Product Specification Sheet APS885 - Rev. 04/2017
SC-100 Basic 2-Way Window/Partition Intercom SystemSC-100 Basic 2-Way Window/Partition Intercom System
SC-100 Rear ViewSC-100 Rear View
T he Basic Voice Communication Syste m for
High- Se curity and Isolation Booth Situations
Today's security and isolation booths and ticket booths are oft en
the best step you can take to protect your employees. But do
they protect and also help maintain your very important good will?
Not if c lerks and customers have t o shout and growl and repeat
themselves to be heard or understood.
The Alpha Communicat ions® / Haven SC-100 unit is a 2-way,
hands-free audio system that provides high-quality personal
communicat ion between people separated by security or isolation
barriers. It is a widely used syst em in the U.S., and around the
How It Works...
The Alpha Communicat ions® / Haven SC-100 system
permits hands-free, 2-way c ommunication between the boot h
att endant and the c ust omer. Vox circuitry fac ilitat es ongoing,
clear, 2- way conversation at all times - as if the t wo parties were
toget her in the same room.
The SC-100 provides clear c ommunication even in environments
with high ambient noise by shaping the sound for maximum
intelligibility. Its compression circuitry dec reases loud, annoying
How To Install...
Installation of the SC-100 is a very simple, one-person operation.
All that's needed is a 3.25 to 3.50 inch round cutout in the
barrier. Four fast eners and two rubber gaskets needed for
mounting are supplied. Please specify barrier thickness when
ordering. If you have a 4.00 inch diameter opening, please
order the model# AP-4 adapter plate. For 5
inch diameter opening, please order the model# AP-5
adapter plate.
The front face and housing are easily mounted on opposite
sides of t he barrier using the fasteners supplied. The rubber
gaskets prevent slippage and protec t the barrier surface. The
elect ronic sec tion is then inserted into the housing and fastened in
Note c hoice of c ontinuous-dut y, 120-Volt AC power
supply stepped down to 18 Volts (SC- 100 series), or rechargeable
lithium ion batt ery operation (SC- 100L series).
Clear, 2-way hands-free voice communication
Mechanical SpecificationsMechanical Specifications
Outside Face
Solid aluminum, anodized finish, tamperresistant
Control Housing
Machined aluminum, anodized
finish, tamper-resistant
Outside fac e plate - 4.00" dia x
0.50"D Inside cont rol housing - 4.00"
diamet er x 3.50"D Microphone and
gooseneck 18 in.
Weight: 4.50 lbs. (model# SC-100)
Partition hole 3.25 to 3.50 inch diamet er
(3.50" recommended) Please spec ify barrier
thickness when ordering
Panel Controls:
Listen volume, talk, volume, on- off switc h,
charger soc ket (on battery unit), Power On
Electrical Specifications (Booth Unit)Electrical Specifications (Booth Unit)
Audio Frequency
Select ively shaped for maximum
voice intelligibility
Audio Power: 2 watts per amplifier
Distortion: Less than 0.2%
Listen Mode: 20 dB c ompression
Talk Mode: Vox
Electret (inside goosenec k mic . is 18.0"
long). Optional 8.0" or 24.0" models avail.,
at extra cost. Please spec ify when
Power Supply:
Input: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, Output: 18 VDC,
Useful time (on
battery unit):
10 to 12 hours per charge
Charge time
(battery unit):
5 hours for full charge. Unit c an be used
while charging
4 Available Models4 Available Models
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Right s Res erved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Avoids shouting, repetition, misunderstanding
Rugged Aluminum Construct ion
Background noise level monitoring
Quality elect ronic design and engineering
Simple, one- person installation
Self-powered with rechargeable battery option (SC-100L
Fast plug-in recharge
Bullet-resistant opt ion.*
Export (220VAC) option available
Sound amplifier does not exceed a 0.2% total harmonic
distortion rating
Made in U.S.A.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Ticket Window Intercoms(s) shall be Alpha Communications®
/ Haven SC-100 series or equivalent.
The Ticket Window Intercom(s) shall be made of heavy- duty
Aluminum and shall be designed to mount directly into a 3.25" to
3.50" diamet er window partition opening (or larger opening with
assoc iated adapter plate/ring).
Unit(s) shall feature a built- in gooseneck microphone (at operat or
side), as well as controls for Listen volume, t alk, volume, onoff switc h, c harger socket (on battery unit) and Power On LED.
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
1. SC-100 Complete for cont inuous-duty operation. 117 VAC
power supply stepped down to filtered 18 Volts. Plug-in
Power supply is included for 120VAC operation. For 220VAC
primary power, please add the model# 220V-OPTION
when placing your order.
2. SC-100L Same as SC-100 but with Lithium- Ion rechargeable
batt ery pac k.
3. SC-100H Same as SC- 100 but with jack for wired headset or
wireless headset options available
4. SC-100HL Same as SC-100H but with Lithium-Ion
rechargeable batt ery pac k.
All SC-100 series units are shipped complete with mounting
hardware, instructions, and power supply (AC operated unit),
or charger (battery operated unit).
*NOTE: For Bullet-Resistant capability, add the model# BR
insert unit. The BR Bullet-resistant insert is rated up to .357
Magnum service loads.