Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and
operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to
familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws,
and standards.
Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are
required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may
be impaired.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from
the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or
liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or
software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation,
Inc., is prohibited
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous
environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.
IMPORTANTIdentifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
Labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.
SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous
voltage may be present.
BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may
reach dangerous temperatures.
ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to
potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL
Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
8Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Use this manual to configure an integrated motion on the EtherNet/IP™
network application and to start up your motion solution with a Logix
controller-based system.
This manual is designed to give you a straightforward approach to an
integrated motion control solution. If you have any comments or suggestions,
see Documentation Feedback
on the back cover of this manual.
Summary of Changes
This manual contains new and updated information as indicated in the
following table and the change bars throughout.
Top icPag e
Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP Drives13
Add a Kinetix EtherNet/IP Drive36
Configure the Regenerative Bus Supply64
Additional Resources
Create an Associated Axis and Establish Feedback
Assignments for an Inverter Drive
Absolute Position Recovery (APR)262
These resources contain information about related products from Rockwell
Table 1 - Publications About Related Products
842E-CM Integrated Motion Encoder on EtherNet/IP User Manual,
publication 842E-UM002
ControlLogix 5580 Controllers Migration Guide, publication 1756-RM100Provides information about the features and functions of the ControlLogix® 5580
ControlLogix 5580 and GuardLogix 5580 Controllers User Manual,
publication 1756-UM543
CompactLogix 5380 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controllers User Manual,
publication 5069-UM001
ControlLogix System User Manual, publication 1756-UM001Describes the necessary tasks to install, configure, program, and operate a
EtherNet/IP Network Configuration User Manual, publication ENET-UM001
GuardLogix 5570 Controllers User Manual, publication 1756-UM022
GuardLogix 5570 and Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controller Systems Safety Reference
Manual, publication 1756-RM099
GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controller Systems Safety Reference
Manual, publication 1756-RM012
Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Reference Manual,
publication MOTION-RM003
Kinetix 350 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drive User Manual, publication 2097-UM002
Describes the necessary tasks to install, wire, and troubleshoot your encoder.
Provides information on how to install, configure, program, and operate
ControlLogix 5580 and GuardLogix® 5580 controllers.
Provides information on how to install, configure, program, and operate
CompactLogix™ 5380 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 controllers.
ControlLogix system.
Describes Ethernet network considerations, networks, and setting IP addresses.
Provides information on how to install, configure, and operate GuardLogix 5570
controllers in Studio 5000 Logix Designer® projects, version 21 or later.
Provides information on how to meet safety application requirements for
GuardLogix 5570 controllers in Studio 5000 Logix Designer projects, version 21 or later.
Describes the necessary tasks to install, configure, program, and operate a
ControlLogix system.
Provides a programmer with details about the Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP
network Control Modes, Control Methods, and AXIS_CIP_DRIVE Attributes.
Provides detailed information on wiring, power, troubleshooting, and integration with
ControlLogix, or CompactLogix controller platforms.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 20199
Table 1 - Publications About Related Products (continued)
Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives Installation Instructions, publication 2198-IN001Provides installation instructions for the Kinetix® 5500 Integrated Axis Module and
Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives User Manual, publication 2198-UM001
Kinetix 5700 Servo Drives User Manual, publication 2198-UM002Provides information on installing, configuring, start up, troubleshooting, and
Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Modular Multi-axis Servo Drives User Manual,
publication 2094-UM002
Logix 5000 Controllers Common Procedures, publication 1756-PM001
Logix 5000 Controllers General Instructions Reference Manual, public ation 1756-RM003Provides a programmer with details about general instructions for a Logix-based
LOGIX 5000 Controllers Advanced Process Control and Drives and Equipment Phase and
Sequence Instructions Reference Manual, publication 1756-RM006
Motion System Tuning Application Technique, publication MOTION-AT005Provides detailed information on motion system tuning.
PowerFlex 527 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive User Manual, publication 520-UM002Provides information on installation, configuration, start up, troubleshooting, and
PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives Programming Manual, publication 750-PM001
PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives Reference Manual, publication 750-RM002Provides detailed drive information including operation, parameter descriptions, and
PowerFlex 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual,
publication 750COM-UM001
Provides information on installation, configuration, start up, troubleshooting, and
applications for the Kinetix 5500 servo drive systems.
applications for the Kinetix 5700 servo drive systems.
Provides information on installation, configuration, start up, troubleshooting, and
applications for the Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 servo drive systems.
Provides a programmer with details about motion instructions for a Logix-based
Provides detailed and comprehensive information about how to program a Logix
5000™ controller.
Provides a programmer with details about process and drives instructions for a Logixbased controller.
Describes how to get started programming and maintaining Logix5000 controllers.
applications for the PowerFlex® 527 drive.
Provides information that is necessary to install, start-up, and troubleshoot PowerFlex
750-Series Adjustable Frequency AC Drives.
programming of the AC drive.
Provides information on installation, configuration, start up, troubleshooting, and
applications for the PowerFlex 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter.
These publications provide detailed information on installation, setup, and operation
of the 750-Series safety option modules.
Provides detailed configuration information on CIP™ Sync technology and time
Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation® industrial system.
Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.
ODVA is the organization that supports network technologies that are built on the
Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) — DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP, CompoNet™, and
ControlNe t™.
You can view or download publications at To order paper copies of
technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or
Rockwell Automation sales representative
10Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Components of a Motion System
Top icPag e
Controller, Communication, Drive, and Software Options11
Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP Drives13
Configuration and Startup Scenarios18
Help for Selecting Drives and Motors20
Chapter 1
Controller, Communication,
Drive, and Software Options
You need a Logix 5000™ controller with a connection to the EtherNet/IP™
network (either via an embedded Ethernet port or an Ethernet communication
module). You also need an Ethernet adapter for the controller (if the controller
does not have embedded Ethernet), an Integrated Motion drive (see Ta b l e 4
and configuration and programming software.
TIPControlLogix® 5560 and GuardLogix® 5560 controllers are not supported in
Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application, version 21.00.00 and later.
Controller and Ethernet Communication Module Options
A GuardLogix or Compact GuardLogix safety controller is required for
motion and safety applications.
Ta b l e 2
Studio 5000 Logix Designer application.
Table 2 - Controllers and Required Software Versions
lists the available controllers and minimum required version of the
ControllerStudio 5000 Logix Designer Version
ControlLogix 5580 controllersVersion 28 or later
GuardLogix 5580 controllersVersion 31 or later
CompactLogix 5380 controllersVersion 30 or later
Compact GuardLogix 5380
ControlLogix 5570 controllersVersion19 or later
GuardLogix 5570 controllersVersion 20 or later
CompactLogix 5370 controllersVersion 20 or later
Compact GuardLogix 5370
Vers ion 3 1 or la ter
Vers ion 2 8 or la ter
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201911
Chapter 1Components of a Motion System
Ta b l e 3 provides information on how many motion axes are supported
depending on the hardware that is used in your application and the
configuration of your axes. For example, you can have eight Position Loop axes
per 1756-EN2T module. Each drive requires one TCP and one CIP™
connection. If you have other devices that consume TCP connections on the
module, it reduces the number of drives you can support. Only the drives and
axes that are configured for Position Loop are limited. Frequency Control,
Velocity Loop, and Torque Loop configured drives and axes are not limited.
1756-L84E, 1756-L84ES
1756-L85EEmbedded Ethernet256Up to 256300 max nodes
5069-L306ERM, 5069-L306ERMS2Embedded Ethernet2Up to 25616 max nodes
5069-L310ERM, 5069-L310ERMS2Embedded Ethernet4Up to 25624 max nodes
5069-L320ERM, 5069-L320ERMS2Embedded Ethernet8Up to 25640 max nodes
5069-L330ERM, 5069-L330ERMS2Embedded Ethernet16Up to 256Version 30 and earlier: 50 max
5069-L340ERM, 5069-L340ERMS2Embedded Ethernet20Up to 256Version 30 and earlier: 55 max
5069-L350ERM, 5069-L350ERMS2Embedded Ethernet24Up to 256Version 30 and earlier: 60 max
5069-L380ERM, 5069-L380ERMS2Embedded Ethernet28Up to 256Version 30 and earlier: 70 max
1769-L18ERMEmbedded Ethernet2Up to 1008 max nodes
1769-L27ERMEmbedded Ethernet4Up to 10016 max nodes
1769-L30ERM, 1769-L30ERMSEmbedded Ethernet4Up to 10016 max nodes
1769-L33ERM, 1769-L33ERMS
1756-EN2T and 1756-EN2TF8Up to 100—
1756-EN3TR100Up to 100—
1756-EN2TR8Up to 100—
1756-EN2T and 1756-EN2F8Up to 100—
1756-EN2TP8Up to 100—
1756-EN3TR100Up to 256—
1756-EN2TR8Up to 256—
Embedded Ethernet
Embedded Ethernet32Up to 256Version 30 and earlier: 80 max
Embedded Ethernet8Up to 10032 max nodes
Embedded Ethernet16Up to 10064 max nodes
Embedded Ethernet16Up to 10064 max nodes
Embedded Ethernet16Up to 10080 max nodes
Supported Axes
Position Loop
256Up to 256100 max nodes
256Up to 256175 max nodes
256Up to 256250 max nodes
Other Loop Types Integrated Motion Drives
Version 31 and later: 60 max
Version 31 and later: 90 max
Version 31 and later: 120 max
Version 31 and later: 150 max
Version 31 and later: 180 max
12Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Components of a Motion SystemChapter 1
(1) For more information on Ethernet communication modules, see 1756 ControlLogix Communication Modules Specifications Technical Data, publication 1756-TD003.
(2) ControlLogix 5580 and GuardLogix 5580 can also use Ethernet communication modules to communicate on the EtherNet/IP network.
(3) Multiple controllers can control drives on a common 1756-ENxTx module, so based on the TCP connection limit, up to 128 can be supported.
(4) Only the drives/axes configured for Position Loop are limited. Frequency Control, Velocity Loop, and Torque Loop configured drives/axes are not limited.
(5) If more than the maximum number of I/O modules are configured under the embedded Ethernet Port, a Project Verify error notifies you that the maximum number of nodes on the local Ethernet Port
has been exceeded.
Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP Drive Software Options
The following software is required for use with your system:
• Studio 5000 Logix Designer application (see Table 2 on page 11
minimum versions for controllers and Ta b l e 4
for minimum versions for
•RSLinx® Classic software, version 3.51.00 or later
• For PowerFlex® 755 drives, you need the Add-on Profile, V18 or later.
Integrated Motion on
Ta b l e 4 lists the EtherNet/IP drives available for integrated motion.
EtherNet/IP Drives
Table 4 - Integrated Motion EtherNet/IP Drives
DriveDescriptionSupported Axis
842E-CMThe 842E-CM is an ultra-high
resolut ion encoder with
EtherNet/IP interface with time
synchronization for motion
control. These encoders provide
18-bit single-turn resolution and
30-bit multi-turn resolution.
The Kinetix 350 drive is a singleaxis EtherNet/IP servo drive with
Safe Torque Off (STO) functional
safety that supports the
Integrated Motion on
EtherNet/IP network.
The Kinetix 5500 servo drives
support the Integrated Motion
on EtherNet/IP network. Singleaxis and multi-axis, AC, DC,
AC/DC, and AC/DC hybrid bu ssharing configurations are
2198-Hxxx-ERS servo drives
support hardwired STO with
connections to safety inputs.
2198-Hxxx-ERS2 servo drives
support integrated STO with
connections to the safety
Feedback Only10…30V21.00.00
Posi tion
Velo cit y
Tor qu e
Frequency Control
Posi tion
Velo cit y
Tor qu e
Power RatingsMinimum Version of the
Voltag e Ranges
100V AC 1-phase
200V AC 1-phase
200V AC 3-phase
400V AC 3-phase
Voltag e Ranges
195…264V AC rms 1-phase
195…264V AC rms 3-phase
324…528V AC rms 3-phase
Output Power
0.4…0.8 kW
0.5…3 kW
0.5…3 kW
1…3 kW
Output Power
0.2…1.0 kW
0.3…7.2 kW
0.6…14.9 Kw
Studio 5000 Logix
Designer Application
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201913
2198-Sxxx-ERS3 (single-axis)
and 2198-Dxxx-ERS3 (dual-axis)
series A support hardwired and
integrated STO with connections
to the safety controller
(Version26). Series B also
Frequency Control
Feedba ck Only
Position Loop
Velo city Loop
Tor que Loo p
support integrated Timed SS1
safety function and (Version 31).
AC/DC Conver ter
2198-Sxxx-ERS4 (single-axis)
and 2198-Dxxx-ERS4 (dual-axis)
(Version 31) support integrated
safe monitor functions with
connection to the safety
Frequency Control
Feedba ck Only
Position Loop
Velo city Loop
Tor que Loo p
2198-RPxxxRegenerative AC/DC
Power RatingsMinimum Version of the
Studio 5000 Logix
Designer Application
Input Voltage Range
324…528V AC rms,
Output Voltage Range
Output Power
1.6…112 kW
For 1.6…60kW
For 90…112kW
480V AC rms nominal
Current Range
2.5…192 A
Input Voltage Range
Current Range
10…69 A
Input Voltage Range
324…506V AC rms,
Output Voltage Range
Output Power
1.6…112 kW
For 1.6…60kW
For 90…112kW
480V AC nominal
Current Range
2.5…192 A
Input Voltage Range
Output Power
24…140 kW
Current Range
35.3/88.0…207.0/312.0 A
14Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
The Kinetix 6500 drive is a
closed-loop modular servo drive.
It consists of an integrated axis
(IAM) power module and up to
seven axis (AM) power modules,
Feedba ck Only
Posi tion
Velo cit y
Tor qu e
Power RatingsMinimum Version of the
Voltag e Range
324…528V AC rms 3-phase
each coupled with a Kinetix 6500
control module.
The IAM and AM power modules
provide power for up to eight
The 2094-EN02D-M01-S0 control
modules support Safe Torque Off
and 2094-EN02D-M01-S1 control
modules support safe-speed
Power Flex
The PowerFlex 527 is a singleaxis EtherNet/IP AC drive with
STO feature that supports the
Integrated Motion on
Frequency Control
Posi tion
Velo cit y
Input Power
100…600V AC
EtherNet/IP network. Hardwired
STO and Integrated STO are
It consists of an integrated axis
power module and incremental
encoder feedback (sold
Power Flex
The PowerFlex 755 Drive
EtherNet/IP AC drive is a closed
loop drive. It consists of an
integrated axis power module
with five option slots for
communication, I/O, feedback,
Frequency Control
Posi tion
Velo cit y
Tor qu e
Input Power
400V AC
480V AC
600V AC
690V AC
safety, and auxiliary control
power (sold separately).
The PowerFlex 755 drive can
control a motor in closed loop
and open loop mode.
(1) For more information on Kinetix servo drives, see Kinetix Servo Drives Specifications Technical Data, publication KNX-TD003.
(2) For more information on PowerFlex drives, see PowerFlex Low Voltage Drives Selection Guide, publication PFLEX-SG002
(3) For more information about the configuration types, see Configure the Associated Axis and Control Mode on page 47
publication MOTION-RM003
(4) Drives with catalog numbers ending in ERS.
(5) Drives with catalog numbers ending in ERS2.
(6) Drives with catalog numbers ending in ERS3.
(7) Drives with catalog numbers ending in ERS4.
and the Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Reference Manual,
Continuous Output Power
6.0…45 kW
Output Power
0.4...22 kW/0.5...30 Hp /
0.9...62.1 A
Output Power:
0.75…1250 kW/2.1…2150 A
1...1750 Hp/2.1...2070 A
1...1400 Hp/1.7...1430 A
7.5...1400 kW/12...1400 A
Studio 5000 Logix
Designer Application
RSLogix 5000
®, version
19.00.00 or later
Studio 5000 Logix Designer
application, version 21.00.00
or later
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201915
Chapter 1Components of a Motion System
Options for PowerFlex 755
When a PowerFlex 755 drive is used in Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP
mode, the Logix controller and Studio 5000 Logix Designer application are the
exclusive owners of the drive (same as Kinetix). An HIM or other drive
software tools, such as DriveExplorer™ and DriveTools™ SP, cannot be used to
control the drive or change configuration settings. These tools can only be used
for monitoring.
The PowerFlex 755 drive contains an EtherNet/IP adapter that is embedded
on the main control board. This embedded adapter lets you easily configure,
control, and collect drive data over Ethernet networks. The drive can operate
also in the integrated motion mode or the existing I/O mode.
The PowerFlex 755 drive has five option ports that can accept a combination of
options for control, communication, I/O, feedback, safety, and auxiliary
control power. Only one safety option module can be installed on a drive.
There are seven types of peripherals:
• Communications, Ethernet Standard
•Aux Power
•Encoder Interface
•Universal Feedback
Ta b l e 5 lists valid peripheral devices and ports for various PowerFlex 755
(1) Aux power is not supported for Integrated Motion.
(2) Only one safety option module can be installed on a drive.
(3) See Tab le 6
for supported feedback module combinations.
16Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Components of a Motion SystemChapter 1
Table 5 - Peripheral Devices and Ports for PowerFlex 755 Devices That Support Integrated Motion on Ethernet Networks
Drive Catalog NumberDescriptionPorts
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CMPowerFlex 755 AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet4, 5, 6, 7, 8
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-SPowerFlex 755 AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Safe Torque Off Option4 and 5
6 is reserved for safety
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-S1PowerFlex 755 AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Safe Speed Monitor Option4 and 5
6 is reserved for safety
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-S3
PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-S4
PowerFlex 755 AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Integrated Safe Torque Off Option
PowerFlex 755 AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Integrated Safety Functions Option
PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-CMPowerFlex 755 High-power AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet4, 5, 6, 7, 8
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-SPowerFlex 755 High-power AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Safe Torque Off Option4 and 5
PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-S1PowerFlex 755 High-power AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Safe Speed Monitor Option4 and 5
PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-CM-S3PowerFlex 755 High-power AC Drive via Embedded Ethernet - Integrated Safe Torque Off Option4 and 5
(1) PowerF lex Drive firm ware revision 1 4 or later requ ired.
(2) Safe Torque Off option module is only available when used with GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 safety controllers.
(3) Integrated Motion support of the Integrated Safety Functions option module is only available when used with GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 safety controllers.
4 and 5
6 is reserved for safety
4 and 5
6 is reserved for safety
6 is reserved for safety
6 is reserved for safety
6 is reserved for safety
See the manual for your PowerFlex 755 AC Drive safety or communication
option for more information on using your specific peripheral device.
Ta b l e 6
Table 6 - Supported Feedback Module Combinations
(1) The safe speed monitor option module must be used with the 20-750-DENC-1 Dual Incremental Encoder module or the
shows the feedback module combinations that are supported.
OptionSupported ModuleCatalog NumberValid Ports
Two Feedback OptionsSingle Incremental Encoder20-750-ENC-14…8
Dual Incremental Encoder20-750-DENC-14…8
Universal Feedback Card20-750-UFB-14…6
Two Feedback Options and
One Safe Torque Off Option
Two Feedback Options and
One Safe Speed Monitor
20-750-UFB-1 Universal Feedback module.
Single Incremental Encoder20-750-ENC-14 and 5
Dual Incremental Encoder20-750-DENC-14 and 5
Universal Feedback20-750-UFB-14 and 5
Safe Torque Off20-750-S6
Single Incremental Encoder20-750-ENC-14 and 5
Dual Incremental Encoder20-750-DENC-14 and 5
Universal Feedback20-750-UFB-14 and 5
Safe Speed Monitor20-750-S16
For more information, see the Installation Instructions for your PowerFlex
750-Series AC Drive.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201917
Chapter 1Components of a Motion System
4 - Commission
• Download project.
• Follow steps in Chapter 11, Commission an Axis on page 221
Connect Hardware First
5 - Program
• Follow steps in Appendix B, Out of Box Configuration for
PowerFlex Drives on page 305.
3 - Configure the drive module and an axis.
Check drive firmware for the latest revisions and update if needed.
• For Kinetix drives, follow the steps in Chapter 3,Configure Integrated Motion Control
Using Kinetix Drives on page 31 or Chapter 4, Configure Integrated Motion Control
Using Kinetix 5700 Drives on page 59.
• For a PowerFlex 755 drive, follow the steps in Chapter 5, Configure Integrated Motion
Using a PowerFlex 755 Drive on page 99.
If you are using a PowerFlex 755 drive and are unfamiliar with the integrated motion interface
and attributes, see the Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP appendix in the PowerFlex 750-Series
AC Drives Programming Manual, publication 750-PM001.
• For a PowerFlex 527 drive, follow the steps in Chapter 6, Configure Integrated Motion
Using a PowerFlex 527 Drive on page 129.
2 - Configure the controllers and communication modules.
• Open the Logix Designer application.
• Check software and firmware for the latest revisions and update if needed.
• You must configure the controllers and communication modules for time
synchronization and motion.
• To configure a project and enable time synchronization, follow the steps in
Chapter 2, Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network on
page 21.
1 - Connect
• Install modules and drives.
• Check software and firmware for the latest revisions.
Configuration and Startup
The two ways to get an integrated motion on the EtherNet/IP network
solution to run are to connect the hardware first or configure the software first.
18Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Configure Software First
3 - Program
• Follow steps in Appendix B, Out of Box Configuration for
PowerFlex Drives on page 305.
4 - Connect
• Install modules and drives.
• Check software and firmware for the latest revisions.
1 - Configure the controllers and communication modules.
• Open the Logix Designer application.
• Check software and firmware for the latest revisions and update if needed.
• You must configure the controllers and communication modules for time synchronization
and motion.
• To build a project and enable time synchronization, follow the steps in Chapter 2, Create a
Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network on page 21.
2 - Configure the drive module and configure an axis.
Check drive firmware for the latest revisions and update if needed.
• For Kinetix drives, follow the steps in Chapter 3,Configure Integrated Motion Control Using
Kinetix Drives on page 31 or Chapter 4, Configure Integrated Motion Control Using Kinetix
5700 Drives on page 59.
• For a PowerFlex 755 drive, follow the steps in Chapter 5, Configure Integrated Motion Using
a PowerFlex 755 Drive on page 99.
If you are using a PowerFlex 755 drive and are unfamiliar with the integrated motion interface and
attributes, see the Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP appendix in the PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives
Programming Manual, publication 750-PM001.
For a PowerFlex 527 drive, follow the steps in Chapter 6, Configure Integrated Motion Using
a PowerFlex 527 Drive on page 129.
5 - Commission
• Download project.
• Follow steps in Chapter 11, Commission an Axis on
page 221.
Components of a Motion SystemChapter 1
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201919
Chapter 1Components of a Motion System
Help for Selecting Drives and
Motion Analyzerhelps you select the appropriate Allen-Bradley® drives and
motors that are based on your load characteristics and typical motion
application cycles. The software guides you through wizard-like screens to
collect information specific to your application.
After you enter the information for your application, such as, load inertia,
gearbox ratio, feedback device, and brake requirements, the software generates
an easy-to-read list of recommended motors, drives, and other support
You can access Motion Analyzer at
20Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Chapter 2
Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the
EtherNet/IP Network
Top icPag e
Create a Controller Project21
Set Time Synchronization24
Add an Ethernet Communication Module26
This chapter describes how to configure an integrated motion project in the
Logix Designer application.
Create a Controller Project
IMPORTANTFor Motion and Safety applications, you must use a GuardLogix® or Compact
GuardLogix controller.
Follow these instructions to create a project.
1. On the Studio 5000® dialog box, choose Create New Project.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201921
Chapter 2Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
2. Choose a controller, type a name, and click Next.
3. Type a Name for the controller.
4. Assign a location (optional).
5. Click Next.
The Project Configuration dialog box appears.
6. Choose the chassis type.
7. Assign the slot location of the controller.
8. Assign the Security Authority.
9. Type a description (optional).
10. Click Finish.
22Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP NetworkChapter 2
The Logix Designer application opens with new project.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201923
Chapter 2Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
GM = Grandmaster (time source)
M = Master
S = Slave
P1 and P2 = PrioritiesPriorities are automatically assigned based on their clock quality, which the Best Clock Algorithm determines. In this example, P2=1 is the
best quality so it becomes the Grandmaster. If the P2=1 device loses clock quality for some reason, then P2=2 would become the
Grandmaster for the system.
Stratix® 5700
Stratix 5700
PowerFlex 527
Kinetix® 350
Kinetix 5500
PowerFlex® 755
Kinetix® 5700
Set Time Synchronization
This technology supports highly distributed applications that require time
stamps, sequence of events records, distributed motion control, and increased
control coordination. All controllers and communication modules must have
time synchronization that is enabled for applications that use integrated
motion on the EtherNet/IP™ network.
Time synchronization in the Logix system is called CIP Sync. CIP Sync
provides a mechanism to synchronize clocks between controllers, I/O, and
other devices that are connected over CIP™ networks and the ControlLogix® or
CompactLogix™ backplane. The device with the best clock becomes the
Grandmaster time source for your system.
Figure 1 - Star Topology with the ControlLogix Controller as the Grandmaster
24Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP NetworkChapter 2
The Best Master Clock algorithm determines what device has the best clock.
The device with the best clock becomes the Grandmaster time source for your
system. All controllers and communication modules must have time
synchronization that is enabled to participate in CIP Sync.
See the Integrated Architecture and CIP Sync Configuration Application
Te ch ni qu e , p ub lica ti o n
, for detailed information.
You must enable time synchronization for motion applications. Follow these
instructions to enable time synchronization.
1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click the controller and choose
2. Click the Date/Time tab.
3. Check Enable Time Synchronization.
4. Click OK.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201925
Chapter 2Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
Add an Ethernet
Communication Module
Although ControlLogix 5580 and GuardLogix 5580 controllers can use
Ethernet communication modules, only ControlLogix 5560 and 5570 and
GuardLogix 5560 and 5570 controllers require an Ethernet communication
module for connection to the Ethernet network. See Controller,
Communication, Drive, and Software Options on page 11 for more
Follow these instructions to add an Ethernet communication module to your
project if needed.
IMPORTANTFor all communication modules, use the firmware revision that goes with
the firmware revision of your controller. See the release notes for the
firmware of your controller.
1. To add a module, right-click the backplane and choose New Module.
2. Clear the Module Type Category Filters select all checkbox.
3. Check the Communication checkbox.
On the Select Module Type dialog box, you can filter to the exact type of
module you are looking for, which makes your search faster.
4. Under Communications, select the Ethernet module and click Create.
26Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP NetworkChapter 2
The New Module configuration tabs appear.
5. Type a name for the module.
6. If you want, type a description.
7. Assign the EtherNet/IP address of the Ethernet module.
For information on how to create an Ethernet network and setting IP
addresses for the communication and motion modules, see these
– EtherNet/IP Network Configuration User Manual,
– PowerFlex® 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter User
Manual, publication, 750COM-UM001
– Knowledgebase Technote
# 66326
– Converged Plantwide Ethernet (CPwE) Design and Implementation
Guide, publication
8. Assign the slot for the module.
9. In the module definition area, click Change.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201927
Chapter 2Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
10. Choose an Electronic Keying option.
ATT EN TI ON : The electronic keying feature automatically compares the
expected module, as shown in the configuration tree, to the physical module
before communication begins.
When you are using motion modules, set the electronic keying to either `Exact
Match‘ or `Compatible Keying‘.
Never use `Disable Keying’ with Ethernet communication and motion modules.
For more information about electronic keying, see the ControlLogix Controller
User Manual, publication 1756-UM001
28Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP NetworkChapter 2
11. Choose Time Sync and Motion.
IMPORTANTFor CIP Sync time coordination to work in motion control, you must set the
Time Sync Connection to Time Sync and Motion on all Ethernet
communication modules. The CIP Sync protocol is what enables motion
control on the EtherNet/IP network.
The Time Sync and Motion selection is available only for firmware revision 3
and later. You must be offline to change the Time Sync and Motion selection.
If you are online at a major revision of 1 or 2, you can only change the
revision to a 1 or 2. You must go offline to change the module to revision 3 or
4 and return to revision 1 or 2.
IMPORTANTFor CompactLogix 5370and Compact GuardLogix 5370 controllers, the
embedded dual-port Ethernet is automatically set with Time Sync
Connection= Time Sync and Motion.
To enable Integrated Motion, check the `Enable Time Synchronization’
checkbox on the controller time/date tab.
12. Click OK.
IMPORTANTIf you have not enabled time synchronization, you get errors when you try to
associate an axis.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 201929
Chapter 2Create a Project for Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
30Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM003K-EN-P - January 2019
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