Altera SCFIFO User Manual

101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
Altera provides FIFO functions through the parameterizable single-clock FIFO (SCFIFO) and dual-clock FIFO (DCFIFO) megafunction IP cores The FIFO functions are mostly applied in data buffering applications that comply with the first-in-first-out data flow in synchronous or asynchronous clock domains.
The specific names of the IP cores are as follows:
• SCFIFO: single-clock FIFO
• DCFIFO: dual-clock FIFO (supports same port widths for input and output data)
• DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS: dual-clock FIFO (supports different port widths for input and output data)
Note: The term “DCFIFO” refers to both the DCFIFO and DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS IP cores, unless

Configuration Methods

You can configure and build the FIFO IP cores with the following methods:
Table 1: Configuration Methods
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Method Description
Using the FIFO parameter editor. Altera recommends using this method to build your
FIFO IP cores. It is an efficient way to configure and build the FIFO IP cores. The FIFO parameter editor provides options that you can easily use to configure the FIFO IP cores.
Manually instantiating the FIFO IP cores. Use this method only if you are an expert user. This
method requires that you know the detailed specifi‐ cations of the IP cores. You must ensure that the input and output ports used, and the parameter values assigned are valid for the FIFO IP cores you instantiate for your target device.
Related Information
Introduction to Altera IP Cores
Provides general information about the Quartus II Parameter Editor
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
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wrclk wrusedw[8..0]



Verilog HDL Prototype

You can locate the Verilog HDL prototype in the Verilog Design File (.v) altera_mf.v in the <Quartus II installation directory>\eda\synthesis directory.

VHDL Component Declaration

The VHDL component declaration is located in the <Quartus II installation directory>\libraries\vhdl\altera_mf\


The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY altera_mf;
USE altera_mf_altera_mf_components.all;


This section provides diagrams of the SCFIFO and DCFIFO blocks to help in visualizing their input and output ports. This section also describes each port in detail to help in understanding their usages, functionality, or any restrictions. For better illustrations, some descriptions might refer you to a specific section in this user guide.
Figure 1: SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores Input and Output Signals
For the SCFIFO block, the read and write signals are synchronized to the same clock; for the DCFIFO block, the read and write signals are synchronized to the rdclk and wrclk clocks respectively. The prefixes wr and rd represent the signals that are synchronized by the wrclk and rdclk clocks respectively.
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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Table 2: Input and Output Ports Description
This table lists the signals of the IP cores. The term “series” refers to all the device families of a particular device. For example, “Stratix series” refers to the Stratix®, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and new devices, unless specified otherwise.
Port Type Required Description
clock wrclk
Input Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock. Input Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock.
Use to synchronize the following ports:
Input Yes Positive-edge-triggered clock.
Use to synchronize the following ports:
Input Yes Holds the data to be written in the FIFO IP core when the
wrreq signal is asserted. If you manually instantiate the
FIFO IP core, ensure the port width is equal to the lpm_
width parameter.
Only applicable for the SCFIFO IP core.
Applicable for both of the DCFIFO IP cores.
Applicable for the SCFIFO, DCFIFO, and DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTH IP cores.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Port Type Required Description
Input Yes Assert this signal to request for a write operation.
Ensure that the following conditions are met:
• Do not assert the wrreq signal when the full (for SCFIFO) or wrfull (for DCFIFO) port is high. Enable the overflow protection circuitry or set the overflow_
checking parameter to ON so that the FIFO IP core
can automatically disable the wrreq signal when it is full.
• The wrreq signal must meet the functional timing requirement based on the full or wrfull signal.
• Do not assert the wrreq signal during the deassertion of the aclr signal. Violating this requirement creates a race condition between the falling edge of the aclr signal and the rising edge of the write clock if the
wrreq port is set to high. For both the DCFIFO IP
cores that target Stratix and Cyclone series (except Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices), you have the option to automatically add a circuit to synchronize the aclr signal with the wrclk clock, or set the write_
aclr_synch parameter to ON. Use this option to
ensure that the restriction is obeyed.
sclr aclr
Input Yes Assert this signal to request for a read operation. The
rdreq signal acts differently in normal mode and show-
ahead mode. Ensure that the following conditions are met:
• Do not assert the rdreq signal when the empty (for SCFIFO) or rdempty (for DCFIFO) port is high. Enable the underflow protection circuitry or set the
underflow_checking parameter to ON so that the
FIFO IP core can automatically disable the rdreq signal when it is empty.
• The rdreq signal must meet the functional timing requirement based on the empty or rdempty signal.
Input No Assert this signal to clear all the output status ports, but
the effect on the q output may vary for different FIFO configurations.
There are no minimum number of clock cycles for aclr signals that must remain active.
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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full wrfull rdfull
Port Type Required Description
Output Yes Shows the data read from the read request operation.
For the SCFIFO IP core and DCFIFO IP core, the width of the q port must be equal to the width of the data port. If you manually instantiate the IP cores, ensure that the port width is equal to the lpm_width parameter.
For the DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS IP core, the width of the q port can be different from the width of the data port. If you manually instantiate the IP core, ensure that the width of the q port is equal to the lpm_width_r parameter. The IP core supports a wide write port with a narrow read port, and vice versa. However, the width ratio is restricted by the type of RAM block, and in general, are in the power of 2.
, (4) (4),
Output No When asserted, the FIFO IP core is considered full. Do
not perform write request operation when the FIFO IP core is full.
In general, the rdfull signal is a delayed version of the
wrfull signal. However, for Stratix III devices and later,
the rdfull signal function as a combinational output instead of a derived version of the wrfull signal. Therefore, you must always refer to the wrfull port to ensure whether or not a valid write request operation can be performed, regardless of the target device.
, (4)
Output No When asserted, the FIFO IP core is considered empty. Do
not perform read request operation when the FIFO IP core is empty.
In general, the wrempty signal is a delayed version of the
rdempty signal. However, for Stratix III devices and later,
the wrempty signal function as a combinational output instead of a derived version of the rdempty signal. Therefore, you must always refer to the rdempty port to ensure whether or not a valid read request operation can be performed, regardless of the target device.
Output No Asserted when the usedw signal is greater than or equal to
the almost_full_value parameter. It is used as an early indication of the full signal.
Output No Asserted when the usedw signal is less than the almost_
empty_value parameter. It is used as an early indication
of the empty signal.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO Parameters

Port Type Required Description
usedw wrusedw rdusedw
, (4) , (4)
Output No Show the number of words stored in the FIFO.
Ensure that the port width is equal to the lpm_widthu parameter if you manually instantiate the SCFIFO IP core or the DCFIFO IP core. For the DCFIFO_MIXED_
WIDTH IP core, the width of the wrusedw and rdusedw ports must be equal to the LPM_WIDTHU and lpm_widthu_
r parameters respectively.
For Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices, the FIFO IP core shows full even before the number of words stored reaches its maximum value. Therefore, you must always refer to the full or wrfull port for valid write request operation, and the empty or rdempty port for valid read request operation regardless of the target device.
The DCFIFO IP core rdempty output may momentarily glitch when the aclr input is asserted. To prevent an external register from capturing this glitch incorrectly, ensure that one of the following is true:
• The external register must use the same reset which is connected to the aclr input of the DCFIFO IP core, or
• The reset connected to the aclr input of the DCFIFO IP core must be asserted synchronous to the clock which drives the external register.
The output latency information of the FIFO IP cores is important, especially for the q output port, because there is no output flag to indicate when the output is valid to be sampled.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO Parameters
This table lists the parameters for the SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP cores.
Parameter Type Requir
lpm_width Integer Yes Specifies the width of the data and q ports for the
SCFIFO IP core and DCFIFO IP core. For the DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS IP core, this parameter specifies only the width of the data port.
lpm_width_r Integer Yes Specifies the width of the q port for the DCFIFO_
lpm_widthu Integer Yes Specifies the width of the usedw port for the SCFIFO IP
core, or the width of the rdusedw and wrusedw ports for the DCFIFO IP core. For the DCFIFO_MIXED_ WIDTHS IP core, it only represents the width of the
wrusedw port.
Integer Yes Specifies the width of the rdusedw port for the
Only applicable for the DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS IP core.
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO Parameters
Parameter Type Requir
lpm_numwords Integer Yes Specifies the depths of the FIFO you require. The value
must be at least 4. The value assigned must comply with this equation,
lpm_showahead String Yes Specifies whether the FIFO is in normal mode (OFF) or
show-ahead mode (ON). For normal mode, the FIFO IP core treats the rdreq
port as a normal read request that only performs read operation when the port is asserted.
For show-ahead mode, the FIFO IP core treats the
rdreq port as a read-acknowledge that automatically
outputs the first word of valid data in the FIFO IP core (when the empty or rdempty port is low) without asserting the rdreq signal. Asserting the rdreq signal causes the FIFO IP core to output the next data word, if available.
If you set the parameter to ON, you may reduce performance.
String No Identifies the library of parameterized modules (LPM)
entity name. The values are SCFIFO and DCFIFO.
maximize_speed Integer No Specifies whether or not to optimize for area or speed.
The values are 0 through 10. The values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 result in area optimization, while the values 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 result in speed optimization.
This parameter is applicable for Cyclone II and Stratix II devices only.
overflow_checking String No Specifies whether or not to enable the protection
circuitry for overflow checking that disables the wrreq port when the FIFO IP core is full. The values are ON or OFF. If omitted, the default is ON.
underflow_checking String No Specifies whether or not to enable the protection
circuitry for underflow checking that disables the rdreq port when the FIFO IP core is empty. The values are ON or OFF. If omitted, the default is ON.
Note that reading from an empty SCFIFO gives unpredictable results.
Only applicable for the DCFIFO IP core.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO Parameters
Parameter Type Requir
String No Specify the number of register stages that you want to
internally add to the rdusedw or wrusedw port using the respective parameter.
The default value of 1 adds a single register stage to the output to improve its performance. Increasing the value of the parameter does not increase the maximum system speed. It only adds additional latency to the respective output port.
add_usedw_msb_bit String No Increases the width of the rdusedw and wrusedw ports
by one bit. By increasing the width, it prevents the FIFO IP core from rolling over to zero when it is full. The values are ON or OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF.
This parameter is only applicable for Stratix and Cyclone series (except for Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices).
Integer No Specify the number of synchronization stages in the
cross clock domain. The value of the rdsync_
delaypipe parameter relates the synchronization
stages from the write control logic to the read control logic; the wrsync_delaypipe parameter relates the synchronization stages from the read control logic to the write control logic. Use these parameters to set the number of synchronization stages if the clocks are not synchronized, and set the clocks_are_synchronized parameter to FALSE.
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The actual synchronization stage implemented relates variously to the parameter value assigned, depends on the target device.
For Cyclone II and Stratix II devices and later, the values of these parameters are internally reduced by two. Thus, the default value of 3 for these parameters corresponds to a single synchronization stage; a value of 4 results in two synchronization stages, and so on. For these devices, choose at least 4 (two synchroniza‐ tion stages) for metastability protection.
String No Specifies whether or not the FIFO IP core is
constructed using the RAM blocks. The values are ON or OFF.
Setting this parameter value to OFF yields the FIFO IP core implemented in logic elements regardless of the type of the TriMatrix memory block type assigned to the ram_block_type parameter.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
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SCFIFO and DCFIFO Parameters
Parameter Type Requir
String No Specifies whether or not to add a circuit that causes the
aclr port to be internally synchronized by the wrclk
clock. Adding the circuit prevents the race condition between the wrreq and aclr ports that could corrupt the FIFO IP core.
The values are ON or OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF. This parameter is only applicable for Stratix and Cyclone series (except for Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices).
read_aclr_synch String No Specifies whether or not to add a circuit that causes the
aclr port to be internally synchronized by the rdclk
clock. Adding the circuit prevents the race condition between the rdreq and aclr ports that could corrupt the FIFO IP core.
The values are ON or OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF. This parameter is only applicable for families beginning from Stratix III series.
String No Specifies whether or not the write and read clocks are
synchronized which in turn determines the number of internal synchronization stages added for stable operation of the FIFO. The values are TRUE and FALSE. If omitted, the default value is FALSE. You must only set the parameter to TRUE if the write clock and the read clock are always synchronized and they are multiples of each other. Otherwise, set this to FALSE to avoid metastability problems.
SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide
If the clocks are not synchronized, set the parameter to FALSE, and use the rdsync_delaypipe and wrsync_
delaypipe parameters to determine the number of
synchronization stages required.
String No Specifies the target device’s Trimatrix Memory Block to
be used. To get the proper implementation based on the RAM configuration that you set, allow the Quartus II software to automatically choose the memory type by ignoring this parameter and set the
use_eab parameter to ON. This gives the compiler the
flexibility to place the memory function in any available memory resource based on the FIFO depth required.
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