Product Specification Sheet A PS474 - Rev. 07/2013
PK305A Supplemental Power Supply for NC351A/2 CPE (NC300II Series)
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The supplemental power supply shall be Alpha Communicat ions® /
TekTone PK305A or approved equal and will include t he nec essary
hardware to interface with the NC351A/2 Central Equipment to
provide additional power t o support up t o 512 patient stat ions.
The PK305A supplemental power supply shall be housed in a
durable metal enclosure with provisions for plug-in field wiring
The PK305A supplemental power supply shall be UL1069 Listed.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
PK305A Supplemental Power Supply
The Alpha Communicat ions® PK305A Supplemental Power Supply is
used to provide additional power t o the NC351A/2 Central
Equipment to support up to 512 addressable pat ient st ations.
The PK305A supplemental power supply is housed in a durable
metal enclosure with provisions for plug-in field wiring connec tions.
Plug-in connec tors for easy c onnection to the
NC351A/2 Central Equipment
Provides additional power to t he NC351A/2
Central Equipment to support up to 512 patient st ations
U.L. 1069 Listed
Height: 3.25" (83mm)
Width: 10.75" (274mm)
Depth: 8.75" (223mm)
Power Input: 115 VAC, 60Hz, 125W
Environments: 0-80% relative humidity
Terminations: Plug-in connec tors
System Protection:
In-line fuses are provided on primary