Alarm Lock DL3000 Programming Instructions

Amityville, New York 11701
For Sales and Repairs 1-800-ALA-LOCK
For Technical Service 1-800-645-9440
Publicly traded on NASDAQ Symbol: NSSC
DL3000 Programming Instructions
OI224C 9/06
DL3000 Trilogy Series
Standalone Access Control System
Features a real-time clock/calendar that automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time and allows for automated programming of events. Features three methods of programming:
(1) All features can be programmed manually through the keypad; (2) You can transfer programming instructions directly from your lap-
top or desktop PC using DL Windows software and a special AL- PCI cable; and
(3) data can be transferred from your PC to your DL lock via the AL
DTM handheld Data Transfer Module.
In addition, data can be retrieved from the lock in one of three ways (1) through an infrared printer; (2) directly from the lock to the PC; or (3) through an AL-DTM to your PC.
Table of Contents
DL3000 Lock Features .........................................3
Supported Products ............................................. 4
Lock Design Overview ......................................... 5
Quick Start ............................................................ 6
Terminology Used in this Manual ........................ 7
Conventions Used in this Manual ........................ 8
Programming Levels ............................................ 9
Wiring, Power Up & Battery Replacement ..........10
LED and Sounder Indicators ................................ 11
Programming Functions--Overview .....................13
Programming Functions ....................................... 14-26
Groups and Scheduled Group 1 Examples .......27-28
Programming Record Sheet ................................29
User Code Record Sheet ..................................... 30
Schedule Record Sheet ....................................... 31
Glossary .................................... ............................ 32-33
Product Communication Examples ..................... 12
------- AUDIT LOG ------- 09/23/05 13:06:35 Fri 13:01:59 001 PROGRAM 56 13:01:29 001 PROGRAM 57 13:00:53 001 ENTRY 13:00:26 013 ENTRY 13:00:03 012 ENTRY 12:56:27 001 PROGRAM 2 12:56:27 001 PROGRAM 40 12:56:04 001 PROGRAM 39 12:55:00 NEW CLCK TIME 12:01:39 OLD CLCK TIME 12:00:45 RAM TEST:PASS 12:00:45 POWER UP
------------------------­End of Audit Log
DL3000 Lock Features
User Features
300 Users
Pre-defined Administration User Levels including Master, Manager and Supervisor
User Codes (see page 9)
User Code Lengths from 3-6 digits
Service Code (“One-Time-Only” Code) (see page 8)
User Lockout Mode (see page 15, Function 6)
Users Assignable to 4 Groups (see page 17)
Ambush Function (see page 22, Function 66)
Lock Features
Metal Key Override
Keypad Lockout (see page 22, Functions 60-61)
Non-Volatile (Fixed) Memory
Real-Time Clock adjustable to within 1 second (see page 19, Functions 43-44)
Programmable Relay (see page 23)
Visual and Audible Keypad Feedback (see page 11)
Battery Status Monitor (see page 10-11)
150 Scheduled Events (see page 24)
Automated Unlock/Lock
Enable/Disable Users (see page 14, Function 3)
Enable/Disable Groups (see page 16)
Four "Quick Schedules" (contains 4 most common schedules) (see page 25)
Real-time clock and calendar (see page 18)
Programmable Timeout Functions (see page 17)
User Access Methods
Keypad Entered User Codes (see page 14)
Metal Key Override
Keypad and Computer Programming
All programming may be performed manually from the keypad, or from a PC using Alarm Lock's DL-Windows Software (see page 8. "What is DL-Windows?")
Audit Trail
1600 Event Capacity
Entries Logged with Time and Date
Critical Programming Events Logged
Printable using the AL-IR1 Hand-Held Printer (see page 21, Function 55)
Transferable using Alarm Lock's DL-Windows software (see page 21, Function 58)
Transferable to AL-DTM
AL-DTM Data Transfer Module
Use Alarm Lock’s AL-DTM to easily transfer program data between locks and a PC running DL-WINDOWS software. Easily transfer Audit Trail from multiple locks and then view or print each Audit Trail from a computer.
Supported Products
Data Transfer Module (AL-DTM) An AL-DTM can be used to transfer Lock Programs (and other data) between DL-Windows and locks. When computers cannot be transported or when electrical power is not available, the hand-held AL-DTM device acts as a go-between--it allows the transfer of lock data from the computer (through the AL-DTM) and to the lock, or in reverse (from the lock through the AL-DTM back to the computer). Use of the older AL-DTM model 1 is not recommended. Note: The latest model, the AL-DTM-III, is supported in DL-Windows version 3.5.1 or later.
Infrared Printer (AL-IR1)
An AL-IR1 printer is used to print Audit Trails and User Code lists without the need for a PC. Its infrared reader means no cable connection to the lock is needed.
AL-PCI Cable
An ALARM LOCK AL-PCI cable is required to communicate between your computer’s RS-232 serial com­munications port (COM 1-4) and the AL-DTM or lock. One end of the AL-PCI cable is designed to be used on a 9-pin serial Com Port. If your computer has a 25-pin Com Port only, a 25-pin to 9-pin adapter must be used. The other end of the AL-PCI cable features a 2-pin banana plug connector which is polarity sensitive-
-the TAB (marked “GND”) side must be plugged into the lock’s black (left) terminal.
Double-ended Mini Banana Plug Connector After you create the program in DL-Windows and transfer the program from your computer to an AL-DTM, transfer the program from the AL-DTM to the lock(s) via a double-ended mini banana plug.
DB9 to DB9 Serial Cable Enroll User Codes into DL-Windows, then transfer this new User Code data from the computer to the AL- PRE via this 9-pin DB9 to DB9 serial cable. Once the data is in the AL-PRE, you can transfer the data to the lock via the double-ended mini banana plug (see above), thus avoiding the need to use an AL-PCI cable for this process.
USB to RS-232 Cable
If your computer does not have a serial COM port (DB-9 male) available, you can plug your AL-PCI2 cable into a special USB to RS-232 cable. Order part PCI-USB for the USB to RS­232 cable only, or ALPCI2-U for both the USB to RS-232 cable and an AL-PCI2 cable).
Lock Design Overview
Why Use Software inside a Lock?
With ordinary door locks, the need to make physical copies of metal keys and distributing them can be a huge organizational and financial task -- and what will you do if someone causes a security breach by losing their key?
The answer lies in the advantage of software. Software (also called "firmware") is not "hard" or "fixed" like hardware--software is flexible and changeable to your needs. Software can be programmed (and re-programmed again and again) to suit your changing requirements. Rather than copy and distribute metal keys, distribute User Codes -- and delete them from the Lock Program soft­ware when required. (A User Code is the software equivalent of a metal key--it is a series of numbers the User enters into the keypad to unlock the lock).
Preparing to Program your Lock
The DL3000 lock keypad contains 12 buttons, numbers 1 through 9 plus zero, a star button (:) and a special "AL" button (;). You can either use these 12 buttons to program your lock--or--you can program your lock using a computer program
called DL-Windows. DL-Windows is not needed--but it makes programming faster and easier. This guide will show you how to program your lock manually (using only the keypad), without DL-Windows. (For more information about DL-Windows, see User Guide OI237).
Programming your lock begins after you unpack it from the box -- there is a specific procedure outlined on page 6 ("Quick Start") in which you "wake up" the lock to prepare it for use. To begin programming the lock, you must first enter something called "Program Mode".
What is Program Mode?
The software inside the lock has two "modes": "Normal Mode" and "Program Mode". When you want to make changes to the lock program (add User Codes for example), enter "Program Mode". When you finish programming and wish to put the lock into use, exit "Program Mode" to enter "Normal Mode".
You enter Program Mode using the keypad--by pressing the Master Code of the lock that was set at the factory. The Master Code is basically a secret passcode that allows you to enter Program Mode. But since all locks are identical and leave the factory with the same Master Code, the factory Master Code is therefore not very secret--and should be changed to your own personal Master Code. This is to ensure that only YOU can enter Program Mode and make changes to the lock programming.
Once the new Master Code is set , then you can continue with the Quick Start procedure and set the weekday, date and time. Af- ter this, you can start entering User Codes for people to use. All changes to the lock are organized by their "Function Number". Want to change the date? Use Function Number 38. Want to add a User Code? Use Function Number 2. There are 99 Func­tions in total, some that you will use often, and others that you may never need.
Notice that when you program your lock, programming tends to follow a
(2) Press ; followed by the Function Number (3) Press ; and enter data (4) Press : to end (5) Exit Program
Turn to page 7 and learn about the special terminology used with your lock. The Quick Start procedure (on page 6) will help you get up and running quickly.
consistent 5-step pattern: (1) Enter Program Mode
Tri-Color Status LED
Infrared LED (for Printer)
PC / AL-DTM Interface
Special "AL" (;) Key
"STAR" (:) Key
Lock Operation
While the lever may be rotated at any time, the latch will not be
engaged to unlock the lock unless a valid User Code has been entered into the keypad.
When a valid User Code is entered, the lock will unlock imme-
diately and remain unlocked for 5 seconds (this 5 second "Pass Time" can be changed--see page 20, functions 51-53).
Quick Start
First Time Start Up
IMPORTANT: Failure to follow this exact procedure can result in erratic lock behavior.
The DL3000 lock uses five (5) AA-size 1.5 volt alkaline batteries. Remove the back cover, install batteries into the battery pack. Connect the battery pack plugs and the lock will beep 3 times. To load the default program press any key within 5 sec­onds, the lock will beep slowly while the default values are loaded and beep rapidly upon completion.
Enter Program Mode and Change Factory Master Code
1. Press the default Master Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
2. Wait for the green light and press ; until multiple beeps are heard. You are now in Program Mode.
(Note: The lock will beep every 6 seconds as a reminder that you are in Program Mode).
3. Enter a new personal 6-digit Master Code number by pressing the following keys:
; 1 ; [
(For example, if you want your new Master Code to be “664433”. Press: ; 1 ; 664433 ; 664433 :).
Now that the Master Code has been changed, there is no need to change it again (unless you want to). Since you are still in Program Mode, you can now proceed directly below and program various functions. Note: Program­ming any Function, such as setting the time, follows a consistent 5-step pattern: (1) Enter Program Mode (2) Press ; [Function #]
(3) Press ; and enter data (4) Press : to end (5) Exit Program Mode (if desired).
Set the Weekday
1. Enter Program Mode (if not in already).
2. Press ; 40 ; [ (For example - Friday - press ; 40 ; 6 :).
Set the Date
1. Enter Program Mode (if not in already).
2. Press ; 38 ; [ (For example - May 10, 2002 - press ; 38 ; 051002 :).
Set the Time
1. Enter Program Mode (if not in already. If you just finished the above procedure, you are still in Program Mode).
2. Press ; 39 ; [ (For example - 2:30pm - press ; 39 ; 1430 :).
Enter User Codes
1. Enter Program Mode (if not in already).
2. Press ; 2 ; [
(For example, John Smith is designated as User 21. You want him to use the User Code of “232323” to unlock the
lock. Program the lock by pressing: ; 2 ; 21 ; 232323 :).
3. Repeat step 2 for each new User.
Exit Program Mode
Hold Down any key for 3 seconds. Program Mode exit is confirmed by several beeps. You are now in "normal" operation.
Re-enter Program Mode
If you wish to re-enter Program Mode, key-in your new 6-digit Master Code, and press ;.
You are now ready to mount and install your DL3000 series lock and give out your User Codes. Before installation, it is sug­gested you test and verify that all User Codes entered are active. Use the IR1 infrared printer (available separately) to print your own audit logs and User Codes list.
new Master Code] ; [new Master Code] : (the second set of digits must be exactly the same).
number of weekday] :. (Use 1= Sunday, 7 = Saturday).
HHMM] :. (Use 24-hour military (HHMM) format, where PM adds 12 hours).
User Number] ; [User Code] :.
Terminology Used in this Manual
The Lock Program
A Lock Program is stored within the lock's circuitry and contains the instructions that the lock uses to perform its various func­tions. You can use the keypad to change the Lock Program, and you can also use DL-Windows (defined below) to create a Lock Program on your computer, and then transfer and store the Lock Program within the lock circuitry.
The Lock Program consists of 4 areas: User Codes, Func-
tions, Time Zones, and Schedules, all defined below:
User Codes
Also called "User Access Codes", "Passcode numbers" or "PIN Number Codes", a User Code is a 3 to 6 digit number the User enters into the keypad (using the keypad buttons) to unlock the lock. The DL3000 can store hundreds of different User Codes in its Lock Program, and the Lock Program is stored in the lock circuitry awaiting the Users to key in their individual User Codes. Each User Code is associated with a User Number, defined below.
The User
A User is defined as a person who is authorized to operate or perform programming changes to the Lock Program. The DL3000 lock can hold hundreds of "Users" (in the form of User Codes) in its Lock Program, and each User possesses a pre­defined level of authority--a Programming Level--as to their ability to use or make changes to the Lock Program. Some Users may be able to unlock the lock only; others may also be able to make changes to the Lock Program.
User Numbers
(User Number = Location Number = User Location = Slot) User Numbers are used and are significant within each individ­ual lock only. The DL3000 Series locks can hold up to 300 User Numbers in its Lock Program, which can be thought of as simply a numbered list from 1 through 300 (with number 1 at the top). Each User Number can be programmed with a User Code. In addition, each User Number possesses a pre-defined level of authority--a Programming Level--as to the User's abil­ity make changes to the Lock Program. Where a User is lo- cated in this list--their User Location--is a commonly used de­scription of their User Number. Because of their similarities, the terms User Number, User Location and Location Number can be used interchangeably. In some DL-Windows screens, the word "Slot" is also used. They all mean the same thing.
Since User Numbers are fixed, knowing the location of a User Number will specify its associated Programming Level, and will in turn indicate a User’s programming abilities (if any). For ex­ample, User Number 1 is always the Master, who can perform all programming tasks. Lower down the list, User Number 258 is a Basic User and although this User is assigned a User Code to unlock the lock, because they are a "Basic User" they are unable to perform any programming changes.
Programming Functions
Your lock is designed to support many different features that can be programmed to suit each installation. Using the keypad (or DL-Windows software), authorized Users can activate these features and make other changes to the Lock Program. Each of these features is called a Programming Function. In addi­tion, each Function possesses its own pre-defined Program-
ming Level to access that Function. Each User must possess a Programming Level EQUAL to the Programming Level assigned to the Function in order to access that Function. When programming via the keypad, see page 13 for a list of all Functions 1 through 99. For example, you can enable Daylight Saving Time via Function number 41. Each Programming Function is described on pages 14-26.
Programming Levels
The Programming Level defines which Programming Functions a User is allowed to perform. Each User Number is associated with a defined level of ability--a Programming Level--as to which Functions the assigned User can access. The highest level--Master--allows access to ALL Functions.
In addition, each Function (see pages 14-26) has its own fixed Programming Level.
A User must possess a Programming Level equal to the
Programming Level of the Function in order to access that Function.
Programming Levels can have a value of "1", "2", "3", "4" or "M". Note: Having a Programming Level of "3" does not allow access to Functions with Programming Levels of 1, 2 or 4.
The following defaults apply when adding User Codes via Pro­gramming Function 2:
Master: The highest level User, and always associated with
User Number 1 and its Master Code only. Master is always enabled and can program ALL Functions. (Abbreviated as the Programming Level = "M").
Manager: Always associated with User Numbers 2-6. Can
program all Functions except Functions relating to lock con­figuration. (Abbreviated as Programming Level = "1", "2" or "3").
Supervisor: Always associated with User Numbers 7-11. Can
only program Functions relating to certain day to day opera­tions. (Abbreviated as Programming Level = "1" or "2").
Basic Users: Always associated with User Numbers 12
through 298. When adding User Codes for Basic Users via Programming Function 2, Programming Levels are not as­signed by default. Note: Programming Levels for Users 2­255 can be assigned via Function 8. User Numbers 256­300 do not allow programming ability. For Users 299 and 300, see below for entries.
See chart on page 9 for a summary.
It is convenient for large numbers of similar Users to be grouped together. By placing Users into Groups (assigning them to a specific range of User Numbers), large numbers of Users can be controlled all at once rather than individually-­saving time and effort. Groups are controlled via schedules, and a typical example involves enabling or disabling a Group at a certain time. The DL3000 lock has factory-programmed De- fault Group Associations that are specified in the table on page
9. For example, if you wish to add a User to Group 1, assign this User to a User Number between 51 and 100. These De­fault Group Associations can be changed if needed to allow Groups larger than the default quantity of 50 (by using keypad Function 35). (See page 25 for some Group function exam­ples).
Terminology Used in this Manual (cont'd)
Events (recorded lock activities) can be programmed to occur at specific times. It is these times (for example, “every Tues­day at 5PM”) that are referred to as TimeZones. TimeZones can be created manually through the keypad. In DL-Windows, you can create TimeZones and link events to them.
Program your lock to maintain a schedule in which certain events occur automatically. For example, you can program the lock to allow Groups 1 Users access ONLY during specific business hours. With another example, you can program the lock to UNLOCK at 9AM, LOCK at noon for lunch, UNLOCK at 1PM, and LOCK again at 5PM--every weekday. As you can see, many different combinations of Schedules can be created to suit your installation. First you create TimeZones (see above), then create events and link them to your TimeZones.
Users 299 & 300
User Codes added to locations 299 and 300 have special abili­ties, as follows:
User 299: AL-DTM Code
This is the only User Code that will initiate data transfer with the AL-DTM--and without allowing the lock to unlock (the User Code for User Number 299 does NOT allow access). An AL­PCI cable and an AL-DTM (pre-programmed by a computer with DL-Windows) are required.
User 300: One-Time Only Service Code
This is a one-time-only service User Code designed to be used for access by temporary workers. When enabled, enter­ing User Code 300 into the keypad will allow the DL3000 lock to unlock only once (re-entering User Code 300 will not oper­ate). User Number 300 is enabled by Function 9. (Note: Function 9 can only be enabled by Users with a Program Au­thority Level of 2).
User Code 300 can also be used for guard tour duties.
DL-Windows is a computer program that allows you to program your ALARM LOCK Security Lock. You do not need DL­Windows to program your lock, but it makes programming much faster and easier. With DL-Windows, you can quickly create Lock Programs, add multiple Users, retrieve event logs, and create Schedules. The benefit of DL-Windows is that it allows you to set up all lock programming in advance (on your computer), and then later transfer the information into the in­stalled locks at your convenience.
Conventions Used in this Manual
Enabling/Disabling Users (By User Number)
User Number must be between 2 and 2000. (DL3500 Series locks allow up to 300 Users).
NOTE: Will Enable/Disable users even if the user is assoc iated with an enabled group.
3. Disable User
4. Enable User
; 3 ; [ _ _ _ ] :
; 4 ; [ _ _ _ ] :
Programming Key
General Program Mode Information
If a wrong key is pressed during code entry, hold any key continuously until the error sound is heard (7 short beeps), this will clear the entry. Re-enter the key sequence again.
All program sequences are followed by the : key; 2 short beeps indicate a successful program sequence.
Required Programming Level
This is the Programming Level required to access the Function.
Possible Programming Levels are "1", "2", "3", "4" and "M", where "M" = Master Code.
The Programming Level of the User must be equal to the Func- tion that is to be accessed.
Programming Levels
The Programming Level defines which Programming Func­tions a User is allowed to perform. Each User Number is as­sociated with a defined level of ability--a Programming Level-
-as to which Functions the assigned User can access. The highest level--Master--allows access to ALL Functions.
In addition, each Function (see pages 14-26) has its own fixed Programming Level.
A User must possess a Programming Level equal to the
Programming Level of the Function in order to access that Function.
Programming Levels can have a value of "1", "2", "3", "4" or "M". Note: Having a Programming Level of "3" does not allow access to Functions with Programming Levels of 1, 2 or 4.
The following defaults apply when adding User Codes via Pro­gramming Function 2:
Master: The highest level User, and always associated with
User Number 1 and its Master Code only. Master is al­ways enabled and can program ALL Functions.
Users programmed with Function 2 will default to a Group
Association and a Programming Level Ability as follows:
(Abbreviated as the Programming Level = "M").
Manager: Always associated with User Numbers 2-6. Can
program all Functions except Functions relating to lock configuration. (Abbreviated as Programming Level = "1", "2" or "3").
Supervisor: Always associated with User Numbers 7-11.
Can only program Functions relating to certain day to day operations. (Abbreviated as Programming Level = "1" or "2").
Basic Users: Always associated with User Numbers 12
through 298. When adding User Codes for Basic Users via Programming Function 2, Programming Levels are not as­signed by default. Note: Programming Levels for Users 2­255 can be assigned via Function 8. User Numbers 256­300 do not allow programming ability.
Master Code 1 none M, 4, 3, 2, 1
Manager Codes 2 - 6 none 3, 2, 1
Supervisor 7 - 11 none 2, 1
Basic User Codes 12 - 50 none none
Basic User Codes Group 1 51 - 100 1 none
Basic User Codes Group 2 101 - 150 2 none
Basic User Codes Group 3 151 - 200 3 none
Basic User Codes Group 4 201 - 250 4 none
Basic User Codes 251 - 298 none none
Initiate DTM (Non-Pass Code) 299 none none
Service Code 300 none none
User Numbers 256-300 do not allow programming ability.
User 299 is a Non-Pass Code. This is the only code that will initiate data transfer with the AL-DTM.
Wiring, Power Up & Battery Replacement
See the Installation Manual for more information.
Use only 1.5 volt Duracell Alkaline size-AA batteries.
With average use, batteries last about 5 years.
Terminals (Standard Models Only) Red & Black Wires (Operation without Batteries) -
Optional 7.5 VDC Voltage for operation without batter­ies.
White & White Wires (Remote Input) - Wire a Nor-
mally Open Contact to Terminals 3 & 4. Momentarily close to allow person to pass through door. NOTE: Re- mote Input is enabled from the factory.
Yellow, Green & Blue (Normally Open Relay) - See
Function 67 for programming options for the Relay.
PC Interface - Connect to Serial Port on Computer us-
ing A-PCI interface cable.
Wire Leads for DL3000WP Models
Note: On all WP (waterproof) models, be sure to use
provided dielectric grease on the battery connector to ensure a waterproof connection.
When applying power to the lock for the first time,
stop here and follow the procedure outlined in "QUICK START" on page 6.
When power is re-applied to a lock that was already
operational and you wish to retain the lock program­ming (such as when transferring the lock from one door
to another door), proceed as follows:
1. Unplug battery pack.
2. Press any key to ensure the lock's capacitor is fully dis­charged.
3. Re-connect battery pack (lock will give 3 short beeps).
4. Do not press any keys for 10 seconds.
5. After the 10 second period the LED will flash red 6
times and 6 beeps will sound. The lock is now ready for use. Program is loaded from non-volatile (fixed) memory. Note: Audit Trail and Clock Settings are lost. Re-set the clock using functions 38, 39 and 40.
The "out of box" factory default will be loaded.
1. Unplug battery pack.
2. Press any key to ensure lock's capacitor is fully dis-
3. Re-connect battery pack (lock will give 3 short beeps).
4. Press any key within 5 sec after hearing the 3
5. A series of beeps will be heard. All settings and programming have been erased and the lock is now ready for use. Note: All lock programming can also be erased (without need to disconnect the batteries) by entering Function 99.
When applying power to the lock for the first time,
stop here and follow the procedure outlined in "QUICK START" on page 6.
You will know the batteries are weak when a valid
code is entered and the following occurs: the light amber LED lights and the sounder sounds for 4 sec­onds. The DL3000 lock uses five (5) AA-size 1.5 volt
alkaline batteries. Always replace weak batteries as soon as possible.
CAUTION: Do not press any keys while batteries are
disconnected or you may erase the real-time clock settings. Pressing any key will remove the voltage that
is required to keep the system clock and Audit Trail in memory.
1. At the back of the lock, remove the screw at the bottom
of the lock housing and remove the cover.
2. Pull out the battery pack and quickly replace all 5 bat-
teries - within 2 minutes.
3. If you do not hear the 3 beeps when power is re-
applied, all programming and settings have been re-
tained, and the lock is ready for use. Go to step 5.
4. If you do hear 3 beeps when power is re-applied, do
not press any keys for 15 seconds. After the 15 sec-
ond period, the LED will flash red 6 times and 6 beeps
will sound. Reset the clock using functions 38, 39 and
5. Replace the cover and tighten the screw.
LED and Sounder Indicators
The DL Series locks provide visual and audible keypad feedback. With a fully charged battery, the LED and sounder feedback is as follows:
Keypress 1 RED Flash 1 Beep Normal Operation
Access Granted or Remote Input 2 GREEN Flashes 2 Beeps For Remote Input, wire a normally
open contact to these two white
wires. Momentarily close to
unlock. See page 10 for more in-
Valid Code 1 Momentary GREEN
Invalid Code 6 RED Flashes 6 Beeps Re-enter User Code
Successful Program Entry 1+2 GREEN Flashes 1+2 Beeps When in Program Mode
Unsuccessful Program Entry 7 RED Flashes 7 Beeps When in Program Mode
Enter Program Mode 2 YELLOW & 1 GREEN
LED Flash
Exit Program Mode 1 RED, 2 GREEN,
1 RED Flashes
Valid but Disabled Code 1 RED, 1 GREEN, 4
RED Flashes
Low Battery upon User Code En-
try or upon closing of Remote Re-
lease switch
User Code Entered YELLOW Flash Sequence of 7
Button Press Continuous Series
YELLOW Flash during
key presses
1 long, 5 short
Steady 4-Second
Beeps Repeated 4
2 Groups of 5
Code exists in memory, but dis-
LED and sounder indications occur
of Beeps
only when a valid code is entered. See page 10 before changing bat-
Non-fatal memory or clock error
has been detected. Under this
condition, unexpected operation is
possible. Remove power and re­start. Do not mistake the low bat-
tery indication as a memory or
System Fault. Ensure batteries
clock error
are fresh
+ 25 hidden pages