Akai CT 2870 UK, CT 2570 UK Service Manual

RF-IF module )
5829 02 58
CT 2570 UK
Ident-Nr. 5436 03 00
CT 2870 UK
Ident-Nr. 5436 03 10
Replacement parts list
When ordenng spares please quote item and order number. When ordenng (sub-)assembks (modules), gwe the assembly number in addition!
A Safety components in accordance with existing regulations. These components must only be replaced by original component parts
CT 2570 UK CT 2870 UK
Cab,net 61128636 Cablnet 61122861 Front plate 64172606 Front Loudspeaker blind 64110720 Loudspeaker blind 64110721 Operatlnq ““0 lid Holder for operatmq un,t Ikd a681 10 06 Holder for umt I!d operatmq 8681 1006 Grille for mdlcator a251 44 19 Grille for lndwxtor a251 44 19 WIndow for lndlcator qrllle 6466 37 36 Window for lndlcator grille 6466 37 36 Pad 8642 0148 Pad a642 0148 Rear couer Holder for rear cover 8624 47 10 Holder for rear cover 8624 47 10 Screw for pcture tube Picture tube A 59 ECF 00 X 01 SEL A 43622555 Plcture tube A 66 ECF 00 X 01 SEL A 43622803 Earth for plcture tube 6141 0305 Earth for tube Sprlnq devtce for earfh,“q 735128 46 Spnnq dewce for earthmq 7351 28 48
Deqausslnq co11 A 45880524 Holder for picture tube 8623 3140
Hook for deqausstnq coil 868172 15 Deqausmg cal A 4588 05 24
Loudspeaker Holder for loudspeaker 73680196 Loudspeaker an. IOW 431107 15
Chaws conduct, left 8625 11 63 Loudspeaker 4 S!. 10 w 43110921 Chassis co”duct. rlqht 86251164 Holder for loudspeaker 7368 0196 Holder for STEREO-Modul 8625 48 09 Chassis conduct. left 8625 11 66 Plunger pi” for RF module a642 75 05 Chassis conduct, right 8625 1165 Matns pushbutton 631536 la Mains pushbutton 631536 18 Holder for decoder 8625 47 07 Holder for STEREO-Modul 86254809
6214 $068 Rear ccwer. qrey
Operattnq U”,t Ild a687 02 a2
Screw for picture tube
Hook for deqaussmq toll
Plunger PI” for RF module a642 75 05 c 3951396 2.2 UF 100 V 342175 52 Holder for decoder 8625 47 07
6141 0305
When re-ordering manuals, please quote the model name and part number.
Picture and sound IF-adjustment
Required measurmg equipment: sweep generator Wlfh marker
tr=“Smltte, SIgnal generator. Oscillograph: RF rectifier probe B!as voltage ,nstrument
Stage to be
1 1
UHF/IF filter
Test arcu~t 1. Sweep , gen. “,a 15 pF to TP 2 / (UHF tuner) approx I 300 mV TP 203/204 to
30 42 MHz. max. output 200 mV 5 5 MHz. dispersion k 15 kHz, f,,. = 1 kHz Sens~t~v~ry 10 mV/cm 1 V/cm
adjustable from 0 10 V
Connect. oscillor.
Osc~llo. “,a probe to TP 101/102 Ampiltude (VC and SC must have the same helghf) Bandwtdth can be 10 mV/cm See Fig 1
Preparations: !&as voltage instrument to TZ 214 Check U V 12 V i 10% at TZ 23 The cores
must be at the upper end of the co11
Adjustment procedure ~ Oscillograms Remarks
Adjust to max. amplitude and level roof with L 62and L 64 narrowed wth L 63.
2 Reference circuit
Monitoring of IF x
3 1 frequency
response gen. via Interstage transf Osc~llo to T 24
52 DF-AF
Some voltage level from sound
channel 1 and channel 2
1 Monitoring of
video signal
1 Test c,rcu,t 1 Sweep ’ Osc~llo. “,a probe to
en. “aa 10 nF to TP 6 TP 2031204 Amplitude Adjust to max amplitude and level roof wth L 161 and /
I g
(UHF tuner) approx. approx 20 mVicm L 162 (BT and FT must have the same height)
20 mV TP 4 to earth
Test c,rcu8t 2 Sweep 1
gen "Ia mterstage
transformer (4.1) to
TP 2011202 (approx.
20 mVI
Attenuatnn xc. tq test ClrCult 3. TP 102 to earth wa ’ ( ) 2.2 “F’
/ Test circuit 2 Sweep ~ ~ (4.1) to TP 2031204
(approx. 150 mV1
SIgnal generator
( ~zx;,;k~; osz”‘o to Tz33
Signal generator5.5 MHZ on TP 211 and 5.74 MHz
~ on TP2,2
With the ald of a standard modulated N transmitter. the video output voltage should be 2 V,, + 0.2 V
1 See Fig 2 I
Osc~llo to TZ 24 Tune frequency marker 38.9 MHz to max amplttude with ~ Amplitude 450 mV/cm L206 (UK = 39.5 MHz)
Set frequency marker 36 MHz to 1.7 V,, - 0 d0 with bias voltage at TZ 214 Marker 36.9 MHz should Ile between
- 5 dB and - 7 dB. marker 34.5 MHz between - 3 dB and
Amplitude 0.5 V/cm
Osc~llo to TZ 31 Adjust R 233 on 761 mV,,.
Osc~llc to TZ 31 and Ti! 33
- 5 dB.
’ / Tune L 226 CL2361 to AF max. and ml” dlstortlon factor 1
Tune sound channel 2 wth R 225 (R 233) to have the same
haght wt sound channel 1 (appr 1%).
A “,
Swtch the respectwe term,“& of TZ 3liTZ 33 to earth v&h 10 nF capacitors
-“.- ~.,-“m,
Abb. 1
Probe for RF tuning
Test circuits 1
Abb. 2 Probe for tuning of the IF coil
Test circuits 3
Instructions for dismantling: Turn the two red plunger pins by 90” Remove module from
bracket (Fig. 1).
1. Apply pressure to the plate channel simultaneously with both thumbs, until the cover seaming bends, then remove cover (Fig. 1).
2. Before the cover can be put back on, the plate channel must
first be pressed back into its proper position from the InsIde (Fig. 2).
3. Put cover back on.
Raststift Plunaer p,ns
Ambedue le spme
Gegenstand Item Pike Ricambi
HF-ZF Modul (Kabeltuner) RF-IF module (Cable tuner) Module HF-BF (Tuner rhseau cable)
Modulo MF-BF (Tuner a larga banda)
IC 161 TDA 5030 IC 171
IC 201 TDA 4427 A IC 202 TDA 2546 A
Tl BF 989 T, BF 996>E 6327 T 41 BF 569-L
T 61 BF 569-E 6327 T 162 BF 550
T 163 BC 848 AF D 1 21 22 41 EB 221-S?
1 Order no.
N‘ de corn. No. di rif.
5829 02 58
MOS 3775 05 73
MOS 36110711 F 201 J OFW 3203
3761 1725 L 211 3761 1623 L 244 I
3761 1358 F 201 OFW G 3205 361107 13 F 202 Filter ’ F,lter I Fiitre
36120711 361207 13
3612 07 25 36145321 3651 0525
Gegenstand Item Pi&x R’cambi
D 160 161 LL 4148 L 202 Drossel i Choke 1 Bob L 2051245 F~ifer / Filter / Flltre / L 206 L 207 Drossel i Choke I Bob de se” i Bob,na I L 210 DrosselI Choke 1 Bob
L 226 236 1 1 Filter Fflter Flltre i Fllfre 5.5 MHz 4555 30 24
Anschlufllelste 34pollg Female piug 34fold Reglette a doullles. 34fo1s I Sp~noft~era 34~011
G?hausedeckel Cabinet can top B3her parte super~er I Coperchlo schermatura
Antennenbuchse Antenne socket I 41439045 PIIse pour antenne I press per antenna
Filter ! Filter / Flltre i F,ltre 38.9 MHz ~
Spule i Co11 i Bobme i Bob,na Drossel Choke Bob f de sell Bobina / 4557 16 25
Bestell-Nr. Order no. N de corn. No. d, rd.
de sell 1 Boblna ~ 4557 16 29
Filtre 38.9 MHZ 45553022
de setl i Boblna ~ 4557 16 25
45553023 4557 1649
4544 07 46
45558552 4555 85 53 4555 84 15
i 83164501
RF-IF module
5829 02 58
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