kit.
f For more information about the example design, refer to AN 339: Serial Digital Interface
Demonstration for Stratix II GX Devices, and for information about the development kit,
refer to Audio Video Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition.
Programming a Device
After you have compiled the example design, you can program your targeted Altera
device to verify the design in hardware.
With Altera's free OpenCore Plus evaluation feature, you can evaluate the SDI
MegaCore function before you obtain a license. OpenCore Plus evaluation allows you
to generate an IP functional simulation model, and produce a time-limited
programming file.
f For more information about OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation using the SDI
MegaCore function, refer to “OpenCore Plus Evaluation” on page 1–5, “OpenCore
Plus Time-Out Behavior” on page 3–39, and AN 320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–15
Setting Up Licensing
Setting Up Licensing
You must purchase a license for the MegaCore function only when you are completely
satisfied with its functionality and performance and want to take your design to
After you purchase a license for SDI MegaCore function, you can request a license file
from the Altera website at www.altera.com/licensing and install it on your computer.
When you request a license file, Altera emails you a license.dat file. If you do not have
Internet access, contact your local Altera representative.
February 2013 Altera CorporationSerial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore Function
User Guide
2–16Chapter 2: Getting Started
Setting Up Licensing
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) MegaCore FunctionFebruary 2013 Altera Corporation
User Guide
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