Product Specification Sheet APS924 - Rev. 03/2017
SC-300 Counter Top Ticket Window Intercom SystemSC-300 Counter Top Ticket Window Intercom System
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
SC-300 Counte r-Top Ticke t Window
Inte rcom Syste m
Mounting DetailsMounting Details
Mechanical SpecificationsMechanical Specifications
Machined aluminum, anodized
finish, tamper-resistant
Machined aluminum, anodized
finish, tamper-resistant
15" long
Each Unit : 2.80"H (72mm) x 8.00"W
(204mm) x 2.80"D (72mm)
Weight: 5.40 lbs.
Mounting: Counter-t op
Panel Controls: Volume, power on-off, LED power indicator
SC-300 Counter Top Ticket Window IntercomSC-300 Counter Top Ticket Window Intercom
The SC-300 counter-t op ticket window intercom is designed for
applications where a cutout in the barrier is impractical.
How It Works...
Two-way c ommunication is ac c omplished through the use of
speakers and microphones on eac h side of the partition. The inside
Master unit is equipped with a 15" gooseneck microphone, power
on/off switch, power-on LED, and external volume c ontrols. T he
Remote unit is vandal resistant with all controls located within the
metal housing.The SC- 300 provides elect ronic two-way hands-free
audio communications (duplex) between a partition. The SC-300 is
equipped with a fact ory adjusted VOX switc h to prevent ambient
noise (below 85 decibels) from ac t ivating the unit. The SC-300
contains two voice channels, each incorporating a mic rophone
amplifier, VOX switch, compressor, and a power amplifier. T he
sound amplifier does not exceed a 0.2% total harmonic distortion
How To Install...
The SC-300 comes ready t o operate. T he prism units are quickly
and easily mounted on t he c ounter- top on opposite sides of the
barrier. They can be positioned bac k-to-bac k (as shown) or
randomly. T he unit with the gooseneck microphone and c ontrols
goes inside the boot h; the unit without c ontrols is mounted
outside the booth. There are two ways to install the SC-300:
either run the c able between t he units t hrough a small hole in the
barrier ('A' type mounting), or under the counter-top ('B' type
mounting) (as shown on t he left).
Clear, 2-way hands-free voice communication (duplex).
Quality elect ronic design and engineering.
Rugged, tamper-resistant materials.
Simple, one- person installation. No need to cut a hole in the
Compac t, c ontemporary design. Fits any dec or.
Avoid shouting, repetition, misunderstanding.
Optional 220VAC Export models available (ask for details).
Short Circuit Protection
Dynamic Noise Reduction Network
Voice Act ivated Switc h
Background Noise Level Monitoring
Level Detection and At tenuation Control
Low Current Draw
Reverse Voltage and Voltage Protect ion
Less than 1% Distortion
Made in USA
Temperature range 32�F (0�C) to +122�F (50�C)
The SC-300 systems are shipped complete with a 120VAC
(primary) power supply (for AC operated units) or c harger (for
battery operated units), which steps the power down to a filtered
18VDC, and a 1- year limited warranty.
3 Models Available3 Models Available
1. SC-300 Complete for continuous-duty operation. 1120VAC
power supply stepped down to filtered 18 Volts. Plug-in
Power supply is included for 120VAC operation. For 220VAC
primary power, please add the model# 220V-OPTION
when placing your order.
2. SC-300HG Same as SC- 300 but with jack for wired headset
or wireless headset options available
3. SC-300MHS Same as SC- 300 but with wireless headset