Product Specification Sheet APS384 - Rev. 07/2013
R2006 / R2007 Series Alphatone™ Chime Tone UnitsR2006 / R2007 Series Alphatone™ Chime Tone Units
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Model R2007 Shown
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Alphatone™ c hime tone unit(s) shall be Alpha®/S.T.R.™
R2006 or R2007 or approved equal.
The R2006 shall be used with the HT2006 series handsets when
one (1) or more door stations need t o send an audible signal to
any of the inside handsets.
The R2007 shall be used an any HT2000 and/or HT3000 series
handsets, when the electric buzzer needs to be replaced with a
more pleasing sounding chime/tone unit,or as a stand-alone tone
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
R2007 Operating
9-12VDC (polarity sensitive) or 8-16VAC
(no polarity)
R2006 / R2007 Series Alphatone™ UnitsR2006 / R2007 Series Alphatone™ Units
The Alpha®/S.T.R.™ R2006 and R2007 Series Alphatone™ units
are designed to work with our HT2006, HT2000 and HT3000 series
handsets, respectively.
The R2006 units work only with the HT2006 series handsets, and
are used when t here is one (1) or more door entry stations that
need to send an audible tone signal to any of the inside HT2006
handset stat ions. Typically the R2006 units are used in intercom or
video-interc om syst ems, using the NH208TVU intercom/door
stat ion power supply/amplifier.
The R2006 Alphatone™ units simply plug onto the pin assembly,
found inside the HT2006 handset on the PC board. The actual tone
mechanism is provided with a selfstic k tape to allow it to be
mounted inside the handset c asing.
The R2007 units work with almost any of t he HT2000 and/ or
HT3000 series handset s, and are used when you wish to c hange
the electric buzzer, to a warble chime tone sound instead. T hey
can also be used as stand-alone signaling devices, or t o replace
buzzers found in other manufac turers handsets or equipment.
The R2007 Alphatone™ unit has t wo (2) wire leads with push-on
connectors. Simply remove the single sc rew t hat holds the buzzer
in place, slide off the two (2) buzzer wire leads, sc rew t he R2007
in place of the buzzer, and place the wire leads where the buzzer
wire leads were originally installed. When used as a stand-alone
signaling device, you c an snip the connec tors off of the wire leads
and splice t o the wires directly
Easy Installation
Operates on AC or DC power
Adjustable potentiometer for chime tone sound adjustment
Model R2006 Shown