The A-100IMWPis a self-contained access control keypaddesigned outdoor applications. Its heavystainless steel mul-lion-stylesurface mount enclosure is designed to be used innarrow stile applications. The A-100IMWP operates up tothree outputs (two relaysand1open-collectortransistor)and can be used totrigger a door strike, an electromagneticdoor lock, or anyother relay-activated device. Programmingis performed manuallyat the keypad, allowing upto 150indi-vidual Users,each withtheir unique UserCodes. The A-100Series includes theindoor stainless steel A-100 (seeWI1495) andthe rugged sealedenvironment A-100WP (see WI1496).
In atypicalapplication, theA-100IMWP willenergize oneorboth relays upon the keypad entryof a valid User Code.Outputs 1 and 2 are two relaysofthe threecontact FormCtype, and Output 3 is anopencollector transistor (terminallabeled "OC") that switches "on" (closes with the ground ter-minal) whenenergized. The length of time the outputs areenergized (their"activation duration")can be programmed tobetween 1and 99seconds.A Request-to-Exit buttonwillmomentarilyshort Output 1 bywiring terminals M and P1using a normally-open momentary-close switch.
To program the keypadfunctionsyou must first perform theinitial startup procedure, then enterProgram Mode by press-ing the MasterCode at the keypad. Once in Program Mode,all system functions canbe accessed and programmed.Exit ProgramMode to putthe keypad (with its new program-ming) into use.
A-100IMWP Wiring Table
Description Wire Colors
+ 12V or 24V AC/DC Input Red
– Ground Black
Request to Exit Input Purple
Request to Exit Input Pink
Relay 1 Normally Open Yellow
Relay 1 Common Brown
Relay 1 Normally Closed Dark Blue
Relay 2 Normally Open Light Blue
Relay 2 Common Light Green
Relay 2 Normally Closed Orange
Open Collector Output Dark Green
Tamper SW Output Gray
Tamper SW Output White
WI1497 7/06
•12 to24VDC (polarized) or12 to 24VAC voltage input
After you unpack the lock from its factory packaging,werecommend you perform the initial startupprocedure(outlined below). For keypads alreadyin use, this startupprocedure can also be used to erase all existing keypadprogramming and return the keypad backtoits original"out ofbox" factorydefault condition.
1.Install the jumperlocated onthe backof thekeypad(right position).
2.Apply power (12-24VDC polarized or 12-24VAC)tothe power input terminals.
•Orange LEDblinksonce
•Red LEDturns ON
•Orange LEDturns ON
•Green LED turns ON
•Green LED turns OFF
•Each Output 1,2 & 3 activates for 1½ seconds
•Orange LEDturns OFF
•Sounder beeps twice (memoryresets and default
values enabled)
4.Close the "Request to Exit" button (short purple and pinkwires).
•Keypad backlightis OFF
•Press BELL
•Sounder beepsonce
•Keypad blinks
5.Remove the jumperon the backof the keypad.
•Sounder beepsonce
•Keypad backlightis OFF
•Red led is ON
6.Remove power to the power input terminals.
7.Apply power to the powerinput terminals.
•Sounder beepsonce
If the keypad encounters a problemwhile memoryis re-setting at step 3, the sounder will beep continuouslyuntilthe jumper is removed and the procedure is repeated atstep 1.The factorydefault values aredetailedbelow.
Default Values
No pre-configured user codes exist for new"out of the box" keypads. Other default values include:
Thekeypad software has only two"modes"--"Normal Mode" and "Program Mode". When youwant tomakechanges to the keypad (enter new User Codes, etc.),youenter"ProgramMode". When you finish programming and wish toput the keypad intouse,you exit ProgramMode toenter "Normal Mode".
•Enter Program Mode: Press55#1234*.
Enter Program Mode bypressing
55#, then press
the Master Codeof the lock thatwas set at the factory (
1234), followedby the *key (the orange LED
lights and the sounderbeeps twice).The factory MasterCode(1234)is basically a se-
cret passcode thatallowsyou toenter Program Mode.But since all keypads leave the factorywith this sameMaster Code, the factory Master Code is therefore notverysecret--and should bechangedto your own personalMaster Code. This way, only YOU can enter ProgramMode and makechanges to the keypadprogramming.
Change FactoryMaster Code
Although the factoryMaster Code can be changed atany time, for highest security, followtheprocedure below:
Think of a new four-digit numeric MasterCode and eithercommit it to memory orwrite it here: ______ ___ ___.
Note: Onlynumbers zero through 9 are valid digits for eitherUserCodesor the MasterCode.Keys
* or #
are not allowed. In addition, the Master Codeand all UserCodes must alwaysbe the same number ofdigitsinlength(3-6digits allowed). Therefore, if you enter Pro-gram Mode and change this "Code Length" using Func-tion 30,you mustthen remain in ProgramMode andchange the Master Codeto conform to the new "CodeLength". At this point,however,werecommend you donotchange theCode Length unlessyou areanadvanced user.
1.If not in already, enter Program Mode(press
•Orange LED lights - sounder beeps twice.
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
3.Press new 4-digitMasterCodeand press
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
4.Re-press new 4-digit Master Code and press
•Green LED lights / sounderbeeps for 1 second indi-cating the MasterCode was changed successfully.
The keypad remains in ProgramMode while the orangeLED remainslit. Note: The keypadwill automatically exitProgram Mode if nokeysare pressed within 120 seconds(2 minutes).
Adding User Codes
User Codesare 3-6digit numbersthe Userpressesintothe keypad keys to activate one or more Outputs. The A-100IMWP keypadcan hold upto 150 User Codes in itsmemory,thus allowingup to 150people topossess theirown individual User Codes. The keypad memoryassoci-ates each User Code with a 3-digit User Number listed from 000 to 149. Therefore, when adding newUserCodes,you must also select a3-digit UserNumber be-tween 000 and149thatwillbe associated ("linked") withthe new UserCode. Aswith the Master Code, onlynum-berszerothrough9 are valid digits forUserCodes (keys
* or #are not allowed)and each User Code mustbe
1.If not in already,enterProgram Mode.
•Orange LED lights - sounder beeps twice.
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
3.Press new 3-digitUser Numberand press
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
4.Press new 4-digitUser Code and press
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
5.Re-press new 4-digit User Codeand press
•Green LED lights / sounderbeeps for 1 second indi-
Delete a UserCode
1.If not in already,enterProgram Mode.
cating the User Codewas added successfully.
•Orange LED lights - sounder beeps twice.
•Green LED blinks once - sounder beeps once.
3.Press the 3-digit User Numberassociated with theUser Codeyou wishto delete and press
•Green LED lights / sounderbeeps for 1 second indi-cating the User Codewas deleted successfully.
Exit ProgramMode
When you finishprogramming andwish to put the keypadintouse, you exitProgram Mode to enter "Normal Mode"as follows:
•Exit ProgramMode: Press *.
The orangeLED turns off, the sounderbeepstwiceandthe red LED lights.Note: The keypadwillautomaticallyexitProgram Modeif no keys are pressed within 120 sec-onds (2 minutes).
Test the Keypad
Be sureto test allUserCodes. Keep inmindthe follow-ing:
•Valid User Codes must befollowed by the star(
*) key
•Master Code and User Codes must all be the samelength
•Bydefault, a valid UserCode always activates Output1unless Output selection is changed
Your keypadis designed to support several optionsandfunctions.Using the keypad, you can select thefeaturesyou wish to activate, suchas ifthe keypadsounder shouldbe disabled or enabled oryou wish tochange the codelength from4 to 6 digits..
Each function is organized belowby its function number,which is the first two digits pressed into the keypadwhenprogramming. To program, first enter ProgramMode asfollows:
•Enter ProgramMode: Press 55# [Master Code]
When you finish programming and wish to put thekey-pad intouse, exit Program Mode to enter "Normal Mode"as follows:
•Exit ProgramMode: Press *.
Note: The audible sounder and visual LED indicators
are displayed in the text below as follows:[O2] =Orange LED lights and sounder beeps twice
[G1] =Green LED lights and sounder beeps once[R2] = Red LED lightsandsounderbeeps twice
Note:Everyduration field is a two digit field.Master codeis strictlyreserved for entering ProgramMode and cannotbe usedto activate anOutput.
21 Output1 ActivationDuration
Programtime from 01 to 99 seconds. Program 00 toselect "latch mode"where output remains activatedbythe entryofa valid UserCode (until deactivated bytheentryofa second valid User Code). Note: By default,a valid User Code alwaysactivates Output 1 unless Out-put selectionis changed.
Press:21# [G1] ___ ___ #* [G1].
22 Output2 ActivationDuration
Program time from 01 to99 seconds. Program 00 toselect "latchmode"where output remains activated by theentry ofa valid User Code(untildeactivatedbytheentry of a secondvalid User Code).
Press:22# [G1] ___ ___ #* [G1].
23 Output3 ActivationDuration
Program time from 01 to99 seconds. Program 00 toselect "latchmode"where output remains activated by theentry ofa valid User Code(untildeactivatedbytheentry of a secondvalid User Code).
Press:23# [G1] ___ ___ #* [G1].
24 Illuminated Keypad
Turns illuminated keypadON, OFF or allowsthe illumi-nation to remainON for a specified duration afterkeypress (the duration is programmed by Function 25).
Always ON Press:24# [G1] 0#* [G1].Always OFF Press:
24# [G1] 1#* [G1] and
do NOT program Function25.
Timed ON Press:
24# [G1] 1#* [G1] and
program Function 25 with two-digit timeduration.
25 Illuminated Keypad Duration
See function 24. Program time from10 to 99 seconds.
Press:25# [G1] ___ ___ #* [G1].
30 Code Length
Changesthenumber of requireddigitsin all newUserCodes and the existing Master Code. 3-6 digits are al-lowed, thus valid entries are "3", "4", "5" or"6". The fac-torydefault Code Length is 4.
WARNING:When the Code Length is changed, all ex-isting User Codes and the Master Code become invalid.Because the Master Code and all User Codes mustal-waysbe the samenumber of digits in length, ifyouchange the Code Lengthwith Function 30you MUSTremain in ProgramMode and change theMaster Codeto conform tothe new programmed "CodeLength".
Press:30# [G1] ___ #* [G1].
31 Modify MasterCode
ChangesexistingMaster Code. Note:The MasterCode and all User Codes must always be the samenumber ofdigitsin length.If changing the numberofdigits inthe Master Code, you mustfirst change theCodeLength via Function30 (to accommodate the new
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