Catalog Number 46CLR-D5LAC1-D5, 46CLR-D5LAC2-D5, 46CLR-D5LAC3-D5
Top icPa ge
Summary of Changes1
IO-Link Features1
Communication Parameters1
Process Data In (Continuous Data)1
Process Data-in Parameter Definitions2
Process Data Out (Continuous Data)2
Parameter Data (Asynchronous Data)2
Diagnosis Tab Definitions — Device Access Locks5
Summary of Changes
This publication contains updated steps in Standard Teach
Parameter Tab Definitions and Color Scan Teach Definitions on
page 2
The Bulletin 46CLR ColorSight™ Process Data sensor offers 48 bits
and includes red, green, blue, intensity, signal strength, and the
state of each of the color channel outputs.
This quick reference includes IO-Link parameters that are offered
in our 46CLR ColorSight sensors. These parameters can be
accessed from any IOLink 1.1 compliant master.
IO-Link Features
•The sensor heartbeat function indicates to the PLC that a
sensor lost connectivity due to failure or faulty wiring.
•Access to red, green, blue, and color intensity information.
•Seven color channels can be taught when operating in
•Signal strength indicates the reflectivity level of the
reflector. This function is ideal for continuous monitoring
and solving challenging applications.
•Location indication helps you to identify the sensor that
must be readjusted or taught in the application quickly.
•Counter, timers, and monitoring frequency parameters
enable operators to add ON delay and OFF delay on the
output behavior.
•User interface lock helps prevent unintentional or undesired
changes to the sensor setup parameters.
•Two process data maps allow operators to use the
continuous parameters best suited for the application.
Communication Parameters
Table 1 - Specifications
IO-Link revisionV1.1
Process data in length48 bits (6 bytes)
Process data out lengthNot available
Communication modeCOM2 (38.4 kbps)
Cycle time, mi n4 ms
Vend or ID2 (0x0 2)
Process Data In is transmitted cyclically to the IO-Link master from
the IO-Link device.
ColorSight IO-Link
Process Data-in Parameter Definitions
Signal Quality
Performs the same operation as the discrete output for all
seven color channels.
Can be used to indicate if the signal strength is higher or
lower than a defined threshold in index 196 (0xC4). It also
helps you detect a reflectivity of a target that can affect
the performance of the sensor.
Reflects the strength of the return signal reflected from
the target. The range is 0…100%. Darker targets reflect a
value closer to zero while highly reflective targets reflect a
number closer to 100%.
Displays the red component of the color under detection.
The parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Displays the green component of the color under
detection. The parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Displays the red component of the color under detection.
The parameter can be a value between 0…4095. This value
is calculated by subtracting the green and red component
from the total value of 4095.
Displays the intensity of the color under detection. The
parameter can be a value of 0…4095.
Process Data Out (Continuous Data)
Not applicable.
Parameter Data (Asynchronous Data)
These parameters can be read from and/or written to an IO-Link
device. Unlike Process Data In, which is transmitted from the
IO-Link device to the IO-Link master cyclically, these parameters
are read or written on-request with the use of message
Identification Tab Definitions
Vendor NameThe vendor name of the product.
Product NameThe product catalog number.
Product TextA brief description of the sensor.
Product IDThe ordering part number of the sensor.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the unit.
Application Specific
Hardware RevisionThe hardware revision of the sensor.
Firmware RevisionThe firmware revision of the sensor.
Allows you to assign a value to describe the sensor in the
application. For example, “roll level.
When used in the Add-on Profile (AOP), this value must not
be empty as it could cause a loss in communications.
Standard Teach Parameter Tab Definitions
This section captures the standard teach procedure of 46CLR
sensor. These steps show you how to teach the sensor in standard
teach mode.
1.Select the desired color channel to teach using the “Teach
Channel” (index: 203) parameter.
2. Click Apply in the AOP to set the desired color channel.
3. Place the target in front of the sensor. Send the command
“Standard Teach – Show Color” (index: 65) to start the teach
4. Send the command “Teach – Apply” (index:
64) to finalize the
teach process.
5. The teach process is complete.
When using the AOP for 46CLR sensor, you must click the Refresh
button for the color setpoints to be updated in the AOP. After you
click Refresh in the AOP, the sensor correlation window opens and
asks you to validate the settings. Select “Use Device Values” and
then click OK. Click Apply in the AOP to save these settings.
Color Scan Teach Definitions
This section captures the color scan teach process of 46CLR sensor.
The Color Scan feature enables you to teach and detect objects with
various colors and individual colors to each channel. These steps show
you how to teach the sensor in color scan mode.
1.Select the desired color channel to teach using the “Teach
Channel” (index: 203) parameter.
2. Click Apply in the AOP to set the desired color channel.
3. Place the target in front of the field of view of the sensor and
send the command “Color Scan – Start” (index: 71). Move the
color targets that you want to teach as needed until all
desired colors are presented in the field of view of the
4. Send the command “Color Scan – Stop” (index: 72) to stop the
color scan process.
5. Send the command “Teach – Apply” (index: 64) to finalize the
teach process.
6. The teach process in complete.
When using the AOP for 46CLR sensor, you must click Refresh for
the color setpoints to be updated in the AOP. After you click Refresh
in the AOP, the sensor correlation window opens and asks you to
validate the settings. Select “Use Device Values” and then click OK.
Click Apply in the AOP to save these settings.
2Rockwell Automation Publication 46CLR-QR001C-EN-P - November 2020
ColorSight IO-Link
Teach (Standard, Color Scan)
Selects the desired teach channel for the target in front of the field of view of the
Teach Channel
Detection Mode
Tea ch St atus
sensor. The sensor has a total of seven color channels, three of which are discrete
and the remaining four are virtual channels. The default value for this parameter is
Channel 1 and must be changed to the desired color channel during the Standard or
Color Scan Teach Process.
Selects the desired color detection mode. The 46CLR ColorSight sensor uses these
main methods of color evaluation:
• Color Mode: This mode is optimized for the precise evaluation of several colors
or gradient of colors within a given tolerance (up to nine tolerance levels). In this
color inspection and evaluation mode, at least one color must be taught and
there’s no need to teach the background to be sure of reliable operation. This
method of operation is the most common.
• Best Fit Mode: This parameter value enables the sensor to operate as a color
sorting and assignment mode. In this mode, the sensor assigns the color that is
measured into the color channel that is closest to the internal set color. Multiple
colors must be taught and the background must also be taught using one of the
available color channels. This mode is uncommon and is only recommended for
advanced special applications.
• Teach Apply: Finalizes the standard teach and color scan teach process.
• Teach Cancel: Cancels the standard teach and color scan teach process without
completing the teach process.
• Reset – Color Channel: Resets the currently selected color channel to the factory
default settings.
Indicates the status of the teach process.
Operation Configuration
Triggered1 – Color Channel 1
• Channel 1. Red
• Channel 1. Green
Channel 1. Intensity
• Channel 1. Red Tolerance
• Channel 1. Green Tolerance
Channel 1. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 1. Tolerance
Channel 1. Polarity
Channel 1. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 1.
Channel 1. Intensity Evaluation
Channel 1. Counter
Channel 1. On Delay
Channel 1. Off Delay
Channel 1. One Shot
Channel 1. Combine Color Channel
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the intensity. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 1. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the polarity of the Color Channel 1. The polarity could be either
not inverted or inverted
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Defines the desired number of counts for the discrete output to
turn ON. For example, if the counter value is set to 3, the output
turns ON after the third detection has occurred.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn ON once a target
has been detected. For example, if the ON Delay value is 5000 ms
(5 s), the sensor output turns ON after 5 seconds have passed.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn OFF once a target
has left the detection area. For example, if the OFF Delay value is
5000 ms (5 s), the sensor output turns ON immediately and then it
turns OFF after 5 seconds have passed.
The One Shot defines the width of the pulse of the output. For
example, if the One Shot value is set to 5000 ms (5 s), the output
turns ON immediately after the target has been detected and
remains on for 5 seconds. This value cannot be reset when a new
target is detected. And if a target is detected while the pulse is
active, it does not extend the output pulse.
Enables you to perform logic functions such as AND /OR with Color
Channel 4.
Triggered2 – Color Channel 2
•Channel 2. Red
• Channel 2. Green
Channel 2. Intensity
• Channel 2. Red Tolerance
• Channel 2. Green Tolerance
Channel 2. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 2. Tolerance
Channel 2. Polarity
Channel 2. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 2.
Channel 2. Intensity Evaluation
Channel 2. Counter
Channel 2. On Delay
Channel 2. Off Delay
Channel 2. One Shot
Channel 2. Combine Color Channel
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 2. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the wide st tolerance.
Sets the polarity of the Color Channel 2. The polarity could be either
inverted or not inverted.
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Defines the desired number of counts for the d iscrete output to
turn ON. For example, if the counter value is set to 3, the output
turns ON after the third detection has occurred.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn ON once a target
has been detected. For example, if the ON Delay value is 5000 ms
(5 s), the sensor output turns ON after 5 seconds have passed.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn OFF once a target
has left the detection area. For example, if the OFF Delay value is
5000 ms (5 s), the sensor output turns ON immediately and then it
turns OFF after 5 seconds have passed.
The One Shot defines the width of the pulse of the output. For
example, if the One Shot value is set to 5000 ms (5 s), the output
turns ON immediately after the target has been detected and
remains on for 5 seconds. This value cannot be reset when a new
target is detected. And if a target is detected while the pulse is
active, it does not extend the output pulse.
Enables you to perform logic functions such as AND /OR with Color
Channel 5.
Triggered3 – Color Channel 3
•Channel 3. Red
•Channel 3. Green
Channel 3. Intensity
• Channel 3. Red Tolerance
• Channel 3. Green Tolerance
Channel 3. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 3. Tolerance
Channel 3. Polarity
Channel 3. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 3.
Channel 3. Intensity Evaluation
Channel 3. Counter
Channel 3. On Delay
Channel 3. Off Delay
Channel 3. One Shot
Channel 3. Combine Color Channel
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 3. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the po larity of the Color C hannel 3. It can be ei ther inverted or
not inverted.
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Defines the desired number of counts for the d iscrete output to
turn ON. For example, if the counter value is set to 3, the output
turns ON after the third detection has occurred.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn ON once a target
has been detected. For example, if the ON Delay value is 5000 ms
(5 s), the sensor output turns ON after 5 seconds have passed.
Defines the desired delay for the output to turn OFF once a target
has left the detection area. For example, if the OFF Delay value is
5000 ms (5 s), the sensor output turns ON immediately and then it
turns OFF after 5 seconds have passed.
Defines the width of the pulse of the output. For example, if the
One Shot value is set to 5000 ms (5 s), the output turns ON
immediately after the target has been detected and remains on fo r
5 seconds. This value cannot be reset when a new target is
detected. And if a target is detected while the pulse is active, it
does not extend the output pulse.
Enables you to perform logic functions such as AND/OR with Color
Channel 6.
Rockwell Automation Publication 46CLR-QR001C-EN-P - November 20203
ColorSight IO-Link
Triggered4 – Color Channel 4
• Channel 4. Red
• Channel 4. Green
Channel 4. Intensity
• Channel 4. Red Tolerance
• Channel 4. Green Tolerance
Channel 4. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 4. Tolerance
Channel 4. Polarity
Channel 4. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 3.
Channel 4. Intensity Evaluation
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. Th e parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 3. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the polarity of the Color Channel 3. The polarity could be
either inverted or not inverted
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Triggered5 – Color Channel 5
• Channel 5. Red
• Channel 5. Green
Channel 5. Intensity
• Channel 5. Red Tolerance
• Channel 5. Green Tolerance
Channel 5. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 5. Tolerance
Channel 5. Polarity
Channel 5. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 3.
Channel 5. Intensity Evaluation
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
This parameter sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. Th e parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 3. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the polarity of color channel 3. The polarity could be either
inverted or not inverted.
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Triggered6 – Color Channel 6
• Channel 6. Red
• Channel 6. Green
Channel 6. Intensity
• Channel 6. Red Tolerance
• Channel 6. Green Tolerance
Channel 6. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 6. Tolerance
Channel 6. Polarity
Channel 6. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 3.
Channel 6. Intensity Evaluation
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. Th e parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 3. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the polarity of the Color Channel 3. The polarity could be
either inverted or not inverted
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Triggered7 – Color Channel 7
•Channel 7. Red
•Channel 7. Green
Channel 7. Intensity
• Channel 7. Red Tolerance
• Channel 7. Green Tolerance
Channel 7. Intensity Tolerance
Channel 7. Tolerance
Channel 7. Polarity
Channel 7. OperationEnables or disables the operation of Channel 3.
Channel 7. Intensity Evaluation
Sets the color threshold for the respective color. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold for the Intensity. The parameter can be a
value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the respective color. The
parameter can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color threshold tolerance for the Intensity. The parameter
can be a value between 0…4095.
Sets the color tolerance levels for Channel 3. The operator can set
zero as the finest tolerance while level nine is the widest tolerance.
Sets the polarity of the Color Channel 3. The polarity could be
either inverted or not inverted
Enables or disables the sensor to consider evaluating the intensity
of the color as part of the color detection.
Simulates that the trigger is OFF or disabled, which means that the sensor
Trigger OFF
Trigger ON
Trigger Input
Sensor Configuration
Discrete Output Type
Averaging Filter
Binary Outputs
Display Screensaver
Display Indication
Data Mapping Configuration
These process data maps are offered in the 46CLR sensor:
•Data Map 0 (Default): Triggered, Quality Score, Signal
•Data Map 1: Red, Green, Blue, Intensity
stops measuring the sensor under detection. For this parameter to
operate, pin 2 operation from Channel 2 should be changed to Input
(Trigger) that the sensor operates as an input.
Simulates that the trigger is ON or enabled, which means that the sensor
stops measuring the sensor under detection. For this parameter to
operate, pin 2 operation from Channel 2 should be changed to Input
(Trigger) that the sensor operates as an input.
Enables the input of an external sensor that is connected to pin 2 sensor to
enable or disable sensor measurement. When the pin is connected to high,
the color sensor measurement occurs as long as the Trigger sensor output
is high.
Changes the output type to operate either as PNP, NPN, or Auto PNP/NPN
only on pin 4 (Triggered1).
Parameter allows operators to average multiple measurements inside of
the sensor with the goal of providing a more stable color evaluation. You
can choose between 1…100 measurements to average the measured
signal. The higher the measurement the more stable the measured output.
Disables or enables the logical combination of several channels. The
default value for this parameter is disabled.
Enables or disables the LCD display screensaver function. The default
value for this parameter is enabled.
Controls the rotation of the LCD display on the sensor. A value of 0 rotates
the display 180°.
In this section, the operator is able to configure the combination of
parameters that must be displayed as process data. 46CLR sensor process
data consists of 5 bytes of data with multiple parameters to be presented
to the operator.
4Rockwell Automation Publication 46CLR-QR001C-EN-P - November 2020
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