K3003 3225Z00..0
AKG Service Department, Lemböckgasse 21-25, A-1230 Wien, Austria.Tel.: (431)86654-0, FAX: (431)86654-1514, e-mail: service@akg.com 11/11
K3003i 3225Z00010
K3003 3225Z00020

K3003 3225Z00..0
AKG Service Department, Lemböckgasse 21-25, A-1230 Wien, Austria.Tel.: (431)86654-0, FAX: (431)86654-1514, e-mail: service@akg.com 11/11
Parts list / Stückliste
K3003i K3003
Description Pos.
Part number
K3003 service assy. with remote 1 3225M99010 1 - Hörer, mit Fernbedienung
K3003 service assy.without remote 1 3225M99020 - 1 Hörer, ohne Fernbedienung
Cushion, L 2 3225Z28010 2 2 Ohrpolster, L
Cushion, M 3 3225Z29010 2 2 Ohrpolster, M
Cushion, S 4 3225Z30010 2 2 Ohrpolster, S
Filter, high boost 5 3225M13010 2 2 Filter, high boost
Filter, refer en ce 6 3225M14010 2 2 Filter, r efe r en c e
Filter, bass boost 7 3225M15010 2 2 Filter, bass boost
Flight adapter 8 3225M12010 1 1 Flugzeug Adapterstecker
Cable adapter 3,5mm 3pin to 3,5mm 4pin 9 2551K00110 1 1 Adapter 3,5mm 3pin to 3,5mm 4pin
On the go case 10 1605P00460 1 1 Etui
Filter plate 11 3225Z51010 1 1 Filterplatte
Spare cushions - 3225M20010 - - Reserve Ohrpol st er
K3003 service assy.: Complete headphone without filters and cushions.
Spare cushions: consists of 4pcs. large, 4pcs. middle and 4pcs. small cushions.