Altec Lansing A6 User Manual

Unpack the 8256X cabinet. This cabi net is seaied at the factory; do not attempt to take it apart or remove the back panei.
Turn the cabinet so the short side with out fibergiass lining is up; drill a hole in the top, avoiding the diagnonai brace. This hoie shouid be just large enough to pass four wires through.
Do not drili this hole if the loud
speaker is to be instailed behind the screen in a motion picture theatre.
3. The interconnecting wires are packed Locate the four iongest wires (one red
wire, one green wire, two biack wires).
4. Unpack the two 3156 LF ioudspeakers.
Attach a green and biack wire to the terminals of one loudspeaker. See Figure 2.
5. Lay the 8256X cabinet on its back
panel. Mount one 3156 loudspeaker in one baffie opening of the cabinet; attach the ioudspeaker with eight screws packed with the loudspeaker. Note that the flange of the loudspeaker
outside the cabinet, with the frame
is and magnet structure protruding into the cabinet.
6. Route the green and biack wires of the loudspeaker through the opposite baf fie opening; attach the wires to the second 3156 loudspeaker. Also attach red and black wires to the terminals of
the second loudspeaker as shown in Figure 2. Feed the attached red and biack wires through the hole drilled in the top of the cabinet (Step 2) or through one of the bass refiex ports; instali the second ioudspeaker in the remaining baffle opening and secure it with the eight screws packed with the loudspeaker.
7. Lift the cabinet upright and place it in the position it will occupy.
8. Unpack the two brackets and driver cradle from the hardware kit. Assemble them with two bolts, two lockwashers and two 7/16" nuts. See Figure 1. Set the assembiy on top of the cabinet, approximateiy centered with the driver cradle toward the rear of the cabinet.
9. Upack the 288-8K HF driver and the HF horn (MRil564, MRII594, or MRH5124). Piace the gasket packed with the 288-8K around its sound exit hole; install the 288-8K on the horn, securing it with the three iockwashers and 9/16" nuts provided.
10. Engage the lip flange of the horn in the two ears of the mounting brackets and
swing the driver down into the cradie.
------------------- CAUTION
The magnet will pull the cradle toward the driver as it is iowered into position.
11. Attach the short black and white wires
packed with the N1285-8A network to the terminals on the 288-8K. It will be
necessary to remove one pair of crimp



connectors from these wires and repiace them with those packed with the 288-8K.
12. Piace the N1285-8A on top of the cabi net, facing left or right; if the speaker wires are routed through a port in the baffle, put the N1285-8A on the same side.
13. Set the frequency switch of the N1285­8A to 500 Hz or 800 Hz. Wire the N1285­8A according to Figure 2.
14. if the ampiifier to be used cannot
safeiy drive a 5-ohm ioad, wire the sys tem as shown in Figure 3, using a 15067 autoformer.
15. If you wish to attach the N1285-8A to
the cabinet, let the front panel of the network hang over the side of the cabinet; drill or punch twao pilot holes and install two wood screws to secure the network.
16. Decide how much power loss is accept-
abie in the line between the ampiifier and the ioudspeaker; select a wire gauge according to Altec Lansing
Technical Letter 265A. Attach the wires to the input terminals of the
N1285-8A network.
17. Adjust the tilt of the HF horn for great est uniformity of direct sound in the audience area; ioosen the nuts and raise or lower the driver cradle as necessary; retighten nuts.
18. Operate the loudspeaker and adjust
the H.F. LEVEL control on the N1285­8A until the best spectral balance is achieved.
19. If there is sufficient front-to-back ciearance around the ioudspeaker, adjust phasing of the drivers according to Aitec Lansing Applications Note 9. This wili require the front lip of the HF horn to overhang the front edge of the cabinet about 7".
20. After locating the horn position, mark location of the four holes in the mount ing brackets; drill or punch pilot holes in the cabinet for the four wood screws provided in the hardware kit.
21. If it becomes necessary to replace the
diaphragm/voice coil assembly in the 288-8K driver, use a 23763 diaphragm; follow service instructions in Altec Lansing publication 42-02-035593.
a MARK IV company
Specificationa and components subject to chanpc without notice. Overall performance will be maintained or improved.
10500 W, Reno Ave,, Oklahoma City, OK 73126
42-02-035639 • 42-07-035639
LITHO IN U.S.A. 1091-1.7M
22. If it becomes necessary to recone the 3156 loudspeakers, use a R3156 recone kit; follow service instructions in Altec Lansing publication 42-02-035594.
23. If it becomes necessary to repair the 8256X cabinet, construction plans are given in Altec Lansing Applications Note 12.
Individual copies of this and all Altec Lansing publications are available without charge from
Altec Lansing, Box 26105, Okla homa City, OK 73126-0105.
Figure 2. Wiring Diagrams for Four-Ohm Operation
Figure 3. Wiring Diagram with 15067 Autoformer