Product Specification Sheet A PS649 - Rev. 07/2013
PK124K Battery Back-Up Kit (used for battery back-up)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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Architects' And Engineers'
The bat tery charger kit(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® / TekTone model PK124K,
or approved equal. The PK124K shall
provide continuous bat tery c harging for
approximately 6 hours for uninterrupted
equipment operation during power failures.
The PK124K kit shall be housed an t he IH151N
surface mount equipment cabinet, and shall
include 1- SS106 24VAC transformer , 2- BA001
(12VDC) rechargeable bat teries and 1- PK124
batt ery charger unit.
Contract or shall observe all local and national
elect rical and building codes.
PK124K Battery Back-Up Kit
The Alpha Communicat ions® / TekTone PK124K battery backup kit provides for
continuous battery charging so that if power system equipment is interrupted,
standby operating power is provided for up to approximately 6 hours. (Time may vary
depending on system size.)
Alpha Communications® syst ems which support the PK124K inc lude NC110N, NC150N
and NC200N Nurse Call Systems, DS100 Door Sentry Audible/Visual Emergency Alarm
System, AlphaEcall™ and CM800/CM900 Emergency Alarm System, as well as t he
NC150R Area of Resc ue Assistance systems.
The PK124K may also be used for battery backup on various Alpha Communications®
apartment entrance syst em amplifiers.
The PK124K kit includes 1- IH151N surface equipment cabinet, 1- SS106 24VAC
transformer, 2- BA001 (12VDC) rechargeable batteries and 1- PK124 battery charger
Low voltage operation
Reliable alternate power supply
Integrated c ircuit design
Easy installation
The IH151N c abinet which houses all of the PK124K
components is 11.50"W (293mm) x 11.75"H (299mm) x
3.63"D (93mm). All dimensions shown are outside
Finish: Beige Enamel painted finish.
Five (5) t otal on four (4) sides. One (1) on front
cabinet cover, for optional installation of c ustomer
supplied lock assembly.