345 Bayview Avenue
Amityville, New York 11701
For Sales and Repairs 1-800-ALA-LOCK
For Technical Service 1-800-645-9440
Publicly traded on NASDAQ Symbol: NSSC
PL3000 / PL3500
The procedure below is required only when a PC or DTM communication
Function Card is not presently enrolled in the lock; i.e. the lock is new ("out-ofbox"), or the lock has had all programming erased (restoring factory default).
PC/DTM Communications
Previous versions of the AL-DTM did not require the "299" code (Function Card
#2) to be presented twice; the AL-DTM-III does require Function Card #2 to be
presented twice, and therefore the AL-DTM "299" Function Card #2 must be
enrolled into the lock prior to using the AL-DTM-III.
Note: When using the new PL3500 with DL-Windows 3.5 (or higher), the ALDTM-III must be used. Direct PC communications is not currently supported,
and the PL3500 must be setup as a PL3000 lock-type in DL-Windows 3.5 (or
All lock programming MUST be erased to restore the "out of box" factory default, as follows:
Follow the Erase All Programming instructions in the "Wiring and Power
Up" section in WI1280, in which the shunt connector is plugged into the
yellow wire connector.
Power up the lock, wait and listen for three beeps, then hold down the outside lever.
After erasing all lock programming, both lock models wait for a proximity card to
be presented. Therefore, present a proximity card (to place the lock into "learn
mode"), then immediately present the first two Function Cards (card #1 for initiating PC communications, card #2 for initiating AL-DTM communications). After cards #1 and 2 have been presented and enrolled, wait for the lock to timeout and lock.
Now the PL3000 can be programmed by the PC or the AL-DTM-III. Currently,
the PL3500 can only be programmed by the AL-DTM-III; the PL3500 is not supported by DL-Windows at this time.
© ALARM LOCK 2006 WI1457A 3/06