Alpha VBV-4 Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS583 - Rev. 07/2013
VBV-4 'NoCoax' Video Distributor Unit (VH30ANC and VH30CNC Series)
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Architects' And Engineers'
The video data distributor unit(s) shall be Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ model VBV-4, or approved equal, and shall provide up t o four (4) amplified video data outputs for the 'NoCoax' video-interc om system. The VBV-4 shall be built into a rugged high impac t ABS plast ic case, and shall be powered by the model NG20 DC power supply.
Low voltage wiring shall be used and positive sc rew terminal connectors shall be provided for installation wiring. The VBV-4 shall be mountable right to the surface of t he wall or in a customer supplied junc tion box cabinet.
Contract or shall observe all local and national elect rical and building codes.
VBV-4 'NoCoax' Video Distributor Unit
The Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ VBV-4 video distributor unit is used only with the VH30ANC and VH30CNC series 'NoCoax' video-intercom syst ems. The VBV-4 is used when t he video data signal from the lobby entry camera(s) must be split (distributed) to several cables.
The VBV-4 gets its power from t he NG20 DC power supply. All VBV-4 connect ions are positive sc rew terminal type.
Each VBV-4 has four (4) video dat a outputs. When multiple VBV-4's are used, for systems requiring more than four (4) outputs, multiple VBV-4 units may be "daisy­chained" to provide outputs in multiples of four (4).
Easily Installs Right on Finished Wall Surface or in Optional Junction Box Operates on Safe Low- Voltage Class II Wiring Positive Sc rew Terminal Connectors Provides 4 separate amplified video dat a outputs Can be "daisy-chained" when more t han 4 video outputs are needed
Height: 3.75" (96mm) Width: 4.25" (108mm) Depth: 2.375" (61mm) from mounting surfac e
Construction: High impac t Blac k ABS plastic c ase
Connections: Positive sc rew t erminal connectors
Temerature Range:
0-50 degrees C.
Surface- mounted (usually installed near t he syst em amplifier/power supply and other system central equipment).