Product Specification Sheet A PS788 - Rev. 07/2013
CB901EX Series Central Exchange Unit (78 Pages)
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CB901EX Ce ntral Excha nge (typica l)
Architects' And Engineers'
The c entral exc hange/system shall be Alpha
Communications® / Ring CB901EX series or
approved equivalent. Syst em shall have a
maximum c apac ity of 240 total master and/or
remot e st ations (per central exc hange), in
multiples of 8 st ations. System shall have a
minimum of (15) conversation paths (links),
permitting up to (15)
simultaneous conversations. The CB901EX/XXX
central exchange c an be field upgraded with t he
addition of subsc riber c ard(s) and required
extension rack(s). Additional talk paths
(links) are also available as an optional upgrade.
The CB901EX system shall require simple 2
twisted pair home- run wiring from t he central
exchange t o eac h master and/or remot e st ation,
and shall feature all-c all, group call, hunt,
priority, privacy, direct dialing, c onference,
camp- on busy, hurry- up, call-back, c allforwarding, secretary transfer, bat tery back-up
and manual simplex override at t he master
stat ion(s).
Optional features include radio paging, public
address tie- in, 7 channels of program
distribution, and emergency elevator
Contract or shall observe all local and national
elect rical codes.
CB901EX Series Microprocessor Intercom System
The CB901EX is a fully elect ronic , microprocessor c ontrolled system, which fully
satisfies the requirements for a modern and effec tive internal communication system.
The CB901EX system is modular in c oncept and the central exchange c an
be expanded in multiples of 8 stat ions, up to a maximum of 240 tot al stations
(masters and/or remot es). The c entral exchange has a minimum of 15 conversation
paths (links), permitting up to (15) simultaneous conversat ions. More links c an be
added as an optional upgrade and multiple central exchanges c an be linked toget her
to further increase system capac ity.
A variety of master and remote stat ions is available to meet virtually any syst em
Clear two-way c ommunications
Hands- free/loudspeaking
Confidential/Softspeaking capabilities
Manual Simplex operation at master st ations
Microphone Cut- Off
Camp-on busy extension
All- Call (standard)
Simple home-run wiring - simple to install
Power Required: 27VDC regulated
Internal Voltages: +/- 12V, +/1 5V, 0V
Power Consumption:
Control Cards : approx. 25W
Subscriber Cards: approx. 2.5W (per 8 st ation card)
Cable Requirements:
1 Pair for system information/audio. 1 Pair for DC power
Microprocessor: MC68HC11
Ambient Temp.: +10 to +35 degrees C. (+50 to +95 degrees F)
Line Specs:
Frequency Range: 300-5000 Hz
Galvanic Line: 0 dBm (1mW/600 ohm)
Speech level, idle: -12 dBm
Speech level, max: +4 dBm
Signaling level: -10 dBm
Signaling frequencies CCITT spec ificat ions
Cardshelf Dimensions: 10.95"h x 19.0"w x 10.6"d (276mm x 482mm x 270mm)
Max. Weight: 80 lbs. (36.4 Kg)