ALcom G-1100 Owner's Manual

ALcom G-1100
GSM Wireless Business
User’s Guide
(V 1.1)
1. Precautions....................................................... 3
2. Manual Specification ........................................ 3
3. Overview........................................................... 4
3.1 Unpacking Check........................................................................4
3.2 Installation ..................................................................................4
3.3 Appearance of Component.........................................................5
4. General Function.............................................. 7
4.1 Key Function...............................................................................7
4.2 Menu Function............................................................................8
4.3 Quick Operation Guide ...............................................................9
4.3.1 Making a call........................................................................9
4.3.2 Dial number in telephone book ............................................9
4.3.3 Answering call .....................................................................9
4.3.4 Ending call ...........................................................................9
4.3.5 Refuse call.........................................................................10
4.3.6 Redial ................................................................................10
4.3.7 Adjust handset volume ......................................................10
4.3.8 Hand free...........................................................................10
4.4 Menu Function Introduction ......................................................10
4.4.1 Message ............................................................................10
4.4.2 Call log...............................................................................11
4.4.3 PB (Pone Book).................................................................12
4.4.4 Setting ...............................................................................12
4.4.5 Call Service .......................................................................13
4.5 Input Method.............................................................................14
4.5.1 Switch input method ..........................................................14
4.5.2 Input symbol ......................................................................14
4.5.3 Special symbol table..........................................................14
4.5.4 T9 associated English word input method .........................14
5. Technical Parameters..................................... 18
6. Abbreviations.................................................. 18
7. Troubleshooting.............................................. 19
Thank you for using our product. Please read through this guide to use the device properly.

1. Precautions

When you use the telephone, please be sure to do as following
instructions, to avoid unnecessary damage or law-breaking behavior.
Do not use the telephone on aboard and air-plane.
Do not use the telephone around gas station, oil depot, chemistry
factory or places with combustible and explosive substances.
Do not use the telephone while driving.
While using the telephone, please keep away from equipment or
devices that might disturbed easily.
The telephone in working might disturb functioning of some medical equipment.
Please clean the telephone with moistish or anti-electrostatic cloth and avoid dry or electrostatic material. Please do not use chemical detergent and keep it turn off when cleaning.
Do not keep it in exposure of sunshine and avoid direct strong light.
Try the best to avoid using in moist or dusty environment.
Prevent any liquids into the device or it will get damaged.
Do not throw or knock the telephone with force. Any rough
treatment might impair the circuit in the telephone.
Do not connect with any equipment that don’t match the telephone.
You should know about local regulations about wireless telephone
usage and abide by them in using.
Only the specific power adapter or battery that the factory defined can be use on the telephone.
Replace used batteries incorrectly and use other power adapters made by other manufacturers might cause damage.
This telephone adopts a special encrypted SIM card. Do not try to use the SIM card for other purpose and do not try to use SIM card of other equiment in this telephone, which will cause the SIM card locked or permanent damage.

2. Manual Specification

- The contents in [[ ]] represents the key of the telephone keyboard. For example: [[OK]] represents the OK key of the keyboard.
- The contents in [ ] represents the keys on the display. For example: [PB] represents the “Phone Book” key on the display.
- Some words in telephone menu are in short. In case of users’s confusion we made an abbreviation table as chapter 6.

3. Overview

3.1 Unpacking Check

The telephone composes by the following parts:
Power Adapter

3.2 Installation

Antenna (SMA or
Handset and the
handset cord
Spare Battery
3.2.1 Installing the handset
3.2.1 Installing the antenna
3.2.3 Installing the power adapter
3.2.4 Installing the battery
- Push the locker along the arrow;take the cover out.
- Put battery into case and connect the jack; put the cover on and
push it until you hear “kata”.

3.3 Appearance of Component

Headset jack
Hand free
Pilot lamp Describe
Pilot lamp Screen
Power lamp On-line
The designation of power supply in effect, and after boot-strap, the power lamp keeps bright.
When handfree, the lamp bright.

4. General Function

4.1 Key Function

Keyboard layout:
1 2 3 OK 4 5 6 CANCEL
7 8 9 SEND
* 0 #
Note: The position of and [[SEND]] is different by different
Key description:
]]: Press it to perform the functions show at the left-hand side of the
]]: Press it to perform the functions show at the right-hand side of
the display.
[[]]: At stand-by status, press it to enter call log. At menu status,
press it to go up the menu; during a call press it to increase volume.
[[]]: At stand-by status, press it to enter messages status. At menu
status, press it to go down the menu; during a call press it to decrease volume.
[[MUTE]]: During a call, press it to turn on or off the transmitter. [[HANGUP]]: At menu status, press it to return stand-by interface;
when dialing, press it to end dialing; during a call, press it to end the call; press it to refuse an incoming call.
[[OK]]: Press it to carry out the function on the right-hand side of the
[[CANCEL]]: Press it to carry out the function on the left-hand side of
the display.
: Press it to dial a speaker call, at stand-by status; press it to make a speaker call with an on-hook dialing; press it to end a speaker dialing; press it to end a speaker call; If you choose autocall (“Menu Setting Autocall”) 2-10 seconds after dialing, you will be automatically connected with the number you dial.
[[SEND]]: After entering telephone book, press it to make an outgoing
call. Press it to call the current number in the telephone book.
[[ 0 ]]-[[ 9 ]]: Press the keys to enter numbers to make handset dialing
or on-hook dialing; At menu status, press the keys to choose corresponding menu. After the first number dialed, press ‘0’ for a few seconds to have a ‘+’ entered.
[[ * ]]: Press it to input ‘*’. [[ # ]]: Press it to input the ‘#’.
Note: The Function of the keys above at input status, please refer to Input Mothod description.

4.2 Menu Function

When talking, press [menu], user could do some operation about
switching calling, PB, message etc.
- Switching calling: You can create a new call with holding current
call. Need net service.
- PB: User could do operation of the phone book.
- Message : User could receive message, send message and save
message. Or do message setting and broadcast setting etc.

4.3 Quick Operation Guide

Before using the telephone, user should make sure that the power is on and the correct SIM card is inserted. User could use the telephone till the name of network supplier appeared in the display.
If the power has been on, but user did not insert SIM card, telephone prompts to insert SIM card and check it whether it could be used or not.
Warning: Please power off you phone before changing the SIM card. To plug in or out the SIM card when connected to outer power source or battery is forbidden. Please don’t touch the metal surface of the SIM card that information in the card may be lost or destroyed. Put the card away from electricity and magnetism as you can. If SIM card is damaged, the device can’t connect the network.

4.3.1 Making a call

- Off-Hook or pressing will hear the dial tone, then user
can dial number.
- In standby mode, enter telephone number, Off-Hook or
- The display shows the digit that user entered. User can
press [[CANCEL]] or “Delete” to delete the latest digit when find the incorrect number.
- After inputting the number, press [[Send]] or wait a few
seconds (user could modify the time by setting “AutoCall” in setting menu) to send a call.
- Answer a call, the calling time will be showed on the
- In talking mode, press [[]] or [[]] could adjust the
handset volume.
or [[SEND]] to send a call.

4.3.2 Dial number in telephone book

In telephone book, press [[]] or [[]] to find the number user
want to dial. Pressing [[SEND]] to call it after finding the number.

4.3.3 Answering call

When in ringing mode, take up the handset or press to answer the call.

4.3.4 Ending call

There are different ways to end call in two status.
Press Press [[HANGUP]] to finish a call.
to end call in Hand free mode.

4.3.5 Refuse call

When in ringing mode, press [[HANGUP]] to refuse the call.

4.3.6 Redial

When in standby mode, press [[SEND]] twice to call the latest number.

4.3.7 Adjust handset volume

When in in-call mode, press [[]] or [[]] to set volume.

4.3.8 Hand free

When in standby mode, press to enter Hand free mode.

4.4 Menu Function Introduction

4.4.1 Message Write message
- Please confirm that the message servicecenter number
has been set before writing message.
- In standby mode, press [[▼]] or select [Menu], [Message]
to enter the submenu “Write message” to enter message text (please refer to 4.5 “Input method”).
- After finishing new message, user can take the operation of
Send”, “Send More”, “Insert Word”, “Save” and “Save &
Send”. Inbox
z View received messages and show status (readed or
not), the received date and time, sender’s number or name (the number must exist in phone book). After receiving message, the phone will play an alert tone to inform you and the new message icon will appear on the screen. If not immediately read, the message will be saved to SIM card automatically. Including messages in the Inbox and the Outbox, the number of messages telephone can hold is up to the SIM card capacity and phone memory capacity. So please delete the old message you don’t need.
z Press [[]] or [[]] to browse message. z When view message list, press “Read” to read details
and press [Option] to do the following operation:
- Select Answer” to reply a message.
- Select “Forward” to take the operation of “Send”,
Send More”, “Insert Word”, “Save”, “Save & Send”.
- Select “Use number” to get the number from the
current message and save to Phone Book.
- Select Call” to send a call which send the message.
- Select Delete” to delete the message.
- Select Delete All” to delete all received messages. “Outbox”
z View the sending message will show the sending state
and the sender’s number
z or name (the number must exist in telephone book). z Press [[]] or [[]] to browse message. z When view message list, press “Read” to read details
and press [Option] to do the following operation:
- Select Send” to resend the message.
- Select Edit” to edit the message again, then take
operation of “Send ”, “Send More”, “Insert Word”, “Save” and “Save & Send”.
- Select Delete” to delete the message.
- Select “Delete All” to delete all messages in
Outbox”. SMS Setting
Before using message function, user need do some
necessary setting. There are several submenu in “SMS Setting” menu:
zValid period”
During message period, SMS center will repeatedly send the short message until received. Press [[]] or [[]] to set the message period: max; 1 hour; 6 hour; 24 hour; 72hour; 1 week. Note: The function needs the support of network service provider.
zService center”
Select “Service center”, press [OK] to input the message service center number (you should contact with network service provider to obtain it).
zInsert Word”
There are ten messages can be choosed to use or edit.
zStatus report”
If the option is enabled, in the case of the recipient receiving the message sent by you, the SMS center will inform you in the form of a Status Report message.
Display the space status of the telephone memory and SIM card.

4.4.2 Call log

The device has saved for you the latest twenty missed calls,
latest twenty received calls and latest twenty dialed calls.
menu to enter the call log submenu which including “Missed calls”, “Received calls”, “Dialed calls”, “Call timers”. Press [[]] or [[]] to select and press [OK] to display record. Under submenu of “Missed”, “Received”, “Dialed”, user can take operation of “Save”, “Delete”, “Call”, “Send message”, “Delete

4.4.3 PB (Pone Book)


4.4.4 Setting

In standby mode, press [[]] or select “Call log” in main
When in standby mode, press the [[ ]] to enter phone book Find
z Input the name to be found. Then press [[OK]]. z The following operation can be taken in displaying
telephone number list.
- Press [[]] or [[]] to view item.
- Press [[Send]] to send a call.
- Press [Detail] to view the particular content. Then, if
press [Operate] to take “Send message”, “Call”, Modify” or “Erase” operation. Add” The telephone number can be to saved to “SIM” or “Phone”. After selecting the saving mode, press [OK] to input name and number. Erase All” User can delete the record in SIM card or in phone with selecting “SIM all” or “Phone all” submenu. “Copy All” User could copy the records “From SIM to Phone” or “From Phone to SIM”. MSISDN” Display the telephone number. If there is no number in SIM card, user can edit it. Used Space” Display the usage status about PB in the telephone memory and SIM card.
User can configure the phone according to different usage. Ring & Volume
zSelect ring”: There are twenty ringtone to choose (the
first five types are common ringtone, and the rest are chords). And there are three types message alert to choose.
zVolu me”: User can change the items as follows: call
ring, Msg ring and speaker volume. “Alarm”: Set the alarm type and alarm time. There are two alarm to choose. Time and date”: Set time and date. Display set
zBack light”: Set the duration of back light. zContrast”: Press [[]] or [[]] to modify contrast of
sreen. Security set”: Open or close the function of PIN checking. If user want to modify PIN must opend the PIN check first. AutoCall”: If user don’t press “SEND” key after entering the digit the telephone will automatically send a call. The duration can be set from 2 seconds to 10 seconds.
Note: The function must be used under Off-Hook or in
Handfree” mode. Reset”: Select to reset the parameter of the phone of factory settings.

4.4.5 Call Service

Note: The following service needs the support of the network Select network”: User could choose “Auto” mode or Manual” mode. Call diverts”: Support different Call diverts
service including: “Divert All Call”, “When busy”, “No answer”, “Not reachable”, “Cancel all”. Call waiting”: Open, close and query the “Call waiting” service. Call bar”: Support different “Call bar” service including “Bar All MO Call”, “Bar All MT Call”, “Bar MT Call ROAM”, “Bar MO Call INTL” and Bar MO Call EXHC”. Outgoing unshown”: query the “Outgoing unshown” service. “Speed Dial”: User could add and delete the “Speed
Dial” item. Band Select”: Select the band according to the network service.

4.5 Input Method

The device support T9 input method with associated input function, user can input the number, the symbol, english letter (including capital letter and small letter).

4.5.1 Switch input method

User can press the button [[ # ]] to switch the input method among number input method, the symbol input method, associated English word input method (including capital letter and small letter). In English letter input method, press the button [[ * ]] to switch the capital letter and small letter.
input method prompt
input method Description
РУС Russian word Associated Russian
capital word input
abc Russian and English
Russian and English letter.
Each new word from capital letter Input small letter
small letter
ABC Russian and English
Input capital letter
capital letter 123 Nnumber Input number EN English word Associated English
capital word input

4.5.2 Input symbol

In the number input method, english letter input method, associated
English word input method, user will enter the symbol input mode after pressing the button [[ 1 ]].

4.5.3 Special symbol table

User can use the following symbol in the special symbol input
. , ? ! ’ - 1 : ; ”
\ @ / % & # ( ) « » [ ] { } < > | + = *
$ £ ¢ A A
^ _ ' A

4.5.4 T9 associated English word input method T9 English input method
User can use T9 associated English word input method in editing
telephone book and SMS showed as the following figures.
14 Buttons about T9 associated English word input method
[[Cancel]]: Press this key to delete a letter or a blank space.
[[OK]]: In inputing English word, press this key to confirm the
inputing pluse a blank space.
[[▼]], [[]], [[
]] and [[ ]]: In inputing an English word press this
key to choose associated English words before pressing [[OK]].
[[ # ]]: switching the input method.
[[ * ]]: In English letter input or associated English word input, press
[[ * ]] to switch the capital letter or small letter.
[[ 0 ]]: input space character.
[[ 1 ]]: input sign.
[[ 2 ]]-[[ 9 ]]: input English letters.
[[Hangup]]: untread English letter input pattern and return to waiting
15 Keyboard layout
Name Input
Method Status
РУС, EN Space Abc, abc, ABC 123 "0"
РУС Abc, abc, ABC 123 "1" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc абвг2abc, each new word from capital letter abc абвг2abc ABC АБВГ2ABC 123 "2" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc деёжз3def, each new word from capital letter abc деёжз3def ABC ДЕЁЖЗ3DEF 123 "3" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc ийкл4ghi, each new word from capital letter abc ийкл4ghi ABC ИЙКЛ4GHI 123 "4" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc мноп5jkl, each new word from capital letter abc мноп5jkl ABC МНОП5JKL 123 "5" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method
Space, "0"
associated Russian word input method (symbols) Switch each kind of signs
Abc рсту6mno, each new word from capital letter abc рсту6mno ABC РСТУ6MNO 123 "6" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc фхцч7pqrs, each new word from capital letter abc фхцч7pqrs ABC ФХЦЧ7PQRS 123 "7" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc шщъы8tuv, each new word from capital letter abc шщъы8tuv ABC ШЩЪЫ8TUV 123 "8" EN associated English word input method
РУС associated Russian word input method Abc ьэюя9wxyz, each new word from capital letter abc ьэюя9wxyz ABC ЬЭЮЯ9WXYZ 123 "9" EN associated English word input method

5. Technical Parameters

Item Description
Dimensions 219mm х 168mm х 53mm (W x D x H) Weight (including spare battery) Mounting method Horizontal or wall mounting Input voltage
Spare battery
Max. transmit power 2W
Typical stand-by power consumption Operating temperature
Storage temperature Operating humidity 5% to 90%

6. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
SIM Subscriber Identity Module ME Mobile Equipment PB Phone Book SC Service Center CB Cell Broadcast SEL Select FDN Fixed Dialing Number CFU Call Forward Unconditionally SS Supplementary Service CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation COLR Connected Line Identification Restriction AOC Advice of Charge ACM Accumulated call meter ACMMAX Accumulated call meter maximum
Less than 700g
AC: 90V to 264V (50Hz to 60Hz) DC: 5.2V±5%, 1.0A Type: AA NiMH Capacity: 3.6V/1600mAh
0°C to 40°C
-10°C to 50°C

7. Troubleshooting

Boot-strap disable
PIN incorrect
Loss connection in talking Volume low Press [[]] while Talking

For enquiries please contact:

ALcom XXI, s.r.o., Vinohradska 184, Prague, 3,130 00, CZ Tel.: +42 02 96 32 56 86 E-mail: alcom@

For enquiries in the CIS and Baltic countries please contact:

ALcom CIS, 115093, 3-rd Pavlovsky side-street, bld 57 Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 495 109 88 77 Fax: +7 495 737 78 19 E-mail:
Corrective Action
1. The power switch is off
2. The batteries cannot supply enough energy
3. The power adapter is off
1. Insert wrong SIM card
2. SIM card is locked,and the telephone should be initialized by professional.
1. The batteries energy is low
2. Signal intensity is low
ALcom G-1100
Стационарный сотовый телефон GSM
Руководство пользователя
(Версия 1.0)
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