Trilogy DL4100 Series Locks
"Privacy Terminated on Exit Only"
Function 68 has been enhanced to allow for an indefinite
Privacy Time-Out Duration.
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Specify Privacy Time-Out Duration
The Privacy Function is enabled by programming Function 67,
Option 35. In addition, Function 68 is normally used to specify
the Privacy Time-Out Duration (in minutes) by entering a number between 001-250 (be sure to enter 3 digits).
Privacy Time-Out Duration
remain in Privacy Mode, before returning to standard operation
(factory default time is 10 minutes).
Privacy Terminated on Exit Only (No Timeout)
Enter 251 to disable the Privacy Time-Out Duration: Privacy will
last indefinitely until either the inside lever is turned or until a
Master or valid Manager User Code is entered at the keypad. In
addition, the flashing LED is disabled.
© ALARM LOCK 2004 WI1378 12/04
is the maximum time the lock will