Product Specification Sheet APS1011 - Rev. 09/2016
CDL118B (DC) / CDL123B (AC) Corridor Lamps with BuzzersCDL118B (DC) / CDL123B (AC) Corridor Lamps with Buzzers
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 016 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The LED corridor dome lights with built-in
buzzers shall be Alpha
Communications® CDL118B (24VDC)
or CDL123B (24VAC) or approved equal.
Lights shall include a translucent plastic
cover mounted on a flame retardant
ABS plastic panel, with a removable divider
to allow full height LED brightness.
Units shall mount over a c onventional 2gang elect rical bac k box. Units shall feature
a high brightness long-life LED to eliminate
the need for bulb replacement.
Built-in buzzers shall sound as long as t he
dome light is lighted (activated).
Contractor shall observe all local and
national elect rical and building codes.
CDL118B (DC) / CDL123B (AC) Corridor Lamps with BuzzersCDL118B (DC) / CDL123B (AC) Corridor Lamps with Buzzers
The Alpha Communicat ions® CDL118B (24VDC) and CDL123B (24VAC) LED Corridor Lamps
provide both visual and audible indications of any type of c all. Models may be used
with an emergency c all system or in any application where this type of audible and visual
call indication is needed. The standard mounting plate acc ommodates both models and
features an easily removable divider to allow full height LED brightness.
Excellent Visibility
Audio call indication
High Brightness LEDs - No Bulb Replacement
Durable const ruction
Height: 4.55" (116mm)
Width: 5.20" (133mm)
Projects: 3.50" (89mm) from mounting surface
AC Buzzer: Model# H-24AC, 24 VAC, 160mA
DC Buzzer: Model# H-240, 24 VDC, 40mA
Power: CDL118B: 24VDC, 91mA; CDL123B: 24VAC, 211mA
Fits standard 2-gang box. Minimum depth of box to be no less
than 1.75".
Translucent white plastic cover mounted on a flame retardant,
fog white ABS plastic panel.
Optional ComponentsOptional Components
Alpha Ecall™ Master Annunciator (or similar type)
SS106 Transformer
PK601A DC power supply
SF117/2A, SF117/4A Pull c ord switc h (or equivalent)
SF119/2A, SF119/4A Pull c ord switc h (or equivalent)
SF154A Push type switc h (or equivalent)