Alarm Lock Systems, Inc. 345 Bayview Avenue Amityville NY 11701 800-252-5625 02/05/07
Alarm Lock T3 & T3 Prox Trilogy’s have been manufactured since 1998 with firmware that automatically
adjusts the clock for Daylight Saving Time. As you may know, Congress recently passed an energy bill that
included extending Daylight Saving Time by about a month. Beginning in 2007, DST will start the second
Sunday of March and end on the first Sunday of November. This will cause the locks to adjust three weeks
late in the spring and one week early in the fall.
Current models have begun shipping with new firmware that will adjust to the new settings. These models
will require DL-Windows V3.6 or higher to program the new DST.
o PDL3000 V40B - Triangle #17 printed on the box
o DL3000 V34K - Triangle #4 printed on the box
o DL2800 V35G – Triangle #4 printed on the box
o Balance of models to follow
There are three choices in handling the DST issue:
• Leave all existing or installed T3 & T3 Prox Trilogy’s with DST enabled (factory default) and they will
still change the time at the old DST dates. This means that the clock will be off just the 3 weeks in
the beginning and 1 week at the end of the new DST. So by doing nothing, the clock will still adjust
twice a year, just to the old DST. For some companies, they will have no issues with this; they will
simply adjust the records to reflect old DST
• Disable the DST setting so the lock will not adjust for DST at all. All existing Trilogy locks will have to
be visited twice a year to manually program the correct time (DST), either thru keypad programming
or using V3.6 or higher software.
• Replace the lock with a new one that is running the new firmware and program it with DL-Windows
• The firmware or chips that control these settings in existing locks cannot be changed or upgraded for
the new DST. The firmware is soldered to an electronic board inside the lock and is typically potted,
there is no way to remove and replace the firmware.
• Simply having V3.6 software and an existing Trilogy lock will not adjust the clock to the new DST. It
will also require a lock with the newer firmware.
• Existing Trilogy’s will not automatically change the clock twice a year to coincide with the new DST,
regardless of which version of software is used to program the lock.
• There are two components required to allow the programming of the new DST to automatically have
the clock self adjust in March and November of each year.
o Trilogy’s with the new firmware as outlined above
o V3.6 or higher software
• Once Congress made the new DST official, we began to develop new firmware for each T3 lock
model for the new DST.