Service Technical Information
NSX AJ50 / AJ54 / BL44 / BL54 / BL56 / DR6−
SZ40 / SZ42 / SZ50 / SZ51 / SZ52 / SZ60
Notes on replacing COM REF.No. :G A0 075 E0µ− − − −
DATE :25. SEP. 2000
The CD mechanisms mounted on the models above are broadly divided into four different types.
COM used on the CD mechanisms are not compatible with each other on different types.µ−
When replacing COM, be sure to identify a CD mechanism with reference to the table below:µ−
Determine a type of CD mechanism by a Pick up, amplifier type, servo type, and
presence/absence of RDS.
KSS 213F KSM 880−−
(IC) Version
8A NF8 610 010−−−
DIGITAL No 8A NF8 612 010−−−
Bi AMP. OLD 8A NF8 611 010− −−−
2ch AMP. (LC78622E)
(LC78641E) LC866560W 5P19−
ANALOG LC866548V 5P87−
SERVO Yes NEW 8A NF8 614 010−−−
(LA9241M) No NEW 8A NF8 620 010−−−
No NEW 8A NF8 613 010−−−
Yes NEW 8A NF8 621 010−−−
NEW 8A NF8 625 030 8A NF8 612 110−−− −−−
NEW 8A NF8 611 110−−−
LC866548W 5S32 LC866548V 5P40−−
LC866560W 5P89−
LC866548V 5R49−
LC866560W 5R50−
LC866548B 5N82−
LC866548V 5P03−
LC866560W 5P41−
If a COM of an earlier version is mounted, replace it with one of a new version.µ−
Ref. Parts Code Description Remarks
IC201 8A NF8 611 110 C IC,LC866560W 5P41 AZG 1 ZD8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 612 110 C IC,LC866548V 5P40 AZG 1 ZD8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 613 010 C IC,LC866548V 5P87 AZG 1 ZA3 / A4 / A8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 614 010 C IC,LC866560W 5P89 AZG 1 ZA3 / A4 / A8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 620 010 C IC,LC866548V 5R49 AZG 1 ZA3 / A4 / A8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 621 010 C IC,LC866560W 5R50 AZG 1 ZA3 / A4 / A8−−− − − −
IC201 8A NF8 625 030 C IC,LC866548W 5S32 AZG 1 ZD3 / D4−−− − − −
G R Code No. Access Code Modified Ser. No. Parts Schedule
NOV.2000−− − − −