Product Specification Sheet A PS737 - Rev. 08/2013
VFS1000 Series Open-Voice QwikBUS™ Video-Intercom Stations
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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VFS1000 W (White Finish)
Choose f rom six (6) decora tor finishes
Wh ite is s ta nd ard - oth ers e x tra cos t
Anth raci te, 24 K G old P la ted , Crys ta l Gla ss, Sta inle ss Stee l, W hite an d Tita ni um
VFS1000 Series Open-Voice Video-Intercom Stations
The Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ VFS1000 QwikBUS™ Series
stat ions are designed to work as an apartment type open voice
video-interc om st ation, using a minimal of wiring. All VFS1000
stat ions in a building can be wired on only two (2) common (loop)
wires! The QwikBUS™ system can support hundreds of
VFS1000 stations on a single system. Choose from White and five
(5) other dec orator inspired finishes.
These att ractive and trim st ations easily surface mount right on
the finished wall, or c an flush mount over a model UMV1000 flush
plastic housing with model HWB mounting sc rews. Stations can
be c hanged to desk mount with the addition of a model T Z-VFS
(White) desk adapt er.
All VF S1000 series QwikBUS™ stations select able electronic tone
signaling, Voice On, Door Release, Call Volume, and five (5)
momentary button switches (marked '0', '1' and '2' and 2 blanks).
These switc hes c an be used for door release, or other signaling
funct ions, depending upon system configuration. All VFS1000
series QwikBUS™ stations can be inter-mixed with the VHC3033
series QwikBUS™ handset st yle video-intercom monitors.
4" (diagonal) flat high-resolution color video screen
Crystal-Clear Half-Duplex Voice Operation
Easy Installation - Only 2 Common (loop) Wires Required
Eavesdrop Privacy
Clear Voice Fidelity using Elect ret Condenser Microphones
Rugged and Reliable / Simple to Operate
Mounts Surfac e (st andad)
Optional Flush Mount (using UMV1000 flush box and HWB
mounting screws)
Optional Desk Mount (using T Z-VF S White desk adapter)
Available in White and five (5) ot her decorator finishes
All VF S1000 series stations are
5.30"W (135mm) x 8.45"H (215mm) x
1.25"D (32mm). All dimensions shown
are for the surface wall type stat ion.
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The 2- Wire open voice video-interc om station(s) shall be Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ QwikBUS™ VFS1000 in (White, Titanium, 24K
Gold Plated, Crystal Glass, Stainless Steel or Anthracite) c olor. St ation(s) shall be mounted surface (standard), or flush or desktop, with
required optional mounting components. Stat ion(s) shall feature elec tret condenser microphone for exceptional half-duplex voice fidelity
(requiring no pressing of any Talk or Listen buttons).
Monitor(s) shall include a high quality 4.0" c olor video screen (measured diagonally). Monitors using mirrors or other non-flat type screens, or
coaxial cable shall not be ac ceptable. Monitor(s) shall feature c ontrols for brightness, c ontrast and horizontal hold.
Stat ions that include simplex type or other voic e technologies shall not be acc eptable. Station shall inc lude a Voice On, Door Release, Call
Volume and five (5) momentary button switches (marked '0', '1' and '2' and 2 blanks). Station(s) shall include a built- in (user select able)
elect ronic c all tone signal. Stat ion(s) shall require only two (2) common (loop) wires for system operation.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and building codes.