Alpha CSM-4 Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS516 - Rev. 07/2013
CSM-4 4-Camera Switching Module
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The 4- camera switc hing module(s) shall be Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ CSM-4. Switching module(s) shall be installed in plac e of the blank module(s) found between the monitors and the handsets. Switc hing module(s) shall feat ure four (4) front mounted momentary push buttons marked CAM1, CAM2, CAM3 and CAM4. Switc hing module(s) shall be finished in the same white plastic finish as the monitor handsets and button markings shall be silk- screened.
Contract or shall furnish and install the necessary TU1007A and DPS-2 switc hing components, as required, and any compat ible CCTV c ameras needed.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and building codes.
CSM-4 4-Camera Switching Module
The Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ CSM- 4 4 Camera Switching Modules are designed to be used with t he VH30 series video­intercom monitor stations. The CSM-4 installs in place of the blank panel found bet ween t he monitor and the handset, allowing the resident to switch between up to four (4) CCTV c ameras at various building loc ations.
The four (4) camera switching buttons are marked CAM1, CAM2, CAM3 and CAM4 and match t he styling found on the monitor handsets. The CSM-4 is easily installed in place of t he blank module and can be added to the monitor(s) at a later time if required.
Four (4) Momentary Buttons marked CAM1, CAM2, CAM3 and CAM4 Easily installs in place of blank module Matc hes st yling of handset buttons Rugged and Reliable. Simple to Operate
1.10"W (28mm) x 8.50"H (216mm) x 0.75"D (20mm).
Same White Plastic as found on t he HT3003/2W monitor handset
Markings: Silk-Screened
NO T E S: For switching to 1-2 cameras you must add 1-
TU1007A and 1- DPS-2 switching units to the main system power supply. For switching to 3-4 cameras you must add 2-
TU1007A and 2- DPS-2 switching units to the main system
power supply. The blank buttons shown on the top are used for other purposes and do not function on the CSM-4 units.