Product Specification Sheet A PS352 - Rev. 08/2013
PM311C / PM312C Pillow Speaker Intercom Modules
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Model PM312C
Architects' And Engineers'
Th e Pi llo w S pe ak er I nte rcom Mod ul e( s) sh a ll b e Alp ha
Co m m un icat ion s® / Tek Ton e Mo de l PM 31 1C , P M312 C or
ap pro ve d eq ua l. Th e P M31 1C m odu le (s) s ha ll b e
de s ign ed f or u se with NC3 00 II s erie s I R3 19 B p ati en t
sta tio n; th e PM 31 2C s ha ll b e d es ign e d f or us e with
NC3 00 II se rie s IR 32 0B pa tient sta tion.
Wh e n u se d in con jun ctio n with the a p pro pria te Alp ha
Co m m un icat ion s® pil low s pe a ke r, P M31 1C a nd P M312 C
m od ule s sh a ll p rovi de f or two- way ( sim ple x) in terco m
thro ug h the p illo w sp ea k er. W hen u se d with Al ph a
Co m m un icat ion s® / Tek Ton e SF4 01 P Pil low Sp e ak e r or
SF4 01 Ca ll Co rd s, sta nd a rd I R 319 B/ IR 32 0B pa tie nt
sta tio n op e ratio n sh al l re su m e.
All ele ctro nic com pon en ts ne ce ss ary fo r thi s f un ction s ha ll
be m oun ted o n a prin te d ci rcuit b o ard which sh a ll b e
m ou nte d to the IR 31 9B o r I R 32 0B s ta tio n. Pl ug -in typ e
con ne cto rs s ha ll be p rovi de d.
Th e PM 31 1C a nd P M3 12 C sh all b e UL 10 69 Lis te d (when
us ed with the I R 319 B/ IR 32 0B pa tie nt sta tio ns ). Co ntra cto r
sh al l o bs erv e all lo cal an d na tio na l e lectrica l a nd b uil din g
cod e s.
Model PM311C
PM311C / PM312C Pillow Speaker Intercom Modules
The PM311C and PM312C Pillow Speaker Intercom Modules
are for use with the NC300II Nurse Call
System's IR319B/IR320B Pat ient St ations and SF401DIG
Pillow Speaker. The modules provide for reliable, twoway hands- free c ommunication from t he pillow speaker to
the NC304 Master Station. Calling the nurse is ac c omplished
by pressing the push button identified by t he nurse
symbol. Call placed assurance is indicated by the yellow LED at the patient
stat ion(s).
If the pillow speaker is removed from its receptac le during communicat ion, the call is
transferred to the pat ient st ation speaker. If t he pillow speaker or c all cord is
removed from its recept acle while not in use, a non-cancellable call is registered at
the nurse master station. If desired, standard SF401 Call Cords may be used with
the IR319B/IR320B stations.
UL® 1069 Listed (when used with t he IR319B/IR320B patient st ations)
Provides hands-free pillow speaker intercom
Solid st ate multiplex c ircuits
Simplified multiplex wiring using plug-in type connec tors
TV and Radio control from SF401DIG Pillow Speakers
Supports standard SF401P Pillow Speaker and SF401 Call Cords
Mounts direct ly to IR319B (single) and IR320B (dual) patient stations
Height: 0.50" (13mm)
Width: 5.00" (127mm)
Depth: 1.78" (46mm)
Construction: PC board with quality elec tronic components
Mounting: Plug-in connec tors mounted to IR319B/IR320B Pat ient St ations
Connections: Plug-in type
Wiring: Multiplex