Product Specification Sheet APS754 - Rev. 07/2013
Stadio Series Double-Wide Call Pushbutton Modules (Golmar)Stadio Series Double-Wide Call Pushbutton Modules (Golmar)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
3210/A L
10 C a ll B utto n Mo d el Sh own
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Double-Wire Call Button Module(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® / Golmar Stadio Series, or approved equal.
Module(s) shall be made of 1.8mm thick anodized aluminum and
shall feature metal call pushbuttons on the right and left side of
each module, and built- in protec ted double nameholder module(s).
Module(s) shall snap together as required to provide the
appropriate number of call pushbuttons needed for each door entry
stat ion.
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
Stadio Series Double-Wide Call Button ModulesStadio Series Double-Wide Call Button Modules
The Alpha Communicat ions® / Golmar Stadio Series Double-Wide
Call But ton Modules are used when spac e is limited and you need
to have a maximum amount of c all buttons in as small a spac e as
Made of 1.8mm thick anodized aluminum, these modules feature
metal c all pushbuttons on the right and left side of eac h module,
and built- in protec ted double nameholder module(s).
These modules are also used with the model 600/AL closing heads
(end caps) for t he Stadio series panels.
Rugged 1.8mm thick anodized aluminum
Built-in metal call pushbuttons
Built-in protec ted double nameholder module(s)
5.30"W (135mm)
4.57"H (117mm)
End Caps Required:
Model 600/AL. Also known as
'closing heads', used on the top and
bottom module(s) when the panels are
Models AvailableModels Available
3220/AL: 2 Pushbutt ons (1 row high)
3240/AL: 4 Pushbutt ons (2 rows high)
3260/AL: 6 Pushbutt ons (3 rows high)
3280/AL: 8 Pushbutt ons (4 rows high)
3210/AL: 10 Pushbuttons (5 rows high)