Other Factors Asmeasured Are Adhering To These Parameters:
Additional Attachments Come Along With The Device:
Frequently asked questions about the device features and their functionality:
Q: What kind of tapes does the device support?
A: This device will work with many forms of tapes, such as Normal, EE (which means Extra Efficiency), as well as with the brands like AKAI, SONY, TDK, and MAXELL among many others.
Q: Can you explain to me what I should do so that I can set the tape speed?
A: Tape speed may be set at 19 cm/sec or 9.5 cm/sec by using the TAPE SPEED selector on the apparatus.
Q: How to troubleshoot poor playback quality?
A: The causes of the poor playback quality may dirty playback heads, old tapes, or using the tape selector’s wrong settings. Clean the heads, use new tapes, and set the correct settings, and it will work usually after that.
Q: But is there some way where I can record without sound disturbance and in a quiet manner?
A: The deck comes with a PAUSE command as most sophisticated decks will and this will let you stop tape travel during recording or play back temporarily while it is being paused and thereby reduce sound disturbance.
Q: how and where should I find replacement parts or any other accessories?
A: Akai dealers who are appointed as well as many other sites selling electronic components will often have replacement parts and accessories for sale.