Allen-Bradley ControlNet SoftLogix 1789, ControlNet ControlLogix 1756, ControlNet GuardLogix 1756, ControlNet Studio 5000 Logix Emulate, ControlNet CompactLogix 1769 User Manual

User Manual
ControlNet Network Configuration
1756 ControlLogix, 1756 GuardLogix, 1769 CompactLogix, 1769 Compact GuardLogix, 1789 SoftLogix, Studio 5000 Logix Emulate

Important User Information

Solid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death,
dangerous voltage may be present.
surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.
Allen-Bradley, ArmorPOINT, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, Data Highway Plus, DriveLogix, FlexLogix, FLEX Ex, FLEX I/O, Logix 5000, PanelView, PanelView Plus, POINT I/O, PowerFlex 700S, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, RSLinx, RSLinx Classic, RSLogix, RSLogi x 5000, RSNetWorx, RSNetWorx for ControlNe t, RSView, SoftLogix, and TechConnect are tr ademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
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Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that
Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that

Summary of Changes

Updated Information
This document contains new and updated information. Changes are designated by change bars in the outside margins.
This document contains these changes.
Topic Chapter
Updated supported controller models.
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Summary of Changes
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Table of Contents

ControlNet Overview
Connect a Computer to the ControlNet Network
Additional Resources ........................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1
Use ControlNet Communication Modules in a Control System ............... 9
Bridge Across Networks ................................................................................... 11
Exchange Information on a ControlNet Network ..................................... 14
ControlNet Network Capacity and Topology ............................................ 21
Chapter 2
Configure the ControlNet Communication Driver
in RSLinx Classic Software .............................................................................. 26
Network Update Time (NUT) ............................................................... 16
Requested Packet Interval (RPI) ............................................................. 17
Actual Packet Interval (API) .................................................................... 17
Schedule the Network ............................................................................... 18
Understand the Network Keeper ........................................................... 19
Default Parameters..................................................................................... 21
Topology ..................................................................................................... 21
Number of Nodes ...................................................................................... 24
Lengths ......................................................................................................... 24
Configure a ControlNet Module
Chapter 3
Use RSLogix 5000 Software ............................................................................ 29
Use RSNetWorx for ControlNet Software .................................................. 44
Configure the I/O Configuration Tree in Your Project ..................... 29
Add a
nd Configure a Local ControlNet Module ................................. 30
Add and Configure a Remote ControlNet Module ............................ 33
Download the Project to the Logix5000 Controller ............................ 36
Electronic Keying. ...................................................................................... 37
Schedule a ControlNet Network for the First Time ........................... 44
Schedule the Network Offline ................................................................. 45
Schedule the Network Online ................................................................. 49
Reschedule a ControlNet Network
that has Previously been Scheduled ......................................................... 53
Table of Contents
Control I/O
Produce and Consume Tags (interlock controllers)
Chapter 4
Set Up the Hardware ......................................................................................... 56
Requested Packet Interval (RPI) ..................................................................... 56
Communication Format .................................................................................. 57
Direct or Rack-optimized Connections .................................................. 58
Ownership ................................................................................................... 61
Add a Remote Adapter ..................................................................................... 63
Add Distributed I/O ......................................................................................... 63
Distributed I/O Communication Formats............................................ 65
Access Distributed I/O ..................................................................................... 65
Validate Connections ........................................................................................ 68
Chapter 5
Terminology ....................................................................................................... 71
Set Up the Hardware......................................................................................... 72
Determine Connections for Produced and Consumed Tags ..................... 73
Organize Tags for Produced or Consumed Data ......................................... 75
Adjust for Bandwidth Limitations .................................................................. 76
Produce a Tag ..................................................................................................... 77
Consume a Tag .................................................................................................. 79
Communicate with PanelView Terminals
Chapter 6
Set Up the Hardware ......................................................................................... 84
Guidelines for MSG Instructions ................................................................... 85
Determine Connections for Messages ............................................................ 86
Guidelines for Caching Message Connections ...................................... 86
Enter Message Logic .......................................................................................... 86
Add the ControlNet Modules and Remote Devices
to the Local Controller’s I/O Configuration ......................................... 87
Enter a Message ........................................................................................... 88
Configure a Message Instruction .................................................................... 88
Stagger the Messages.......................................................................................... 90
Chapter 7
Set Up the Hardware......................................................................................... 92
Determine Connections to PanelView Terminals ....................................... 93
Add a PanelView Terminal .............................................................................. 94
Organize Controller Data for a PanelView Terminal ................................. 96
Index ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-UM001E-EN-P - June 2016


Additional Resources

This manual describes how you can use ControlNet communication modules with your Logix5000 controller.
Use this manual if you program applications that use a ControlNet network with one of these Logix5000 controllers:
CompactLogix controller
ControlLogix controller
PowerFlex 700S with DriveLogix controller
SoftLogix5800 controller
Also be familiar with the following:
working concepts
RSLogix 5000 software RSLinx Classic software
RSNetWorx for
ControlNet software
These documents contain additional information concerning related products
from Rockwell Automation.
Resource Description
ControlNet Modules Installation Instructions, publication CNET-IN005
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1
Product Certifications website,
Describes how to install 1756-CN2, 1756-CN2R, 1756-CN2RXT, 1756-CNB, 1756-CNBR, 1768-CNB, and 1768-CNBR ControlNet modules.
Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.
Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.
You can view or download publications at
literature. To order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local
Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-UM001E-EN-P - June 2016 7
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-
UM001E-EN-P - June 2016

Use ControlNet Communication Modules in a Control System

ControlNet Overview
The ControlNet network provides high-speed transmission of time-critical I/O and interlocking data and messaging data. This data transfer capability enhances I/O performance and peer-to-peer communication in any system or application.
The Cont unaffected as devices are connected or disconnected from it. This ensures dependable, synchronized, and coordinated real-time performance.
The ControlNet network is most often used in these ways:
This chapter describes how you can use ControlNet modules in a network control system.
Topic Page
rolNet network is highly deterministic and repeatable and remains
As the default network for the ControlLogix platform
As a backbone to multiple distributed DeviceNet networks
As a peer interlocking network
Use ControlNet Communication Modules in a Control System
Bridge Across Networks
Exchange Information on a ControlNet Network
ControlNet Network Capacity and Topology
You can fit various ControlNet modules into your control system.
Figure 1 on page 10 shows the following:
The controllers produce and consume tags among themselves.
The controllers initiate MSG instructions that send/receive data or
configure devices.
The computer uploads and downloads projects to the controllers. The computerconfiguresdevices on the ControlNet network and
configures the network itself.
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-UM001E-EN-P - June 2016 9
Chapter 1
6 PanelView terminal
ControlNet Overview
Figure 1 - ControlNet Modules and the Control System Overview
Item Description
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-
Personal computer running SoftLogix5800 controller with 1784-PCICS card
1756-CNB module (as an adapter) with 1756 I/O modules
PowerFlex 700S drive
1794-ACN15 adapter with 1794 I/O modules
1734-ACNR adapter with 1734 I/O modules
CompactLogix 1769-L35CR controller with local 1769 I/O modules
ControlLogix controller with 1756-CN2, 1756-CN2R, 1756-CNB, or 1756-CNBR module as the scanner
For an enhanced redundancy system, you must use a 1756-CNB, 1756-CNBR, 1756-CN2 series B, or 1756-CN2R series B communication module. The 1756-CN2 or 1756-CN2R series A module does not support enhanced redundancy. For more information, refer to the ControlLogix Enhanced Redundancy System User Manual, publication 1756-UM535.
UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1

Bridge Across Networks

Some ControlNet modules support the ability to bridge or route communication
to and from different networks, depending on the capabilities of the platform and communication devices.
You can only bridge across networks to communicate with devices. You cannot bridge across networks to control I/O, even though RSLogix 5000 software can accept such a configuration in the I/O Configuration folder.
All I/O control must originate and end on the same physical network.
The following table describes how communication can bridge across networks.
Table 1 - Bridging Across Networks
A device on this network Can communicate with a device on this network
EtherNet/IP ControlNet DeviceNet
DeviceNet No No Yes No
RS-232 Yes
(1) To use RSNetWorx for ControlNet software to configure and schedule a ControlNet network, we recommend
(2) Typically, this is a point-to-point connection between a Logix5000 controller and another device, such as a
Yes Yes Yes Yes
that you either connect to an EtherNet/IP network and bridge to a ControlNet network or use a 1784-U2CN cable to connect directly to a ControlNet network.
PanelView Plus operator terminal.
Yes Yes
In Figure 2, a workstation configures a drive on the DeviceNet network. The workstation bridges from the ControlNet network to the DeviceNet network to reach the drive. The bridge is a ControLogix chassis with ControlNet and DeviceNet modules.
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Chapter 1
Item Description
Item Description
ControlNet Overview
Figure 2 - Drive Configuration on a DeviceNet Network
PanelView terminal
The performance of a CompactLogix controller on a ControlNet network degrades significantly if you use the controller as a bridge. Target
DeviceNet network
ControlNet network
bridging over a CompactLogix controller on a ControlNet network toward applications that are not real-time dependent, such as RSLogix 5000 software program downloads.
In the example shown above, you can transfer messages from the DeviceNet network through the Logix5000 controller to an RSView32 operator interface. With a CompactLogix controller as a bridge, you can map the data into the DeviceNet I/O image and then use RSLinx OPC to send the data to the Logix5000 controller over the ControlNet network. This method conserves the limited bridging resources of your CompactLogix controller.
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
ControlNet Overview
Item Description
Item Description
1 EtherNet/IP network
3 ControlNet Bridge in 1756 system
Modules for a 1768 CompactLogix
Modules for a 1769 CompactLogix
Modules for a ControlLogix
1768-L43 or 1768-L45 controller
1769-L32C or 1769-L35CR controller
1756-CN2 module
Chapter 1
The following example shows how a DeviceNet bridge links to an EtherNet/IP network in RSLinx software.
Figure 3 - EtherNet/IP Bridge Linking to a ControlNet Network
1 2
3 4
Table 2 - Bridges from a ControlNet Network
1768-CNB(R) module
1769-SDN scanner
1768-L43 or 1768-L45 controller
1768-CNB(R) module
1768-ENBT module
EtherNet/IP bridge in 1756 system
ControlNet network
The following tables list the possible bridges between communication networks. Note that you can bridge from a ControlNet network to an Ethernet network and from an Ethernet network to a ControlNet via a SoftLogix virtual chassis. However, the products and methods you must use to do so are more detailed than can be effectively described in the following tables. For more information on how to bridge from one network to another via a SoftLogix virtual chassis, see the SoftLogix5800 System User Manual, publication 1789-UM002.
1769-SDN scanner or 1788-CN2DN
Not applicable
1756-CN2R module
1756-CNB module
1756-CNBR module
1756-DNB module
1756-CN2 module
1756-CN2R module
1756-CNB module
1756-CNBR module
1756-ENBT module
1756-EN2T module
1756-EN2TR module
1756-EN3TR module
(1) Can serve as a dedicated standalone bridge from a ControlNet network to a DeviceNet network.
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Chapter 1
1768-L43 or 1768-L45
1756-CN2 module
1768-L43 or 1768-L45
1769-L32E or 1769-L35E
1756-DNB module
1769-L23E-QB1B controller
ControlNet Overview
Table 3 - Bridges from an EtherNet/IP Network
Destination Network
(1) Can serve as a dedicated standalone bridge from an EtherNet/IP network to a DeviceNet network.
Modules for a 1768 CompactLogix System
1768-ENBT module
1768-CNB(R) module
1768-ENBT module
1769-SDN scanner

Exchange Information on a ControlNet Network

Modules for a 1769 CompactLogix System
Not applicable
1769-SDN scanner or 1788­EN2DN module
ControlNet communication modules use a message-based protocol that implements a relative path to send a message from the producing module in a system to the consuming modules. This protocol also lets you communicate
between devices on a ControlNet, DeviceNet, or EtherNet/IP network without writing additional application code.
Modules for a ControlLogix Chassis
1756-CN2R module
1756-CNB module
1756-CNBR module
1756-ENBT module
1756-EN2T module
1756-EN2TR module
1756-EN3TR module
1756-ENBT module
1756-EN2T module
1756-EN2TR module
1756-EN3TR module
Modules for a 1769 CompactLogix Packaged Controller System
Not applicable
1769-L23E-QBFC1B controller
1769-L23-QBFC1B controller
1769-SDN scanner
With unscheduled data, the device from which a message originates, such as a Logix5000 controller, contains the path information that makes sure the message reaches its consumers.
For a full explanation of unscheduled and scheduled data, see Network Update
Time (NUT ) on page 16.
Because the producing module holds this information, other modules along the path simply pass the information along and do not need to store it. The significant benefits include the following:
You do not need to configure routing tables in the bridging module, which greatly simplifies maintenance and module replacement.
You maintain full control over the route taken by each message, which enables you to select alternative paths for the same end module.
Scheduled data in Logix-based systems use the producer/consumer networking model instead of a source/destination (master/slave) model. The producer/ consumer model reduces network traffic and increases transmission speed.
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ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1
In traditional I/O systems, controllers poll input modules to obtain their input status. In a Logix system, digital input modules are not polled by a controller. Instead, they produce (multicast) their data either upon a change of state (COS) or periodically. The frequency of update depends upon the options chosen during configuration and where on the network the input module resides. The input module, therefore, is a producer of input data and the controller is a consumer of the data.
The controller can also produce data for other controllers to consume. The produced and consumed data is accessible by multiple controllers over the Logix backplane and the ControlNet network. This data exchange conforms to the producer/consumer model.
A Cont
rolNet network link’s most important function is to transport time­critical control information, such as I/O data and control interlocking. Other information that is not time-critical, such as program uploads and downloads, is also transported but does not interfere with time-critical messages because a ControlNet network can transmit scheduled and unscheduled data.
On a ControlNet network link, nodes transfer information by establishing connections. Each message sent by a producer contains a Connection ID (CID). Nodes that have been configured to recognize the CID consume the message, becoming consumers themselves.
Media access to the network is controlled by a time-slice access algorithm, Concurrent Time Domain Multiple Access (CTDMA), which regulates a node’s opportunity to transmit in each network update interval (NUI). You configure how often the NUI repeats by selecting a network update time (NUT) in milliseconds.
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Chapter 1
Parts of NUT
On a sequential, rotating basis, every scheduled node can transmit data once per
ControlNet Overview
Network Update Time (NUT)
The network update time (NUT) is the shortest interval in which data can be sent on a ControlNet network. It represents the fastest possible update rate for scheduled data transfers on that network. For example, a network that runs with a five ms NUT cannot send scheduled data at a rate faster than five ms. It can, however, send data at a slower rate. The minimum NUT you can specify is two ms. The NUT is divided into a three-part structure.
Table 4 - NUT Structure
Time-critical information is sent during this part of the interval.
All nodes transmit on a sequential, rotating basis, the rotation repeating itself until the time allotted for this portion is used up.
The number of scheduled transmissions determines the time available for unscheduled transmissions. On a ControlNet network, at least one node can transmit unscheduled data every NUT.
Information that can be delivered without time constraints is sent during this part of the interval.
The node with the lowest address transmits information to keep the other nodes synchronized. This time is automatically subtracted from your NUT. However, the time required for network maintenance is brief (microseconds) when compared to that used for the scheduled and unscheduled portions of the NUT.
Figure 4 - NUT Structure
Item Description
Boundary moves according to scheduled traffic load
Unscheduled traffic
Network maintenance
Scheduled traffic. Each device transmits only once
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ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1
Requested Packet Interval (RPI)
The RPI is the update rate specified for a particular piece of data on the network. By using a rack-optimized connection, the RPI can specify the rate for an entire rack of I/O. With a direct connection, the RPI can specify the rate for a particular module or peer-to-peer data. When you add a module to the I/O configuration of a controller, you must configure the RPI, specifying how often to produce data for that module. For example, if you specify an RPI of 50 ms, every 50 ms the I/O module sends its data to the controller or the controller sends its data to the I/O module.
Set the RPI only as fast as needed by the application. The RPI also determines the number of packets per second that the module will handle on a connection. Each module has a limit of how many packets it can handle per second. If you exceed this limit, the module cannot open any more connections.
A faster RPI consumes more network bandwidth. So, to avoid wasting network bandwidth, set the RPI only as fast as is necessary. For example, if your application uses a thermocouple module that has data change every 100 ms, do not set the RPI for that node at 5 ms because the network bandwidth is used to transmit mostly old data.
You cannot set the RPI to a rate faster than the NUT. The network cannot send data at a rate that is faster than the NUT.
When you run RSNetWorx for ControlNet software, an Actual Packet Interval (API) is calculated. The API is equal to or faster than the RPI.
Actual Packet Interval (API)
The API is the actual update rate for a particular piece of data on the network. A ControlNet network sets this rate equal to or faster than the RPI, based on the binary multiple of the NUT, which is the next fastest rate at which a module can send data. If this cannot be done, a ControlNet network provides reports that it cannot support the configuration.
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Chapter 1
Rate at Which Module Can
5 ms
1 5 ms
ControlNet Overview
Understand the Effect of the NUT on the API
This e
xample illustrates how the NUT affects the API. A module on the network can produce data only at binary multiples of the NUT to a maximum of the NUT multiplied by 128. These multiples are referred to as rates on a ControlNet network. Therefore, with a NUT of 5 ms, the module can send data at these rates.
Table 5 - NUT Example Data Rates
Send Data
In this example, if you specify an RPI of 25 ms, then the network produces an API of 20 ms, which is the next fastest rate at which the module can send data. The module places the data on the network at every fourth network update
10 ms
20 ms
40 ms
80 ms
160 ms
320 ms
640 ms
interval to produce the 20 ms API. Similarly, if you specify an RPI of 150 ms, the network produces an API of 80 ms.
Schedule the Network
Connections over a ControlNet network can be one of the following:
Scheduled—Data transferred at specific times. Unscheduled—Data transferred when the network can accommodate the
To use scheduled connections, you must schedule the ControlNet network via RSNetWorx for ControlNet software. For more information on how to schedule a ControlNet network with RSNetWorx for ControlNet software, see the section
Use R SNetWorx for ControlNet Software on page 44.
You must use RSNetWorx for ControlNet software to enable any connection in a remote chassis. In addition, RSNetWorx software transfers configuration information for the remote modules, verifies and saves NUT and other user­specified network parameters, and establishes a schedule that is compliant with the RPI and other connection options specified for each module.
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1
Control of Scheduled I/O
RSNetWorx for ControlNet software must be run whenever a scheduled connection is added to, removed from, or changed in your
Scheduled connections let you send and receive data repeatedly at a predetermined rate. You can use the 1756-CNB or the 1756-CN2 module to control scheduled I/O when you use it in conjunction with a ControlLogix controller. When you place the module in the I/O configuration list of a ControlLogix controller and configure a second ControlLogix chassis with a remote 1756-CNB or 1756-CN2 module on the same ControlNet network, you can perform remote control operations on the I/O, or to a second controller in the second chassis.
In this case, the ControlLogix controller and the 1756-CN2 module in the local chassis together act as a scanner, while the 1756-CN2 module in the remote chassis with the I/O plays the role of an adapter.
Understand the Network Keeper
Every ControlNet network requires at least one module to store programmed parameters for the network and configures the network with those parameters when the module is started. This module is called a keeper because it keeps the network configuration. RSNetWorx for ControlNet software configures the keeper.
To avoid a single point of failure, a ControlNet network supports multiple redundant keepers. These ControlNet communication modules are keeper­capable devices:
1756-CN2 and 1756-CN2R modules
1756-CNB and 1756-CNBR modules
1768-CNB and 1768-CNBR modules
1769-L32C and 1769-L35CR controllers
1784-PCICS and 1784-PKTCS cards
1788-CNx cards PLC-5C module
On a multi-keeper network, any keeper-capable module can keep the network at any legal node address (01...99). The multi-keeper-capable node with the lowest node address becomes the active keeper provided it is valid. It has been configured by RSNetWorx for ControlNet software and that configuration is the same as that of the first keeper that became active after the network was formed or reconfigured by RSNetWorx software.
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Chapter 1
ControlNet Overview
If the active keeper is taken off the network, a valid back-up keeper can take over for it and continue to act as keeper. As long as at least one valid multi-keeper device is present on the network, new scheduled connections can be established.
To review the valid keeper devices on your network, follow this procedure in RSNetWorx for ControlNet software.
From the Network menu, choose Keeper Status.
Review the keeper devices on the Keeper Status dialog box.
On a typical net
work, the following must be true:
There must be only one active valid keeper. All other keepers must be valid. If a keeper is not valid, it cannot
perform any scheduled communication. However, all unscheduled
communication occurs as expected. The keeper signature, shown in hex, must be the same for all nodes.
Node 16 is a valid keeper.
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1
Default Parameters
When a ControlNet network is first established, it relies on a default set of parameters capable of sending only unscheduled data. Default parameters in all ControlNet devices include the following:
Network Update Time (NUT) = 100 ms Scheduled MaximumNode Address (SMAX) = 1
The SMAX is the highest network address of a node that can use the
scheduled service. Unscheduled Maximum Node Address (UMAX) = 99
The UMAX is the highest network address of a node that can communicate on a ControlNet network. The UMAX must be set equal to
or higher than the SMAX. Assumed maximum cable lengths and maximum number of repeaters
With this default ControlNet network, you can have unscheduled communication between the various devices on the network by using RSLogix 5000 software and RSLinx software.
To improve performance, configure a ControlNet network with RSNetWorx for ControlNet software. We recommend these settings:
Set the Unscheduled Maximum Node Address (UMAX) equal to the highest node address on the network. Leaving this parameter at the default value of 99 wastes bandwidth and reduces system
performance. Set the Scheduled Maximum Node Address (SMAX) to a value
three or four above the highest scheduled node address, so you
can expand the network in the future. Also, be aware that each skipped node will subtract a small amount of bandwidth from the network.

ControlNet Network Capacity and Topology

When planning a ControlNet network, consider these factors:
Number of nodes
Distances Connections
A ControlNet network supports a variety of topologies, including trunkline/ dropline, star, tree, and ring redundancy. In its simplest form, a ControlNet network is a trunkline to which you connect nodes with a tap and a one-meter dropline.
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Chapter 1
ControlNet Overview
Figure 5 - Example ControlNet Network Trunkline/Dropline Topology
Item Description
Tap with dropline
Figure 6 - Example ControlNet Network Star Topology
Item Description
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-
Tap with 1 m (3.28 ft) dropline
Coaxial repeater
UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
ControlNet Overview
Chapter 1
Coax repeaters are typically used in trunkline and star topologies. See the ControlNet Coax Media Planning and Installation Guide, publication CNET-IN002, for more specific information on coax topologies you can create.
With fiber media, you can configure your network in trunkline, star, and ring topologies. Only the 1786-RPFRL and 1786-RPFRXL repeaters support a ring topology.
For more information, consult the ControlNet Fiber Media Planning and Installation Guide, publication CNET-IN001.
Figure 7 - Example ControlNet Network Ring Topology
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Chapter 1
ControlNet Overview
Number of Nodes
Each ControlNet network supports up to 99 nodes. Logix5000 controllers support multiple ControlNet networks, providing the flexibility to add nodes to a ControlNet network or boost performance.
In a ControlNet network, the maximum length depends on the number of nodes on a segment; a segment is a section of trunk between two terminators. Use repeaters to add segments or increase length.
Figure 8 - Maximum Length of a ControlNet Network
Maximum Allowable Segment Length = 1000 m (3280 ft) - 16.3 m (53.4 ft) X [Number of Taps - 2]
1000 (3280)
750 (2460)
500 (1640)
250 (820)
This graph assumes that a 1786-RG6 cable is being used.
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
Configure the ControlNet Communication Driver in RSLinx Classic Software
Connect a Computer to the ControlNet Network
This chapter explains how to set up a computer to operate on a ControlNet network.
You need to load a ControlNet communication driver for a computer to communicate with other devices on a ControlNet network. A computer uses this driver to do the following:
Upload and download controller projects over ControlNet via RSLogix 5000 software.
Schedule the ControlNet network via RSNetWorx for ControlNet software.
Operate an HMI type application.
Depending on the connection device, you can use one of these drivers:
1784-PCIC or 1784-PCICS card—You must configure the driver in RSLinx Classic software, as described on page 26
USBCIP driver—Use only with a 1784-U2CN USB-to-ControlNet cable. You are not required to configure the driver in RSLinx Classic
After preparing the driver for use, connect the card or cable to the computer, and then connect the computer to the network.
If you are running RSLinx Classic software, version 2.51, 2.52, or
2.53, you must manually install the USBCIP driver. To obtain the driver installation package, refer to answer ID 55431 on the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase at
If you are running RSLinx Classic software, version 2.54 or later, the USBCIP driver is already installed on the computer.
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Chapter 2
Connect a Computer to the ControlNet Network

Configure the ControlNet Communication Driver in RSLinx Classic Software

To configure a ControlNet communication driver, perform this procedure in RSLinx Classic software.
From the Communications menu, choose Configure Drivers.
From the Available Driver Types pull-down menu, choose a driver for a ControlNet devi
Click Add New.
If you are using a 1794-U2CN cable to connect to the network, you are not required to configure the driver.
The Add New RSLinx Driver dialog box appears. The driver name defaults to AB_xxx.
Type the name of the new ControlNet driver.
Click OK.
The Configure Device dialog box appears. The appearance of this screen varies, depending on the ty
pe of card used.
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
Connect a Computer to the ControlNet Network
If your computer contains multiple cards, from the Serial Number (hex) field, choose the co
In the Network Address (dec) box, type the correct network address.
Click OK.
rrect card.
The driver is now available and you can choose the ControlNet port from Who Active in RS
Logix 5000 software.
Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
Connect a Computer to the ControlNet Network
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UM001E-EN-P - June 2016

Use RSLogix 5000 Software

Configure a ControlNet Module
This chapter explains how to configure a ControlNet communication module to operate on a ControlNet network.
Use RSNetWorx for ControlNet Software
The example configuration process shown in this chapter uses a 1756-CN2R/B ControlLogix ControlNet bridge module in a ControlLogix controller project.
However, the overall configuration process, described in
Configure the I/O Configuration Tree in Your Project, generally
applies to any of the ControlNet communication modules covered in this manual.
Use RSLogix 5000 Software
Use RSLogix 5000 software to configure the I/O tree in your project.
Configure the I/O Configuration Tree in Your Project
When y communication module, you must perform these tasks.
ou use RSLogix 5000 software to configure a ControlNet
Add and Config ure a Local ControlNet Module.
Add and Config ure a Remote ControlNet Module.
Download the Project to the Logix5000 Controller.
There are some differences between configuring a local ControlNet communication module and configuring a remote ControlNet communication module. Those differences are
covered later in this chapter.
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-UM001E-EN-P - June 2016 29
Chapter 3
Configure a ControlNet Module
Add and Configure a Local ControlNet Module
After you have started RSLogix 5000 software and created a controller project, you can add ControlNet communication modules. A local ControlNet module is a module that resides in the same chassis as the controller.
When you create a new RSLogix 5000 project with the CompactLogix 1769-L32C or 1769-L35CR controller, the Controller Organizer creates a ControlNet port in the local chassis. In this case, you do not need to add a
separate local communication module.
To add a local ControlNet module, follow this procedure.
In RSLogix 5000 software, right-click I/O configuration and choose New Module.
From the Select Module Type dialog box, expand Communications, choose the local C
ontrolNet communication module, and then click OK.
Rockwell Automation Publication CNET-
This procedure shows the New Module dialog box for a 1756-CN2R/B. However, various dialogs appear during configuration depending on the ControlNet module you select. For help configuring a module, refer to the online help in RSLogix 5000 software.
UM001E-EN-P - June 2016
+ 70 hidden pages