Product Specification Sheet A PS915 - Rev. 08/2014
4800V Remote Call Station with Intercom (St. Steel)
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4800V (Flush Mount)
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
Remote Call Stat ion(s) shall be Alpha Communications® / Cornell
4800V (flush mount) or approved equal. Stat ion(s) shall provide a
call-placed indicator, a large momentary 1.5" Red Mushroom Head
call pushbutton and call rec eived/audio-on LED indicator.
All c omponents of t he stat ion shall be mounted on a durable sat in
finish Stainless Steel faceplate. T he 4800V shall flush mount over
a 4" Masonry Box (Raco model# 696 or equal). When used with the
4800 series system, contract or shall furnish and install a model
RSN7049 self- stic k instructional sign, adjacent to eac h 4800V
remot e c all stat ion.
The 4800V shall be wired using standard Cat5e c abling (with RJ45
connector) and shall c ontain a built- in Form 'C' relay for remote
signaling when a c all is placed.
Contract or shall observe all local and national building and
elect rical (and A.D.A.) c odes.
4800V Remote Call Station with Intercom (St. Steel)
The 4800V Digital Area of Rescue/Refuge Assistance Call St ation
will initiate a call at the Control Panel(s) when button is pressed.
When not answered on site after a pre-programmed time has
elapsed, the Main Panel will c all off site to an emergency phone
number of your choice.
The 4800 series syst em can support a tot al of 255 Call Stations.
The The 4800V Stat ion will initiate an alarm at the Control
Panel(s) when the button is pressed.
As an option, The 4800V Call Station provides an auxiliary set of
momentary Form 'C' contact s t hat c an be used to act ivate
external devices, such as a c amera, strobe, or tone device. Please
refer to the installation manual for more information on this option.
Each 4800V Call Station should be mounted in a 4" Masonry Box,
Rac o model# 696 or equivalent, in a controlled indoor environment.
The Call Stations c onnect to a Control Panel or Expansion Switch
using an RJ45 connector and Cat5e c able.
Large momentary 1.5" diameter Red Mushroom Head
Call-received and Audio- on LED indicator
Auxiliary Form 'C' c ontac ts
Convenient Cat5e cabling
Sensitive speaker/microphone
Attractive and durable satin finish Stainless Steel faceplate
Dimensions: Height: 4.50" (115mm); Width: 4.50" (115mm)
Power Req. 24VDC (from system power supply)
Construction: Durable satin finish Stainless Steel fac eplate
Large momentary 1.5" diameter Red Mushroom
Head Pushbutton
50-120°F Indoor Non-condensing
Housings: 4" Masonry Box (Raco #696 or equivalent)
Cat5e c able, st andard straight-thru, TIA/EIA
568A or TIA/EIA 568B.2